Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene
"Will you be alright fighting up here with those who can fly?" Sentinel asks, looking at Horizon. "We aren't some weak and inexperienced villains that you're used to, that little trick won't make me believe you can fly like us."
Horizon is still standing in the air across from Sentinel and aiming Sunder -his new sword-, at the man.
But he relaxes and lowers his blade to the side.
"As expected from a fossil like you," Horizon says. "But I never claimed I could fly, social media just assumed that. All this is, is standing in the air."
"It's an advanced form of skimming, right?" Sentinel asks, trying to buy time. "Instead of controlling an object or device like a hoverboard you once used, your new suit probably has some more dense plating for you to control, moving yourself like a puppet on strings, right?"
"Tch, those eyes of yours are kind of annoying, don't you know it's a bit rude to reveal things like that?"
"I like to learn things about the people I face, never expected to lock horns with you, so I'm learning as we go," Sentinel shrugs, but halfway through the motion he winces in pain as the hole in his collarbone crashes through him, but he quickly sets it aside.
"Likewise, but most people are so...boring," Horizon says. "Tell me, what else have you learned about me?"
"More than enough," Sentinel asks. "You're just like her, but also completely different. She's analytical too, but hides it behind that annoying smile, and her range is much more limited than yours, but her Mystery Class Quirk is much more adaptable than yours, right?"
"Hmm, so even the Overall #1 Pro Hero from her own country didn't know of her Quirk, your government keeps it that well hidden."
"Well considering today's events, I wouldn't say they were wrong for keeping it a secret."
"True, you did turn out to be a traitor---"
"---Revolutionary," Sentinel interrupts him. "And what about your Hand Of God?"
"What about it?"
"Warping, Healing, Perfect spatial awareness, damn near omnipresence within what, 50km?" Sentinel asks.
"That's the basic stuff yeah, pretty scary huh," Horizon chuckles.
"Scary and full of lies," Sentinel says.
"Yeah, you're definitely smarter than most about this kind of stuff, but only a Mystery Class Quirk user can understand how the Mystery Class Quirk can work."
Sentinel raises a brow at that, 'what an odd way of phrasing it, he must have said that on purpose...'
Horizon turns to the side slightly and touches the side of his visor, and although the conversation occurs within the soundproof visor, Sentinel can hear it clearly.
"Yes Mr. President, I've already warped the others into the assigned cells, some are trying to get away but I'll deal with them in a minute when I'm done with Sentinel."
As Horizon continues speaking Sentinel looks down, looks around the Washington Mall, and sees that most of the forces following him have disappeared.
"Fliers, where are you?" Sentinel asks, only to get no response. "Damn it, you were stalling too," he glares at Horizon who was still casually talking to the president.
Sentinel glares at Horizon's back as the man turns away, aiming his blade at the combatants below and picking them off one at a time.
'The perfect technique for sniping and assassination, Injection Shot leaves no trace and hits instantly,' Sentinel thinks. 'It acts under the same principles as a bullet, but there isn't a projectile, everything between the blade and whatever range he decides is simply obliterated.
Then there is his Warping, also seemingly perfected. Yet when he's unfamiliar with a place, like a few months ago during the Gigantomachy, he was forced to swap with things constantly, but in Tokyo where he's always stationed he can move about freely.
Divide is also a monstrous ability, from what we see in his last battle, I don't doubt its destructive capabilities can almost match Endeavor, almost, but that was months ago. And I'm facing an entirely different Horizon now.
And then there's Tact, his 'telekinesis' that only works on non-sentient things. No, that's not correct, from what I understand anything with a will of its own cannot be controlled by it.'
All of Sentinel's intel on Horizon collides within his mind in barely 0.1 seconds. The man who assembled multiple 'perfect' Pro Hero teams for the government across his career is nearly peerless in terms of Pro Hero combat strategy.
He has vastly more experience than All Might, and has always scoured all information sources to collect a database of Quirk Data that surpasses most Pro Hero Agencies combined.
This is why thus far, only he could come to the true conclusion of Hand Of God.
The realization almost broke the man, his shoulders slumped as every thought process came to the same result.
'Hand Of God, is that much stronger than New Order,' sweat ran down Sentinel's forehead. 'He enacts change on the world, just like her, but unlike her, he has a route to true permanence...'
"Hey," Horizon snaps Sentinel out of his daze. "I finished with all the losers you gathered, time for you to surrender."
Sentinel's only response to that, was to blast two powerful laser beams from his eyes directly at Horizon.
Horizon appears behind him and easily pierces his highly durable body with Sunder.
"Counter Shock..."
Bright sparks stand out under the blue sky as cameras and news crews all across the Washington Mall record the short-lived struggle.
With the sparks stopped, they see Sentinel with burns all over his body, exhaling black smoke as he plummets to the grassy lawn below.
He collides with the earth, knocking up a dust cloud as police officers move forward to arrest him.
But by the time they arrive, he's already back on his feet, fully awake.
He sees them aiming at him with the futile guns, and in a fit of rage, he lashes out, firing another eye beam at them.
Horizon appears in front of the men with a hand raised, palm facing Sentinel.
The eye beam harmlessly collides with the blue shield before sputtering out, showing a small stream of blood flowing from the man's eyes.
"Horizon, what are you doing here?" One of the officers asks as Horizon drops the shield, seeing Sentinel down on one knee.
"You may not believe this, but I'm actually on a little vacation," Horizon says before walking over to Sentinel.
"So, do you like it, the world you wanted?" Horizon asks, looking down at the man as he reaches out to touch his forehead with one finger.
"I believe in the natural order of things," Sentinel says. "You, are not part of that order, you shouldn't exist."
Horizon chuckles as he gently touches the man's forehead, "You wouldn't believe how many times I've heard that, but no matter what, you villains prefer to learn the hard way."
"I'm a Hero, the real Hero here," Sentinel says.
"And now you're just annoying," Horizon says. "Mes: Breakdown..."
Sentinel shatters into hundreds of pieces, each perfectly alive and well but broken like a jigsaw puzzle.
One of the officers immediately throws up as the former Pro Hero is scattered across the floor as individual body parts.
"I'm done here Mr. President, did you get all the data you needed?" Horizon asks as he reaches into the pile of parts.
"The operation was a complete success, but I'll have to send France a small apology. Sentinel went a bit overboard with his distraction in Paris, but Star' is almost done there."
"Well I'm sure you can handle it," Horizon picks up Sentinel's eyeballs from the pile. "I'll drop Sentinel off in his cell, minus his eyes, I'd like to research them."
"That's...fine, just be sure to return them soon, I'd rather not have the public think we torture criminals."
"Right...I'm sure they don't think that already," Horizon's words were dripping in sarcasm. "I'll show up at the press conference, but until then, I've got research to do."
Horizon looks at the eyeballs in his hands, which glow a dull green even now, and smiles.
Beneath his visor for the first time in months, there was excitement in his eyes.
'The most powerful Optical Blasts of any Pro Hero, what a perfect test subject for me. This was enough to get you into the top 200 in America, and that was when you were Optics, before you discovered that you could fly. Now I'll see exactly how efficient these are.'
"Horizon!" a swarm of reporters rush over to him as he's still observing the eyes, which he quickly pockets when he sees them.
He turns to them and sheathes his new sword, "sorry but I can't answer any questions right now, official statements will be released soon enough!" he says with a casual wave.
Both he and Sentinel disappear.
Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene
Less than one day after the battle at the Whitehouse, Law Matani is in one of his best business suits sitting in a conference room.
Across the large table are empty seats, and behind them is a perfect view of Central Park, showing the Manhattan skyline under the mid-day sun.
While he relaxes in his seat his phone is on the table, playing a live press conference being held at the Whitehouse, in which President Skyline addresses the nation, or more accurately, the world.
While this isn't the first time an attack on the Whitehouse has happened, the involvement of Horizon makes this a matter of global political concern.
His presence suddenly shifting overseas has raised brows all around the globe as many countries fear that their bid for his services was beaten, or that he possibly lied about not leaving Japan until he finished his time at UA.
President Skyline first revealed that President Harrison's death was, in fact, not a simple heart attack, but the first attack by the Evoltionaries to succeed.
But instead of publicly crediting the villains, the government kept things quiet to force their hand again, this time with more leads to track them.
This eventually led to them getting spies into former Pro Hero Optic's organization, now publicly known as the villain Sentinel.
Using this information they engineered the perfect situation, one in which the villain would have no choice but to strike.
By sending Star and Stripe out of the country they forced Sentinel to act, all while they'd already had Horizon on standby as a trump card.
'We are still compiling data on who and where the remaining members of the Evolutionaries are, but I'm glad to report that over 3 thousand members have already either been arrested or surrendered themselves to us,' the president said, causing an uproar in from the press.
Dozens of questions were hurled at him, including the major concern that Pro Heroes turned against the people they were meant to protect, and how that would make the civilian population feel toward their guardians moving forward.
'This is not a situation that can be dealt with easily or quickly, it will take much effort and teamwork. But together, as a nation, we can recover and become even stronger than before. The ideology of 'Might makes right' is more apparent in the world now than at any other point in history, this is a natural consequence of a superhuman society.
But being part of a society means helping your fellow man, especially those who aren't as capable. Those who believe in that barbaric ideology are vastly outnumbered, and as we saw in Washington DC, they are also hopelessly outgunned.
I still believe in the system we have, and in the good people who are a part of it, so I ask you to simply watch us closely as we earn your trust once more,' was the president's official stance on that matter.
Another uproar occurred in the crowd before they settled down, and someone finally asked what most of the world was wondering.
'Does his involvement in this incident indicate that Horizon will be moving to the United States for the foreseeable future?' a woman asks, and the world waits with held breaths for the answer.
'No,' the world breathes a sigh of relief, especially those in Japan. 'The stars simply aligned for him to help us for a short time, at least until his suspension in Japan is lifted. Although, I have convinced him to stay until the end of summer possibly.
Due to his suspension from Pro Hero work in Japan, Horizon's presence there is not fully utilized. In exchange for helping us with this small matter, he has been granted a coveted 50-State License to continue growing as a Pro Hero within our borders.
He can act within the capacity of a Pro Hero at his leisure wherever he desires within our borders, and has already made it clear that he will be moving around to help the most unfortunate medical cases whenever he can.
As Horizon is 'The Miracle Ward', that is simply another benefit of allowing him to perform his natural functions instead of being under house arrest.'
'Are you at all concerned about the possibility that he still cannot control his Quirk?' A reporter asks. 'A Gigantomachy within our country could be catastrophic, especially now that he's allegedly much stronger.'
"Oh please, I'd make that look like a joke with my current power," Law says, rolling his eyes.
'Many people have raised such concerns, but I assure you, Horizon is in perfect control of his power,' he hears the president say. 'And if he's not, well, we have someone who can handle such a situation...'
Law can't help but smile at that, "Well it makes sense he'd have to say his Pro Hero is stronger, but now I'm even more excited to meet her..."
"Mister Matani," an older caucasian man with small purple flames on his bald head enters the room. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting."
"It's not your fault in the least," Law responds, also speaking perfect English as he gets up and shakes the man's hand. "I got a bit excited and arrived early, your secretary told me you were in another meeting."
"Yes well, we've been working on something big recently," the man says as he sits opposite Law. "Something that I'll be happy to pitch to you once things are a bit more concrete, it's a phenomenal investment opportunity."
"If it's anything like the last few, I'm sure I'll be interested," Law chuckles as they both relax.
"So, are you here to buy another skyscraper around Central Park?" The man asks. "Maybe you could buy one closer this time, we could be neighbors. How about that one?" the man points to the building just beside theirs.
Law chuckles, "No no, the building I have is plenty for now. I'm actually here to discuss my overseas investments."
The man frowns for a moment before schooling his expression, "Ah, and what direction are you looking to take with those."
"How many of your clients are taking money out of the Japanese markets right now?" Law asks.
The man tenses for a moment, "more than I'd like, but I can't say any more until the official quarterly report."
"People are scared because Horizon moved for a while, and they're taking their money out, right?"
"Right, we told them it's only temporary but, certain markets are so volatile that our assets and holdings can fluctuate within minutes."
"They aren't exactly wrong," Law says. "Japan's crime rate is about to spike, villains will run wild, the League Of Villains and their freaky monsters will rampage and cause billions if not trillions of dollars in damages, it will be chaos."
"But it will recover," the man says.
"But that will take years, and people will lose money in the process."
The man winces, now sitting across from one of their largest single clients who could see through all the tricks.
"And how exactly would you like to proceed?"
Law thinks for a moment, then simply nods, "Send my people a list of everything that's being dumped, they'll sort through the wreckage of this and we'll buy up whatever we're interested in for the same price it was dumped for, that way you'll actually make some profit.
Of course that offer only stands if we get first preference to everything that was dumped in the chaos."
The man looks confused for a moment, "you're willing to lose money, to buy assets, which will lose value for the foreseeable months or maybe years, why?"
"They will regain them eventually I'm sure, I'm young, I've got time," Law says. "Besides, I've told you many times before, this isn't about the money. I'm here for legacy, and it's nice having Japan in my pocket."
The man shakes his head, "You know, this country has very detailed and complex laws to prevent situations such as this, and so does Japan, but the way you have things set up so expertly dances around them. It may be the most impressive thing I've seen in quite some time."
"Coming from you, that means a lot," Law says. "Oh, and, does your company hold any assets in Italy at the moment?"
"Sicily, Rome, Milan, Venice, or Bari?" the man asks. "We have both money-making assets and properties there, but I warn you, these are beloved by the executives."
"Sicily and Milan, I'm thinking of taking a trip there sometime this summer..."
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