It must first be noted that 10 years prior to current day. The development of super humans came about.
Nothing on the level of superman of course.
Kids slightly stronger than the worlds strongest man. Or being able to run faster then the world's fastest human by a decent amount.
It wasn't until the previous 5 years that children have started developing supernatural powers. Such as being able to create wisps of fire out of thin air. Having the ability to effect water. Some kids started getting 6th senses. Where they could guess the jest of what someone was thinking, could feel others emotions. They could lift small object with their minds.
You get the picture.
It was lunch time I of course was surrounded by my adoring fans.
A girl named Sue was telling the latest gossip of the school when I noticed him.
A new student had transferred into our school. The only reason I took notice of the new students presence is because A. He was on every other students mind and B. he wore a very strange outfit.
In short he looked exactly like Spectra from Bakugan. He has the same blonde hair, the same pants and shirt, with the same red coat with black fur. He as well is wearing the head piece that has the one blue eye he can see through.
It's currently lunch time, I like to spend my time in the cafeteria by the stage that's located on the far side of the room. I like to at least be considerate for my loyal fans and let them stay in air conditioning while they fawn over me. Aren't I just amazing? An apex predator being considerate of its prey. The other reason for staying by the stage is it's already a popular spot to be, and humans like to be where the popular humans are.
"Don't you think the new transfer student looks like a freak?" Sue asks me, as she looks at the rest of the crowd of people surrounding me. The majority of the people laugh at her statement in agreement while a few have neutral expressions… even fewer people have looks of pity for the new kid that he has become the target of Sue's gossip.
"What does he look like?" I ask her, I already know what he looks like thanks to being able to see his appearance in different people's minds as I read them, but they don't know that so I ask her to describe him to me.
"Oh my gosh you have to see him, he is the biggest freak I've ever seen. He has very loud blonde hair, brown pants and a shirt…. Oh look Elizabeth he is actually sitting at that table right over there." Sue says as she very obviously points in the exact direction the new student is seated at.
I follow the direction she is pointing and see the person in question sitting at one of the lunch tables. He is currently hunched over the table his head resting on it as if he is asleep.
The next thing I notice is Kyle who just so happens to be the star quarterback of our school walk in to the cafeteria with his passé. Kyle is one of the superhumans I mentioned earlier. He not only has super strength but his body is extra tough, and is resistant to taking damage to his body.
Kyle seeing the new kid sleeping at one of the cafeteria tables decides to introduce himself to him the same way he introduces himself to every other new student that shows up… by beating them up.
Kyle lines himself up so that he can get a kick in at the new kids head.
Just as Kyle's foot it's about to hit the new kids face the new kid's hand flashes up and catches Kyle's leg faster than any human move that I have seen before.
In the same fluid motion the kid gets up still holding on to Kyle's leg by the way and spins around slamming Kyle into the cafeteria's 2 foot thick cement wall, the force and toughness of Kyle's body make the wall crumple has he flies through it.
Kyle lets out a groan and seems to be barely conscious. Myself and the rest of the people in the cafeteria watching the show, stare at the new kid in surprise but for different reasons. The rest of the school was surprised that the new kid was able to handle Kyle so easily, while I'm surprised by the new kids power and strength. Which from my calculations make him seem the strongest / fastest human I have seen so far.
The new kid walks over to Kyle pulls him out of the cement rubble and drags him by the foot back to the cafeteria table he was sitting at previously. As the new kid reaches the table he lifts up Kyle by the leg up over his head and slams him like a rag doll down into the table. The table being a Normal wooden table shatters instantly. The toughness of Kyle's body hitting the ground with the force that it did cause cracks to form in the floor.
The new kid stand over Kyle and says to him.
"I don't like to be touched, try anything again and I'll kill you."
The new kid turns around and heads in the direction of the class rooms. It just so happens my group of fans blocks the hallway to those classes.
"The new kid being blocked from continuing to class looks at the person closest to him in my group and says
"Move!" He says in a deep voice.
One of my idiot followers decides that even after the new kids display of power being my follower is enough for him not to listen to the new kids command.
"Nobody goes to class before the Queen does, We aren't scared of you! Our Queen is here to protect us." The idiot says we all can hear the obvious fear in his voice as he spews his nonsense.
"Unless you all want to die, Move! I will not ask again." He says to him but his one eye meets mine as he finishes his statement, before returning his gaze to the idiot in front of him that won't move out of his way.
His looks cause me for a millisecond to feel and instinctive fear I never knew I had.
In that moment I get shocked to my core. Did I an Apex Predator among Apex Predator's just feel fear from a human? I'm the strongest being that exists on this planet! Trust me I know, for as long as I've been alive, I've hunted down others of my kind to see how my physical and mental capabilities stack against theirs and I always outclass them 100%. No one I have ever come across in my entire existence as a Vampire has ever managed to make me feel fear. Yet just one look from this lowly human makes me feel fear. How Dare He!
I start to let out a low growl but reign myself in as I remind myself where I currently am.
"Let him through Josh." I order him
"But my Queen." He starts to retort
"But nothing, move out the way so the new kid can pass, I don't feel like dealing with someone that is lesser than I." I tell Josh Angrily, I also let the new kid know his place while I'm at it.
My followers do as I say.
The New kid lets out a snort at my words and my followers actions. He says nothing more and continues on his way to class.
I don't realize until a few minutes later after I have calmed down but there were a few more oddities about the new kid I didn't initially recognize.
Like the fact I not once while the new kid was in my presence felt any of his emotions, nor did I hear a single one of his thoughts. I also wasn't able to smell his scent. If I hadn't seen him with my own eyes I wouldn't have even know he was there.
I look in the direction of the classroom the new kid went to, now interested in who this new kid is exactly and what his full capabilities are. I truly feel excited for the first time in a very long time, as I'm actually surprised at what just happened.
I hope you don't disappoint me new kid….
I hope everyone enjoys the chapter. :D
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