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81.98% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 313: CHAPTER 305(#1 VS #1 VS #1)

Chapter 313: CHAPTER 305(#1 VS #1 VS #1)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene 


---Washington DC, 1 PM...

Under the mid-day sun, hundreds of Pro Heroes are gathered around the Washington Monument.

All around the monolithic white obelisk is a large fair, Pro Heroes from all across the country gathered in the Washington Mall -the massive park housing the monument-.

Children and fans of Pro Heroes excitedly rush about, getting autographs and buying merchandise from many famous Pro Heroes, but above, at the top of the monument are two men.

One hovers a foot above the monument, looking out at the Mall, with his eyes he can see all the way to the Capitol Building, standing at the eastern end like a monolith of democracy. 

He can see the individual faces of each person, even from thousands of meters away.

"All these people relying on Pro Heroes to save them, then they turn around and expect us to follow their rules, this really is long overdue," he says, turning to the man sitting cross-legged atop the monument working on a laptop.

Beside him is a small briefcase-like object, entirely black.

"One new world order, coming right up," the man mutters as he keeps typing away. "Sure you don't want to fly down there and say 'hi' to some of those kids before this goes down, you've rarely been seen since retirement, it could make their day."

"If they want to meet me, they just have to climb to the top," the man says as he lands on the monument.

He was an older caucasian man with salt and pepper hair, wearing a skin-tight Hero Costume which showed off his muscular frame. The blue and black of his Hero Costume was often overlooked, however, because his eyes were glowing bright blue.

John Fulton, aka The Sentinel, Former #1 Pro Hero of Texas, and Former Overall #1 Pro Hero of the United States Of America.

"You set the bar pretty high for just a greeting," the other man says, wearing baggy clothes and a full mask to hide all of his features, but leaving his hands exposed.

"They'll understand eventually," Sentinel says. "You decided on a Code Name yet?"

"Mind Hacker?"

"Not very creative, but it'll work," Sentinel says. "How long?"

"Annnndddd, done," Mind Hacker taps one final button. "Congratulations, you just declared war on The United States Of America."

"This country has always been at war, with others or itself, it's the only reliable thing we do," Sentinel says as he looks to the north, directly toward the Whitehouse.

From atop the monument he could only see the back of the building, but within moments the security forces were evacuating touring civilians and low-clearance personnel.

Sentinel then looks east, to the Capitol Building, and sees the security detail of many politicians bolstering their forces, calling nearby Pro Heroes from the festival inside to support them.

"Well, things are going as expected, scared weak people relying on us to protect them, bossing us around, and you?"

"The Whitehouse is being cleared out, full lockdown," Mind Hacker says. 

"All but one, right?"

"Yeah, you were right, he's staying in the Oval Office, looks like the President is refusing to go to his bunker with the Chief Of Staff."

"That much was obvious," Sentinel smiles. "You don't get to be the Overall #1 Pro Hero by running away from fights."

"Yeah, but he's old and weak now, plus we outnumber him a few hundred to one," Mind Hacker says.

"He's not the one I'm worried about," Sentinel says. "As by my count, we've got 800 people here, which means we're outnumbered, more than 2:1."

Mind Hacker looks up, confused, "That doesn't even make any sense, I'm keeping tabs on every Pro Hero in his region, they're either all on our side or too far to respond in time."

"Is the message out yet?" Sentinel asks.

"Yeah, all our people are causing chaos across the country, and the agents in Paris are keeping her distracted, we're ready to start."

Sentinel smiles and looks around at the hundreds of Pro Heroes gathered, talking to civilians, then lifts a finger to his earpiece.

"Now, my Evolutionists! Rise up!"

On his word, every Pro Hero gathered in the Washington Mall moves in unison, a mad dash begins as hundreds of bodies swarm the back of the Whitehouse.

From above, Sentinel watches them like swarming ants, his loyal believers taking their rightful place, at the top of this world.

"How are things in Paris?" Sentinel asks Mind Hacker.

"Getting messier by the second, we've probably got an hour before she gets here."

"Good, then lets---" Sentinel cuts himself off, noticing the chaos had stopped for a moment.

He turns and looks toward the Whitehouse, seeing the Pro Heroes have destroyed the fence and crossed into the lawn, but were hesitant to take a single step forward.

"Adams," Sentinel growls before turning back to Mind Hacker. "Call one of the fliers to get you into position, I need to go deal with this problem."

He soars over the army of Pro Heroes toward the Whitehouse, and descends to hover in front of them, crossing his arms and coming face to face with a man more than a few years younger than himself.

The man wore a blue and yellow skin-tight suit with a full face mask, showing off his muscular build as he stood there, daring any of the traitors to take a step toward the Whitehouse.

"Adams, I wondered where you were," Sentinel says in a serious voice. "I tried to contact you, you're exactly the kind of person we're trying to help."

"Call me Legion, John," the man says with disgust. "I'm only going to say this once, walk away, now..."

Sentinel sighs and lands, planting his feet on the grass as he relaxes his arms.

"I already sent my message to the world, you know I can't back down now, and neither can the people behind me since I'm sure they've all been marked as traitors alongside me, this only ends one way, you know that."

Behind him the army of Pro Heroes were hesitant, they'd been promised that the strongest Pro Heroes wouldn't be here to defend the president, that the only #1 Pro Hero they'd possibly have to fight would be the president himself, but now, things suddenly changed.

Now standing before them is Legion, Former #1 Pro Hero of California, Former #1 Pro Hero of New York State, Former Overall #1 Pro Hero of The United States Of America, a man who can and has single-handedly suppressed armies of villains.

"So this is where you came after retirement, the Secret Service," Sentinel grumbles out. "Just my bad luck today, but it's not too late. You and I, we're the same, two men more powerful than most people, but constantly asked to save people that are so weak nature itself wants them gone. Join me..." he extends his hand to Legion.

Legion sighs, "Chris' is more than just the president, he's also a friend, just like you were, and I don't betray my friends."

"So be it," Sentinel says before rocketing forward.

He rears back his hand to punch Legion in the face, but the man raises his arms to block.

He takes the hit which sends a shockwave across the lawn and shatters his arms, breaking them into blue glass-like energy with ease.

As he's sent backward, from the side of his body, an identical copy of himself forms in an instant and punches Sentinel in the face.

The hit barely moved his head, but before he could adjust and the first body fully disappeared, the new copy began multiplying.

Sentinel was suddenly surrounded by a dozen copies, each of which then began making copies of their own.

They began battering him, forcing him on the defensive, and within seconds, after he'd been swarmed the copies realized they'd run out of space to get their hits in, and turned on the army of traitors.

"Oh crap..." One of the former Pro Heroes mutters as chaos unfolds.

A dozen copies become hundreds, each able to match a 30% Full Cowling Deku.

Each perfectly synchronized through all their senses and thoughts, each a perfect copy of the original body, even those made via a copy of a copy lost no power.

Up to 2000 copies can exist at any one point in time, and the creation of any more will destroy the oldest copy currently existing.

This is the power that suppressed entire states before Star and Stripe came onto the scene, before Legion retired after losing interest in being a Pro Hero.

"ARGH!" Sentinel unleashes two green energy beams from his eyes, slicing apart all the clones that were swarming him and flying into the air. "You're such a damn waste!"

He wipes the blood from his lip before looking down at the battlefield, seeing his forces being overwhelmed by one man before feeling something grab onto his boots.

He looks behind him to see Legion grabbing onto his legs, and that one copy then multiplies while on his body to swarm him.

Countless blows crash into Sentinel, disorienting the man as he flies around, desperately trying to get them away from him, but the more he destroys, the more copies are made.

Eventually, he unleashed an omnidirectional blast of green energy, knocking all of them away and destroying most of them, earning himself a short reprieve.

"Missed one!" he hears, then turns around to see Legion falling to the ground hundreds of feet below.

The one copy makes another, which he throws at extreme speeds directly at Sentinel.

The man unleashes energy beams from his eyes, but the copy extends an arm to the side and creates another copy from his palm.

This new Legion grabs its arms and swings it out of the way of the beam, before spinning and throwing two copies of his own at Sentinel.

Sentinel stops his energy beams and tries to move out of the way, only for the copy to make a chain of copies as it rockets past him, grabbing him by the waist as it continues creating copies all the way to the ground.

The copy on the ground stops his feet into the dirt while making a few more to anchor himself, then yanks the chain of copies out of the sky and down into the ground, bringing Sentinel down with it.

His impact creates a crater and a small shockwave that scatters the nearby combatants, only for Sentinel to get up, hovering above the ground with a slight nosebleed after countless hits.

"You're being a real pain in my neck, you know that?" Sentinel asks as a swarm of copies stands in front of him.

"That's the plan, give up yet?"

"Never, heroes never give up," Sentinel says.

"You aren't a hero anymore."

"If that's what you think, then I'll stop playing like it," Sentinel raises a hand to his earpiece. "Forget the Whitehouse, I'll deal with the president, all of you go capture the members of congress, and capture anyone else you see..."

Legion's eyes widen as he sees all the Pro Heroes instantly change their course of action and make a mad dash to the Capitol Building.

"Looks like you've got a choice to make," Sentinel says.

Legion shakes his head, "The entire point of my Quirk is to be everywhere at once, I can save the hostages, beat down your lackeys, and kick your ass, and I'm not even in the country," he shrugs.

"You and I both know you can't really take me down."

"Don't need to, I just have to protect the presid---"

"Legion," a bored voice speaks through his earpiece, and Sentinel uses his enhanced hearing to listen in. "I will not have you defend me when civilians may be in danger, take the detachment of copies surrounding the Whitehouse, and yourself, and go protect the people, I can handle myself."

"But, Mr. President..."

"That was an order, everything is ready, I'd like to invite my friend in for a chat, rather than have them kill each other."

Sentinel grins, "You heard him, go play hero," he flies over Legion and toward the Whitehouse.

Legion just watches him leave while making dozens of copies from this body, "I really hope you know what you're doing Chris'."


next chapter

Chapter 314: CHAPTER 306(#1 VS #1 VS #1 Pt.II)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene 


---The Oval Office...

"What's the situation at Capitol Hill looking like?" a man asks.

He was an older Caucasian man with a pronounced and strong jawline. His grey hair neatly kempt and short.

Sitting behind his desk he holds a phone to his ear while looking at the holographic screen being projected from the desk.

Even now as he sits and appraises the situation with a calm expression, his towering stature and imposing build -maintained via help from his Quirk-, gives him an aura of strength.

As one would expect from the Former #1 Pro Hero of California, Former #1 Pro Hero of New York State, Former Overall #1 Pro Hero of The United States Of America.

Christopher Skyline, formerly known as Captain Celebrity, now the President of The United States Of America.

"Most of congress is being captured and held as hostages sir, Legion's copies are here and swarming the place but clearly these traitors have been planning this for months, if not years," the secret service agent says through the phone.

"Yes, but so have we, stay the course, and leave Sentinel to us," President Skyline says. "And what of Star'? Has she left Paris yet?"

"No sir, Colonel Agpar's last update said there were bombings in Paris just before The Evolutionists launched their attack on you, she went to help the locals before communications were jammed."

Hearing that, President Skyline smiles, "well we expected that much, and the bunker?"

"Your family was moved to the bunker below The Whitehouse 2 minutes ago, they've already been moved to safehouse in New York since then."

"Good, now just focus on the small time Pro Heroes that revealed themselves as traitors, make me a list and raise the security on our boarders, protect the civilians instead of trying to capture them."

"Are you sure sir?"

"Their regime is about to fall apart, they're only confident because Star isn't here, so long as I don't crack and give them the nuclear launch codes, they'll lose, not that they'll ever get the chance, after all..." President Skyline looks over his shoulder toward the window. "Modern America may be a monolith, but that isn't our greatest strength, and compared to that, you're weak..."

"Are you really so sure about that?" Sentinel asks as he opens the nearby window and hovers into the office.

"I don't have to be sure of it, because you're sure of it," President Skyline says. "After all, that's why you waited until Star' was gone before launching this attack, right?"

Sentinel glares at him for a moment, but then his gaze softens as he casually walks about the office, eventually coming to a stop in the middle of the room, in front of the desk.

"One of the things we're taught is knowing when to pick our fights," Sentinel says. "Mystery Class individuals effectively hold whatever group or nation they stand in or against hostage. And ['In a hostage situation, sometimes the best course of action is inaction, because when people are in danger---"

"---Timing is everything'," President Skyline says. "Don't Quote my own words to me."

"You were my favourite Pro Hero, I can't help it."

President Skyline scoffs, "don't ever say that again, this is certainly not the legacy I want, I spent my life helping people, no matter how strong or weak they were."

"Yes, and how'd they repay you for it?" Sentinel asks. "They used entrapment and other underhanded nonsense to slander you, drag you to court over and over, sued you into near bankruptcy, and they would have gotten away with it if they were a bit more careful, and you would have just sat there and let them."

President Skyline raises a brow at that, "what does this have to do with your actions recently?"

"Everything," Sentinel says. "You were the most powerful man in this half of the world, you could do anything you wanted and nobody could stop you. But because our society has 'rules' and 'etiquette', you were bullied by weak pathetic people abusing the system you spent your life protecting. You were my hero, and I watched them throw stones made of legality that made you bleed, it really broke my heart."

"Yet their schemes got revealed, and all was well."

"You were lucky," Sentinel says. "If they were more careful your wife and the triplets never would have forgiven you, the nation would have turned against you, they would have used a pen to make god bleed, how can you stomach that crap?"

"Because like it or not, this system, while it isn't perfect, stops rampant violence caused by selfish desires like your own."

"But its not fair," Sentinel says.

"No system is perfectly fair, which is why we have to constantly remain vigilant and keep improving the ones we have."

"Nature is fair," Sentinel says. "The strong live, the weak die, you were the strongest of your era yet you let the weak bully you because the system kept you in chains."

"You'd rather I kill everyone who I disagreed with?"

"I'd rather you have the option to," Sentinel says. "When my takeover is complete, a few generations will suffer, but eventually this nation will be perfected because people will know better than to bite the hand that protects them."

"You'd be a dictator," President Skyline says. "At least until someone stronger than you comes along."

"That's part of the system, and I'm fine with it."

"Then why not brawl it out with Star and Stripe, let power decide what happens next, you fight for your system and she fights for us."

"Because I can't convince people by talking about it, I have to show them, I need to make this nation an example to the world as it's always been."

"And that can't happen if she rips you in half on my lawn," President Skyline chuckles.

"Knowing what toes you can't step on is part of my new world."

President Skyline glances down at this watch.

"Star' is a bit busy," Sentinel says. "I know you're stalling, but it'll be at least another two hours before she gets here. Her idiotic desire to protect the weak won't allow her to leave until the people there are safe, besides, you aren't the only one stalling."

The doors to the room open and in steps Mind Hacker, metal case in hand.

President Skyline, looks at the case, and sees the all of Mind Hacker is covered aside from his hands.

"Let me guess, a copy of the Nuclear Football awaiting launch codes to be activated, and he's has Tactile Telepathy, one touch and he rips them out of my head, right?"

Sentinel smiles, "it's good to see retirement hasn't dulled you too much, now, lets just get this over and done with."

President Skyline gets up, pushing his chair back slightly, then rolls his shoulders.

"You know, you never did give a reason for retiring," President Skyline says. "Tell me, what was your reason?"

"I saw how pointless the current system was, that's all," Sentinel says. "The more interesting question is, why did you? You were in your prime when you retried, it really did hurt the nation."

"I learned something that valuable, something that your so called 'new world' wants to be built upon, something you're about to learn the hard way."

President Skyline suddenly flips his heavy wooden desk toward Sentinel, blocking the man's view for a moment.

He instantly fires two energy beams from his eyes, yet as the punch a hole through the desk, the entire thing shatters as President Skyline uses his Flight to barrel through it.

'Slow,' Sentinel things as he raises a hand and slams his fist into President Skyline as the man was rocketing past him, toward Mind Hacker.

The hit sends a small shockwave through the room, knocking Mind Hacker off his feet and back against the wall.

President Skyline is sent toward the ceiling but uses his Flight to stop himself from slamming into it.

Sentinel looks up to see a piece of the wooden desk in President Skyline's hand, which the man throws at Mind Hacker.

'Shit,' Sentinel hits it with his eye beams, only to break it in half mid flight.

The wood was launched with such force that he barely diverts its path, causing it to shred the side of Mind Hacker's face, removing pieces of bone and his entire left ear, instead of punching through his skull.

Sentinel continues his blasts, moving his head to the slam into President Skyline as the man rockets down from the ceiling.

The energy visibly interacts with President Skyline's secondary Quirk, his skin tight bioelectric force field, harmlessly dissipating it across his body.

Sentinel stops the energy beam and raises his arms, taking a powerful punch to the arms that sinks him ankle deep into the reinforced concrete floor.

At the same moment he grabs onto the president and throws him back toward where the desk was, once again putting himself between the president and Mind Hacker.

Sentinel pulls himself out of the ground and hovers an inch above it, glancing back to see Mind Hacker still in shock but slowly coming to his senses. 

'Using his telepathy to dull his own senses of fear and pain, clever,' Sentinel says as Mind Hacker forces himself to stand.

He looks back at President Skyline to see the man land on the floor, breathing heavily.

"You've gotten even weaker than I thought, this is just pitiful," Sentinel says, eyes focused on President Skyline's mangled right hand.

Fingers to wrist were broken, blood dripping to the floor, bones protruding through his skin, all because of the recoil in his previous punch.

"Yeah well, that's what I learned, that's what I was talking about before, than that's what you're about to learn," President Skyline chuckles as he stumbles backward and collapses into his chair.

"Mind Hacker, it's safe to approach now," Sentinel says, which causes the president to smile.

"When its time to retire, to get out of the way, you'll know, because the kids will tell you," he says in a tired voice. 



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