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Mr. Death is my Lover Mr. Death is my Lover original

Mr. Death is my Lover

Author: akeh06

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Escape

In the midst of the heavy rain, both Elena and Martin are gasping for breath as they try to escape from their captors.

"Did we lose them?" Elena asked Martin in a whisper while they are hiding from behind a big and tall tree with a thick bush.

"I think so but we need to still be careful. They might be there somewhere near. Let's wait for about a minute or two before we move again" says Martin as he put his arm on Elena's shoulder.

Feeling the shivering of her body as they got soaked in the rain is making Martin's heart ache. It was all his fault that Elena needs to endure all this suffering. If it wasn't for his selfish affection towards her, she would have been married Jose. Living in a nice and luxurious mansion, servants following her every order and maybe they already have their own family, with children that Elena would be happy to raise.

"Elena, I'm so sorry that you have experienced all this misery. If you haven't fall in —". Elena put her finger on Martin's mouth to stop him from talking.

"It's not your fault Martin. I chose this too. And if in our next lifetime that this will happen again, I will still choose you. No matter what happens, I will love you and will always be by your side." Elena touch the face of Martin while giving him the sweetest smile.

She meant every word he said to him and ni matter what, she never regretted her decision on chosing Martin over the wealth of this world.

Martin couldn't hold back the tears that were swelling on his eyes. It is said that a man only sheds his tears if his emotions are showing his true feelings. And right now, he felt extremely happy but sad as well.

As he wipes his tears, Martin grabs Elena's hand - "Let's go, I think they are gone".

The couple cautiously moved out of the bush to look for a better hiding place. They need to move fast to distance themselves from their pursuers.

"They've been here. See this?" Said the woman with a pointed strawhat. She was holding a small piece of diamond in his hand.

"Search the area! They wouldn't be able to move so fast as Azrael is badly injured." Ordered a man wearing a black cape with a red chain hanging on his chest.

"My, my, my Gadreel. Your loud voice will only scare Azrael and his little human. Can't you do things a bit elegantly? Said by a little kid with golden hair.

"Shut up you twerp! If it wasn't for you, I would have been sitting and drinking in my house with all the lovelies surrounding me!" Exclaimed Gadreel. He is really pissed off that his brat Seraph choses to make fun of Azrael while on a mission.

"If you didn't shot those golden arrows, Azrael would still be doing his f**cking job and I would be drank and getting laid!" Continues Gadreel in a loud and angry tone.

"Hey, hey, hey! It was Eris who made me do it!" She tricked me in firing the golden arrows!" Defended Seraph while crossing his arm and pouting just like a little kid.

"It's not my fault that you gullible and you let your stupidity takes over you", said Eris.

"What did you say?! Who are you calling stupid, you b**ch?! Seraph took out his bow and black arrow ready to fire at the woman who managed to snap his patience.

Eris took two steps back as she also pulled out her emerald dagger, readied herself to either defend or attack her little opponent.

"Enough! We are ordered by father to bring back Azrael and not to kill each other. If you two won't stop, I will kill you both myself".

The man who's voice is low, deadly and frightening as the two quickly stopped what they are doing. If this guy will truly take action, both of them will be dead with a blink of an eye.

Michael is said to be the strongest among all angels. Even if she, Seraph and Gadreel join forces, they will still be annilated without him breaking a sweat.

"Master, we saw some drops of blood going in the direction of the deep forest", reported by a shadow like creature.

"Then let's go" commanded by Michael. "We have to capture Azrael as soon as possible."

"And how about the girl?" Eris is curious as to what Michael will do to the little human.

"Kill her".

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