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Multiverse Travels with the Kriegsman Family Multiverse Travels with the Kriegsman Family original

Multiverse Travels with the Kriegsman Family

Author: SonOfPen

© WebNovel

Description & Appearances

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Reinhart "The Dark God" Kriegsman : MC

Description: Pretty much everything is said below, he usually and almost always wears the clothing he's wearing above and naturally that hairstyle, basically everything. And of course that's not his true form, it's simply his Avatar so to say. He made it so that it could hold some of his power, not all of it. Sooooo not necessary, his Avatar could still easily destroy a Universe, and no. If his Avatar dies he can just make a new one, yes it's possible to destroy his Avatar. If he ran into a being perhaps like OAA then yes his Avatar would be destroyed, only because like Reinhardt said it's unecesarry to have all of his power stored. But when in his true form it's safe to say that OAA will die. OAA of course is vastly weaker than God and can't hold nothing to him as his creator, so if you piss off your creators Older Brother? Yea you get it.

Personality: Care-free and cold-hearted, he sometimes easily forgets things. He's real laid-back, he's really a loner and lazy as CRAP, kind of comical and usually takes nothing serious. As the older brother of God, as he came before him. He naturally, has the same abilities and things as God but vastly stronger as the firstborn, but he chooses to be chill. He turns off all his omniscient and all that crap because he want's to enjoy things, he doesn't want to know anything and everything but rather experience it himself. He loves his younger brother dearly and with a ton of love. He always visits him just to talk to him occasionally on new ideas. He's a real-family guy, but if your not family you should probably expect the cold-shoulder and impending death. So please spare me the annoying part,

As a confirmation, yes his brother is God. The Ruler and Creator of the Multiverse and Omniverse, of which is infinite Universes. Similar to his younger brother, he has creations of his own. He created his own Universe, his own Domain of which his younger brother would come to visit sometimes and hang out with his brother. But this is where the main operations of Reinhardt's army is, more precisely his Kingdom of which he is the own citizen of, unless you count his butler's, soldiers, and all that yada yada.

Weapons: Inside the cane is a weapon made from his younger brother's own hands, yes his hands. God rather than just forging it with a thought, decided to craft it by himself for the love of his Older Brother, similar to what Reinhardt did. When he grabs the head of the viper and pulls, a slim blade comes out.

Maybe I'll make God travel with his Older Brother for more fun, of course his Avatar really. They both would most likely be remaining in their dimensions but you get what I mean, if they personally entered with their True Powers it would more than likely end the existence of the Infinite Omniverses, plus God made rules, what would he look like if he broke his own rules. And of course as God's older brother, he would respect his younger brother's wishes and rules.


Anything and everything, though in his Avatar it's particularly limited.

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Yahweh "God" Kriegsman

Description: Like his Older Brother, he developed a liking to suits.

To sum it all up, Yahweh is similar to his brother in most aspects as he idols his older brother, of course me as a Christian Believer I'd never put God to equal standards, but he is my Father and Family. I've developed a particular liking to the phrase "Always and Forever" and that includes my older brother Lucifer.

[ Also, I don't own any TV Series, Movies, or the characters from the bible, except for the characters I created. It's common knowledge ]

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Servants of Reinhart, Dark Angels is what they'll be called. Reinhart like me is lazy, and so of course he lazily named them after his Younger Brother's creations, but of course his Dark Angels are vastly stronger.


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I just know some people are going to crap their pants in excitement, calm it cowboy.

Lucifer "The World Ender" Kriegsman

Description: Of course, Reinhardt's younger brother had already made Lucifer, Michael, and all the Archangels and whatnot. Of course, he has White Wings, matching his hair. Lucifer of course like his Heaven's Counterpart, loves to wear suits. But he's not entirely made up after Lucifer of course, I mean it's obvious. He didn't get sent to hell,

Reinhardt, the lazy man he is. Decided to create them, but in his own "cool" version. This Lucifer, one of the Dark Archangel's. One who didn't fall, but instead is being pampered by Reinhardt because Reinhardt is actually in their lives, answering his questions, providing input. Lucifer is one of companions that'll accompany Reinhardt sometimes, he might even do it now. As he's already been introduced.

He of course has his own unit of Dark Angels like every Archangel has, he and Michael are very close brothers, of course he shares a very strong bond with all Dark Angels. But his bond with his older Brother Michael is a special one, but of course his loyalty and love to Reinhardt knows no bounds.

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Not a Character but it's the Dark Angel's Armor and what they wear to battle or just around Dark Heaven's Gates. Envision Dark Wings on their backs of course, as "Dark Angels".

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Michael "The Reaper" Kriegsman

Description: The First Dark Angel, older brother of Lucifer Kriegsman. He of course has Michael's DC Comics powers but more, nearing the strength of the Presence, perhaps even stronger. Even himself doesn't know how strong he can become, he along with all the Archangels of course have to have an Avatar with the amount of power they hold.

The necklace around his neck was gifted from his father Reinhardt, all Dark Archangels have things gifted from their father that makes them "special" or feel "special".

These two Dark Archangels are the very special ones, the other Archangels I might make appearances but for now they are how they are. Honestly the whole of Dark Angels wear their Armors, if they don't they'd most likely wear suits.

He has over 10 Dark Wings on his back along with Lucifer, except his are black and Lucifer's are white.

But visually he only makes one pair of wings to appear, similarly all the Dark Archangels do this unless they're just being extra or doing it for the theatrics.

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Yes... Lucifer and Michael are made after the DC Comics ones, not the disappointment's of the Lucifer TV Show.

Yes yes, big difference in appearance, and MAJOR difference in power don't let me get started. Here might be some plot holes your wondering. Yahweh Kriegsman vs The Presence, Yahweh is like, the God of all the Omniverse and Multiverse, the infinite ones. Even the comics, that goes for everything, Marvel, and TV Show you envision. So Yahweh could annihilate the Presence with his pinky, if he even wants to touch him in the first place. So Reinhart made his Dark Angels after the DC Comics ones because he thought they were cool, now for God's angels? Shit I don't know, I'll just say that the Presence made copies of the ones Yahweh has.

Sigh.. just ask questions and I'll answer them to the best of my ability. This isn't the 1st Chapter, but rather an introduction.

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