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100% Miss Rong And The Magic Weapon / Chapter 2: A Time Travel?

Chapter 2: A Time Travel?

"A Time Travel?" Sheng Yexin was in disbelief. no matter how she thinks, she couldn't come up with any definitive answer or theory that can explain what has happened to her.

the moment she opened her eyes, she was already in this strange place, surrounded by some unfamiliar faces, calling her Miss Rong. She felt her body was weak and barely makes it stand on its own. She was badly injured, her body was aching all over.

she couldn't understand the situation or the place she was in. The people surrounding her were all strange. from their clothes to their words, everything was different from her experience. She was not sure about what was happening, however, the one thing she was sure about was that this is not where she should be.

as she looked around, her sight passed through the place and the people around. in which, a tall man with a muscular body and distinctive facial features, especially those small but glinting eyes, made a strong impression on her.

on the other side of the man, there was a girl, who might be in her Late Adolescents, looking anxious as she was being scolded by the man.

Yexin was silently lying on the bed, looking at the scene, trying to understand what was happening.

from what she heard, the girl was being scolded for being careless. her name was Xiao Lu, who work as a maid in Jiang's mansion. on the other hand, the man was being called Mr. Jiang, who seemed to be a little mean and rude in his speech.

they were still talking when another man entered the room. he was as tall as Mr. Jiang, however, looks wise he seemed to be slightly younger than Mr. Jiang.

"your staff will run away if you talk like that. can't you be a little polite? look, you made her cry." he jokingly said.

Mr. Jiang didn't seem to care about his silly remarks and turned to the other side.

seeing the girl awake, he quickly walked to her side, following him, the others too came forward.

"Miss Rong! Are you all right?"

"Xiao Lu, Hurry, call the doctor inside!" he shouted.

in no time, she was surrounded by a bunch of strangers in white, who started to examine her every little action and ask some strange questions.

She felt strange. although she was never a socio-conscious type, however, here she seemed to be unable to cope with the situation.

she was not in the condition to understand or explain anything, therefore, she decide to remain silent and observe the situation first, and also, to take some time to recover.

from that moment on, she has been seeking answers that can explain what had happened to her and how she ended up in this world.


It all started from a day before her coronation ceremony.

Back in her time, she was a respected member of the Shang Clan, the most famous and influential one among the other twelve clans. Her father, Master Sheng Tao Jin, was the leader of the Sheng clan for the last few decades.

However, things changed after her brother's sudden death, who was going to be the next leader of the Shengs.

His death was caused by the continued fights between Yakshas and the Twelves sects, who wanted to suppress them, including the Shengs. Her brother along with the collective armies of all twelve sects fought head-on with Yakshas and, in the end, died.

He was able to create peace in the three continents for a while through his efforts and cultivation, and of course, because of the army he trained. he managed to injure most of them and decreased their powers by almost half. though, it was impossible to suppress or kill all of them.

Yakshas are neither immortals nor humans. They are not dead, however, they can't be considered alive either. There is no heart in their chest, no blood in their veins. Their race came into the form due to a curse.

the King of Yakshas, Ming Chen, emerged in the last six years. he is said to be one of the cruelest kings of the century. He had slaughtered nearly all of the small clans, and those who survived had to form a common force to face them.

Shengs and the other sects have been fighting with them for generations and have learned to live and keep themselves safe along with their existence until Ming Chen appeared.

he is cruel in nature and doesn't care about morality when kill. he brutally killed anyone who came his way, including Yexin's elder brother.

The armies of the collective sects, who were led by Yexin's brother, Sheng Yu Qin, fought head-on with them and managed to win a few peaceful years, as with such a level of destruction, it was impossible even for devils to act for a time being.

However, the twelve sects, including Shengs, have lost quite a lot in these battles. Sheng Yexin herself had to lose her precious elder brother.

At this point, she would have turned to get revenge, if she doesn't have those heavy responsibilities of the whole Sheng sect, which now was without a leader, on her shoulders. Her father was ill for a long period of time. and her brother, who could be the future of Shengs, was dead.

She was the only hope for the Sheng clan's survival. Having no other way, she accepted the position of the next leader of the Sheng clan.

Since her childhood, no matter in studies, or martial arts, she was no less than her brother. Her intelligence was way better than other men in the sect. if not for her gender, and her personal interests, she would long have achieved great success and name for herself.

However, even with this, she could never think of being a leader of the sect. neither her age nor her experience was what the leader should have.

instead, she always wished to live a carefree life. a harmonious marriage, an understanding partner, and a peaceful future.

She had always seen her brother as a worthy leader. She could never thought that the place she wished her elder brother to be at, will be taken by herself.

With a heavy heart, she accepted the leadership of the Sheng clan and took oath in front of her ancestors and all the elders of the Sheng clan to protect the sect and her people.

however, It's been only a few hours after her enthronement, when Yaksha Army suddenly attacked the whole Sheng clan. they weren't expecting such a fierce attack at this time, as after the previous fight, it was nearly impossible for them to have such strength.

there was only one explanation for this, which was that everything before was just a trap to let their guard down.

In this situation, they had neither the resources nor the enough strength to fight them. She tried to resist along with some disciples and fellow martial brothers. However, it was impossible for them to resist all of them.

The number of guards they had at this moment, could never stop them. Their power was far less than the Yaksha armies, who has an immense level of dark magic in their bones.

The whole Yaksha Army is based on black magic and dark powers. without a considerable level of cultivation, it is impossible to fight against them.

The only person who could face them head-on was either Sheng Guang her elder marshal brother, whose whereabouts were uncertain at this moment, or her father, who was seriously ill and could no longer fight.

At this moment, the only solution was to retreat. she wanted to save as many people as she could.

She went into their ancestral hall, which was at a far distance from the main gate. so that they would have some time. here, they took shelter for a while. however, she could never hide there forever.

her father, who was already in very bad condition and could not live for long, told her a secret, that as a leader of shengs, she needed to know. in the ancestral hall, behind a hidden wall, there was a secret passage. where they kept an antique sword, which was bestowed by their ancestors.

the sword was covered with a layer of dust. it seemed as if the sword was not even touched for over a decade.

she gazed at her father with a puzzled expression. despite her being part of the Shengs for years, she had never heard of or seen such a thing before.

the sword seems to be different than the other swords she had used before. there was a strange kind of tiger symbol on this sword, gives off fierce, yet powerful vibes.

according to her father, they have been guardians of this sword for centuries. their ancestors have sacrificed a lot to protect this sword, and now it's her responsibility to do the same.

her father knows that they cannot resist any longer, and it might be the end of Shengs. however, he still wanted Sheng Yexin to leave, so that she could survive. he ordered Yexin to take the sword and leave the place while showing her the secret passage, from where she could easily go out.

while he himself, threw himself into the cruel battle. he wanted to fight for his people. As the leader, he could never leave his people alone. Sheng Yexin's mother also used to be a great female general and never hesitates to fight.

Although Sheng Yexin was scared for a moment and walked out of the place cowardly, however, as the leader of the Shengs, she could never run from her responsibilities. thinking about the oath she took, she drew her sword and returned for her people.

"Xin'er! What are you doing here? I told you to leave." her father who was in the middle of the fight, shouted.

they know, they were fighting a hopeless battle, where the only result could be death. however, he could never see his remaining child killed just like his son.

"Father! Watch out", Yexin warned her father as he was about to get struck by an attack.

The Yakshas were not only wielding swords and other weapons, but they were also employing black magic, to which they had no answer. before they could launch an attack, they would already get their strength sucked.

she fought with the enemy with all that she had and never stopped, even when she was completely exhausted. So do her parents and the others of the Sheng clan.

however, the enemy was powerful and cruel enough to kill even the innocent children, who know nothing about the world.

one after another, they killed almost all the people, who were close to her. her father, her mother, her friends, and many innocent people of the Sheng clan.

seeing such a massacre, she felt broken to the core. still, leaving her pain behind, she tried her best to protect a few children, who were hiding in the bamboo hut behind her.

She had no choice, in order to save those little disciples, whose age was less than ten years, she unsheathed the sword, that she was holding. She cut the devil with a single blow. Not only did she destroy the imminent danger, but she also accidentally unleashed some sort of magical array that sucked away everything in its path. Something akin to a black hole that caused her to come here in the far future.

Possibly, at that moment, she was in mental turmoil. she was desperate and wanted to save her people. also, she had a strong sense of resentment, when she drew her sword to slay the enemy. at that time, it might have induced a colossal force of energy causing the imbalance between time and space.

due to the strong energy produced by the sword, she sucked into the fissure of time and space and disappeared from her world, and unexpectedly appeared here in this world.

It was possibly the magic of the sword, which accidentally opened the door of time and space, causing her to travel through time thousands of years later.

but where exactly the sword is?

after coming here, she had never seen that sword. it is as if it disappeared as soon as she arrived here.

no matter what, she has to find that sword. that sword is the only way to go back to her world.

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