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61.11% Minato in Marvel / Chapter 11: Ambush

Chapter 11: Ambush


Minato was sent flying hundreds of metres across Central Park, his body skipping over the ground, barely slowed by the trees and benches that shattered in his path.

Before he could regain footing he saw a shadow and then a glint of silver, before he could even think he was punched again a large-


-echoing through the park, screams erupted people thinking a bomb had gone off.

Another glint of silver, this time he didn't think, he teleported to Pietros mark, he blinked from existence ready to attack from above.

Only to appear on the outskirts of Central Park, he looked around and he was surrounded by a plethora of civilians, ordinary people speaking and laughing between themselves.

The loud chaos of battle and wind rushing through his ears was replaced with the laughing of humans and the chirping of birds.

It was a stark, stark contrast. 

He eyed a street behind him, cars passing by quickly. He warily looked around watching out for the silver haired teen, he eventually looked down only for his face to pale.

His eyes froze on a ghastly sight on the ground, a patch of pale, bloodied skin, stark against the green grass. His breath caught in his throat as he took in the black seal etched into the flesh.

'That…that wasn't possible' Minato thought to himself shakily, if it was this simple then he wouldn't have been nearly as feared as he was in his world.

His finger shook as it approached the pale bloody part of Pietros body, it touched the skin and then burning pain travelled through Minato's body.

He grunted in pain, an unfamiliar energy ran through his body, his grunt turned into a high pitched whine as he placed a hand on the ground to stabilise himself. 

The burning pain was relentless and tore at his insides, until it suddenly wasn't, it fizzled out leaving Minato on all fours gasping as he tightly closed his eyes.

He struggled to breathe as he tried to stumble back to his feet but failed and crumpled back to the ground 'That wasn't natural' he thought.

He spent a few moments breathing deeply .He slowly and carefully stood, his knees buckling slightly.

He stepped forward into a person, about to apologise only for the person to turn into smoke, he blinked and stepped back watching as every single person surrounding him turned to smoke. 


His chakra flared and the illusion broke like glass and the real, heart stopping image was revealed to him.

Only a dozen metres away hovered Magneto, his cape blowing in the wind, a savage look on his face.

Large familiar footsteps approached from his left. The 13 foot tall man wearing the red helmet stared at him menacingly.

Then through the thick trees behind Magento, Sabretooth prowled, his white claws reflecting the sun. 

Then Toad, looking furious with blood around his mouth, hopped out of a tree branch, landing just besides the feral man.

Then from the sky came a red haired teenager, her burning eyes locked onto Minato's form, she hovered to the left of Magento thick dark red magic curling around her fingers.

Finally with a glass shattering-


-Pietro arrived, his hair windswept, his shoulders tense and jaw clenched. He made a far more intimidating image with his father behind him. 

"Now Wanda" Magneto said, Minato readied for an attack his guard raising, only for a glass box to slowly hover up from behind the trees and drop with a anticlimactic thump onto the grass below

His eyes quickly observed its contents-

His hands shook slightly as his pupils dilated.


Hundreds of tiny pieces of wall, roof, floor, and tree all laid in the box, the only thing that connected all these objects was the small, black seal engraved into its surface. 

How had he not noticed!

His chakra spread across the city and yet, all of his marks seemed intact as usual.

Magneto had a savage grin on his face "Call my bluff" he growled, using Minato's old own words against him.

Minato without an ounce of hesitation did call the bluff, and tried, just above a nice restaurant he placed the seal hours ago.

He blinked out of existence, but to his horror he simply appeared right back where he was, right in front of Magneto.

"You can't escape" Magneto growled, a metallic hum suddenly building in the air, the lights in the buildings behind Minato started to flicker as the ground shook and lampposts, benches and cars lifted into the air.

Minato knew what the man really meant, and if Minato wasn't on his best here, he would never leave this park alive.

He would never see Naruto again.

His eyes hardened, his breathing steadied and he calmed his rising heart beat.

His hand dipped into his kunai pouch, slowly deliberately pulling out a sharp kunai.

His eyes snapped to Pietros the teenager watching the kunai like a hawk, was that the plan? Get Pietro to catch him off guard?

"How did you do all that?" He asked, his eyes narrowed as he tried to buy time, hoping the man would go on a monologue or that he would sen-

"Pietro" Magneto's voice was steady as he-


Minato felt a fist smash against his jaw, sending him flying into the buildings behind him. He crashed through the concrete, each wall he smashed through sent sharp pain through to his already bruising body.

He rolled and skipped like a rock through the city, his feet eventually finding their footing as they planted themselves and allowed him to skid to a stop.

The screams of onlookers were barely heard over the ringing in his ears, his eyes narrowed as Pietro approached, the teenager's punch was as telegraphed as it could possibly get. 

By the time Pietro had punched Minato had already dodged, the man's knee rapidly rising and then smashing into the unsuspecting teenager's stomach. 

Pietro fell to the floor with a gasp, Minato flipped over the Kunai in his hand, he didn't hesitate as he dropped to a knee and the blade rapidly cut through the air approaching the teenager's throat. 

Pietros eyes wide and frightened as he watched the kunai about to end his life, the boy had frozen.

His family didn't.

Minato saw the approaching blast of scalding crimson energy in the reflection of his kunai, he dropped the weapon, it clattering harmlessly against the ground next to Pietro.

He raised his arm protecting his face before he was sent flying through even more buildings, the energy burning through the clothes on his arms and scalding his tanned skin. 

As Minato painfully crashed through buildings he made a mental map in his head of where all his Kunai were, a plan forming in his head.

The sounds of cars, people and animals desperately fleeing away from the chaos ran through the city. 

He quickly dug one of his feet straight into the tarmac of a road, skidding to a stop as he eyed the redheaded teenager who shot another blast of the scalding energy towards him.

He sidestepped the car-sized blast as suddenly ducked underneath a flying car, then watched as the Juggernaut ran straight towards him, the buildings in his way stood no chance.

He eyed the surrounding buildings, he was standing in the middle of a road so he would have to be careful he wasn't run over by a panicked civilian.

Molten metal quickly started to race towards him, Magneto's furious form flying towards Minato with his hand outstretched.

A tendril of the silver metal about as thick as his chest and sharp as his kunai tried to stab the Ninja who gracefully threw himself into the air above the attack.

As soon as the molten metal had stabbed into the ground Minato simply blinked out of existence, appearing next to Pietro's wide eyed form, still laid where he was not 20 seconds ago.

Minato grabbed the boy's neck harshly and disappeared in a blink, narrowly avoiding a large blast of red magic. 

He appeared back in the park, by the bench he was sitting on with Rachel, the dozens of kunai thrown by him at the start of the fight becoming far more useful than he thought they would be.

Pietro tried to escape, clawing the ground like an animal, his voice cracking as he shouted ineligible nonsense, tears building in the corners of his young, panicked eyes.

Minatos grip tightened harshly as his eyes assessed his surroundings making sure no one laid in wait.

Pietro was laid on his back as he desperately stared up at Minato's kneeling form, his hands scratching at the older man's arm desperately.

Minatos jaw clenched, this image was…unsettling, usually his targets would be dead or captured before it ever reached this stage of fear. 

The image of Naruto shot back into his mind, he needed to get home. His eyes hardened, it was almost as if Pietro saw this as his struggling only got worse.

Minato pulled back his fist, his eyes met with Pietro's and his clenched fist shook.

His fist had never felt so…so heavy.

His eyes locked with Pietros, the boy's fear palpable in the air, he clenched his jaw in frustration.

Why was he hesitating, he was a shinobi!

But before Minato could make his choice, a sharp pain exploded in his ribs as Sabretooth's knee slammed into him, sending him tumbling backwards.

Minato's sharp gaze locked onto Sabretooth, the hulking mutant baring his fangs, his muscles taut beneath his weathered skin.

Sabretooth wasn't a fool, he knew Minato was faster, deadlier. He couldn't win a head-on fight.

But still, the feral man moved in front of Pietro, his broad frame shielding the trembling teen.

The ground started to shake, Minato's eyes fixed on Magneto's distant form, right now just a speck on the horizon.

Pietro shakily got to his feet, his wide eyes fixed on Minato with a mix of fear and desperation. Slowly, the boy backed away, his chest heaving as Sabretooth growled low in his throat, a warning for Minato to keep his distance.

Minato felt his resolve waver, he could still quite easily take out these two even with Magnetos approaching form.

They all knew it, he could kill them both right now.

He should kill them now.

His fists clenched, Sabretooth and Pietro both watched as the blonde man flung 3 of his Kunai in different directions and then blinked away.

A plan was building in his mind.

He threw another kunai to gain some more space on Magneto, though the Kunai came flying back towards Minato, the blonde man dodging his own repurposed weapon.

He needed to take out the head of the group, negotiate from a position of power.

In a blink he disappeared, appearing just above the glass box filled with his seals. 

Suddenly he felt so…so tired, he stepped forward-No!


His chakra exploded out of his body with explosive force, the hairs on his neck stood up as the air seemed to vibrate with power.

He dropped to a knee.

A red blast of magic just missing, in a fluent move he stood and spun, his foot sweeping the teenager standing behind him. 

Before she had fallen he had already got back to his feet, his foot lashing out at her form sending her crashing into an already wrecked building.

He took a moment to breathe, his ribs hurt, his back was bruised to hell and his plan was shaky at best, he turned and observed his surroundings.

Kami, he was tired.

A scream of rage erupted from behind him, a red glow emanating from the source, large familiar thunderous footsteps coming from his left and the unsettling metallic hum quickly getting louder by the second.

But he didn't have time to be tired, not today.

Minato sprinted towards a large boulder in a blur and, with a single punch, shattered it into a dozen smaller fragments. His hand seized a stone the size of a pool ball, chakra seeping into its core as his seal formed within its surface.

He placed it into a pocket on his Jonin vest, the crimson glow getting brighter, the footsteps shaking the ground with intensity and the metallic alien hum filling his ears.

A crimson beam of energy sliced through the air towards him. Minato didn't even think before vanishing into thin air.

The blast struck the ground where he had stood moments earlier, the impact shaking the earth and sending debris flying in every direction with an ear-splitting boom. 

He reappeared beside the glass box, his chest rising and falling as he steadied himself, eyes scanning the chaos for his next move.

Magneto quickly flew over the trees, a mountain's worth of metal behind him, twisting and writhing at their master's demand like snakes.

The juggernaut skidded to a stop, Wanda turned to him, floating with her eyes a violent crimson as she eyed the surprisingly stoic blonde man.

With a sonic-


Pietro arrived, he had brought Sabretooth with him. 

"Surrender" Pietro said, his voice slightly shaky as he eyed the older man. "Surrender and you may live" Pietro said as he gently massaged his already bruising throat.

Minato's eyes softened as he eyed the teenager, he was…a decent kid.

Magneto looked down at the boy in slight shock, of all people he least expected Pietro to…to give mercy to…to this man.

Magneto's rage, still broiling like a volcano, did not accept that, this man would die and he would die today.

He could not allow the man's threats to stand, he had attempted to kill his son multiple times, he had put Mystique into critical condition.

"Surrender?" Magneto's voice was low, dangerous. "You misunderstand, Pietro. This man…this assassin, has no place in our world. Not after he has threatened you, my son"

Sabretooth nodded, his eyes focused, the ninja was still calm but his breathing was far heavier than at the beginning of the fight.

They were making progress, they just needed to pressure him, together.

"I'm afraid Pietro" Minato's soft tone caught the teenagers' notice who warily met eyes with the man. "I will not be the one standing down tonight" his voice again gaining the cold, deadly edge that was prevalent in all of his kunai.

He slowly grabbed a Kunai from his pouch, twirling it rhythmically as he stared into Magneto's furious eyes.

Minato's other hand wrapped tightly around the marked rock, his mind working through the plan with deadly precision. In the chaos of battle, every second counted.

His hand moved with practised precision, the kunai slipping from his fingers in a deadly arc towards the red headed girl.


Minato watched in slow motion, his chakra thrumming through his body, as Pietro moved faster than he ever had towards the kunai aimed straight for his sister.

Magneto's wide suddenly frightened eyes snapped onto his daughter, his muscular arm now outstretched.

His wrist flicked forward, and the rock spun through the air, arching high above the battlefield and directly towards his target.

The sound of energy crackling in his palm grew louder as he formed the Rasengan, its light casting eerie blue shadows across the park. The air hummed, vibrating with the power surging through him.

Minato's gaze never left the spinning rock as it moved into position, his mind already counting down the moments. Wait… wait…

Time seemed to slow. Magneto's focus was still on his children, his face contorted in worry and anger. He hadn't even noticed the trap set for him.

Then, in an instant, Minato vanished.

Magneto's eyes widened, but it was already too late. In a flash of yellow light, Minato appeared above him, his Rasengan blazing like a miniature sun.


Wow, over 80!!! power stones from last chapter alone, and this is still under 50k views we're really getting some great numbers!! Thank you!!

This chapter took hours to write lol, sorry about that 

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