The few people at the graveyard were so anxious, but because it was a small team, and Li Yao and his party were still in combat, so they couldn't even go find the bodies.
All they could do was type in the team channel from the graveyard, but Dandan, Xia and the rest were all busy fighting the boss.
They kept asking what was going on and at first, Xiao Mao would reply, but later she simply ignored them, just like Li Yao did, pretending she couldn't see.
Damn it, we've already said we're killing the boss, so why do you keep asking and asking and asking? It's so annoying.
Little did they know, the ones in the graveyard were feeling like years were passing by. They knew the team was fighting a boss, but as far as they were concerned, it was impossible.
When the team was at full strength they couldn't do it, so how on earth were the few remaining, without a main tank, supposed to beat the boss?
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