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56.16% MHA : Spider-Man / Chapter 41: Chapter 41: What's in a Name? I

Chapter 41: Chapter 41: What's in a Name? I

"Quit fussing and hold still, young man!"

Much to his general disgust, Peter watched as the lips that belonged to the little old lady in front of him extended and planted a gross-feeling kiss on his forehead that made him shiver.

So gross


It was just so gross.

Soon, his disgust was replaced with a feeling of pure relief as he felt the aching of his muscles and the itchy burns on his skin slowly fade away in one fell swoop.

The only thing that would make Recovery Girl's quirk better would be if it didn't require getting kissed by an old lady.

But spiders can't be choosers, you know?

Peter sighed in relief and tried to stand up off of the bed he was sitting on, quickly feeling how weak his legs were and falling back down as a wave of exhaustion hit him.

Oh, right.

That whole stamina thing.

Man, and he thought he felt tired before.

"Do not move so suddenly, young man! Given the extent of your injuries, my quirk should have knocked you out cold! How you still retain consciousness after extensive use of my quirk is still beyond me!" The old woman scolded, hitting him in the head lightly with her cane.

"Uh, spider physiology?" Peter shrugged, rubbing his eyes and pointing to the door out of her office. "Hey, can I go? I don't wanna be late to class or anything, but thanks for healing me."

The heroine narrowed her eyes at him for a moment before letting out an exasperated sigh and beginning to walk away, waving him out of the room with a hand.


Peter thanked her once again, shooting a web that pulled his backpack into his hands and throwing it on, quickly exiting the office and heading towards his homeroom class.

Even then, Peter couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't just slept off the exhaustion just then.

Or why he even agreed to come to class today.

Past Peter was probably not thinking straight given the painkillers, now that he thought about it.

As he walked through the halls, he couldn't help but let out a sigh that echoed around his empty surroundings.

Today was just gonna suck .

Let's catch you up, huh?

Today was Thursday, one day after 1-A's field trip that got turned into 1-A's stopping of a heist and then just Peter getting the hell kicked out of him by Endeavor.

And by hell, he means to the point where the guy was about to kill him.

Yeah, those times weren't too fun for him.

Peter had spent most of yesterday at the hospital, recovering from his more serious injuries while watching the PR dumpster fire that was the aftermath of his fight against Endeavor.

Yeah, it… it wasn't pretty.

As in, he unintentionally got the number 2 ranked hero in all of Japan suspended from active hero duty for a whole 6 months.

You know, it'd surprise him if Endeavor doesn't blacklist him from every agency in Japan by the time he graduates.

Eh, he wasn't gonna join an agency anyway.

It just didn't feel right for him to do, you know?

Anyway, after getting discharged, he simply went home and let his healing factor kick in for a little bit, resulting in the lighter burns healing up overnight.

Even so, he still needed Recovery Girl's quirk to heal up from the bigger injuries he couldn't take care of on his own.

Which sucked.

Now he'd have to stumble around school with practically no energy.

Lucky him!

God, he should've stayed home today.

Or maybe brought coffee.

Either or.

Walking up to the oversized 1-A door, Peter shot a web-line at it and pulled his arm to the side in a lazy manner, making it slide open and allowing him to walk into the room.

Really, how did other people survive without web-shooters? They were so useful!

"Morning" Peter waved at his friends who were sitting at their desks, all of them waving back with varying levels of enthusiasm.

Which really means that Togata and Nejire smiled brightly from ear to ear in their greeting while Amajiki waved like normal.

Wait, should he call Togata and Amajiki by their first names like he does with Nejire?

Eh, he'd figure it out later.

"What did I tell you about using webs to open doors, Parker?" Aizawa grumbled from his place at the podium as Peter walked to his desk from his locker.

"Man, cut me some slack! It'll dissolve in 2 hours, anyway." He chuckled while taking a seat, turning to see Nejire bouncing up and down about something.

You know, the usual.

"Hey, hey, were you just at Recovery Girl? You were, right?" She asked, getting a tired nod from the boy. "Yikes, you must be exhausted from her quirk! Why are you in class anyway? I thought you said you had a chance to stay home!"

"What can I say? I value my education."

Aizawa scoffed from the front of the room, "No you don't."

"Why are you always so mean to me, man?"

His friends snickered from beside him as Aizawa glared, the man eventually clearing his throat to get everyone back on track.

"First things first, I would like to say that I am pleased with your performance in yesterday's incident with evacuating civilians and apprehending villains given how you don't have too much formal training." The man congratulated, Peter couldn't help but feel a bit surprised at that.

Part of him expected UA to just not bring up the museum fight during school, but he guessed he was wrong.

But still, a compliment from scarf man was always nice.

No matter how rare they were.

"Following up on that, we will be having a hero informatics class instead of combat training like what was originally planned, which means you'll have twice the amount of training tomorrow."

Informatics? What even was that?

"Uh, sir? What will that be about?" Togata asked, earning a shrug from the man.

"That's for you to find out, I can't be bothered with it so Midnight will teach it."


Did he say Midnight?

As in, the R-Rated Hero: Midnight?

His forehead found its way against his desk, the boy letting out a quiet groan.

Today was gonna suck.

"And as you may know, the sports festival is next week; I expected to see great performances from you four," Aizawa said, making Peter look back up.

Man, he had totally forgotten about the sports festival!

Maybe he should train, it felt like an event you needed to prepare for now that he thought about it.

He could even ask his friends to train with him and make a hang-out session out of it.

It'd have to wait after school though, he already had plans to go to the support studio and work on his suit during lunch.

Here's to hoping they have some fireproof stuff laying around!

Eh, they probably did.

"With that said, let's get started." His teacher said, pulling out a book from beneath the podium. "Oh, and Parker? You have a week's detention for running into the museum without my permission."

"Aw, what!"


Peter watched as the needle went in and out of the red material, repeating the process a few more times before letting the incomplete costume fall onto the workbench.

This sucked.

"Something wrong, kid?" The short man known as Power Loader asked, walking up to Peter with his head tilted.

"Uh, yeah! I have to recreate my suit from scratch! Cause apparently, a material change isn't a big enough change for the support company to do it!"

It was lunchtime now, and Peter has been spending the last half hour of it sitting in the nearly empty support studio sewing.

By hand.

He had emailed the support company in charge of making his suit about getting the suit repaired along with changing the materials to something more fireproof but it didn't pan out.

Cause apparently, they couldn't do that since something like that wasn't a big enough change to not do it himself.

And you may ask, why wasn't he using a sewing machine?

Cause apparently someone had caused some sort of chain reaction explosion that blew up every single one in the studio, and the new ones were coming in tomorrow.

Power Loader chuckled lightly at seeing the teen work, giving him a pat on the back.

"Heh, you remind me of how I was back in my 1st year! Had to do all my costume repairs and upgrades myself back then! You're doing fine, Parker, so don't sit there and complain."

With that, the man walked to the other side of the workshop and started grading papers while Peter groaned.

Back when he was still a vigilante and pulling his suit out of his closet, Peter wouldn't have complained about sewing it back together by hand.

But now? He was at UA! He had some of the best equipment on this side of the world and he was still working with thread and needle!

Well, these were some specially made thread and needle that could penetrate even the most durable materials used on hero suits out there but still.

Thread and needle!

Looks like some things just won't change for him, huh?

You know what? Next chance he gets he'll order a spare suit for these occasions.

Which would take a while, but whatever.

Sewing sucked.

Exhaling through his nose, Peter dropped the needle in his hand and rubbed his tired eyes.

Well, at least his new goggles were done.

Peter's gaze traveled from the half-sewn glove to a pair of goggles that were laying on the table, a few wires stuck from the black that bordered the white lenses.

A thing he really liked about this new design was how you could make out the different apertures if you looked closely.

So cool!

Unlike the last design, they were smaller which made them more compact to carry around along with being made of more durable material, that and they still retained the night and infrared vision aspects.

Not only that, but he had been able to add a few more camera shutters to them so they'd express more emotion and control visual input better!

Still, it was kinda sad to throw the other ones away.

Peter had made those from scrap back when he first decided to be a vigilante.

Maybe he should just keep them, you know?

For nostalgia.

Grabbing a thin piece of metal, Peter poked at one of the wires and watched as the shutters began to widen and squint before eventually stopping.

So cool.

Now, normally he'd be satisfied with just making a new and improved version of his goggles.

But why stop there?

Next to the goggles lay some redesigned web cartridges.

Before, his web-shooters could hold a maximum of 4 web cartridges, which was at first a good idea until he realized something.

Reloading 4 web cartridges quickly when in a pinch was kinda slow, given how he had to insert each one individually.

And that took time.

Time Peter didn't normally have.

So, Peter designed a new web cartridge that was the same size as 4 of the old ones and would hold the same amount of webbing! Which meant they'd be more compact and faster to reload!


Peter loved having such good ideas.

Just don't ask anyone how many of them worked out.

Smiling at his work, Peter's eyes looked over the goggles one last time before going back to his half-sewn glove.

Peter sighed, rubbing his eyes out of exhaustion.

Yeah, he should probably get back to work


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