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MHA: The Future Spider-Man MHA: The Future Spider-Man original

MHA: The Future Spider-Man

Author: Bakudon

© WebNovel

Chapter 1

Our young protagonist Yuji Horikoshi was born into a rather wealthy family of top of the class scientists. Being born on October 15th and currently 4 years old, him and his parents were soon waiting for his quirk to manifest which happened sooner than they expected as it was only a week after after his 4th birthday. Yuji was coloring Best Jeanist in his super hero coloring-book and satisfied with his drawing he torn the page out and was going to put it in his back back for later so he could show his friends but then something happened. Although his hands wasnt grasping the paper none whatsoever the paper would still stick onto the palm of his hands.

His eyes widened immediately as he quickly ran towards his fathers labratory with the paper still glued to his hand and opened the door with excitement. "Dad! Dad! Look, My quirk just awakened!" He would say with excitement as he held out his hand and the paper eventually falling off his palm. "Awesome! Sit over there and I'll be right with you in a minute" He said pointing to an examination table and Yuji quickly walked over and hopped on the table swinging his feet back and foward in excitement and anticipation to find out what his quirk was.

From what he already knew, his quirk involved letting his hand stick to objects and now that he thought about it, he was able to hop on the examination table with ease when he would usually have to use a stepping stool. After a few minutes of trying to predict his quirk his father eventually came and did x-rays, ran tests and etc. "Amazing! It seems you have developed a quirk that allows you to utilize the natural capabilities of the Arachnid. This can range from a variety of alot of different things as spiders have many abilities in their arsenal but for now we'll wait until tomorrow when your mothers home before we run anymore tests, Ok?"

"Alright" Yuji would agree. He left the office and returned back to his room and put his coloring in his bookbag as he originally planned to. He would look at his wall and then his hand curiously as he touched the wall but to no avail his hand didnt stick to it. Then he tried something else. This time when he put his hand on the wall he mentally told himself 'Stick' and when he tried to move his hand to his suprise it didnt budge. He put his other hand on the wall and it stuck. Then he moved his foot, propelled himself upward and stuck his other foot on the wall and with a huge smiled on his face he climbed his wall eventually getting to his ceiling and he climbed on the ceiling as well as. Risking it all, He removed his hands from the ceiling only leaving his feet to stick there and he hung upside down.

This was getting easier and easier the more he got used to it. He let his feet unstick from the the ceiling and without even trying to he did a quick front flip and safely landed on his feet as if it was instinct. This quirk was really fun to play with and he didnt even notice the sudden increase in intelligence which was far higher than any other kid his age. He was already extremely smart even without his quirk, I guess the quirk only enhanced that Intelligence to even further lengths.

Feeling abit tired he decided to lay down and get some sleep as while thinking about tomorrow...well that was the problem, he was so excited for tomorrow that he couldnt fall alseep. He decided to get out his bed and go downstairs to the kitchen before he could hide but before he could even fully make it down the steps he started feeling an excruciating pain in his head. He knelt down holding his head and tightly closing his eyes. When he closed his eyes all he could see was 'HIDE. HIDE. HIDE.' as if he was being warned. Not knowing what to do, he decided to listen to this 'warning' and went behind the stairs to hide under them. Once he did the pain went away and he could finally focus.

"was it me or did I hear someone coming down those stairs" a man with all black attire, brown boots and a ski mask whispered. "your just being paranoid" another man who was taller but had the same attire whispered. Yuji's eyes widened as there were 2 unknown men in his house, most likely a robbery. He then realized what was warning him and telling him to hide. It was like a 6th sense. He thanked his quirk as he stayed there not wanting to try anything. When the two men turned their backs that same feeling hit Yuji except it was less intense this time 'RUN BEHIND THE COUCH! HURRY!" and deciding to trust this newly awakened 6th sense, he ran behind the couch. 'Grab the vase and throw it in the living room for a distraction' and although skeptical with this idea, he did as told causing a loud shattering sound.

This sound made the 2 men tense up quickly as they drew their crowbars and slowly crept over to the living room. 'Climb to the other side of the couch and run into the kitchen. Open the the drawer under the sink. Hurry!'. Yuji quickly crawled to the other side of the couch and waited for the robbers to enter the living room before quickly but silently running to the kitchen. He did as the 6th sense told and opened the the drawer under the sink and there he found...a gun.

Bakudon Bakudon

The protagonist is basically omniscient now because of his God-level spider-sense. Also he wil have Bioelectrical energy, Invisibility, Genius-Level Intelligence, Telescopic and Night vision, Organic web producing, Superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, durability, and hearing along with a healing factor.

Drawbacks of his quirk is that over use of his organic webbing will cause strain to his arm muscles which happens rarely unless say he's pitted into a battle longer than 60 minutes of straight fighting and web shooting with no rest. Other than that, thats it.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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