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Chapter 1: Turbulence or heartattack?


Tomorrow was gonna be the first time I gonna go to another country. I was very happy thinking about flying the plane. I got everything ready to go such as clothes, a toothbrush, a razer and etc.

I was in my bed thinking about tomorrow, I was thinking about what would happen if the plane crashed or if it was taken by terrorists. I was feeling very nervous about flying so I could only fall asleep at 2 AM.

After sleeping for 5h I was getting ready to drive to the airport. The drive was 2 hours 30 minutes. After getting there I said goodbye to my family. I stood in line for 20 minutes before it was my time to register. I placed my bags on the conveyer to get them checked. After 5 minutes I was registered and just needed to wait until the plane got here.

The plane landed at 11:30 AM. I got boarded and sat next to a window. The plane was smaller than I thought. When everyone boarded the flight attendant started telling about the safety, how to put on the mask in case of emergency, and how to open the doors that were on the sides. After that the plane started moving, I looked outside the window and saw how the plane started to get off the ground.

I felt a little sick when the plane started to get higher and higher and then my ears felt like they gonna blow up, but it got better in few minutes when the plane stabilizer in the air and wasn't getting higher.

30 minutes into the flight, the flight attendant started speaking how we might experience some turbulence. I panicked and started to worry, but the person next to me said it was normal. So I was more relaxed but still a little bit scared.

When turbulence hit I lost my consciousness.


When I woke up I was in a void, nothing to see around just empty space. I was panicking thinking how could this happen.

20 minutes later I calmed down.

'It must be because of the turbulence' i thought and looked around once more.

'Maybe because of my weak heart? no that can't be it can it?' after thinking why I could be here. I heard a sound like someone was tearing fabric. When I looked at the direction where the sound came from I saw a person walking out.

I looked at the person for a good 3 minutes before screaming "who are you!" and tried to back up. But I couldn't, it was like I didn't have a body.

"Calm down I am not here to hurt you." He said

After calming down, I thought about all the novels I read and asked in a scared voice "are you God?".

"You can call me that since basically I am a God," God said looking at me and sighed.

I was confused why he sighted, when I was gonna ask him why I am here he said.

"You can choose how many wishes you want," God said like he had done it so many times it became normal for him.

"I can ask for however many I want? I could ask for 900wishes and you would agree?" I asked while thinking 'there must be a trap here. Why would he give someone so many wishes?'.

"Yes, you can ask for 900wishes or more. I will fulfill all of them" God said while smirking.

I was caught off guard by him when he said I can choose more than 900 wishes, but I didn't want 900 wishes even 10 wishes would be too much.

"I want 8 wishes. But there is a question if I use 8 wishes will you send me to the random world or would I choose it?" I asked while thinking about the wishes I would choose.

"Oh, you don't want 100 wishes? Well, that's first, normally everyone asks for 3 digit number." God said surprised that I asked for 8 wishes.

"Do you grant all the wishes that they ask? I mean not to offend you, but I think not even a God has ultimate power" I asked after thinking for 10 minutes.

He looked at me in surprise and started laughing.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I was getting scared, 'did I just question, if he had the power to grant wishes? am I that stupid?' i thought as I was angry with myself.

"No, nothing is wrong, it's just the first time I don't have to kill someone here," God said while still laughing.

"What do you mean by not killing someone here?" I asked him while sweating. Even thou I didn't have a body I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"Usually people that come here, ask for so many wishes, that I just send them to hell after hearing the number they want. But you, you are different you asked for 8 wishes, can I know why?" God replied and asked me a question.

Thinking for a few minutes I answered.

"I felt something, wrong when you said I can have as many wished as I can. So I picked a number 8" I answered the question the God asked.

"Oh, I see so tell me your wishes. After I grant your wishes you can decide, what world you want to go to and choose how you want to get there." God said.

"Really?!" I screamed surprised that he will grant me my wishes.

"Yes, I will give you some time to decide them," God said while disappearing in the tear he created.

After thinking for a few hours I came up with wishes. And God came to grant them to me.

"Tell me your wishes, if you already have them," God said.

"Okay I want these wishes," I said to him and started telling him.

"1. A world that belongs to me, I can let people enter. But if people have bad thoughts about it they will get kicked out and forget about it." I said the first wish.

"Not a bad one," God said with a smile.

"2. A Luck and charisma of 'White' from Cultivation chat group, but only attract the opposite gender", I told him the second wish.

"Oh, so you want a harem?" God asked while smirking.

"Well... kinda", I answered while blushing.

"Don't worry I won't tell my 'cough ' daughter 'cough'" He said while coughing.

"What did you say?" I asked while thinking about what he said. 'What does he mean he won't tell? eh whatever'

"Nothing just say your wishes," God said while thinking about his blunder.

"3. I want to have a godly body and mind. Which will let me learn anything faster. If heavenly genius needs 100 days to learn I only need 10 days." I said the third wish.

"Not bad", God said.

"4. I can travel to any world I want, even if its novel, book, movie and etc," I said my fourth wish.

"So you want to visit another world?" God asked

"Well, who wouldn't want to see another world? Taste the best food that they can offer, visit the gorgeous sceneries" I answered the question while thinking about the food I will eat in other worlds.

"Okay, so you are a foodie? I will give you a gift then. Tell me the fifth wish." God asked while thinking about something.

"5. A system that has three functions 1. Status 2. Skills 3. Inventory. The system is only a hologram no voice or personality. I have to control it with my mind." I said the fifth wish.

"Interesting, you don't want a Store?" God asked.

"I don't want mission and store" I answered while thinking 'I don't want missions since most of the novels I read that had them, had missions that the penalty would kill him or people close to him I don't want that to happen. And a store I think is too OP.'

"Okay I understand," God said with a smile.

"6. I want my World to be able to upgrade, the stronger I am the better it is. I want to have a function in the system to see information about my world. Like changing the gravity, time, and density of spirit energy. The spirit energy is every time of Qi, Ki, Chakra and etc." I said the sixth wish to God.

"How much do you want the gravity and time to be set at the start?" God asked with a smile.

"umm, gravity 2 times and time ughh maybe 10 times. So I can train my self there faster" I answered after thinking about it.

"Okay," God said.

"7. I want my old family to be happy without me. Make the smart and lucky. So I don't have to worry about them." I said the seventh wish with a smile on my face remembering my family.

"Oh, that's really caring from you," God said while smiling warmly.

"Is it? Well I wasn't the best child so I think this wish is like repairing my family" I said while thinking how better I could have been.

"Okay tell me your last wish," God said.

"8. I want to have a strong will and soul. So I can learn all kinds of haki and soul abilities." I told my last wish.

"Done, all your wishes will be granted when you choose your world and body" God said.

"Can i think a little about it?" I asked God.

"Sure have some time" God answered.

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