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92.16% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 352: CHAPTER 344(Siege Against Tech)

Chapter 352: CHAPTER 344(Siege Against Tech)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene 



Horizon warps into a massive underground hangar where a modified next-gen stealth bomber is undergoing its final tests.

The entire hangar was the size of a football field, entirely isolated from the rest of the world, and built to the specifications of David Shield, who is currently overseeing the entire project.

Horizon carefully weaves through the engineers, not wanting to disrupt their work, and makes his way over to the elevated platform where David Shield and Power Loader are discussing the project with Nezu.

"Is everything ready?" Horizon asks, causing the three men to turn toward him.

"Everything is perfect," David Shield says. "Although I wish we had more space in here, testing the engines wasn't plausible in this underground bunker so let's hope they operate as expected."

"They'll be great," Power Loader says. "My concern is still the power generators."

"What about them?" Horizon asks.

"We weren't able to fit the backups onto the plane, so we've got the equivalent of 25 supercomputers and just barely enough power to max them out," Power Loader says. "Anything extra, and you'll have to step in."

Horizon turns to David Shield, who nods, "We've arranged for your area in the plane to channel your Counter Shock into the systems safely, you can release quite a bit of energy without frying anything, but don't go all out."

"I guess that makes sense," Horizon says. "Don't need a few nuclear reactors when you have me. Any other concerns?"

"You'll need this," David Shield hands him a stack of papers. "These are the essential components, and while normally we'd just hope for the best during takeoff, since instead of a runway you're warping this plane into the sky when the engines start, you need to make sure all of these are in place and secure after the first warp."

"I'll start reading it immediately," Horizon says. "And how is Agpar, is he ready for this?"

"He's…excited," Nezu says. "Having his legs back and now getting to fly the most advanced plane ever, fate of the world or not, he's looking forward to this mission."

"And you're sure he doesn't need an actual co-pilot?" Horizon asks Nezu. "I know we had to rip out most of the cockpit but, these things usually have a co-pilot for a reason."

"This is less of a fighter or bomber and more of a flying computer, having more space for your administrator to work is more important than a co-pilot," Nezu says. "Plus we automated as much as we could, everything should be fine."

"I still don't like you being on the plane with us," Horizon says.

"Connecting from here to the plane and then to Tech would leave us with an additional level of vulnerability, having me on the plane is much better."

"And more dangerous."

"I'll have the two most powerful Pro Heroes in the world protecting me, we'll be fine," Nezu says.

Horizon nods, "Alright, I'll go study this, do whatever final checks you want, we've got less than one hour before launch."


He warps into a private meeting room and begins reading the technical documents while calling President Skyline.

"Horizon, I'm in my bunker and connected to the viewing systems, how are things on your end?" the man asks.

"What do you plan to bring up when Tech hosts the next meeting?" Horizon asks.

"Some logistical problems between us and some countries in Europe have come up, I figure that should eat up a half hour or so, and that's just us. Our sources say South America is falling apart much faster, villains are rising up quickly."

"Every country without a Mystery Class is having that problem," Horizon says. "We haven't been able to give anyone some hope since this entire project is meant to be a secret, but we'll deal with those losses when the world is safe from Tech."

"I see, and, how are things on your end?"

"Perfect," Horizon says. "We'll fly toward the first red zone over California, when we hit it we begin isolating his connection to the nukes. This will all happen during the call so you'll have a very pissed-off Tech to deal with."

"And I'll be the prime suspect," President Skyline says.

"Between you, Russia, or China," Horizon says. "Japan too, maybe, because I'm from there. But you're the only world leader who knows about this, so you'll be the only one acting, make it convincing."

"I will, I'll stall as long as I can."

"We don't need it to be long, he'll backtrace the signal and find the plane within a few minutes. We can't isolate the nukes and hide at the same time after all," Horizon says. "And remember, if he doesn't cut the connection, the entire world is watching, so give them some hope."

"That, I can certainly do," Horizon can almost hear President Skyline's smile through the phone.

"Right, but keep the details vague," Horizon says. "He'll expect Star' in the plane, but I might be a surprise, hopefully. He should think I'm in Japan with how many people are flocking to Horizon Tower because they think I'm inside."

"Understood, and when this is over?"

"My visor and many other cameras are recording everything. We can share it with the world later, but for now, let's focus on saving them."

President Skyline sighs, "The fate of the world in the hands of a 17-year-old kid…this really feels shitty for us adults you know."

"Well, most people just view me as 'Horizon', so try that instead," Horizon says. "You really can't blame yourself. I'm the only one with the information and range to make the quick choices, Tech took years planning this to make all of you as ineffective as possible, the only thing he couldn't plan for is Hand Of God."

"No, your Quirk isn't what made this possible, it's because you're Horizon," President Skyline says. "Now I need to go finalize my stalling points, I'll be waiting."

"And remember, a message of hope," Horizon says as he hangs up.

---Minutes Later…

Sitting in one of the large chambers, all the engineers and scientists have gathered before a stage where Nezu and Star and Stripe are addressing them, alongside them are David Shield and Power Loader.

Most of the people responsible for this think tank, however, many of them notice Horizon behind them one floor above, leaning on the railing as he reads the last few pages of the booklet David Shield gave him earlier.

Nezu gives them his thanks and makes his grand speech, but Horizon tunes it all out, even as Nezu unveils the screens connected to the camera in his Visor, Star's Hero Costume, and on the plane.

Keeping everyone here informed of what happens during the mission and allowing Power Loader and David Shield to help in whatever ways they can from this base.

Horizon closes his booklet and shuts his eyes, focusing his thoughts, and pushing everything that's not mission-critical aside.

Combing over every detail he can many times until they become second nature.

"Horizon?" Genesis asks, and Horizon is clearly startled as he looks beside him, seeing her leaning on the railing and looking up at him.

Her visor was off, but she wore the rest of her Hero Costume. 

She had bags under her eyes, hollow cheeks, and sunken eyes, along with loose skin from overusing her Quirk during this project.

And now she had a blanket around her as she's been ordered to rest and recover.

"You shouldn't be out of bed, your mind needs to rest," Horizon says.

"That's kind of impossible to do with all of this happening today," she says. "Besides, if my mind feels like this I can't imagine what yours is like right now."

"I'm fine," he says.

"Right, and I'm sure that's why you were so in your own head that I managed to sneak up on you, right?"

"This is as good as we'll get," Horizon says. "This is the best chance, Momo."

"I know, you wouldn't bet on anything less," she says. "I just wish I could have done more to help you."

"You nearly died from overusing your Quirk, I'd say you've done more than enough."

"Still, this is a lot for any one person to handle, even for 'Horizon', right?"

A tense silence falls between them before he turns to her, gently touching her shoulder, and she leans into his touch.

"Do you want me to Teleport you back to UA?" Horizon asks.


"It's just that, if my parents were here, and I thought the world was ending, I'd want to spend all the time I could with them."

"I do," Genesis says. "I miss my mom, and my dad should be there by now. But using your Awakening, using that ability from it, it takes so much out of you. So I'd rather you go into this mission with everything you've got available."

"You know, you're so sweet it's a bit annoying," Horizon says. "It's a wonder we ever got…you know."

"Competence is sexy," Genesis says. "Especially when you're a Pro Hero, that hasn't changed. And who knows, with the way you've been acting, it may be more than that soon."

Horizon chuckles, "Right, we'll let's save any celebrating for if we see tomorrow. But you'll probably be disappointed with what's under this visor now…"

"Oh, right," she reaches up and touches his visor. "I can't imagine what it's like, to go from flesh and blood to living energy…but you know, looking back at, you know, I'm glad it was with you."

"Thank you."

"Yeah, and tomorrow, I'm sure anyone who doubted you, all the people like me, they'll know better too."

"Well aren't you hopeful," Horizon says, jokingly.

She smiles and pats his chest, "Why would I be anything less? After all, the world can't end. Because you are here…"


next chapter

Chapter 353: CHAPTER 345(Siege Against Tech Pt.2)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene 


"Well, this is…snug," Horizon says as he climbs into his seat in the plane.

All around him were data panels, and his chair was noticeably uncomfortable, all to make room for the large coils around him.

They were designed to conduct massive amounts of power without frying the systems.

His seat was toward the middle of the plane, to act as a backup generator if needed.

At the front Nezu and Agpar were in the cockpit, the heavily modified cockpit which had much of what would have been the weapons bay behind and under it hollowed out to make Nezu's command centre.

"Are we ready?" Horizon asks as Agpar and Nezu do the final checks.

"The meeting has begun, so let's get moving," Agpar says.

Horizon closes his eyes, feeling every component of the plane, all the technology he doesn't understand but now has to move in perfect sync.

He then opens his eyes and looks down, seeing a special screen containing black iron sand for him to use via Takt.

"Alright, Shambles," Horizon says.

In the connected room, everyone who worked on this project is seated in a massive area, with David Shield and Power Loader controlling the terminal at the front.

The screens above show what the plane sees, and their feeds suddenly swapped for that of the sky and middle America below it.

"Everything appears fine, we're good," David Shield says as he wipes his brow.

"We've got lift and engines are operating as expected, now let's go hunt this villain," Agpar says as they begin the flight west.

As the massive jet-black aircraft soars above the clouds at 35 thousand feet above ocean level, Star lands on top of it, standing proudly with a wide smile on her face.

"Your Quirk really is incredible," she says.

"All I did was move it, building it took a million times the effort," Horizon says as he taps a few of the screens around him, getting a visual of the outside world.

"How long until we're in the marked area?" he asks.

"With these drafts, and with Star's help, we can get there within two hours," Agpar says.

Hearing that Star and Stripe kneels atop the aircraft, disabling her flight Order and activating her magnetic boots to maintain her footing.

NEW ORDER: This Aircraft's weight shall be reduced by 70%!

They all immediately get pushed back into their seats as they rocket off toward the west coast.

"What a ridiculous Quirk," Horizon mutters as he prepares for the battle ahead.

A few minutes later they get a call, and Nezu connects them.

"I stalled as much as I could," President Skyline says. "But Tech acted exactly as you predicted, he'll be expecting an assault of some kind, either physical or virtual. And he will wipe out whoever is responsible for this."

"That won't be a problem," Horizon says. "We won't fail."

"For all our sakes, I hope you're right," President Skyline says before hanging up.

"We're in the middle of the red zone now," Agpar says. "He definitely knows about us by now, it's only a matter of time before whatever weapons systems he has access to fire on us."

"I'm ready," Star' says.

"No, that won't be necessary," Horizon says. "He won't do that since it would confirm that we're going in the right direction, he's confident no technology can find him, so he'll just let this blow over and then drop some nukes afterward to send a message."

"And even if he does, no conventional weapons systems can reach us with these two on board," Nezu says.

"Exactly, so just focus on getting us to the marked area, we'll handle the rest."

Agpar glances at the map, seeing that they're still en route to the area south of Hawaii.

"We'll get there far ahead of schedule, within an hour."

"Nezu, the delays?"

"Holding up better than expected," Nezu says. "The initial program was to isolate the nukes from him for three hours, and currently he was only able to get it down to two hours, but I need to continuously change the codes to keep stalling."

"Hacking a roided-up Technopath and we have that much time, impressive," Horizon says. "Now let's go rip him away from his keyboard…"

---50 Minutes Later…

"We're here," Agpar says. "Radar is clear and there are a few small islands, no inhabitants, and no infrastructure."

"Do some laps around here, and take us down to 20 thousand feet -6km-," Horizon says. "Principal Nezu will keep scanning for any signal interference, and I'll Scan for everything else."

"Setting route now," Agpar says as they descend and begin to fly in a large circle around this area.

To cover as much area as possible, the circle shrinks with each lap, leaving a maximum of 300km gap between their tracks, giving Horizon more than enough range to sweep everything.

"Maybe it's cloaked," Star' says after a few minutes of searching, getting slightly nervous as she sees they have less than 45 minutes before Tech has access to the nukes again. "Should I go fly around and see if I spot anything?"

"No, stay in position and be ready to defend," Horizon says.

Nezu sighed and rubbed his forehead, "My systems are still picking up nothing, we may have to search a different area.

"We're hunting a Technopath, we can't just rely on technology," Horizon says. "That's why I am here."

Nezu hears the confidence in his tone and smiles, "Did you get something?"

"Everything," Horizon says. "Marking a location now, do some laps but give it some space, I need to focus on this. I don't sense anything wired in so, getting him out of the water should be fine."

"Focus on what?" Star and Stripe asks, only to look over the side of the plane and see a massive shadow growing beneath the water. "What the hell is that? It must be half the size of Manhattan."

"A bit bigger than that," Horizon says. "And I'm not quite sure what it is, but from what I'm seeing it's like a massive computer, and Tech is fused to a chair in the middle of it."

"Oh my god, how did he build this without us knowing?" Agpar asks as he looks out the window, seeing a massive citadel ⅔ the size of Manhattan rising out of the water.

Its entire structure was made of dull grey metal which has some sealife and rocks now attached to it, showing that it'd been under there for quite some time.

And to their further amazement Horizon lifts it up to their altitude of 20,000 feet -6km, 4 mi-.

"Horizon, whatever you do, don't break even a single part of that thing," Nezu says as he can now begin his scans.

"What? Why not?" Star' asks. "Isn't crushing it and Tech the easiest way to end this?"

"If we want to set off the dead man's switch on the warheads, yes. And that thing is one giant supercomputer, the repercussion of breaking one part could mean mission failure," Nezu says.

"I'll make a map and send it back to base, Power Loader and David Shield should be able to find some hardware weaknesses, you focus on the software side of things."

"Already on it," Nezu says.

Horizon then focuses on the structure and the black sand within his special device, using Takt to control each grain and build a perfect 3D map that's transmitted back to the base.

"I don't see any point defenses," Star' says. "Can we warp inside?"

"Only one room," Horizon says. "And all it has is Tech fused to a chair, and nothing else, I can't warp into there since I've got nothing to swap with."

"Shit, alright, I'll wait up here in case anything happens," Star' says. "I feel pretty damn useless right now."

"Yeah well, we may not be able to break the main thing, but the drones should be fair game," Horizon says.

"Drones?" she asks.

She then sees thousands of drones launch out of the structure and swarm above, before rushing toward the plane.

"Oh, that's a lot," Star and Stripe says as the drones almost block out the sunlight from above.

"Too much for you to handle?" Horizon asks playfully.

"Just focus on that map, tell them to feed you intel on where these drones are coming from so we can stop the swarm," she says before jumping off the plane.

The Order making the plane lighter instantly cancels as she prepares for a new one, punching the air behind her and launching herself at the swarm.

"He must have fabrication and manufacturing facilities on board, we need to crush those or this will never end," she says. "The map will tell us how to safely do that, but until then I'll keep them off of you guys and whatever gets past me, you can handle."

"Try not to let that happen, this is already taking a lot of focus," Horizon says.

"I know," Star' says as she punches forward, sending an air cannon as All Might and Deku do, shattering hundreds of titanium drones and detonating some of their explosive rockets.

NEW ORDER: The atmosphere will gather into an avatar around me, 2000 times my size!

While most people cannot 'see' the difference, Horizon can clearly sense it.

The air around Star and Stripe, including many clouds, was suddenly pulled toward her and formed an invisible avatar of her naked self in the sky.

She was held in the chest, where the heart would be, and with a single wave of her arm, the 4km -2.5mi- tall avatar perfectly copies her movements and swats away thousands of drones.

'Seriously? She has an air Gundam mech but she calls me ridiculous…'


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