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77.77% MHA: the music hero Orchestra / Chapter 7: chapter 7

Chapter 7: chapter 7

In a dark warehouse of tubes filled with green liquid and horrid creatures, a man sat on a chair hooked up to a ventilator, and his subordinate talked.

"What do you mean he wasn't there?" A menacing voice asked. The machinery hissed and whined behind him.

"Well, I warped to the coordinates you told me, but the house was blown up, and the basement was empty except for some instruments." A man wrapped in shadowy smoke replied. His voice was baritone and had a gentlemanly tone to it.

"The heroes must have gotten to him before we could beat the coordinates out of that blasted doll." The menacing voice said more to himself than the shadowy smoke. He then chuckled to himself. "That doll is brilliant, though. Her house is only five minutes away from U.A. That must have been a fail-safe just in case we caught her."

"Do you want me to see if he's their master?" The shadowy smoke asked.

The menacing voice just shook his head before replying. "We can't have you discovered just yet. Also, we already know where he will be. That rat will do almost anything to keep him there, so we will wait for our chance to capture him."

"As you wish, master." The shadowy smoke said before warping away.

Back in the U.A., The sun was setting. Gakki walked with Present Mic, Aizawa, and Nezu, who was on his shoulder, towards an open grassy area. A gray stone man with a rectangular head was in the middle of the site. This was the pro hero Cementoss. He was using his quirk cement to build a one-story building.

"How's the building going, Ken?" Mic asked enthusiastically.

Cementoss turned to them and nodded at them. "Yes, I'm finishing up right now. I just need to finish the sidewalk." His voice had a gravelly tone to it.

"Gakki this is Cementoss. He is a hero and a teacher at U.A.," Nezu introduced.

Cementoss put his hand out for Gakki to shake, and Gakki took it. "And you are the famous Gakki I've been hearing about." Cementoss joked, which made Gakki chuckle and blush.

"So, what are you building?" Gakki asked curiously.

"It's where you will be staying." Present Mic announced, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.

Gakki froze and slowly turned his head to Mic in disbelief. "Really? But I'm not a student yet, and no one else lives here." Gakki asked in displef.

Nezu chuckled and commented. "First, we don't know where or who kidnapped you. So it's safer if we keep you here than any other place. Second, we plan on adding dorms to all students next year, so it's not a problem." Nezu concluded.

Gakki nodded, still feeling guilty that they were doing so much for him.

"Well, let's check out the inside." Nezu cheered while clapping his palms.

Cementoss led them inside, and Gakki was in awe. It was a one-bedroom and bath, with a kitchen in the back. A living room with a TV finished the whole set, which Gakki was excited about, but he also felt more guilty that they were doing so much for him when they had just met him.

Nezu noticed and spoke up. "No need to feel guilty, Gakki. Like I said, we will build dorms next year, so this is like a test to see how it goes."

Gakki nodded, the guilt dying down a bit. He expected his room and liked it even more. Then Gakk realized something. "I don't know how to cook." He yelled out, which got a snicker from Present Mic.

"It's okay, little listener, we can teach you. But now that I think about it, are you hungry? You only had ice cream." Present Mic asked.

Gakki paused and thought about it. He then shook his head. "Nope, I don't feel hungry," Gakki said, confused.

"If you get hungry, there are snacks in the kitchen," Nezu added. "And here's a panic button. Press it only in emergencies." Nezu finished.

Gakki took the device. It was just a grey box with a big red button on it. Gakki was very tempted to press it but held back. He put it on the kitchen table and turned back to the adults.

"Tomorrow, I will be availing where you are in your education. Then, Aizawa will be testing your quirks and the ins and outs. And before you grumble, Aizawa, you did expel your entire class this year." Nezu calmly said.

Gakki looked to Aizawa, who rolled his eyes at Nezu before grunting in confirmation.

"Well, if that's all, I think it's the little listener's bedtime." Mic piped, which Nezu nodded before hopping into Aizawa's scarf.

As the adult left, Gakki realized he wasn't tired yet. He looked around and saw his harp on the ground next to the couch. He picked it up and sat down on the couch. Gakki examined the decor on it. It is golden with green-painted leaves and connected vines running from tip to tip. He strummed the strings one at a time to check if they were in tune. Once he was satisfied, he started playing.

The following day, A tired Aizawa groggily made his way into the U.A. after his nightly patrol. He felt a buzz from his phone and didn't check it. He knew that it was Nezu. Who else would be texting him at this hour? As he made his way to Nezu's office and just walked in, knowing that Nezu was watching him the whole way there.

Once Aizawa entered, he heard Nezu on the verge of his manic laughter, which put him on edge. 'It's too early for this,' Aizawa thought, rubbing his temple. Nezu was looking at his computer, scrolling his mouse back and forth, taking sips of tea.

"Aizawa, I have discovered something amazing." Nezu cheered.

Aizawa just grunted for the mouse to continue.

"So, I was watching the security cameras in Gakki's living room, and something particular has been happening all night." Nezu continued getting more excited.

Aizawa ignored the fact that he put cameras in Gakki's living room and stayed silent.

"Look at this," Nezu told Aizawa as he turned his computer screen to face the underground hero.

What he saw confused him. It was Gakki sitting in the living room playing his harp. Aizawa looked at the mouse for an explanation. Nezu chuckled before clarifying.

"Gakki's been playing the same song all night, on loop." Nezu proclaimed

Aizawa was now wide awake. "What do you mean all night?" He sighed, defeated. He was already getting a problem child when he didn't even have students yet.

Nezu started to rewind the video, and Aizawa saw in fascination and horror that Gakki didn't move an inch from the couch all night. Aizawa would have thought he was a statue if he weren't playing the harp.

"Also, there's the fact that Gakki hasn't taken a breath ever since he started playing," Nezu added, his laughter getting even more manic.

Aizawa just pinched his nose and sighed. Gakki was a problem child, and Aizawa would have to deal with him. Aizawa then spoke up.

"So, what you telling me is that Gakki doesn't need to sleep or breathe?"

"I also think that he doesn't need to eat or drink either, considering he hasn't done that since he's been here," Nezu added. "I think it has something to do with the plastic-like substance that enveloped him. That quirk is fascinating but also frightening." Nezu finished.

Aizawa would have to agree. On the one hand, it would be wonderful not to sleep, breathe, eat, or drink. But on the other hand, it would feel numb not to do basic human things.

"Gakki must be so focused on playing that he probably doesn't realize he isn't breathing," Aizawa observed.

Nezu nodded in confirmation before pressing a button on his keyboard to unmute. A gentle melody filled the office. Aizawa had to concentrate to not nod off to sleep, but it was a losing battle. He was seconds away from passing out when Nezu muted the mic and said.

"This is intrusting. Gakki or whoever kidnapped him must have written this piece because I can't find anything close to it."

While Aizawa fought to stay awake, Nezu used an app to see where the piece was from, but to no avail. He also noticed something interesting too.

"It's also repeating," Nezu noted. "I wonder if it's for his quirk?"

Aizawa shrugged and added before yawning. "We can ask him."

"Excellent idea, let's go ask." Nezu proclaimed while jumping into Aizawa's scarf.

They made their way to Gakki's place in silence. Once they got there, they could hear the harp playing through the door. Aizawa knocked, but no response came. Aizawa would have hit the door harder, but Nezu pulled out a key and handed it to him. He opened the door and walked in with Nezu. They saw Gakki sitting on the couch, facing the TV and playing.

"Good morning!" Nezu yelled over the music.

But Gakki didn't respond or flinch, which made them both concerned. Aizawa walked behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. When there was no response to that either, he gently shook Gakki. Still, he didn't stop playing or react. Aizawa frowned and shook harder, making Gakki shake violently.

Nezu decided to intervene by glopping Gakki on the head, which made him flinch violently and jump out of the couch, falling onto the carpeted floor hard. Gakki was panting hard like he had just run a marathon. He looked around, confused and scared, until he saw Aizawa and Nezu. His breathing started slowing down until it was even.

"Are you okay?" Nezu asked, feeling guilty for causing such distress.

Gakki took a couple of seconds before responding, trying to come to a decision.

"I think so, but I remembered a lot," Gakki said, unsure.

"Is your voice deeper?" Aizawa asked

"I can explain that, too," Gakki answered, getting up and putting the harp he had clutched on the table.

Gakki sat down and gestured to the seat across from him. Aizawa sat in the chair, and Nezu hopped out of the scarf and took a tall chair that he custom ordered for an occasion like this.

"So, what do you remember?" Nezu asked the million-dollar question.

Gakki took a couple of seconds and a few deep breaths, trying to think of a way to describe his night best.

"Well, the person who kidnapped me was named Ningyo Babi. She has or had a quirk called Doll. It gives her a doll-like appearance, and she is almost entirely made out of a plastic-like substance." Gakki explained.

Nezu paled at what this meant while Aizawa furrowed his brow. "Did she somehow transfer her quirk to you?" Nezu asked, seriousness laced in his voice.

Gakki shook his head before continuing. "No, it's part of her quirk. If you drank her blood, you turned into a doll she could control, but not for too long. The more blood you drink, the longer the effect lasts. But for me, she took a different approach. Babi made a particular batch of tea that had her blood in it. Every time we would eat, we would have this tea, and slowly, I was turned into a permanent doll." Gakki concluded.

The room was silent for a few minutes before Aizawa broke the silence. "That's a lot to take in. How are you so calm about this, and how do you know so much about Babi's quirk?" Aizawa asked.

"Well, funny you mention that. How do I put this?" Gakki replied, thinking for a bit before continuing. "When playing the harp, I was in a trance and entered my mindscape. There, I was face to face with Babi again. In a way, at least." Gakki confessed.

Nezu spilled his tea that appeared out of nowhere. Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose, trying not to get a headache but failing. And Gakki chuckled nervously.

Gakki went on to explain what happened inside his mindscape.


As Gakki played the harp, he felt the world around him fade to black. Then he was on a wooden platform, sitting on a chair, a table in front of him. He looked around, and a beautiful purple galaxy surrounded him, slowly swirling around him. Gakki then heard a cough, and there in front of him was Babi. She wore a simple white Sunday dress; everything else about her was the same, except her eyes were a pink galaxy instead of her pink ones. It only took a second, but he felt a pain in his head, memories of her filling his mind.

Gakki tried to get up to get away, but it was in vain, as he couldn't move. He started to hyperventilate, panicking from being this close to his tormentor. He remembered how she tricked and manipulated him into living in her basement, but he didn't remember anything else.

"Hello, Gakki," Babi said in a pleasant but sad tone.

"Please don't hurt me or take me back. I don't want to go. You can't make me." Gakki was in a full-on panic.

His whole body shook as the gentle creek flowing from his eyes turned into a raging river.

"Hey, I'm not going to do anything to you. Plus, I can't move either." Babi promised, but Gakki wasn't fully listening, as he could only think about how to get out of there. "Gakk!" Babi yelled, which got Gakki's attention.

"It's okay, Gakki. I'm not here to hurt you." Babi explained.

Gakki nodded slowly, his breathing slowing down.

"I'm sorry about what I/she did. I wish this never happened to you." Babi was confused, which confused Gakki.

"What are you talking about? You kidnap me, trap me in a basement! You caused this! Why are you saying you wished this never happened?!" Gakki yelled, passing his panic and onto anger.

Babi took in stride, just sighing before continuing. "I'm not the Babi that you know. You could call me a non-crazed/obsessive version of her. I know you won't believe me yet, but at least hear me out, okay?" Babi asked in a pleading tone.

Gakki just huffed and gestured for Babi to continue.

"So, as I said, I'm not the same Babi. I was born when she thoroughly infected you with her quirk. I don't have the same memories or desires as her. I just share the same voice and looks. I don't care what you call me but just know I won't hurt you. I am a part of you now. In a way, I'm like a child of you and her."

Gakki gaged at that last part. Thinking of having a child with that monster was terrifyingly disgusting.

"Okay, you're not Babi, but do you remember anything that happened to me? I only remember some of what happened." Gakki asked, hoping to remember more.

Babi just shook her head but clarified. "I was born only a year ago. I can tell you what happened then." Babi said.

Gakki nodded furiously, wanting to know more.

"When I was born, I woke up here and could see through your eyes," Babi explained, gesturing to her right, which Gakki followed and saw the living room.

"But, I can't hear, so I can only articulate what was happening. What I saw horrified me. I saw you getting hit repeatedly by a big, muscular blonde as Babi just sat in a chair, sipping tea. I could only watch in horror as I watched my dad get beat up for the amusement of Mom."

Gakki felt the same pain in his head. He remembered getting beat up by a guy named Muscular, trying to get away from him, but to no avail. He didn't remember why Babi was making him fight him, but he could see her frown as she watched this happen.

After Gakki had his flashback, he realized something. "Did you call me dad?" Gakki asked, confused.

Babi chuckled before answering. "Yep, since I was born from your and Babi's quirks. That would make you my dad."

Gakki blued-screened, not knowing how to feel about being a dad. Babi chuckled and waited for Gakki to calm down. After a minute, Gakki came back and asked.

"Are we in my eyes?" Gakki asked, trying not to think about having a daughter.

"I believe so. It would make the most sense." Babi replied.

"Also, do you want a new name? Calling you Babi doesn't seem fair to you."

The stars in Babi's eyes grew. "Really?! I would love to have a new name." She exclaimed.

Gakki smiled, seeing her excitement. Gakki thought about names for a couple of minutes.

"How about Mio, since you have pink hair and eyes like a cherry blossom?" Gakki asked

"I like the name. But what's a cherry blossom?" The newly named Mio asked.

"It's those trees with the pink pedals," Gakki explained.

They continued to talk. Mio explains what she saw before Gakki got rescued. She was making Gakki remember everything from the past year. Gakki answered or clarified things that Mio didn't know. The more Gakki remembered, the deeper his voice got. It started from sounding like a six-year-old to around an eleven-year-old. Mio theorized that the more he remembered, his mind would mature.

"So, how do I get out of here?" Gakki asked

"Why? Don't want to hang out with your daughter?" Mio teased. "But I don't know." She admitted.

Before Gakki could reply, they started to shake back and forth. They looked to the right and saw that Gakki's body was getting shaken and becoming more violent. Then Gakki felt slight pain in his head and was back in the real world.

(Flash back ends)

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