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Midnight Romance Midnight Romance original

Midnight Romance

Author: madison_beasley

© WebNovel

Midnight Romance

My name is Yuki Kaji. I run a gang and sometimes I have to kill people to get what I want. I have the ability to go into peoples mind and tell them things. Sadly I can't read their minds though. It's late, about 1:37am. I'm driving to an alley to speak to one of my rivals, Misaki Aoi.

I pull into the alley and that's when i see them, 2 guys all in black. I step out of the car to ask what's up "Uhh hey, i'm here to speak to Misaki." One of the guys went inside to tell Misaki I was there. Then out of no where the guy with the black shaggy hair starts to walk towards me. He was handsome, about six feet tall. He was wearing a black business suit.

"You're too pretty to be doing this kind of stuff little kitty" he then leans towards me as i start to get flustered. "It runs in the family, and don't call me kitty." I step backwards trying to catch myself. Misaki comes out the door with the brown haired guy from before. "Sorry it took me so long. I had some things to deal with." The man with black hair walks away with he brown haired guy. "It's fine. I didn't wait that long.

When we were inside Misaki led me to the back room. It was dark and there were two chairs and a table. Misaki sits down but i just stand there. "I thought we were going to go meet with other people too." Misaki gives me a cold stare. "There was a change in plans."

"Oh really? Then i'll come back another time then." I turn around to leave, but the guy with black hair comes in and grabs me. "I don't think you will be going anywhere anytime soon sweetie, take her to the know what to do"

As i'm being dragged down I try to free myself from his strong grip. "Why are you doing this to me?" I say, still in shock. He just walks silently, then we reach a door. He opens it and pulls me inside. He then locks the door. "Please let me go. I didn't do anything." I start pulling my hands trying to get loose. "Stop little kitty, I won't hurt you." He then pushes me up against the wall. I can feel his hart beat on my chest. "Wh-what are you doing?" I try to push him off but he's just too strong.

"You've been a bad little kitty." He starts to kiss my neck. "Ah! St-stop don't do this please!" I push him off and he finally stops. "You've gotten yourself into trouble little kitty. Boss wants you dead." I stand there confused as to what I did wrong. "I don't understand, I didn't do anything." He pulls out a piece of cloth. "Sorry kitty but I have to keep you here for a while." He grabs me again but this time he sits me on a chair. He ties my hands and my feet together and then ties my mouth shut. I try to scream, but it didn't work.

I use my gift to get in his brain "Let me go! You lunatic get me out of here!" He stares at me in astonishment. "Wow little kitty. You're even more special then I thought you were." He then walks out of the room.

Hours pass and I hear a 'click' at the door. The door swings open and it's the black haired guy standing with the brown haired guy. "Bring her to my car and knock her out. Don't try anything, she's mine." Then the black haired guy walks out. "Hey little cutie~" I try to wiggle. "Now, Now calm down." He rubs his hand against my face. "Too bad he already bought you." I try to get in his mind. "What do you mean he bought me?!" He stares at me in shock. "Whoah no wonder he wanted you that badly. Your little gift could be worth millions." I make a disgusted face at him. "That's not nice, now it's time for you to take a little nap." I start to wiggle around like a maniac, trying to turn the chair over. He grabs my head and takes a rod and knocks me out cold.

'Ugh my head is killing me...what happens to me? I'm so cold. I'm in a car? "You're awake little kitty." I try to mumble and he takes the cloth out my mouth. "Where am I?" I ask while i'm trying to sit up in the front seat. "You're going to live at my house, to be my mistress." I stare at him. "No i'm not." He glances at me. "You will do everything I say. Or i will Kill you."

When we arrive at his house he carries me inside and locks the door with a key. He unties me. "There are clothes in the bathroom. Go get changed." I walk to the bathroom and shut the door. I get changed and walk out. "I am NOT wearing this. I look like a stripper. He licks his lips. "I think you look amazing." He grabs my hip and pulls me close. He presses his lips firmly on mine. 'I can't breathe stop' I say in his mind. He stops kissing me and stands up straight. "You need to stop using your powers to get in my head like that."

I'm so sleepy now. Its 5:47am now. "Uhh hey dude, where do I sleep?" He walks down the hall and opens a door. "You sleep with me." I'm too tired to care and I jump in his bed and fall asleep fast.

Ugh my head hurts. I look over and he's gone. I get out of bed and go to the living room. I'm hungry UwU. I need to get out of here. I go up to the door and it's locked. Welp i guess i'll have to use the window. As I walk upstairs i hear someone speaking. "Uhh hello?" The talking stops. A guy in a headset comes out of a room. "Who are you?" He says. "Yuki, who are you?" I say. "Yamada. How did you get here?" "A black haired guy brought me here in a car." He looks annoyed. "Ugh he thinks he can just take whoever he wants home and take them to bed with him." He then looks at me. "Sooo...Can you let me out the door is locked." He walks down the stairs and unlocks the door. "Sorry about that, Yuki." I nod and walk out the door.

I need to get back so I can kill Misaki once and for all. I finally arrive back home at about 6:30pm from walking. "I'm so tired." I walk to my phone. There's a text from my assistant asking where I was. Apparently no one knew I got kidnapped by Misaki. I call my assistant Koki and he comes over. "Hey Yuki." I nod at him and sit down at the table. "We need a plan, that guy will surely come back to get me."

"Yeah you're right, you probably know too much." I laugh and open my laptop. "I know how to fight and apparently they don't know how dangerous I really am." I say bluntly. "At least you have your powers under control. Last time you used your telepathy it went really wrong and he ended up being brain dead." I glance at him. "He had me tied up and i couldn't speak. Oh and there's something about this guy... I couldn't read his mind all i could do was speak to him through my thoughts." He looked confused. "That never happened before."

2 hours later.

We finally figure out a plan to get revenge. "Are you sure you want to do this Yuki? What if it goes wrong and you turn brain dead instead." I grab my gun and my black hoodie. "I'm dangerous remember? At least something will happen to him." I remove my clothes and begin to put on my black clothes. Koki blushes. I look at him and giggle. "What never seen a naked girl before?" Koki looks flustered. "Just hurry up already."

When we arrive we get in our positions as planned. I sneak to the door and wait. 20 minutes later someone finally leaves through the door and I sneak inside. I sneak my way up to Misaki's office. I hear him talking on the phone inside. "Ok be ready by 12." Then he hangs up and starts to walk around. He then swings open the door, grabs me and shuts the door. "Look who decided to show up." He smirks at me with his handsome, seducing face. He pushes me closer to the wall and I can feel his breathe on my neck. He rips off my clothes and starts to kiss me. He lifts me up on the table, kissing me faster and faster each second. This is my chance.

I connect to his brain. He's thinking about killing me after this hah, funny. Oh- he is supposed to be meeting with someone in 20 minutes. Well I better kill him quickly then. "Mhmm I know what you're doing." He stops and looks at me. "Good job. You're fast at catching on." I start to burn his brain, draining his knowledge into mine. "Agh! Stop!" I cover his mouth. "Payback is a bitch."

After He's dead.

I walk out into the hallway trying to find my way out. I turn the corner down the hallway. Then I see him. I freeze and try to walk hastily in the other direction. "Yuki?! How did you get out the house?" He says from behind me. "Apparently you don't know the strength of my power. If I want to leave I can." He walks up to me. "That's what I like about you. My name is Jung by the way." He stares deep into my eyes. "Jung? Ok cool ima go now sooo bye." He grabs my hand. "I need your help." I stare at him confused. "With what?" I snatch my hand away from him. "I need you to be my little assassin. I'll pay you 1million a week." I cross my arms. "I'm listening."

I join his gang.

So I agreed to be in his gang. I'm his 'assistant' and I even have to live at his house. "Ok let's go I have a mission." And just like that me and him became partners. Running through the night. We became known as the midnight lovers. We thought it was a joke at first. Soon we started to show feelings. We became a couple.

Midnight runs.

"Hey babe i'm going out tonight." - Yuki

"Want me to come?" - Jung

"No I should be fine on my own."

"Ok be safe."

As I run around in the darkness I begin to feel someone watching me. As I run through the trees prancing under the moonlight I see him. A tall, skinny guy with white hair. He pounces on me.


I wake up strapped down to a table. I can't move. "Well, well you're awake." I try to get in his brain because it's the only way i can hurt him. "Haha you're too weak to hurt me." He walks up to me. "Something about you fascinates me." He rubs his hand on my leg. "You're going to be my princess." I scoff at him. "I already have a boyfriend." He chuckles. "Jung? He never liked you. I told him to be your boyfriend so I could find out more about you." Suddenly Jung walks in. "Why would you do that to me?" He glances at me. "Sorry little kitty." He winks at me and leaves the room. "Can you at least let me up?" He unties me. "You're going to be my mistress now. "I thought I was your princess." I say. "They mean the same thing to me. Oh my name is Jin."

5 Months Later.

"Kitty wake up its time for breakfast." I jump out of bed with morning hair and a white business shirt on. "ThAnks." He laughs at me. "Sleepy head." I yawn and hug him. "I just wanna sleep." He pats my head. "Such a good kitty."

Life is better with you.

We go hunting together. We kill. Under the moonlight we are unstoppable. We are fearless and unruly. So stithy. We sneak around through the woods playing hide and seek. Acting like little kids. Our first 'true love'. Life is truly better now that you are by my side. I treasure your company. Never leave my side.

- Love Yuki

The End

madison_beasley madison_beasley

This is a short story. It is my first one and there are many to come. This was a dream I once had. Stay tuned for some more of my weird dreams of fantasy and romance. Many more to come.

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