Sitting in the backseat Adrian hunches over, resting his head near the window. "Why can't we have the dinner at ours?" Adrian asks. "We usually do"
Jay sighs, "Beats me, Claire insists on having it at hers today."
"Ah, this sisters of ours, I don't know what she's thinking." Manny shakes his head and Adrian sends him a disgusted look.
He shoves Manny's shoulder, "Muum Manny is being weird."
Manny gasps, "Mum Adrian pushed me,"
"Yeah? It's because you're being weird."
"No im not!"
"You are!"
""Muuumm"" The boys shout.
Gloria twists around and glared at her boys, "You two shut up- if I hear another word from any of you, you won't like what happens next." She points at each one and turns back round with a satisfied smile.
Jay wisely kept his eyes on the road.
"Is that Dylan by the door" Gloria asks noticing a tall lanky guy walking towards the door, large guitar in hand. Upon noticing no one answering, "you may speak now."
"Don't know," Jay answers, he pulls the car to a stop in font of the driveway. "But I don't want to walk in there with him. Let's wait for a bit."
Once the guy has disappeared in the house the family exited their car and rung the doorbell.
*ding dong*
Phil opens the door greeting them happily with a hug to Gloria and a handshake to Manny, "nice mustache" Phil says.
Manny gives him a glare.
"Don't make fun. He may burn your house down." Jay says seriously.
Adrian enters last, "Hi Phil."
"Adrian, hey- did Jay just- what was-"
Adrian pats Phil's shoulder. "Long story."
"Dede" Jay exclaims.
Adrian can hear a faint "oh boy" from Mitchell.
"Hi Jay, Gloria." Dede says.
"What is she doing here?" Gloria asks.
"What does she mean, what is she doing here?" Dede turns to Mitchell."Mitchell told you I'd be here!"
"Lies!" Gloria glares. Jay subtly positioning himself in front of her.
Mitchell stammers, "I couldn't tell her because you wouldn't come. Gloria my mum wants to apologise for everything."
"So you just spring it on Gloira like this? Mitchell, what the hell is wrong with you?" Jay shouts.
"I don't want her apology." Gloria frowns.
Jay pats her shoulder, "and who could blame you, honey? Which is why this is a terrible idea by you."
Adrian questions the emphasis on you.
"Jay, Rian, Manny let's go." Gloria pushes her kids towards the door.
"Oh wait, wait Gloria." Dede cuts in, "I just want to tell you how sorry I am for ruining your wedding. I was struggling with being alone, meanwhile, Jay moves on so easily and not with just anyone. With a young and smart and beautiful woman. I don't expect you to forgive me. If I were you, I'd want to punch me right in the mouth."
Gloria hesitates, looking at Dede then at her sons. She approaches Dede, "I think we've had enough revenge in this family for one day."
Mitchell sighs in relief, "okay. You see? We're all gonna move past this. And because of me, who's not a momma's boy" he points to himself, "but is a caring person with wisdom and emotional insight, so make a note bitches!"
Cam sitting on the chair looks up to Mitchell, "it's not a good colour on you."
"I forgive you." Gloria smiles.
Dede gasps, "wow, I am not prepared for this. I just.. I want to- rip your head off!!" She lunges at Gloria.
Gloira screeches, "what?!" And pushes Dede back to defend herself.
"Mum? Mum? Please stop it!" Mitchell shouts.
Phil and Jay rushing in to stop them. Adrian already trying to place himself between the two women.
"You ruined my wedding!" Gloira screams.
"You stole my husband! You- you slut!" Dede shouts.
"Don't call my mum a slut!" Adrian shouts, not stopping their tussle but joining in instead.
Jay pulls Adrian out before he could do any damage and putting him a headlock while he glares at Dede.
"I got Gloria! I got Gloira!" Phil shouts at he pulls at Gloira.
Dylan and Haley in the back look upon the scene in worry from Dylan and embarrassment from Haley.
The fight continues at the women seem to fall into the couch and finally separating thanks to the men.
"Alright just stop it! Stop it! The two of you." Jay shouts. "If I let you go will you attack Dede?" He asks Adrian, still held down.
"No.." Adrian mutters, finally being let go of. He rushes to his mothers side immediately,
"This is ridiculous." Jay says, "Gloira didn't steal me, Dede and you know it. We grew apart for years and you left to find yourself, remember?"
"I thought I could handle this. I'm so sorry." Dede looks down.
"You don't say sorry anymore!" Gloira hisses already ready to fight again, "that word means nothing in your mouth!"
"I don't know what just happened." Dede mumbles.
"I do!" Dylan says nonchalantly. "I mean, it seems pretty simple to me. You're reaching out trying to hold onto something awesome."
Haley tries to stop him. "Maybe you shouldn't.."
But Dylan continues, "I'm not used to this: the whole big-family thing. In my house, we don't even talk to each other, you know, it's funny: The first time I saw Haley, I knew I liked her, I mean, she's beautiful and everything but, it's not just that. It's that she's got this killer confidence, you know, the kind of confidence, that you get from having a family like this: passionate and accepting of 'hot' foreigners," he looks at Gloira, "and 'gay dudes' and 'nutty people', you know a family that actually loves each other."
Adrian hears Claire whispering behind him, "I can't believe we're saying this but maybe we should let her go with him,"
"He's perfect" Phil sniffles, tears in his eyes.
Haley hugs Dylan looking towards her parents proudly.
"Everybody, Haley says that Dylan is a musician, and he writes some great songs." Claire announces.
Phil approaches with Dylan's guitar and shoves it into this arms. "Play something, bro"
"Well I guess so, if you want me to." Dylan pulling out his guitar, "we could all use a nice tune right now. This is actually a song I wrote for Haley, it's called in the moonlight."
"Lovely title, Dylan." Cam comments.
Dylan settles, hand on guitar and he begins to play, "the stars are falling from the sky and you're the reason why. The moon is shining on your face, cause it finally feel like it's found its place."
The family watches him place with a smile, pulling their significant others in a hug.
"Cause maybe, baby, I just wanna do you. Do you wanna do me, do me. Underneath the moonlight, the moonlight. Baby, baby maybe I'll just steal you, steal you. Just so u can feel you, feel you."
The family watches in horror. Cam and Mitch covering Luke's ears and eyes. Claire and Phil turn to each other horrified. And Jay looks uncomfortable. Adrian nods his head to the beat of the song.
The song ends dramatically. And the crowd applauds hesitantly.
"That was amazing Dylan thank you." Claire says politely then she turns to Haley, "you are so not going."
"I can sing a song for you all next!" Adrian chimes in.
The family gasps in various degree of horror, ""No!!""
Adrian pouts.
mostly copy and paste from the episode
I might not post in a while and stock chapters so there’ll be a continuous flow of chapters in the future
also how would yall feel if I use your usernames as commentors for Adrian’s channel?
— New chapter is coming soon — Write a review