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80% Mommy, Daddy and Me: Still the CEO’s Wife / Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Our Family is Finally Complete

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Our Family is Finally Complete

When Ming Shi was about to get comfortable in his seat, a man that looked like an older version of him told him to sit on his lap. Ming Shi hesitated, he looked at his mom, seeing that she was lost in her thoughts he went ahead and went to the man.

"Wow! Uncle you look like an older me!" he exclaimed. Yang Lan still did not take notice of them even when Ming Shi shouted.

"Of course I do, and I am not your uncle. Don't you recognize me?"

"Now that I think about it, you look like my dad who always video calls mommy and me! *Gasp* You are daddy!" He showed a gleeful smile but was cut short when Ming Shi's eyes was starting to get teary.

Ming Lu giggled, "Yes I'm your daddy. Don't cry, okay?" He hugged his little son.

"Daddy, I missed you so much, everyday I wished you were with me and mommy. Mommy always looked sad and lonely whenever you call us." He said while his tears started to fall and snot slowly blocked his nose.

"I missed you too, daddy's here now. Don't cry, I'll always be by your's and mommy's side from now on, we won't be apart. Our family is finally complete." He rubbed Ming Shi's back affectionately and kissed his head.

"You promish? Pinchi promish?" Ming Shi stated while holding out his pinky finger, slightly sniffing to prevent his snot from falling.

The traffic lights turned red signaling the car to stop. Assistant Gu turned to look at his Master.

"I promise," Ming Lu voiced while a single tear went out of his eyes when he smiled, linking his pinky finger with Ming Shi's.

This single action stunned Assistant Gu, 'Since when did Master learned to smile?' Then the car continued on it's journey, when the traffic light's turned green.

Ming Shi hugged his father tightly. After a few minutes, Ming Shi fell asleep. And this time Ming Lu too, fell deep into his thoughts.

It was 2 years ago when he last saw in person his, wife and son. And two years ago was when their silly misunderstanding happened, 4 years ago when he felt so happy to see his newborn son, 5 years ago when he was so delighted to know about his wife's pregnancy, but due to his duties he could not be there for her when she gave birth, because as his empire's leader he could not show any weakness, he could not show his own wife how happy he was when they got married, when she was pregnant, when she gave birth, every time he went home, every time he saw her very happy when she saw him, every time she smiled.

Thus, gave him the thought, what if he just smiled or showed even the tiniest bit of interest and happiness? What if he was not indifferent towards his own family? Would that result to his wife not leaving him and feeling insecure?

He regretted not chasing after his wife, not explaining to her, not showing his love for her, he regretted plenty things.

He remembered when he agreed to their divorce, at that time he thought she had enough of his ignorance towards her, he wanted to refuse it but he too loved her too much he was willing to give her freedom. But when he found out the real reason, he decided not to send the divorce papers, and wait patiently for her.

How he wished he could turn back time and respond to her whenever she says he loves him, he wished to tell her or even shout it to the whole world that he loved his wife and son. But he couldn't, time cannot be rewinded.

So he decided that he would wait for her and smile when she returns with their son, but his patience reached it's limit.

He called Yang Lan and told her to come back, tears where threatening to fall from his eyes, and his voice slightly shivering, but then he heard sobbing at the other end, Yang Lan was crying, crying because he finally told her to come back to him. Then did he realize his wife truly does love him, to forgive him so easily for being late, very late, and for being stupid and ignorant towards her and their son.

He decided to show his love to her from then on, so they would never separate ever again.

[A/N: I'm so cheesy]


The car stopped in front of a 5 star hotel, whereas a simple family of three dinner was prepared at the top floor.

Both Ming Lu and Yang Lan, carrying her things, went out of their thought's and went outside the car.

Yang Lan was shocked, this was not the Ming Mansion! Then looked at the other man who went out of the car carrying Ming Shi, wait, why in the world is Ming Shi...?

...And isn't that Ming Lu?!

"Eh?! Ming Lu? Eh?! W-why are you here and why are you carrying Ming Shi?!!" She blurted.

"I guess you were so deep in thoughts that you didn't notice me? And Ming Shi fell asleep when we were talking. Come on don't just stand there let's go eat dinner."

"M-Ming Lu," her eyes started getting wet, and slowly tears fell from it. Her feet sluggishly moved her towards her husband and son.

Whole carrying Ming Shi with one hand, he held his other arm and opened it wide signaling Yang Lan for a hug.

Yang Lan strode towards Ming Lu's side and hugged him, and snuggled her head against his chest. "I missed you, I missed you so much!" She said between her tears.

"I missed you too,"

"Really?" She looked up at him.

There and then Ming Lu stole a quick peck from Yang Lan's lips and said, "Yes my dear wife." with a smile blooming on his handsome face.

'Who the hell are you? Where's my master?' Meanwhile Assistant Gu was questioning his life.

"Yang Lan, I'm sorry and I love you and Ming Shi."

"Really? Like really, really?"

"Hehe. Yeah." he giggled.

"I've waited nearly all my life for you to say that, I even thought it was never ever gonna happen, but it did. I love you too Ming Lu since the beginning and till forever! Both you and Ming Shi!" She smiled while tears still falling from her eyes.

"Now shall we go eat?" Ming Lu said wiping his wife's cheeks.


And with one last peck on Yang Lan's lips, Ming Lu together with his family entered the restaurant.

[A/N: This is the last chapter guys.

I'm just kidding.]


(๑╹ω╹๑ )

Nico_Eri_Rin Nico_Eri_Rin

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