The spectators were somewhat regretful. After all, Starfire's team had the fastest progress, and they were most likely to reach the portal first.
However, their luck was really rotten. Without getting any advantageous items, they had managed to maintain the lead through sheer strength and strenuous monster-killing, which had not been easy at all.
They had finally stumbled upon a top-notch treasure chest. If they could polish off the monster guarding this Cursed Treasure Box, it was equivalent to having completed an event, and the rewards would definitely fill their progress bar.
However, a rival team swooped down to reap the rewards just as they were about to harvest their loot.
Of course, it wasn't exactly robbery. While everyone was scrambling to conquer the Trial Ground, the different teams were also competing against each other.
Direct confrontation was only to be expected upon encountering a team they were unfamiliar with.
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