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28.57% MHA: UA’s Bright Light / Chapter 2: A Blinding Performance

Chapter 2: A Blinding Performance

(Hikari's house)

Hikari wakes up and gets changed before noticing his hero costume laying on his desk with a note from his mom "You'll need this today and try to not damage it too badly" Hikari chuckles "I'll try mom" he puts the suit in it's bag and heads out to UA while thinking to himself "I wonder what class will be like today" he walks out of his house.

(UA High, Classroom)

Hikari walks in and greets everyone before they begin their morning class, Hikari sighs and listens while occasionally talking to Izumi, Tenya or Uraraka, he looks down at his book and thinks "I wonder what my hero name should be, maybe take my mother's and switch it to Lord Light...nah I want the name to be my own..." he is brought of his thoughts by the bell ringing and he leaves the classroom.


The class are met by All Might who smiles "Well 1A, today is your Hero Basic Training, now let's get you all suited up then we can begin" he leads them to the changing rooms. Hikari walks in last and changes into his suit while making sure that the metal isn't dented "Hm, feels very comfortable, especially with this undershirt" he gives the suit a few small tests before walking out of the changing rooms and heading to where the rest of the class are gathered.

(Grounds B)

Hikari walks through and stands beside Tsuyu and gains most of the class's attention due to the reflective nature of his suit and All Might chuckles "Taking full advantage of your quirk I see Hikari" Hikari smiles and nods while Mineta stares at him "So bright, so handsome, I hope he's on my team so he can save me" All Might clears his throat "The rules to this trial are simple your class will be broken into twelve teams, half heroes half villains, the villains will guard a nuclear weapon that they intend on deploying while the heroes must either apprehend the villains or make it to the nuclear weapon in time to win. While if the villains capture the heroes or hold the core for the entire duration of the trail they win...however with Hikari here their will be a team with three members...any questions" no one answers and All Might smiles and draws the lots.

(Time skip)

He draws the next lot and pulls out a ball from the villains with the letter I and from the hero box he pulls out the letter B, so the trio villains of Toru, Ojiro and Hikari will be facing the duo of Shoto and Shoji" Hikari smiles and immediately plots a strategy while Toru and Ojiro wonder what he's thinking.

(Battle Building B)

Hikari sits on the top of the weapon while Ojiro and Toru stand below it, until Hikari smiles and thinks to himself "Knowing Shoto, he'll freeze the building and stick them in place so if I stay out of sight and jump him when he thinks he's won then Shoji will be a piece of cake to deal with especially with those two with me" Toru turns to the two "I'm giving this my all you guys" she begins removing her clothes while Hikari makes a privacy screen made out of light for her which she thanks him for while Ojiro ponders on his embarrassment. Hikari disappears leaving Ojiro and Toru to defend the weapon.


Hikari waits for Shoto to enter the building before dashing down and chopping Shoji's neck, knocking him out before seeing the building become frozen, he dashes back up.

(Battle Building B)

Shoto walks up to the frozen Ojiro and Toru who he warns about breaking the ice, he walks up to the weapon until "Your too overconfident Shoto" Hikari slams into Shoto's back from the ceiling and breaks the ice while Shoto stares at Hikari in shock "Surprised...I knew how strong your ice was and I postulated that you'd be able to freeze the building so I went outside and dealt with Shoji first before heading back here" he fires beams at the ice holding Ojiro and Toru to the floor before heading back to the Monitoring Room.

(Monitoring Room)

All Might smirks "Well thought out and played Hikari" Bakugo grins "Shoto didn't stand a chance, Hikari always won at strategy games in middle school" Kirishima gasps "He's really smart, he knew Shoto's game plan from the start" Mineta grins "He's even smarter then I thought, he's a full package" she daydreams.


Shoji looks at Hikari in astonishment "You still won?" He nods while Shoto looks at him "How?" Hikari smiles "Let me point out how badly you underestimated my quirk, I don't just control light I can turn into it, so I could have still broken out of your ice regardless and by the time you'd have tried to freeze me again I would have been behind you and knocked you to the floor within those few seconds...power doesn't mean much when faced with intelligence and strategy".

(Monitoring Room)

Everyone comments on Hikari's words especially Mineta who thinks "He's super smart, he's like Tenya only much more handsome and kinder" as well Bakugo who admits to Izumi "I definitely couldn't take on Hikari or Shoto in a straight fight".

(Time skip)

All Might sends them back to the home room and Hikari changes out of his suit and packs it away before heading back to the home room.

(1A's Classroom)

Hikari walks in and thinks to himself "I think my hero name will be Illuminator" he is brought out of his thoughts by Izumi "Hey Hikari you seen Bakugo?" He shakes his head but Ocacho speaks "She already left"Izumi and Hikari leave the classroom.

(Outside UA)

Hikari and Izumi catch Bakugo leaving and discuss the battle trial with Bakugo admitting defeat but promising that she will be the number 1 hero, Hikari talks with them for a while before heading home.

(Hikari's Home)

He walks up to his door and opens it, he dumps his stuff on the floor and walks into the living room and sits down, he thinks on what Bakugo said until he is brought of his thoughts by his mother walking in "How was your day?" Hikari smiles "It was great, I had a lot of fun" his mother smiles "That's great, your enjoying it which is was the suit?" Hikari chuckles "Fits like a glove" they both laugh "Yeah it does, just remember not to let your quirk go to your head ok" he nods "I won't mom, I promise" she smiles "Good" she sits beside him and turns on the tv. She turns to him "You know you don't have to stay here all the time, you can go for a wander as long as you don't use your quirk" Hikari nods "I know but knowing me I'll use it because I want to save people and not worry about consequences" she smiles "I's just, I don't want to scare you from going outside just because I kept you inside before" Hikari sighs "You had your reasons, after all you did have a lot of admirers back then and you didn't want us getting swarmed by the media" she nods "Yeah...just, try and get used to going out, it'll help clear you mind" he nods and they continue watching the tv.

(End of chapter)

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