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2.32% Monster Empress - Virtual Reality. / Chapter 1: Prolog.
Monster Empress - Virtual Reality. Monster Empress - Virtual Reality. original

Monster Empress - Virtual Reality.

Author: Andrzejsaw

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prolog.


The cheers of the spectators could be heard across entire stadium.

"Excuse me player Fenix. How do you and your team feel after winning this year championships?"

"We worked very hard to get here and we are very grateful that our hard work paid out."

"We have a question for you and your team, would you kindly answer us?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Are you by any chance will start playing new game: "The Infinity Wills Online"(TIWO)?"

"Actually we were planning on doing that. Our team next target was TIWO and we plan raise to the top in that game as well!"

Games are something that was invented ages ago and to this day are present in everybody life. From simple board, to the cards and to the modern-day computer games.

Mobile games, console games, PC games, cards games, board games and many other types of games are literally played though the world by everyone.

It's year 2041 and the world of games just entered a new era. A device known as VRCHD was invented.






This device had ability to transport your consciousness into virtual reality. No keyboard, no mouse, no controls, the only one in control is you and only you.

Smell, touch, hearing, taste and sight will be recreated into this new world. An illusion would became a reality.

With the release of VRCHD there was other important thing released, the first ever game that is able to operate on this new device – "The Infinity Wills Online"(TIWO for short).

In this game you would be transported into real world of fantasies. Swords, magic, dragons, elves, and many other iconic fantasy being would be there. A real magic, a legendary weapons that are able to split mountains in half, a full out war and many more could be found there. There is no main story or anything, only you write your own story, you can be a hero of your own store or villain instead, the possibilities were endless.

The beings in that world were no simple A.I NPCs, the people made in that world were intelligent beings, a person, a being capable of expressing them self and their emotions.

A completely never before seen world, a world that could only be find in comics and novels, a world that many wished for was in their reach.

The beginning of new era that would affect entire world was near and so time passed.


The man approached the door and begined knocking at it.


Nobody was answering.

Delivery man begin knocking at the door again.


The sound of door being unlocking could be heard.

"Sorry! I was drying my hair." – said a girl while opening the door.

A six feet tall girl with long purple hair was standing in the doorway her dark blue eyes were staring into man, inspecting him.

(The logo on his clothes, it belongs to the company "Suntale", the same company that made VRCHD and TIWO. That can mean only one thing.)

"Please sight here." – the man handed over some documents and pencil to the girl in front of him.

(A gyaru huh? Is she living alone in this apartment? She looks quiet young.)

"Here." – the girl handed over the documents and pen back to the man.

"Thank you." – replied man.

The man located at documents to make sure that every was alright.

(Occupation: novel writer? Huh, I wasn't expecting that.)

"Is there anything else I need to sign?"

"No, that's everything. Here is your package, do you want me to help you carry it?"

"Yes, please fallow me.."

The man fallowed the gyaru and left the box in her room. After the man left the girl begined unpacking the packed, taking out from it a helmet like device.

(…Found it! The manual. Let's see.) – after taking out everything from the box, girl begined manual about how to use the VRCHD.

"Now then, what should I do? The game will officially launch in 2 hours."

(I don't have anything to do as of right so I should just go to the convent store and buy some stuff for dinner.)

Sometime later.

"Cash or credit?" – asked cashier.


"Hey, did you heard news about blue star?"

"Yea! Apparently, they are planning to play "The Infinity Wills Online"."

"I wish we could play it. Stupid age restriction."

The girl overheard conversation between group of kids.

(Team blue star huh? They are on the news nonstop.)

(A big shots will play the new game as well huh? There will be probably other Esports teams playing that game and probably new big shots played will be born as well. However will they last? Unlike other game there is no mouse and keyboard, only your body. I won't be surprised if some of them give up.)

(Not only those kids but everybody who I passed by was talking about this game, everybody is hyped like hell.)

The girl returned to her apartment after buying groceries.

1 hour left, before the game official launch.

(Games huh? Most of the novels I write are about virtual reality games or isekai, honestly, I still can't believe that the fantasy stuff I written would become reality one day.)

The girl stared in silence at the device in front of her.

(I wonder if I will regain my inspiration.)

I begined writing novel when I was became 14. I enjoyed reading isekai and game world novels from the young age, I decided to try making few original works of my own and they somehow turned out to be pretty good. I started to officially publishing my works at the age of 16, the reviews that I received them from readers were very positive and this in turn got me even more motivated. I started to earn money at rapid rate until I begined to earn more than average author. Year later I would even won an trophy thanks to my works, my fame and income was steadily increasing, truth to be told I just enjoyed writing the novels.

It was fun making novels, I was enjoying my life and nothing was going wrong, until problem arose later on. It all started half a year ago. I wasn't able to come up with any new story or even simple concepts for new works, I thought I just needed to take short break but even that didn't help. My head was empty and no matter what I did I couldn't come up with decent story.

My work completely stopped, I started to doubt my skill as author . Month later I would get a sudden phone call, the one who called me was Suntale company, they wanted to do a simple interview with me. Honestly, I was quiet confused about why would they want to do interview right now, I didn't had anything do anyway so I agreed.

It was quiet simple interview, they just asked bunch of question about what I expected about their game and similar stuff. I made account on their official game website and tried pre-ordering the VRCC however all VRCHD were sold out in my country. I completely forgot about the game later on because of my current problems.

After interview ended, they suddenly approached me and offered me an deal. Apparently, they approached multiple celebrities and well-known gamers to play their new game, some of them were even offered a contract.

The contests of the contract was simple. If I remember correctly, it was something like that:

"We will give you both VRCHD as well as TIWO for free, we will offer as well free technical support in case of emergentist as well. In exchange you just have to play TIWO for whole year and you will allow us to use your name to promote our company as well as our product (The game and headgear)."

At first, I thought about refusing, since I just wanted to focus on dealing with my problem right now, however I realized something. I realized that it was exactly what I needed. I needed inspiration and that new world would provide it.

A completely new reality, a land of unknown, place not known, a completely new history, a hidden key to restore my ability as writer.

I agreed to their deal and signed the contract.

"Come to think about it, the team blue star got probably approached and offered the same deal as me, meaning there is chance of me encountering them. Honestly, I don't want to deal with them in an way, so I should pray that I don't encounter them right off the bat."

The girl looked towards her computer that had open official game website, looking at the countdown on it.

[[Time left before official release of "The Infinity Wills Online": 00:00:00:10]]











[[Game Status: Online]]

"It's time!"

The girl picked up the head gear like device on her desk and headed towards her bed. She putted strange head gear device on her head and activated it.

[[System check: System operational]]


[[Equipment activated]]

[[The connection process shall begin. Please don't move or open your eyes during the process.]]

[[Chosen Game: "The Infinity Wills Online"]]

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