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69.19% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 264: CHAPTER 259(Team Players)

Chapter 264: CHAPTER 259(Team Players)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene 


His eyes glow bright white for a moment as he feels it work, and with his job done, he then immediately begins having a seizure on the floor.

Seeing this, the man doesn't react, he simply leans back against the cold steel of the armored truck and waits.


The trucks' tyres grind against the road as its driver slams on the brakes.

"Hng!" The man is thrown out of his seat and onto the floor, but smiles. "The kid really pulled it off."

Getting off the floor he moves toward the door, hearing some chatter outside. 

He presses his ear to the door and listens carefully.

"Hey what's going on, why'd you stop?" One man asks, likely the driver of the vehicle behind them.

He doesn't hear anyone respond.

The man then hears the locks on the door moving as someone opens it.

He quickly steps back as the doors open to see four men looking at him, all armed and armored officers.

One of which looked confused at what was going on.

They were stopped on a desolate mountain path, late and night, perfectly isolated.

"What the, why'd you---"


One of his friends quickdraws their pistol and shoots him in the head, and nobody even reacts.

The doctor looks around, seeing all the men unresponsive, so he takes a moment to look around, skeptical that things would work this easily.

Walking to the side of the truck on this desolate mountain path, he sees the officers in the vehicle ahead of them also standing idle and unresponsive.

"Hmm," the man says to himself while fumbling through one of the officers pockets, "thought he was supposed to command them to do a dramatic finish..."


He drops the phone as a gunshot goes off just beside him, falling to the floor he holds his chest, not expecting that.

Only calming down when he looks to the side, seeing one of the men had killed himself.

All around him the remaining officers did the same, until he was standing among a crowd of corpses.

Taking out the phone he dials a number, and after it rings once he hangs up.

"Ok that'll do it," he pockets the phone and gets back into the back of the truck, kneeling beside the dying boy.

He feels for a pulse, getting a faint response, then lowers his head to hear the boy still breathing.

"Are you done in there?" Shigaraki's tired voice asks the doctor, causing the man's head to snap to the left, seeing Shigaraki, Dabi, and Mr. Compress all looking at him.

"The boy, he's barely alive, but he can be saved," the man says as he eagerly approaches the villains, hopping out of the truck.

"Would be a waste to let him die like this, that Quick sure was useful," Dabi looks around at all the bodies.

"His body wasn't functional with his Quirk," Mr. Compress says. "The more he used it the more it destroyed him, at best he could be a Nomu now."

"Engineering that would take too much of our resources, assuming it's even possible," Shigaraki says. "Our mysterious benefactor says its not worth the hassle, so we'll be leaving him to die here, the news like to report on dead kids after all..."

Hearing this the man nervously glances between the villains, "and what about me?"

"You did well, so we'll be sending you to a remote lab where bodies are prepared to become Nomu," Shigaraki says with a sigh. "Honestly we're a bit understaffed when it comes to competent minds in that department, and out mysterious benefactor doesn't want to reveal himself so Twice can just make doubles of him to work more efficiently."

"A competent geneticist like yourself with a desire to study and create Nomu is invaluable," Mr. Compress says.

As they're speaking Dabi checks his phone, "the cops notice this convoy's GPS stopped, they're on the way here."

"Oh well," Shigaraki sighs. "We'll finish this talk back at base, let's get out of here."

As he says that a large Warp Gate manifests behind them, allowing the villains to enter, escaping with no issue.

But before the doctor enters Shigaraki stops him, "the phone you used to signal us..."

"Oh, right," the man takes the phone out of his pocket and hands it to Shigaraki, who immediately disintegrates it.

"Now we can---" Shigaraki stops, looking past the man at Dabi, who was inspecting one of the bodies. "What are you doing?"

Dabi takes the badge and gun before getting up and walking over to them, "what? You never wanted one?"

Shigaraki just shakes his head, "whatever, let's get out of here before miracle boy shows up..." 

And with that they all enter the Warp Gate, disappearing once again.

---1 Hour Later...

As the other police officers set up a perimeter to keep the press away while recording and cleaning the crime scene, nearby stands Tsukauchi and Horizon at the back of the detective's car.

His police laptop was open on the trunk for both of them to look at the footage recovered from the scene.

As the videos download from the camera's Horizon looks over the car out at the press, seeing many cameras aimed at him, then looks back down at Tsukauchi.

"So much for this being a quiet hunt for the League of Villains huh."

"Yeah, now that the word is out all their spies will be on even higher alert, making our job a lot harder," Tsukauchi says.

"Why were you even nearby? Didn't expect you to be here so soon..."

"I was waiting at the holding facility to question our newest mad scientist, but he had other plans," he nods toward the crime scene. "Why didn't you escort them yourself? The press will definitely want to know that..."

"I couldn't leave the base, there was too much data that the league couldn't afford to give me there. A lot more than we expected, honestly, if I leave they could destroy it all, I couldn't even come here till I copied everything."

"And the other Pro Heroes that were with you?"

"Only three, and there were so many Nomu that they had to go with that convoy, some of those things were the High End Nomu, the kind that Endeavor fought last year."

"Damn," Tsukauchi sighs. "Yeah good call then, compared to those things these prisoners were worthless, and still Shigaraki only sent people to attack this convoy, and didn't even bother to save the kid."

"Likely to make a statement to the public, reminding people that he's out there lurking like the creep he is," Horizon shrugs. "But honestly all this shows is that he's scared of me, didn't even risk coming to demolish the data at the base while I was there."

"True, but people still died, including a kid."

"A villain."

"True, but something tells me the news will focus on him being a kid more, what was wrong with him anyway?"

"His Quirk acted like a degenerate disease, the more he used it the more it destroyed his body and mind. He was blind and his brain was torn apart, which wasn't like that when I saw him at the lab."

"Must be one hell of a Quirk if it caused all of this."

"Yeah, but a Quirk that degenerates the user at a DNA level, not useful to them since---"

"They can't clone it into a Nomu without a lot of resources."

"Assuming they can clone it at all."

"What did it do anyway?"

"Something telepathic, and with his eyes, but he also had Trigger in his system, a very powerful variant, so this wasn't natural."

"That explains how he was able to kill himself with it," as Tsukauchi says that the videos begin to appear on screen. "Now let's find out exactly what it does..."

A few minutes later they piece together enough footage from all the videos to figure out exactly what happened.

"So he made them into some kind of sleeper agents via eye contact," Tsukauchi says. "That's messed up on so many levels."

"And it explains all the mental strain," Horizon says while typing away on a projected keyboard via the wristband Mei made him. 

"Anything from your search?" 

"Just one, looks like one of the components of that new Trigger formula comes from Otheon, a flower that only grows there."

"Otheon? That far away?" Tsukauchi rubs his chin. "Guess I'll send this up the chain of command, get them informed of what's going on, but it's likely just someone exporting it or growing it somewhere else anyway."

"I wouldn't be so sure. Ryukyu and I questioned a chemist last year about Trigger, he said there was some kind of contest held by someone, they paid a lot, and the goal was to create the strongest variation of Trigger possible. A lab in Europe won."

"A lab in Otheon maybe...then I definitely need to get this up the chain of command, I'll make a few calls tonight."

"Good, now I need to get back to the tower, I'd rather not be seen outside of Minato Tokyo for too long."

"Working on sorting all the Nomu data tonight?"

"Yeah, what better way to spend Friday night, right?" 

"The work never ends," Tsukauchi sighs. "Well I'll be done as soon as I close off this crime scene, good luck."

"Yeah, you too..." Horizon says as he warps away, swapped with a leaf.

---Horizon Tower, 11 PM...

Sitting on the couches, Horizon, Sero, Juzo, and Shinso are watching the late night news.

To the surprise of no one the story of Shigaraki's latest movements have already made headlines.

"So his Quirk just made them kill themselves?" Shinso asks. "That's messed up."

"Says the guy with Brainwashing," Sero says.

"Yeah but I can't make people do anything that they know would get them hurt, can't even make them walk off a roof much less shoot themselves in the head."

"Not yet," Horizon says. "But with enough training you'll get there eventually, hopefully. But his Quick was more like he'd give a hypnotic command that can be activated later, making people into sleeper agents. The Trigger just amped it a lot, but that Quirk also killed him so you know...more power, more drawbacks."

"Unless you're you," Juzo says. "All the power, no drawbacks, right?"

"That's one way to look at it, but with me the power is the drawback."

"I thought the fishbowl on your head was the drawback?" Sero asks, and both the other boys start laughing as Horizon just sighs.

"I need a snack," Horizon gets up and walks over to the kitchen, still in view of everyone on the couches. 

"Can you get me some chips! Thanks!" Juzo says.

As the news finishes Sero checks his phone, and a wide grin appears on his face. "Good news, Yui is in Tokyo tomorrow...well, in Chiba."

"Why the hell is she in Chiba?" Shinso asks.

"Something about a villain they're looking for being part of a group in Chiba, honestly I wasn't really listening."

"What a great boyfriend you are," Juzo says.

"What does she even sound like?" Horizon asks as he returns with a back of peanuts, and hands Juzo a bag of potato chips.

"Like a gentle maiden, what else would she sound like?"

"Huh, figured her voice would be annoying and squeaky," Horizon says.

"I assumed the same thing," Juzo adds.

"I thought she was a mute," Shinso confesses.

"She can talk, she's just really shy, that's all."

"It's a bit weird," Horizon says, earning nods from the other two boys.

"Whatever," Sero grumbles.

"So what, you gonna see her in Chiba tomorrow?" Shinso asks.

"Actually, this group they're going after sounds pretty tough, so I figured we could go over and lend them some muscle."

Shinso, Juzo, and Horizon look at each other for a moment, then speak in unison.


"C'mon guys, if it's just me the Pros running it will probably turn me down, but if Team Horizon shows up to help..."

"I have a lot of work to do," Horizon says.

"I'm resting after dealing with that giant robot," Juzo says.

"I um... I'll be busy thinking of an excuse," Shinso says.

"C'mon!" Sero pleas, "it won't even take long with all of us there, then we'll have a day in Tokyo with the girls."

This gets their attention, "what girls?" Juzo asks.

"Well you'll be happy to know that Majestic is part of this little team up, which means Setsuna will be there," Sero looks at Horizon. "And Momo, perfect timing too since Ryuko is visiting her team this weekend..."

"I have enough time with her at UA," Horizon says.

"Yeah and I just think Setsuna's hot, it's not that serious to have a day in Tokyo with her."

"All the Hero Course girls are attractive," Shinso shrugs. "It's not that special."

"And it doesn't mean we need to get dragged into a team up with some annoying Pro Heroes just because you want to show off for your girlfriend," Horizon says.

"C'mon guys, their mentors already promised that when the raid is over they'd get some time in Tokyo, this is a golden opportunity, please help me out here!"

They all look at each other for a moment, then Horizon speaks.

"Sigh, fine, but I'm gonna complain the entire time, and I'm obviously not running around Tokyo shopping with you people."

"YES!" Sero cheers. "Thanks, you guys are the best."

"Hey quick question," Shiso says. "Since I'm the only one here without a desire to be around these girls...can I just sleep in tomorrow while you guys---"

"No, it's a team exercise," Horizon says. "And if I have to suffer through this, so do you.."


259 chapters deep, really struggling with these titles...

next chapter

Chapter 265: CHAPTER 260(Gold Chain Gang Raid)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene 


"You know you don't have to be so nervous," Lizardy -Setsuna Tokage- says.

She was in full Hero Costume in a police building waiting room, sitting around a desk opposite Rule -Yui Kodai-.

Rule's red and blue Hero Costume was now sporting some small extra satchels on her utility belt and arms, along with a matching mask.

"Mmm," Yui hums before taking another sip from her can of orange juice.

"Trust me it'll be fun," Lizardy says. "Your last work studies mentor was super lame...uh, no offense to Death Arms. Working with Majestic is way better, that's why I recommended you."

"Mmm, mm."

Lizardy sighs, "Yeah being part of a big joint operation in your first week does seem a bit stressful, but we're the long range team so our job is a lot easier to coordinate."

"Is something wrong?" Creati -Momo Yaoyorozu- asks, wearing her new and improved Hero Costume with a few pouches on her utility belt.

She hands Lizardy a can of coffee before sitting beside her.

"Thanks," Lizardy opens her drink and nods to Rule, "she's nervous about her first big team up."

"Oh, that makes sense," Creati says. "On our first one with Majestic we honestly didn't do much, Pro Heroes usually don't want new and untested students directly confronting villains, which makes sense. But now Majestic trusts us more to handle ourselves so he's much more confident in us, and that includes you."

"And it helps that we're not exactly melee fighters," Lizardy says.

"Mmm?" Rule hums.

Creati looks at her, then at Lizardy for an explanation.

"I think she said she'll follow our lead, right?"

"Mhm," Rule nods.

The ladies talk amongst themselves for a few more minutes before their mentor, Majestic, joins them.

"Alright ladies I've got some good news and some bad news," he takes the seat beside Rule.

"How about the bad news first," Lizardy says.

"Right, well... Since we had to call this raid on super short notice and with limited intel before these guys move to a different city, again," he sighs. "Most of the local Pro Heroes were already committed or just didn't have the manpower to both patrol and help us out, so the team is gonna be very small, and that includes the police officers we'll have accompanying us."

"But this is a dangerous gang," Creati says. "Shouldn't stopping them be their top priority?"

"That's not really how it works all the time," Majestic says. "Because the Gold Chains gang hops from city to city so often, the local Pro Heroes don't really care since they aren't around long enough to raise the actual crime stats for an area. Plus the gang is pretty big, we're honestly lucky we were able to find out what area they'd be in and put together this many people."

"Especially since we only gave them 36 hours notice, if so much," Creati says. "But it still doesn't sit right with me how much of this statistics and politics nonsense affects some people's Pro Hero work."

"It's unavoidable," Majestic says. "With how the system is set up Pro Heroes have to compete with each other just as much as with villains, dropping down one spot in the popularity or other rankings could mean a big pay cut, and a lot of our families solely depend on our Hero Work to eat."

"Sadly I can see the logic in that," Lizardy says. "But with the horrific things this gang does, it's not very Heroic to not intervene."

"Agreed," Creati adds. "Is there any good news?"

"Well, we have a better idea of the area we need to search, the cops found some of the people we took pictures of last week and tailed them all to one district, we think it has to be where a big safehouse is."

"That saves us time, hopefully this time we can strike before they move again," Lizardy says. "What about other Pro Heroes, do we have any help? Because I don't feel confident with just the four of us and a squad of police taking on such a heinous gang."

Majestic chuckles, "well, lets just say we'll have more than enough firepower, but that's a surprise for you girls."

"Is it Wash?!" Lizardy asks.

"He said firepower and the first thing you thought was a washing machine?" Creati asks.

"Well, when you say it like that..." Lizardy frowns.

"Mmm," Rule nods a few times.

"Uhh, what does that mean?" Majestic asks Lizardy.

"She's just nervous about meeting more people."

"That's understandable, especially since you're representing me of all people, the magnificent and magical, Majestic," Majestic laughs softly, "but I wouldn't bring you here if I didn't think you could handle it."

"Mhm," Yui gives him a thumbs up.

After a few more minutes of talking a team of three police officers, already armed and armored, approaches the table.

"Majestic," one of the men says, "we'll be controlling the badges on the ground, everyone is ready for you to brief us on what we're getting into."

"Alright, let's go," Majestic says as they all begin walking with the men.

"The other team is already in the meeting room, and just so you know, putting this together on such short notice wasn't easy, I hope you appreciate it."

"I always do," Majestic says. "This is why when I've got something to do in Chiba you're the one I call."

"Lucky me," the man sighs. "But this gang is a bit...volatile, you know what kinds of things they do, sure you want to send these girls in there? They look nervous enough as it is and we're not even in a fight yet," the man glances back to see the three girls clearly on edge, confident but still showing how new they are to big raids.

"Who wouldn't be nervous about this?" Majestic asks as they approach the meeting room. "It's impossible not to be when the stakes are this high, but being a Pro Hero means you need to get the job done anyway, same goes for you guys."

"When any call can be your last, you learn to work despite it," the man says as he opens the door.

"Ahahahahha!" laughter echoes through the hallways the instant he opens the door.

They all enter the room at the head of a massive 'U' shaped table with a projector on the far wall showing some information about the Gold Chain gang.

At the far end of the table is Horizon, who was leaning back in his chair busy doing something on his phone, not even acknowledging them.

Beside him is Simon, who was busy fiddling with his mask.

And after Simon was Mudman and Cellophane who were the source of all the laughter.

"Well I guess not everyone is nervous," Majestic says as they all enter the room.

He notices all the girls freeze in place looking over at Team Horizon who are now trying to be more professional, aside from Horizon of course, as everyone greets each other.

"Surprise!" Majestic says. "Horizon said since Minato Tokyo is just across the bay his team would lend us some muscle, and I figured you girls would like to team up with your classmates."

Rule smiles at Mudman who already has his full visor on as they all take their seats, with Creati moving stiff as a board.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Majestic asks, standing at the head of the table with officers sitting to either side of him.

His students already moved to the far end mirroring their classmates.

"You can start," Horizon says, still on his phone. "This is important, I'll be done soon, but I'm listening."

All the officers and Majestic resist the urge to groan as he seemingly ignores the meeting.

Majestic takes a deep breath and begins, "right, well let's get started, it's currently 6 AM, by this time tomorrow the Gold Chain gang will be gone from Chiba, and since my source is now most likely dead, I won't be able to know where.

They move around a lot after pulling off certain jobs or getting too much attention, the crimes are hard to piece together because they never get caught and take advantage of how our law enforcement and Pro Hero system is.

Finding a pattern is hard when you have to put together the individual crimes of almost 50 people all across an entire country. And just when we get their scent they move and the process starts all over again.

The leader is a villain that goes by 'Gold Chain', he's a real monster," Majestic takes the control for the projector and goes to the next slide, showing a man with a mouth of gold plated teeth and surprisingly no gold chains on his person.

"No gold chains, shouldn't he be 'Gold Grill' or something?" Cellophane asks.

"We believe it has something to do with his Quirk, and considering the fact that some of his victims look like they were beaten to death by chains, it's likely the case. But we weren't able to find any kind of material in the wounds so his Quirk is still a mystery to us."

"What does this gang do exactly, any pattern in their crimes?" Mudman asks.

"That's the point, no pattern so it's harder to track," Majestic says. "Think of it like just a group of villains that help each other avoid us, they all do their own thing then put a cut of their money into a pile for the group. This isn't really uncommon since All Might started his war on villains."

"But one this sophisticated is concerning," Cellophane adds. "How long did it take you to get this info?"

"Weeks," Majestic grimaces. "They've got people that do everything from pickpocketing and car theft, to robbery, burglary, breakings, murder, rape, organ harvesting, blackmail, kidnapping, extortion, if it makes money or gets them a thrill, they can do it, so long as they contribute to the pile."

"So no need to be gentle with them," Cellophane says. "That makes things easier for us."

"Yes, but the problem is we have less than 24 hours to find and raid their base," Majestic goes to the next slide which shows a map of the nearby districts. "My source confirmed its within this area, but I lost contact with him before I got an exact location.

With the help of the police officers and some other leads I have, we can find this base within a few hours. The next step would be having some scouting done before entering since we don't know what we'll be facing.

After that, simple takedowns and arrests, we move quickly and crush them, but unfortunately we're going in blind regarding Quirks.

Now remember, these guys spook easily so if you see one of the marked members don't engage, report back and await further instructions, is everyone clear?"

"Yes sir," the girls -aside from Rule- both say, while Team Horizon just glanced over at their leader, who was still on his phone.

"Uh, Horizon?" Majestic asks.

"Yeah one second I'm just connecting to the projector," Horizon says, confusing everyone.

A few seconds later a simple map appears on the screen.

"This is a map of the hideout, at least from what I can tell, they've got 37 people in there including Gold Chain himself. The building has a basement that looks like they dug it out using Quirks since it's not reinforced in the same way as the rest of the building."

"How did you get this, and where is this?" Majestic asks.

"Oh, when we got here I looked at the slides and started looking around for Gold Chain, that stupid jewelry in his mouth made it super easy to find him, then I just mapped out the building and made a sketch on my phone."

"You can do that? From here?" One of the officers asks.

"Oh yeah, it's only like 13km away. They don't seem to have any hostages in there, just their own members, so we can stick to the original plan."

"Wait," One of the officers got up. "Can't you just warp them into cells from here?"

"I could, but I don't want people, especially my team, being entirely dependent on me. I especially want my team to get tested against Power Types if that gang has any, obviously I won't let anyone die or get seriously hurt, but for this I'll just be acting as over watch in the control van.

Oh, but you don't have to send any police officers inside, just form a perimeter in case things go badly. That might actually also be why we didn't get much assistance from other Pro Heroes on this, whenever I join a team up like this on the Hero Network is doesnt' let it show up as much.

Something about everyone flooding the system to team up with me and it ripping manpower away from other places that need it, and simply because it's overkill to add a dozen more Pro Heroes when I'm here. At Least that's how she explained it."

"She?" Creati asks.

"Our boss."

"Thank you," One of the officers said. "My men will be happy to hear that they don't have to get involved in the action much"

Majestic was entirely blown away, "huh, and here I almost thought you were just being a cocky, disrespectful kid."

"Only to the villains," Horizon jokes.

"Right, well I guess that leaves the planning to do," Majestic says. "Normally I'd want to send as much firepower as possible in there, especially since my students will be involved, but you're sure you'll be able to warp anyone out before they get seriously hurt."

"I promise you, if anyone is about to get hurt I'll either warp them out, or join the fight myself."

"Well, I guess since I'll be going in too it should be fine, now we just need to plan our attack," Majestic sits to take a look at the map.

"Mudman?" Horizon asks.

"Right, guess I'm up," Mudman gets out of his seat and walks closer to the screen, getting a better look at the map. "Well, this building is huge, and has multiple floors. That looks like an armory in the basement levels, right?"

"Yeah," Horizon says.

"And a vault lower down, and these tunnels...that means either the building above ground or wherever these tunnels lead to are the entrances. Two pronged attack, our team rushes from the front through the doors, drawing as much attention and making as much noise as possible.

Team Majestic uses the tunnels to get behind them, meeting us at the vault where they should have their strongest forces, and likely Gold Chain himself."

"Best possible route?" Simon asks, speaking for the first time since the meeting began, and everyone else just sat back and listened to the two students.

"I think we enter on the roof and go down from there, force them to fight in the building if they want to get to us rather than taking the fight to the streets where innocent people or public property can get damaged."

"37 people, that's a lot for a cramped space, want to just pour some wet cement on a group of them to start it off?" Cellophane asks.

"That's risky without knowing their Quirks first."

"I can deal with the stupid ones while Cellophane tries to bait out their Quirks," Simon says. "And you stay a floor above and get your Quirk ready."

"Think bigger," Horizon chimes in, silencing his team as they try to figure out what he saw that they didn't. "You've got new assets at your disposal, use them," he gestures to the girls and Majestic.

"Hmm, is there anything on the upper floors we need?" Mudman asks Horizon.

"It's mostly empty space aside from some furniture, everything is underground in the massive vault."

"What does the armory have?"

"Some small arms, but each of these guys only has a Tanto, it's weird," Horizon says.

"It's their signature, they chop up their victims," Majestic adds.

"Well the guns are mostly in the armory, above ground there isn't anything useful."

"I see," Mudman ponders this for a moment, then looks over at Creati, "how many thin steel sheets can you make, like floodgates?"

Creati tilts her head slightly, "how many square meters do you need?"


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