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59.53% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 227: CHAPTER 223(Nightmare House Pt.2)

Chapter 227: CHAPTER 223(Nightmare House Pt.2)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


---1 PM, Tokyo...

Sitting on one of the couches in Pantu's office, Horizon is scrolling through his phone, waiting for the woman to arrive.

And of course, the first moment of peace he's had all day is interrupted by his phone ringing.

"C'mon man, its Sunday, don't you ever take a day off," he says before answering the call, and it immediately connects to his visor.

"Hello?" Aizawa's voice greets him.

"Whatever this is definitely could have waited till tonight when I'm back at UA," Horizon says. "What is it?"

"Its about the UA Culture Festival Tuesday," Aizawa says.

"What does that have to do with me? I just have to stay on campus and scare off villains."

"Yeah, but is Ryuko coming?"


"The cat, not the dragon," Aizawa clarifies. "Can't believe that's something I need to say to you."

"Yeah she's coming, Ryukyu isn't. UA is all the way on the other side of Japan from her turf."

"Good, can she watch Eri during the festival? Since everyone will be on alert I can't leave her with Mirio and the other members of the Big Three, and the last thing I want is for her to be targeted because people see her around you, so---"

"Handing her off to a Pro Hero that isn't in costume is the best approach, yeah," Horizon agrees. "Mandalay will be giving her Kota to babysit at the festival too while they're working security, I'll just give her a heads up."

"Thanks, I appreciate it, this whole new dad thing is still a bit weird."

"You're doing pretty good so far," Horizon gives a genuine compliment for a change.

"Huh, don't know if hearing that from you is a good or a bad thing."

"Hey! I'm great, and my parents clearly knew what they were doing."

"Yeah, but I'm not trying to make her into a optimized super hero like your parents were doing, I just want her to be a regular kid."

"And you're doing fine, I think, I wouldn't know. I wasn't raised to be a loser."

"I never said loser..."

"That's what regular people are, its why they worship Pro Heroes so much, even the useless ones."

Aizawa sighs, "well I'll cut this conversation short before you make me second guess everything I've been doing, don't forget to tell Ryuko about this."

"Yeah its n---" Aizawa hangs up on him. "Ok, I see, so its like that huh."

Horizon goes back to scrolling through his social media for a few minutes until Pantu walks in, carrying a stack of papers in her arms.

Seeing him she pauses for a moment, then without letting any emotion show she closes the door and silently walks over to her desk, immediately getting to work.

"Its quite rude to warp into my office without permission," Pantu says.

Horizon shrugs, "figured since you're using your fancy character recognition system all across Japan to track me I didn't have to say where I was," he sees Pantu glance at him for a moment, then she returns to her work. "Oh right, this is one of the few places without any cameras or mics huh, guess I found a blind spot."

"And should I bother asking how you know about that system?"

"Its one of the reasons living here was easier than most countries," Horizon says. "Your security tends to be a bit lax for super high value targets because you lean on that system so much. So if we feed the system some wrong info, suddenly we aren't in Japan anymore."

Pantu holds down a button on her keyboard and speaks clearly, "have the character recognition system fully audited by the end of this week," she then releases the button. "Thank you for the insight."

"Mhm, so I heard you cancelled the tribute event for Yoroi Musha," Horizon says. "Thanks for that, really wasn't in the mood for that waste of a day."

"I didn't do it for you, we simply can't afford to not have our top Pro Heroes on patrol," Pantu begins folding some of the papers. "Not to mention having everyone gathered together after seeing Shigaraki's new power was clearly a bad idea, but the public doesn't need to know how concerned we truly are."

"Mhm, and is Hawks any closer to finding where the base is?"

A pregnable silence fills the room as Pantu slowly looks up at Horizon.


"How did you know about that plan?"

"I took a educated guess, and you just confirmed it," Horizon says, and she was sure he had a wide grin beneath the visor. "Figured if you're so hell bent on keeping me away from the league, its because you've got someone stealthily getting close. Looks like I was right."

"Yes well, when he has locations for both Kurogiri and Twice, you'll be called in for the strike."

"Figured as much."

"Any other national secrets that you'd like to inform me that you're aware of?"

"Hmm," he think about it for a moment. "Well...actually, nevermind, that's all."

Pantu looks at Horizon for a moment, sensing that he just blatantly lied, but she lets it go.

Carefully observing the way he's casually sitting there with Scalpel leaning against the couch.

Considering all she knows about him, and how much she doesn't know.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Horizon asks. "Sorry you're a bit too old for me."

Pantu doesn't give in to him jabs, simply ignoring it, "I was thinking that, in another life, you would have made a remarkable agent. To protect Japan and her interests."

"You would have had me working with birdie?" she can hear the disgust in his voice.

"For a man who claims not to hold any grudges because he accepts the consequences of the life he chose, you seem to hold a grudge against him. Even though he was only following Nezu's orders."

"Maybe I just don't like him," Horizon goes back to looking at his phone.

'I see,' Pantu nods and goes back to her work. 'For all his talk about keeping things strictly business, I suppose looking past the fact that Hawk's nearly killed his mother before his eyes is too much, even for a monster like him, he has a soft spot. He really would have been a perfect agent...'

A few moments later and there is a knock at the door.

"Enter," pantu says, and Endeavor steps inside.

All the flames on his costume were currently off.

"Lady Pantu," Endeavor says with a slight bow, before he looks over at the couch, "why are you here?"

"Just incase," Horizon says playfully, and nods toward Scalpel leaning nearby.

"I have the date for next months Hero Billboard Chart Ceremony, of course you'll be #1," Pantu says as Endeavor walks in, leaving the door closed behind him. "You didn't get the highest score in some categories, but right now having a practical and capable #1 is more important than a charming person.

We need people who take action, not people who coddle the masses. Not to mention the only Pro Heroes capable of fighting the villains worth worrying about are in this room."

"I see, thank you Lady Pantu," Endeavor says.

"Don't get too comfy in that spot Enji," Horizon says. "I'm more capable and charming than you, so a few months after I graduate, that spot is mine."

"I'm counting on it," Endeavor says, which surprised Pantu and Horizon. "But I doubt you called me here to speak about things that could have been a email."

"No, we didn't," Pantu says as he reaches into her desk and hands him a folder with a few papers. "Take a seat and read these results, tell us what you think."

"But before that, " Horizon says as Endeavor is moving toward the couch opposite him. "Did Toya have blue flames?"

Endeavor freezes, standing across from Horizon, "what does that have to do with anything?"

"Its a simple question Endeavor," Horizon says.

Endeavor looks at Pantu, and she gives him a nod. With a sigh he admits, "yes, he did. But I fail to see how that could be relevant."

"You should sit down a read those..."

Minutes later Endeavor is sitting across from Horizon, tears flowing down his face and falling onto the paper in his hands.

'Oh god, I never know what to say when this crap happens,' Horizon thinks.

"Are you sure its from Dabi?" Endeavor asks in a terrified voice. "Maybe its from something else, like, anything else."

"We aren't sure, but I'm willing to bet its Dabi," Horizon says.

"But, but this doesn't make sense. That was from over 15 years ago, how?"

"Did you ever find a body?" Pantu asks.

"No, everything was incinerated, we assumed that," Endeavor chokes on his words. "I should have kept looking, I never should have given up!"

"If you did that, then he would have died for sure," Horizon says. "I have reason to believe that they did, something, to keep him alive. His DNA has strands of Nomu genome perfectly melded into it."

"All For One, he's behind this," Endeavor says, angry even as the tears keep flowing.

"Best case scenario, I'm wrong," Horizon says.

"Is that possible, you're Horizon, worlds best doctor, is it possible?" Endeavor asks.


"I see, can it be amnesia, or mind control?" Endeavor asks, wiping his tears.

"Well, that's possible."

Endeavor looks up at Horizon, "I'm not asking if its possible, I'm asking if its likely. You've studied these villains more than most, just be honest with me, please."

Horizon sighs, "its, unlikely that they'd resort to that. Those methods are unreliable for this long a period of time, it would have been more efficient to harvest his stem cells and clone that powerful Quirk."

"I see, so if this is true, then he's a real villain. And its my fault," Endeavor says.

"He's an adult, his life, his choices. Lots of people have childhood trauma, but only a rare few are...well, you know."

"My main concern is if he knows who he is, assuming this data is correct," Pantu says. "And we will be operating as if he is Toya Todoroki until we have evidence disproving it that the public will also believe."

"When I become #1, he could make this public and further shake people's faith in the Pro Heroes," Endeavor says. "I shouldn't become #1. I doubted myself before, but now I know it."

"Not an option," Horizon says. "You're the only one who can do it until I'm a fully licensed pro. Anyone else they'll just kill to make an example of. Either way they'll try to destroy the next #1 Pro Hero, but this way we at least have a chance. A murderous villain pointing fingers at the #1 Pro Hero, we can control the media and have him ignored."

"Or when you do become #1, he'll hate it so much that he won't be able to resist showing his face," Pantu says. "No matter how you feel, no matter how we look at it, you're the only choice we really have Endeavor."

Endeavor gives a defeated sigh, "alright, then I shall do my best to be the #1 Hero people can look up to, who my family can be proud of. At least for the next three years," he looks over at Horizon, "until you're ready..."


next chapter

Chapter 228: CHAPTER 224(UA Culture Festival)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


---November 5th, 2315...

UA, a highly secure school that the public could never dream of entering.

Most of the time.

The one main exception to that? The UA Culture festival.

Normally a collection of stalls and a few stages just beyond the front gates of the school. Kept small as each class host their own shows, games, or food stalls to show off school spirit.

This is the one event where the Hero Course actually takes a back seat while the business and support courses wow the public with all they've learned at UA.

But this year was different.

This year the entire festival was taken to a completely different level.

Instead of a few tents and stalls, there was a walkway leading directly from the school gates into a massive arena just beyond the campus.

An entire structure dedicated to hosting the thousands of people that are currently flooding the school.

It was like the UA Sports Festival all over again.

Companies from near and far fought each other to rent spots within the festival, selling all manner of food, drinks, and Hero Merchandise to the visiting public.

Upon entry at the gate all the visitors were funneled through a few layers of security scanners and given a wristband to track where they are on campus, and Quirk use.

But most importantly, they were immediately intimidated by all the Pro Heroes littering the school grounds.

Standing at the front entrance was Crust, a Top 10 Pro Hero, supported by some of his sidekicks and Mt. Lady, ready for any assaults from the road.

There were extra cameras atop the massive black steel walls running along the perimeter of the school.

And it felt like nobody could go ten steps without bumping into a Pro Hero.

It was every hero-worshipping kids paradise, and the paparazzi were enjoying it just as much.

This of course was expected so many less popular Pro Heroes offered their services every year, hoping to get some spotlight and go viral from the sheer volume of pictures that would be taken.

But this year most of them were feeling the cold shoulder of neglect.

Everywhere they look there were people wearing Horizon's merch, from t-shirts to backpacks and shoes.

Most legitimate, many not. But Horizon doesn't really care, it was the least of his concerns really.

But what annoyed the pro heroes more was the paparazzi and fans constantly approaching them, and just when they think they're about to get some attention the person simply asks where Horizon is.

Yet all they can do is smile and play nice, burying the annoyance they feel each time its asked.

Walking through the crowd and largely being either avoided or ignored, Endeavor would stop ever so often to sign something for a fan or give a comment and pose for a picture.

But today he was on a mission.

He wasn't here technically working security so he had no post to report to, but of course he did have a pass to go anywhere he wants within reason.

His presence was enough of a security assurance for 99% of villains, so he could roam about freely.

And right now he was making his way toward the performance stages where 1A was preparing, to bond with ,or more accurately, annoy, Shoto.

Atleast from Shoto's point of view.

Ignoring the scent of candy in the air, all the congested and crowded walkways -which meant his flames were off-, and the noise of all the students vying for the publics attention.

Endeavor focuses only on getting to his goal, perhaps one of the few Pro Heroes here who are thankful to Horizon for stealing away so much attention.

And while nobody has yet to see Horizon, suddenly hundreds of phones go off at once, a new notification reaching them all.

The people along the crowded walkway to get to the arena, walking in front of the main campus building, suddenly look up at the building.

As they saw themselves in Horizon's newest post, a picture of him sitting at the edge of the building, feet dangling over the edge, with the crowd shown down below him.

UA being tagged, a clear warning for the villains to stay away from UA and Musutafu today, which the criminals based in Tokyo will surely appreciate.

Dozens of people take out their cameras and zoom in, trying their best to get a picture of him sitting there.

And much to their delight, he gives them a simple wave and goes back to listening to his music, ignoring the crowds.

He does this for hours.

His Room open, taking all of his focus to keep an eye on everything and everyone, but eventually something catches his eye.

At noon, three hours after the start of the festival, he senses and sees something interesting enter UA.


With a thought he warps into the middle of the crowd, startling many people before they all begin clamoring and trying to get his attention, but he tunes them out and shuts his much off.

He simply stood there, staring down at a little boy in a rather accurate Horizon cosplay.

He couldn't be more than ten years old, and he was clearly star struck. Staring up at his hero in silence.

His parents were on either side of him, and they didn't know what to say either, but before they could utter a word Horizon got down to the boys level, taking a knee.

Taking a closer look at him.

"Nice Hero Costume Horizon," he says to the boy, noticing the child was trembling with excitement. "So, are you a fan?"

The boy just nods, and through the holes in the boys cardboard visor he could see two wide eyes, pupils like saucers staring at him.

"You're my favorite," the boy says, and the crowd gets completely silent, some people recording while others are just taking in the scene.

"And why is that?"

"You're strong," the boy then raises a small foam katana at his side, "and have a sword."

Horizon chuckles, "everyone likes the sword."

"Mhm!" the boy excitedly nods along.

"But you know, my Hero Costume has more than just a sword," Horizon says.


"Mhm," he rolls back his sleeve slightly to show the body glove, which the boy thankfully wasn't wearing. Just a simple white suit, foam katana, and cardboard visor. "See this keeps me healthy, and helps me stay cool in the sun, so be sure to drink lots of water while you're having fun today, alright."


"But there is one more thing," Horizon raises his hand, and a similar card to his metal throwing cards appears. But this one was plastic and dull, with his symbol on both sides, with one side signed.

A special set of these were made weeks ago in preparation for moments like these, and he's given a few stalls here cards to give away as prizes.

"Woooow," the boys leans forward and slowly moves to grab it out of the air, then hesitates.

"Every Horizon needs some of these," Horizon says. "This one is yours, take care of it alright."

The boy vigorously nods along, then gets a nudge from his dad, "thank you!"

"Always happy to help a fellow hero," Horizon says as he hovers the card over to the boy who holds it close to his chest. "Enjoy the festival, and stay safe..."

The boy just continues nodding excitedly, not knowing what to say, and before the other people in the crowd can speak Horizon disappears.

Appearing back on the roof, but this time not sitting at the edge.

"You could have stayed there a bit long," Nezu says, he'd been waiting on the roof for barely a moment before Horizon reappeared. "A lot of people are here to see you."

Horizon sighs and reaches down to lift Nezu, putting him up on the ledge where they look out over the crowd and the city together.

They occasionally see someone taking a picture of them chatting, but largely ignore the crowd.

"And why would I want to get swarmed by those hero-worshipping morons?" Horizon asks while waving to the crowd.

"You don't have any problem saying hello to children."

"Well they're kids, and some of them, like that last one, have great taste in Pro Heroes."

"Do you ever plan to actually enjoy the festival?"

"I am enjoying it, also I told Jiro I'd come down to watch the concert, so I've only got one hour of peace up here before that starts."

"I see, that's good," Nezu says as they enjoy a peaceful lull in the conversation, looking down at all the families pouring into UA.

Looking up at Horizon, he sees the visor looking down at the crowd, and behind it he just knew Horizon was lost in his own thoughts, as he often is at scenes like this.

"Do you ever wish you could be them?" Nezu asks.

"Be what?"


"Why would I ever want that, I'm Horizon, I'm better."

"Well that makes one of us," Nezu admits. "I used to wish for it all the time, and occasionally I still do. In moments like theses. What if I wasn't born a rat that developed a Quirk and got experimented on for years?

What if I was just a normal human with a normal family doing normal things?

What if I knew what a normal life was like?

But I've long made peace with it. That's why UA is my is all that will be left of my life. But for all the good I've done, and that UA will continue to do, sometimes I find myself jealous of them..."

Neither of them speak for a few minutes, until Horizon breaks the silence.

"Sometimes, you know, after a long shift of non-stop Hero Work. I go back to the tower and just relax with Ryuko. And I think about how much better things would be if they were there too.

And I think about all the people out there that get to have their full families because I don't have mine back yet.

And, I don't know...its like I'm happy for them, at least for the kids that don't have to grow up without parents.

But then I get angry, because I remember why I'm doing this."

"But then you keep doing it anyway," Nezu says. "How often do you think about them?"

"I try not to," Horizon admits. "The more I think about them, the less focused I get, and the more I think about how..."

"About how what?"

Horizon sighs, "about how much they would prefer if I just walked away right now. Just packed everything up and left, and let them get executed, like they asked me to do. The deal is either I play hero, or I walk away, those are the only options I have..."

"Can you really do that?"

"I, rather not, obviously," Horizon says. "But, if it comes to it. I will, because I know its what they'd want me to do. But I also have to honor my agreement, plus, and I hate to say it but, being a Pro Hero has its uses."

Nezu looks at him with a victorious smirk.

"Don't even start," beneath the visor Horizon rolls his eyes.

"I didn't say anything, but I'm glad you're learning to enjoy this life you've chosen. And so long as you're happy, I'm sure they'll be happy."

"How about you just take things one day at a time, don't get your hopes up , alright?"

"Alright," Nezu says. And less than a minute later he can't help but ask, "so do you like sav---"

Horizon raises a hand, signaling for him to be quiet then taps his visor, meaning he's on a call.

"I need to go," Horizon says after the call ends.

"What, but you can't leave, the security---"

"The Kelto Nuclear Reactor is having a potential crisis Nezu."

"Oh god," Nezu's eyes go wide. "If that happens then it could contaminate the water system there and kill millions."

"Yeah, and thirteen just gave me the call to assist her since she knows I can handle a lot of dangerous scenarios."

Nezu nods along, "alright, I'll keep things running as if you're still here. But stay away from the cameras, we don't need villains knowing you're on the other side of Tokyo."

"I'll travel as Law, this feels too perfect to be a coincidence...but---."

"I know," Nezu says. "We just can't take the risk, I'll do what I can here to boost security as quietly as possible, you just stay safe, and be quick."

"I'll do my best..."


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