Gnomes pursue science and mechanics, seeing no point in delving into history. They value the present and the future more.
However, the dwarfs, amicable allies of the gnomes, have a keen interest in exploring ancient civilizations. The dwarf capital of the Light Faction possesses the largest archaeological hall in this world.
Through their research and exploration, the dwarfs discovered that they are, like the gnomes, creations of the Titans.
The dwarfs are originally of the same race as the mountain giants, stone elemental beings, whereas the gnomes are mechanical beings.
Sealed beneath the earth since the Titans' departure, they were cursed by the ancient gods, who begrudgingly accepting their defeat, released the Curse of Flesh upon them.
Thus the dwarfs and gnomes became the first carnivorous beings.
These two races are now very close. When the gnome capital encountered problems, most of the gnomes relocated to the dwarf capital.
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