Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene
---New York City, Central Park...
"Horizon! Come down here and face me!"
The bellowing demand echoes through Central Park as a 33ft -10m- stone golem rampaged about, breaking trees and ignoring constant gunfire from police officers swarming the area.
A news drone was already circling the park and reporters were swarming as the villain continued to rampage, but even as countless bullets were fired at him.
None could crack the reinforced heart encasing his human form, deep within the core of the golem.
As the golem begins uprooting trees and throwing them aside, making a stage for his battle, the police drive their cars onto the grass to form a wide blockade around him.
Between the gunfire, the golem yells once more, "Horizon! You scared off those cowards, but New York is my gang's city! After I squash you, no one will be able to challenge that!"
The golem keeps walking in circles, yelling over and over while ignoring the constant gunfire, all while one of the police Sergeant ducks behind his vehicle with another officer.
"How long do we have?" the Sergeant asks as he peeks over the hood.
"At best, 12 minutes," the other officer says. "Most of the Pro Heroes moved out of Manhattan, if not the entire city over the past few days since Horizon moved in."
"Damn it, they're so desperate to get paid they couldn't just hang around in case something like this happened," the Sergeant grumbles. "And where the hell is Horizon anyway, the news didn't say he was out of town?"
"Central dispatch says they were having difficulties contacting him sir," the officer says.
"That damn Trigger junkie will turn his attention to the city if Horizon doesn't get down here now, we don't have time for this," the Sergeant says as he rushes over to one of the more heavily armed officers.
This man, like many others, was using an assault rifle to keep the villain as distracted as the useless bullets could.
"I need your weapon, now," the Sergeant says, and the man doesn't hesitate to hand it over.
"That doesn't actually hurt him," the man says, only for his eyes to widen as the Sergeant turns away from the villain and aims at a nearby hotel at the edge of Central Park.
"Sir what are you doing?!"
The man carefully aims at the penthouse, even as he responds, "Horizon is the only resident in that place, and the staff should be in the basement or evacuated right now, so I'm just gonna knock."
A chorus of bangs echo out as 6 bullets slam into the glass wall of Horizon's balcony.
"That should get his attention," the Sergeant hands the gun back to the man.
"Couldn't we have just gone there and rang the buzzer?" the man asks.
"That's the first thing I sent men to do," the Sergeant says. "But I figured if anything would get his attention, it's the alarm on his temporary home."
"C'mon!" the golem bellows as he slams both fists into the ground, shaking the entire park and knocking most of the men off their feet. "Give me a real challenge!"
Another wave of gunfire begins, and as the golem is about to focus on the police officers, the entire battlefield goes silent.
"Huh?" The golem looks above him to see Sunder -Horizon's new blade-, glowing blue as a liquid-like energy clings to the blade, completely coating it.
"The toy," The golem says, seeing the sword floating on its own, but before he can reach out and grab it.
The blade rushes toward him, coming down in a powerful slash.
The golem raises an arm to block, and before the blade makes contact his rocky body glows golden for just a moment, reinforcing his body even more.
"Annoying," the golem says as he swats it away, not suffering more than a scratch from the blade. "If you want to beat me you'll have to come down here yourself, my defense is rock solid!"
The sword strikes out a few more times, some of which were blocked, but none of which did damage to the golem.
And after just a handful of clashes, the energy around the blade fades.
With one final collision, the golem grabs the blade, but even the regular police officers and people watching at home could see that something was wrong.
As if the blade slowed down for him to grab it.
But this didn't make sense to them, after all, Horizon was controlling it via Takt.
The man who can rip cities from the Earth wouldn't let his sword be so easily captured.
Then the golem raised his 'trophy' in victory, to show it to the world, and the last of the energy on the blade fell to the earth.
And with it, the insulation keeping the positive charge of the blade away from the air.
A lightning bolt descends from the heavens, so bright that it was easily visible in broad daylight as it hits the blade.
It then travels through the golem, shattering it into pieces and leaving the unconscious human villain lying on the floor.
Surrounded by red hot earth and charred grass.
"I think he got our message sir," one of the officers says to the Sergeant as they watch the sword hover about the battlefield.
"Yeah, I just hope he doesn't take it personally," the Sergeant says as he orders some men to lock up the unconscious villain.
---Meanwhile, Matani Tower, around Central Park...
Sitting in his study, which at the moment is a completely sealed-off, blacked-out room with a hologram in the middle of it.
A holographic projection of a single helical DNA strand, reached up like a twisted ladder, from floor to ceiling.
"Run simulation again, against new DNA samples collected from USA Quirk Database, alter string #18525-13, practical trials at 50mm dosage..."
The hologram begins rotating as it processes Law's new request, all while he's looking at it with intensity from his glowing blue eyes.
As it's processing he raises his left hand, and warps Sentinel's eyeballs to float above his palm, moving in a circle for him to observe.
After a few minutes, the room receives a priority notification, to which Law simply warps his phone into the room and hovers it beside him as some of the lights come on.
"Need something?" Law asks as Nezu appears on his phone.
"Can't I just be calling to check in on my precious student?" Nezu asks as Law's camera points toward the hologram. "What is that?"
"A project I'm working on, but I could use more processing power, can you help?"
"Not if you want it to be secure," Nezu says. "The global web has a few nexus locations across the globe to help keep connections secure and efficient. UA happens to be one of those places, since it's the base for my supercomputer."
"Where is the nearest one?"
"Middle America," Nezu says. "But I can't secure that one so anything you do, the government will get."
"Are there any closer?"
"You'd have to go to Europe, which would break your agreement with America, or Hawaii, which is technically an American location."
"I guess I'll just deal with the slower speeds," Law sighs.
"I just heard you had to be called by a police officer firing into the hotel they reserved for you, dangerous."
"Well my 50-State License is there, but Matani Tower is on the other end of Central Park, so luckily I couldn't get shot."
"That doesn't answer my question," Nezu says. "What are you working on that takes so much of your focus, and demands that much computing power."
"Look at this," Law gestures, and the hologram changes, showing three strands of DNA.
To the far left, the one he'd been working on, in the middle, a similar strange with thicker layers, like a reinforced ladder.
And to the right, a strand with four helical pillars instead of two, and in the middle is one pillar that they're all connected to as they twist toward the ceiling, heavily reinforced.
"I don't even understand what I'm looking at," Nezu says. "Medicine isn't my expertise, remember?"
"I know, it's quite simple, at least easier to explain than apply. To the left, the basic DNA structure, is of humans before the advent of Quirks, this no longer exists since now even humans born with no Quirk have the DNA structure to support Quirks.
That's why Deku didn't develop some kind of cancer when he got One For All, but it needs something to fill the gap in the Quirk section of the DNA sequence. One For All did that, which activated his DNA fully, hence him now being able to regrow teeth like everyone else who was born with the Quirk Gene active."
"So the first one is extinct, which means the middle is the new normal human DNA, right?"
"Close, it's more like regular animal DNA," Law says. "Humans and animals alike all have reinforced Quirk Capable DNA, anything without it died off centuries ago, this is the new normal for animal life on earth."
"I see, and the final one, is that even DNA?"
"It is, theoretically," Law says.
"In theory, that DNA Sequence can support enough power to do anything. With the correct addition of Quirks, enough power to fuel it, maybe the power of a hundred nuclear reactors, the modern Nuclear Fusion ones, and mastery...it could do anything."
"Do anything?"
"Even things I can't do, mess with space in ways I can't even begin to imagine, maybe even time, its evolution perfected," Law says. "Atleast according to our current understanding, I'm sure it still has room for improvement that I just can't imagine."
"Evolution perfected...how did you come up with this?"
"A lot of studying, recent studying."
"Hmm, the new data you pulled from those last few Nomu and Kurogiri a couple of weeks ago, this is what you've been doing with it," Nezu says. "I thought you were trying to find a cure, but you were trying to solve the endgame for All For One, figure out what he was doing, right?"
"Nomu can't be cured," Law says. "If you rip apart Frankenstein's monster and return the pieces to their original owners---"
"The monster dies."
"Worse, it ceases," Law says. "Kurogiri is still in his catatonic state, but he can still hear and see. Eraser and Mic need to pull some 'power of friendship' out of their ass and talk to him, well, keep talking to him."
"It would be nice to have Oboro back," Nezu says.
"It'd be nice to have Kurogiri on our side, not to mention all the intel he has locked up in there."
"That too I suppose," Nezu says. "But about this 3rd DNA Strand, you think this is the end goal for All For One, right? He combines all the needed Quirks, using One For All's immense energy to power it, and becomes a perfected lifeform?"
"It's possible, but," Law hums as he considers the list of Quirks he knows. "I can't imagine him being able to pull that off even if he collected the Mystery Class Quirk. That's just not how All For One works."
"What do you mean?"
"All For One has the second DNA Structure because it acts as a computer and the Quirks are just files on it, and his physical and mental ability are the RAM, more files running, the more RAM used, the slower the entire thing moves.
The theoretical DNA I came up with needs all Quirks to constantly feed off of each other without delay or rest, a perpetual motion machine, well, no, but as close as we can get to it. A hyper-efficient nuclear fusion reactor..."
"What about the Overhaul Quirk?" Nezu asks. "If they somehow recovered a sample could they do it, make this, thing?"
"God Formula?" Law asks.
"Accurate but, that name is a bit much."
Law shrugs, "Well there is a reason this entire thing is just a theory anyway, I don't think even with All For One, he could pull this off."
"Yet you came up with it, because?"
"Because it's the answer," Law gestures again, and lines connect all three DNA Structures. "I'm trying to alter and transpose piece of his sequence onto another, to make a universal answer, but I need more data."
"A universal answer?" Nezu asks. "Your Panacea? You're trying to come up with a template for the standard modern human genome so you can restore anyone to a healthy state, that's a tall task in a world of people with countless mutations."
"This is why I need the Quirk databases from China and North Africa, but they're being difficult," Law says with slight frustration in his voice, then relaxes. "But if they keep being difficult I'll just offer it to every other country, lets so how long those politicians survive when a nearly universal cure hits public markets and their people are the only ones without access to it."
"They'd be dead within a day, not even the Pro Heroes or military would protect them," Nezu says. "You may have accidentally created the most powerful weapon of influence in the world."
"Not accidental, that's the original intent," Law says. "The fact that it's medicine is a fortunate side effect."
"How kind of you," Nezu rolls his eyes, and as he does so the camera turns slightly to show Law. "Why do you have two eyeballs floating in your palm?"
"Oh, I took these from Sentinel to study how they transfer and convert energy, I'm almost done with them now."
"Can he---"
"No I temporarily blinded them so he can't see anything through them, I'll probably remember to fix that before returning them."
"What? He's spending the rest of his life trapped in a metal coffin deep underground, not like he needs to see, it's just dark in there."
"You're ridiculous."
"In all the best ways, how have things been going in Japan anyway?" Law asks.
"They've been a bit more busy, and hectic, but I---"
Law's emergency alert interrupts Nezu.
"Answer," Law commands, and the room's speakers connect to the call.
"Horizon, I need you!" Star and Stripe's voice yells through the speakers.
"I'm flattered, but I'm a bit busy."
"Miami, now, I have a lead on Kelvin!" she hangs up.
"Shit, I actually have to go deal with that," Law grumbles as he gets up, warping the eyeballs away as all the lights turn on.
"Have fun, try not to get melted," Nezu says as he hangs up.
Law's entire Hero Costume warps onto his body as he pockets his phone.
"Results inconclusive, cross reference sequence variations required," his computer says as all the DNA Holograms become red.
"Open collection tray," Horizon commands as he steps forward to where a desk rises from the ground, with a small glass case in the middle of it. "Label project, title: The Formula For God."
"Label accepted," the computer says as the tray opens.
"Inserting sample 1835, version 2," Horizon says as he reaches forward, warping the glove of his left hand away before making a small cut into his finger, releasing a few drops of blood into the tray.
The holograms immediately become blue as another God Formula sample is accepted and studied.
"Reverse engineer sequence 15 to begin with, solving the most basic illnesses is a good start before moving onto organ failure, alert me of results immediately."
"Command accepted..." the computer says as Horizon is about to warp away, but he stops.
He considers the conversation is just had, and tries a new approach.
"Computer, insert One For All as a base sample, remove energy storage factor, focus processing power on 'Genetic Transference', run tests using this as the new bridge."
"Command accepted."
"Alert me of all results in real-time," Horizon says as he warps away...
Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene
Horizon appears just above a tree, swapped with a lone leaf in the wind, and looks down at the swampland below him.
Walking through the air he takes a few steps forward, looking around under the blistering mid-day Florida sun to see sparse trees and tall grass between the countless pools of muddy water covering the area.
"You know, when you said Miami, I was thinking sand, waves, girls in bikinis...not this," Horizon says as he slowly descends to hover just an inch above a small barren island.
"Well, the city isn't that far away," Star' says. She was standing directly atop the water, with another man just a bit older than her, standing beside her.
He wore a fur-lined vest and long cargo pants with a knife on his left leg and a large pistol on his right hip.
"She's right," the man says. "You can always go have some fun, after we get this work done, of course."
"Well with you here this shouldn't take long," Horizon says as he walks over to them, still hovering an inch above the water instead of standing atop it like them.
"Thanks for the vote of confidence, but my nose isn't very useful right now, but that's not the first thing not to make sense today, especially after that," the man gestures forward, and ahead of them is a 300m -930ft- wide circle of swampland that's entirely frozen.
Water, land, trees, unfortunate animals and all, frozen solid.
There were even some shattered birds atop the ice, broken from their fall after being flash-frozen mid-flight.
"This is a top-level mission," Star' says.
"My lips are sealed," the man says. "So what can the Great Hound do for you?"
"A villain, codenamed 'Kelvin' is on the loose, we need to get him under control before he does something like this to the public," Star' says. "Your nose can lock onto one scent and track it for hundreds of miles, we figured you'd be the best bet."
"If he's going into cities, cameras might be more useful," Great Hound says. "Honestly with facial and gait recognition software, I'm mostly used in more rural areas or to find bodies...or unique animals."
"Tech won't work on this guy," Horizon says. "Star' neglected to mention that he was the head of a CIA death squad that had a disagreement with the government, he knows how to avoid all the tricks in their book."
Star' glares at him, but Great Hound doesn't seem bothered by being left in the dark about this.
Normally Horizon wouldn't be so casual with this information, but Great Hound is former Special Forces.
"Well, that explains why there's a secret base under there with a lot of dead people in it," Great Hound says, pointing to the ice.
Star' sighs, "This underground lab was a training facility, are you sure there are no survivors?"
"Frost burnt to the heart, all of em," Great Hound says. "But it does make sense, most prisoners who escape usually run to where they feel most at home, if this was his base they should have expected him to come knocking."
"They did, but he wasn't this strong when he got locked up," Star' says.
"Can you really not get any scent from him?" Horizon asks.
"Sorry, I---" Great Hound stops as he turns to Horizon, then looks down at Horizon's feet. "Uh, I think you made some friends."
Horizon looks down to see two large alligators sleeping at his feet, and sighs. "Ignore it," he says while stepping over them, only for them both to rush over to his new spot and resume their nap at his feet.
"Right...well, as I was saying," Great Hound turns back to the frozen underground base. "He was obviously here, but it's like his scent doesn't exist, maybe he's using the same trick you use."
"Who? Horizon?" Star' asks.
"Yeah, his suit is sealed, right, that's why I can't smell him," Great Hound gestures to Horizon.
"It's a bit more complicated than just that, but sure," Horizon says. "After Hound Dog revealed that weakness in my setup, I resolved it."
Star' turns to the frozen area and taps her chin, "Should we just excavate the base whole, or maybe just melt it to find some clues while it's in there?"
"I'm just here to help track," Great Hound says. "Ripping entire military bases out of the ground is above my pay grade."
"Moving the base isn't a good idea," Horizon says. "The way his Quirk works means the entire thing is too brittle."
"What does that mean?" Great Hound asks.
"Kelvin is a codename, his real name was deleted from all records when he joined," Horizon says. "His Quirk allows him to control, absorb, or transfer thermodynamic energy, to either extreme."
"If that's true, then..." Great Hound reaches down for a floating piece of wood and picks it up, then gently tosses it onto the ice.
The piece of wood immediately freezes and shatters upon impact.
"Yeah, definitely above my pay grade," he says with a concerned look. "No wonder they sent you two, he can get anything he touches to absolute zero or absolute heat."
"Honestly I'm just here for the investigation part," Horizon says. "If a certain someone would figure out more detective-style applications of her Quirk, I could be back in New York getting work done."
"Tch," Star' side eyes him. "Hand Of God is supposed to see everything, so go see some clues for us..."
"I already found one, it's that way," Horizon points to the far side of the marshland before warping away.
Both the alligators seem annoyed that he left before swimming away from both Pro Heroes.
"So he controls animals?" Great Hound asks as they walk over to Horizon.
"No," Star' says. "They just... they don't really see us as people, I suppose. We're more like part of nature, but it's a lot stronger with him than with me."
"Ah, I see," Great Hound says. "So, how's Agpar?"
"He's back in L.A., but I've been trying to convince him to get to New York to see Horizon."
"Just to meet him, or...for the miracle doctor side?"
"I think it's about time he got them back, enough with this crap about punishing himself."
"Well I don't know either of you well enough to comment on that, but he seems like a good man," Great Hound says.
"He is," Star' says as they arrive at Horizon.
"So, what's the clue?" Great Hound asks as they arrive a few hundred meters away at a small broken-down dock connected to a dirt road out of the marshlands. "I can pick some scents but, too many people, which is why I was looking over there. Looks like people come here to fish pretty often."
"Here," Horizon points to a pair of muddy footprints in the ground. "These are fresh, and the bigger ones are cold, even under this sun."
"Kelvin," Star' says. "And the person he was talking to, a hostage, someone we can at least track. He must have either kidnapped this man or stolen his car, that gives us a scent trail."
"No, not a hostage, an ally, look," Horizon crouches down and both the heroes do the same. "Kelvin's boots were moving back and forth, but not getting off the ground. He was excited about something judging by the way they got deeper. But the other guy was just standing still, at least until they started walking."
"A friend?"
"Or at least a temporary ally," Horizon says as he points farther up the dirt road. "Farther up the new guy overtakes Kelvin while they walk away, then eventually starts walking in reverse, like he's talking to a friend he's familiar with, before they leave the road and cut through the grass closer to the main road ahead."
"So they were both excited about whatever they're planning," Great Hound says. "Well, I can only imagine one thing Kelvin would be excited about after years in lock up."
"Which means his ally must share a goal, he wants revenge too," Star' says. "I'll make some calls and try to figure out who they'd want dead. The CIA is always difficult to get any information from, but they won't refuse me."
"You'll likely have to go get a hardcopy of the files, so we'll stay on the trail," Horizon says.
"And I've got a hit," Great Hound says. "It continues for just about a hundred miles north, then things get tricky, we should go there first."
"Alright, let's get out of here, Star'?"
"I'll catch up when I've got something, remember, no talking about any of this over comms," she says before rocketing into the sky.
"Can you estimate where on the map we should warp to for you to keep the scent?" Horizon asks.
"Sure," Great Hound takes out his phone and looks at that map, but as he does so he can't help but ask. "So, animals like you?"
"It's a bit more complicated than that, but yeah, sure..."
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