/ Urban / MR GEORGE

MR GEORGE Original


Urban 2 Chapters 4.3K Views
Author: AnushkaTybil

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"Ms Nurse, why are you holding my baby girl? Are you deaf or incompetent?" His voice questioned. June shivered unconsciously, why did she have to work for him?

"When she cries unnecessarily, you are to leave her to cry. If we attend to her all the time, she is going to be a pampered child."

This crazy man! Which human can leave their child alone to cry? He has to be reported to Child Support!

A pediatric nurse who just started working again after earning her DNP is recruited by the renowned Mr George to take care of the abandoned baby girl he found in the rain.

The 32 year old man who is quiet and doesn't tolerate nonsense and laziness shocks everyone when he chooses to adopt a baby he saved from the harsh rain.

-Fictional Characters in a fictional world-

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Author AnushkaTybil