/ Fantasia / Moonlight Kitsune

Moonlight Kitsune Original

Moonlight Kitsune

Fantasia 11 Chapters 14.4K Views
Author: Shiraori666

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Lily, a Foxkin with absolute control over her devastating magical power, thrives in a world ruled by the oppressive Scarlet Empire, where Beastfolk are hunted and enslaved. She is no hero - she revels in bloodshed and torment, delighting in the screams of those who dare to cross her path.

When Lily learns that Rose of Night, the princess who once saved her life, has been sentenced to execution, she seizes the opportunity to infiltrate the Empire. Disguised as a human, she unleashes her sadistic wrath, not just killing but breaking her enemies with calculated cruelty. Every act of destruction is a performance, every drop of blood spilled a twisted pleasure. Lily doesn't just crave chaos - she thrives on it, her bloodlust matched only by her gleeful, unrelenting dominance.

This is not a story of hope or defiance - it is the rise of a monster who revels in fear, destruction, and madness. For those who dare to witness the relentless carnage of a being who embodies chaos itself, this is a haunting and unforgettable descent into darkness.

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Author Shiraori666