Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)
"So, you plan to get in on this?" Sero asks Todoroki.
Both of them were sitting on the steps in front of the dorms, watching just a few students walking about while everyone else is inside studying.
And beside them was Deku, scribbling in one of his 'Hero Journal' books.
"I have a brain, so no, I don't want to fight Horizon," Todoroki says. "Besides, he'd probably just remove my heart again, and I'd rather not deal with that all over again."
"Oh, right," Sero leans forward and looks over at Deku. "What about you Deku?"
"Huh?" Deku snaps out of his own little world and looks at Sero. "Sorry, what did you say?"
"You gonna help Bakugo out or just watch? You and Todoroki are the strongest in our class after Horizon...well you're probably tied with Tokoyami most of the time."
"Hmm, I don't think Kacchan will like me getting involved, this seems a bit personal for him."
"Everything is personal with Bakugo," Shoto says. "But even if we did join, I don't think our chances would increase by much."
"Hmm, I'm not so sure about that," Deku says, opening his book and skimming his notes. "But I do have a theory."
"Really, to beat the unbeatable?" Shoto asks. "Please, enlighten us."
"Ok," Deku flips through some more notes then looks at Sero. "You've spent the most time with him, so tell me if this makes sense, alright?"
"Sure thing man."
"Ok, so. My idea is a team attack, not a single person."
"A combo move?" Shoto asks.
"Exactly, because from all the information I have Horizon can't lose 1 on 1, not unless you can completely surprise him---"
"Like being the only person in the world with an arsenal of Quirks that he can't predict or react to," Shoto says.
"Yeah, I've even been asking All Might and he agrees."
"So what's the plan?" Sero asks, clearly skeptical that this would ever work.
"Well alright, we need a few people. Kacchan, Yaomomo, Uraraka, and Mina."
"That's an unusual combination," Shoto says.
"That's the idea!" Deku says excitedly. "Kacchan is the only one with the power, speed, skills, and most importantly, the combat sense to adapt to anything Horizon throws at him, or atleast adapt faster than anyone else. Plus he can fight at any angle thanks to his mobility."
"So he's the vanguard," Shoto says. "A distraction and stalling tactic while the girls get the real attack ready?"
"Yeah! Yaomomo can make anything, and she's sure to know the optimal items to distract him, and since her potential attacks are so varied he can't prepare in advance for it."
"A distraction and something to surprise him," Shoto thinks about it for a moment. "But I can't imagine Uraraka and Ashido being able to do much damage to him."
"Well, they can't, not really," Deku says. "But if Uraraka manages to make something weightless, he shouldn't be able to sense that so it can surprise him, like ripping the ground out from under his feet."
"And Mina?" Sero asks.
"Well all she has to do is hit him once," Deku says. "See I noticed something. Horizon never lets any attacks hit him, even when taking a hit to counter attack would be smarter and more efficient. He always avoids every hit. Why do you think that is?"
"Because his ego won't allow it," Sero says, hitting the nail on the head.
"No way, he's too logical for that," Deku says. "It must be his suit, his visor and body glove combo. Nobody knows what's under it, and he's mentioned a few times that he's like a living ball of energy, right? So..."
"You think it's a containment suit?" Shoto asks. "And if you get some Acid on it---"
"She ruptures the suit and he loses a lot of energy faster than he can generate it."
"So you plan to pop him like a balloon and let him...leak out?" Sero asks.
"Well, that's one way to put it, yeah, so what do you think?" Deku asks Sero.
"I think you haven't seen him fight, I mean a serious fight."
"But, at the Sports Festival---"
He interrupts Shoto, "Horizon was playing around, trust me, if he's serious, nobody can touch him, and he'll see through any plans made against him. Hand of God is one thing, but he's a different level of aware and paranoid, he thinks of every possibility. If you want to surprise him you'd have to pull a second Quirk out of your pocket, but you'd have to do that before he makes physical contact and Scans you.
But I think since All For One used that trick, it won't work twice," Sero shrugs.
"Nothing we didn't already know," Shoto says. "But I'm more curious about why Midoriya has put this much thought into it..."
"Uh, well," Deku stutters nervously. "I just feel like eventually we'll get matched up, and he'll be a bit rougher on me than anyone else."
"Oh definitely," Sero says, causing both of them to wince. "That's probably why Eraser doesn't let you two spar during class."
"That's a bit concerning," Shoto mutters. "Maybe we shouldn't let Bakugo fight him."
"You talking about my icy-hot!" Bakugo yells as he walks out of the dorms, in full Hero Costume with Kirishima beside him, who was in casual clothes.
'Nevermind, this should be fun to watch,' Shoto thinks.
"We're just here to watch the fight man," Sero says as Kirishima joins them, sitting on the steps of the dorms. "Good luck out there."
"I don't need any damn luck, I'll show you losers exactly how much stronger I am! Then I'll be the #1 Hero!"
"That's a lot of talk from a silver medalist," Horizon says as he steps out of the dorms.
He was casually scrolling through his phone, after warping Momo to her room from the meeting and leaving her to catch up with Jiro, he changed into some white and blue sweatpants and a hoodie, all his merchandise of course.
Leaving the hoodie open to show off the body glove below and its muscular design.
"Where are we doing this?" Bakugo asks, adjusting his gauntlets which he's already filled.
"Right here is fine," Horizon doesn't take his eyes off his phone as he walks onto the lawn, waiting for his opponent. "But remember, after I beat you here, no more rematches."
"You'll be begging me for a rematch after I win," Bakugo grumbles. "But we can't fight here. My explosions will get me in trouble this close to the dorms and main campus," he gestures to the buildings around them.
"You really don't need to worry about that, trust me," Horizon puts his phone in his pocket.
"Tch," Bakugo takes a spot opposite him on the lawn, and drops into his fighting stance, ready to rush in. "You should give that to tape face before I break it, my explosions are stronger than the last time you saw them."
"My phone will be fine, after all, it's only you..."
Bakugo growls loudly, and they could see the vein on his forehead bulging already.
"One of you needs to call it," Horizon says to the spectators.
"I'm on it," Kirishima hops up, and rushes inside, away from the fight.
Moments later all of 1A in their casual clothes comes out to watch the fight.
"Alright!" Kirishima yells and raises his hand. "Begin!"
Horizon opens a Room just large enough for the main campus area.
Bakugo lunges forward, already having considered most variables.
'Not much here to swap places with, every explosion has to be a double, one at him, and one behind me in case he swaps out places like before.
I need to grab him and throw him in the air, that way even if he swaps out places I'll still have an advantage since I'll fly up after him, and he can't fly...atleast I don't think so.
And I've got to make sure when I grab him it's only to align myself to blast him away, if he feels me holding on he'll use Counter Shock and end the fight...just like he did with Mirio.
The final hurdle is that damn shield of his, Curtain, he rarely uses it. But at the Sports Festival, I forced him to use it since he couldn't warp out of the ring, and my explosion covered the whole thing.
But I can't just bomb this place, I'd probably still get in trouble, even if he says I won't get in trouble for this fight. This is just like fighting a villain in a civilian-heavy area, perfect training.
Because no villain is gonna give as good of a fight as Horizon!'
All these thoughts rush through Bakugo's mind in the time it takes him to move two steps, at a full sprint.
Now Horizon was only 10m -33ft- away, and he still hadn't moved yet.
'He's waiting for me to strike, then he'll swap us so I blow myself up, he always does this crap, but I'm ready this time!'
An excellent plan, but unfortunately, in this world especially.
What you don't know, can hurt you. And in the case of Horizon, it hurts a lot.
Horizon disappears, swapped with nothing, because very few people know he can freely warp about in a space he's familiar with.
Bakugo's and most of his classmate's eyes go wide as many of them see this for the very first time.
The sound of metal shattering reaches Bakugo's ears, before the searing pain in his right arm has him screaming out.
In an instant Horizon had warped beside him, and struck the gauntlet on his right arm with a heavy punch, amplified by Booster Shot.
The gauntlet shattered along with the bones in Horizon's hand. But he quickly and subtly beings healing them.
The metal of Bakugo's equipment is sent scattering about the lawn.
But Horizon's strike continued to Bakugo's forearm beneath, hitting hard enough to crack the bone in multiple places.
"ARRGH!" Bakugo cries out, feeling a pain that he recognizes, but much worse than ever before.
Like the pain of his bones and muscles straining under the recoil of his explosions amplified a dozen times over, pain making it obvious using explosions with that hand will do permanent damage.
Damage he can't afford to take if he wants to keep fighting in the future.
Before their classmates can react to give a wince---
He warps to the other side and does the exact same thing, causing Bakugo to stumble and begin falling over.
He warps directly in front of Bakugo and kicks him in the stomach area, just barely lifting him off the floor with the sheer force of it.
And as Bakugo is an inch off the floor, with his foot still making contact.
They both appear 10m -33ft- above the lawn.
Horizon lands a strong right as Bakugo is disoriented, causing his vision to go black for a moment.
He warped them another 10m -33ft- directly up the instant he made contact, then brings down a elbow to Bakugo's right shoulder, easily dislocating it.
"Argh!" Bakguo's pained scream was bone-chilling, and most of his classmates winces at the sound.
Before Horizon warped to the other side and did the exact same attack, all while they were now beginning to fall.
Now satisfied with how useless Bakugo's arms are, Horizon uses Shambles to adjust their positions. Putting his foot on Bakugo's back as if the boy was lying on the floor, then---
They warp back down onto the lawn, and Bakugo luckily only feels the momentum of falling less than 1.5m -5ft-, but unfortunately with Horizon's 275lbs -125kgs- dropping onto him, standing with one foot on his back, shoving his face into the dirt.
"See, told you the explosions wouldn't get you in trouble," Horizon chuckles as he gets off of him and steps to the side.
The spectators stand in amazement and horror, the entire fight took barely 5 seconds, and Bakugo didn't even get a chance to strike.
"Bakugo, are you ok?!" Kirishima yells out.
"Take him to Recover Girl, I don't heal annoying things," Horizon says as he begins walking toward the dorms, ready to perform a procedure he's been planning since summer, then have some fun later tonight.
"Argh!" Bakguo uses his forehead to push off the grass, barely raising his torso to look at Horizon's back. "I'm not done!"
But in his excitement a jolt of pain wracks his arms, causing him to lose balance and go face-first back into the dirt.
"Yeah, you're done, and if anyone needs me, don't..." Horizon says as he enters the dorms, as does almost everyone else.
Sero, Shoto, and Deku are left watching Kirishima take Bakugo to Recover Girl.
"Told you that plan wouldn't work," Sero shrugs. "It takes a bit of getting used to, but I think it's pretty obvious now. You relied on Horizon fighting like a classic Pro Hero, like All Might, but he prefers ruthless efficiency."
Deku looks at Bakugo being escorted away, then down at his book, "I guess I know even less than I imagined..." he mutters.
But deep down, he could feel it, and he knew it to be true.
If he wants to be the best, Horizon is the mountain in his way.
This is the person he must rise to overcome, or atleast to challenge.
And what better challenge to force his growth...
Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)
---10 PM...
Skulking through the 1A Dorms a few minutes after curfew, Jiro looks around anxiously through the hallways before exiting her room.
She was wearing her usual 'Deep Dope' oversized top and a pair of matching shorts, phone gripped tightly in hand.
Taking a deep breath she tries to play it cool, as if she just got up to go get some water from downstairs, atleast that's the plan if anyone bumps into her.
But that's unlikely. This being the Hero Course means everyone trains from sunrise to sundown, and hardly any people are walking about at night.
Too exhausted from the constant training and studying, and had she not taken a nap after their large study session she would have been sound asleep as well.
Walking down the hallway she passes by Momo's room, and considers a possibility.
'If I go to chat with Horizon and Momo is there things could get awkward. I mean we already decided how to deal with...ugh but I really don't want to deal with any weird situations tonight.
But I mean I'm just going to talk, nothing is gonna happen, I think. I hope. I hope? Do I? Well, a little bit happening won't hurt, right?'
She smacks herself on the forehead, then winces a bit and rubs it.
'I'm overthinking things, but just to be sure I'm not interrupting them...'
She raises one of her Earphone Jacks and touches the wall in front of Momo's room.
Then relaxes as she hears her best friend sound asleep.
'I really need to stop doing that,' she reminds herself while retracting it. 'But I kind of like it when he teases me...atleast it makes him talk to me more. Nope, I need to cut out that habit.'
Walking to the end of the hallway she sees the boys' side across from her, then makes a sharp turn toward the elevator.
'It's only one floor up, and with my luck, someone is out getting a snack downstairs,' she thinks, walking to the side of the elevator to the stairwell that wraps around it.
Feeling more and more anxious with every step, she arrives on the fifth floor, the top floor of the 1A Dorms.
And walks toward its only resident.
Arriving at his door she can't help but roll her eyes at it. White and blue with his logo boldly carved into it.
'He really can't help himself huh,' she looks down the hallway, where usually she'd see three more doors for the other rooms.
But instead, it's just a plain wall.
'They really did make his room the entire Boys' Side top floor...what does he even need all that space for. Well, I guess I'm about to find out,' she takes a deep breath and raises her hand to gently knock.
Only for the door to open, and a pair of yellow and black eyes stare back at her.
They both freeze for a moment, then Mina is the first to break the awkward tension.
"Heya Kyoka, what brings you here?" She puts on her best smile to try and snap Jiro out of her frozen state.
"Uh, I, um---"
Mina leans forward, getting a bit closer to Jiro, "Here for a little one-on-one time with your not-so-secret crush huh, you being a bad rocker girl?"
"What! No!" Jiro yells, no longer trying to be stealthy, face fully red at the thought. "I was just, um, just here to talk about...things."
Mina gives her a mischievous smile, and Jiro just knows she's never going to let her forget this. "Really, talking, well if you say so."
"I'm serious."
"uh-huh, just be sure to tell me everything tomorrow," Mina steps out of the room, leaving Horizon's door open behind her. "Looks like Horizon gets his hands on all the ladies tonight," she says scandalously, just to see Jiro blush and try to cover her face.
Mina's laughter echoes through the hallway, "Honestly you're way too fun to tease, I wasn't here for that, I like sweet wholesome guys. Plus you two already have...whatever you have with him."
Jiro slowly drops her hands, "really? But then why were you here?"
Mina shrugs, "well I guess that's something you can talk to him about, all the science kind of went over my head anyway," she leans forward and pinches Jiro's cheek. "If you keep blushing like this you'll get to do more than talking tonight, you're just too adorable sometimes."
"That's not, uh."
"Good luck," Mina says as she begins walking away. "And keep it safe."
"It's not like that I swear!" Jiro yells, but Mina just waves and rounds the corner, heading back to her own room.
As she hears the elevator open, Jiro turns around, now looking into Horizon's room.
"Well, atleast she won't tell anyone...if only so she can tease me about this more, just my luck."
Assuming he must have heard and likely sensed her by now, however that works, she enters and closes the door behind her.
And she can't help but observe how neat everything was in his room. As she expects from their resident doctor atleast.
To the far end of the room was his large bed, where just last night she listened in on him and her best friend as they---
'Focus Jiro,' she snaps herself out of her daze.
Only a few feet away, standing in front of a hologram with a few tabs of notes and what looks like chemical structures floating about, Horizon is adding more and more information to it.
'Mina did say the science of it went over her head...' Jiro recalls.
"Had fun sneaking about the hallways?" Horizon asks. "Took you long enough to get here..."
"You knew I was coming?"
"I could sense you, and by the way, Momo just sends me a text and I warp her into my room, for future notice when we do this again."
"You could have done that at any point, why didn't you?" Jiro was clearly annoyed by his antics.
"More fun this way, could have sworn you were having a panic attack deciding whether to take the elevator."
"It wasn't that bad," she grumbles and walks up to him, looking at the work he's doing.
"It was," he looks to the side, down at the petite girl, "but hey, you made it, and I'm happy to have you."
"Well, atleast you find it funny."
"Adorable really. And I noticed you couldn't help but be a little perv one last time."
"It's really not like that," Jiro says. "It's just...kind of a habit now. Ever since joining UA, you and the teachers say we should use our Quirks any chance we get, well mine lets me do things like that. So its good practice...and I guess I got a bit carried away with it."
"I understand the feeling, better than most actually."
"Really, you do? And mind if I take a seat?" She gestures to the couch at his back.
"Go ahead, and yeah, I do understand it," he continues his work. "My Quirk allows me to sense things within my range, I can pick and choose what I sense depending on how much focus and energy I want to use.
I could decide to ignore, let's say, your clothes, and get a map of what you look like naked. I can peer through walls entirely without limit and know what everyone is doing. I can see behind the masks of the Top Pro Heroes, and there isn't anything in the world they could do about it.
So yes, I understand the temptation to use your Quirk to violate the privacy of others, but honestly, its never bothered me."
"Right, because of course mister perfect never gets tempted to do bad things," Jiro rolls her eyes. "Do you really expect me to believe that?"
"Why would I care about others in such a way, they aren't worth my attention. Besides, it ruins the fun part."
"What fun part?"
"Well, half the fun of women is making them want you, if you skip to the end it's rather boring."
"You expect me to believe you enjoy that?"
Horizon looks over his shoulder at her, then goes back to finishing his notes, "asks the girl who has a massive and obvious crush on me, snuck though the halls after curfew to visit me in my dorms, and is now sitting patiently for me to finish these notes and give her my undivided romantic attention...really?"
"Tch, that doesn't prove anything," Jiro says. "Besides, seems like you've had a lot of visitors lately."
"She's cute, and has a nice ass, but do you really think I'd put my dick in a potential acid puddle...no thanks."
"Well, she said she wasn't here for that kind of thing...so why was she here?"
"I'll show you," he saves his work and then taps a few buttons on the watch device Mei made for him.
Jiro moves over so he can sit beside her, and the hologram begins to change.
Displaying what appear to be scans and results from hundreds of people, hundreds of sick people that need help.
Then each file ends with the same word, 'Terminally ill'.
"Your patients?" Jiro asks.
"No, these are people from around the world that I just can't get to, but I can fix. Too bad they'll all long die before I could ever get the chance to go there."
"Oh no...Mina?"
"Is fine," he reassures her. "A while ago I won a bet, and I asked that she let me run some tests on her. She thought I was going to do some perverted nonsense apparently."
"We all thought that, she told the girls."
"And you're still here, how odd. But no I wanted to examine her Quirk. Contrary to what you may see in the news and on TV, Quirks like hers and Bakugo's are rare. Full body quirks that entirely change a body system while adding nothing but genetic benefits to the user.
But I've already studied some similar to Bakugo's so I don't need him...but Shoji is a bit hesitant to be 'treated like a lab rat', as he puts it. Something about his past...I wasn't really listening to the sob story."
"Jeez, even when you try to be sweet you're still a jerk."
"That's my charm babe, but really now, medicine has become a lot more difficult since the advent of Quirks.
Operating on people is much harder as the human form can vary so much now, it's like having to be a doctor, a vet, and a dozen other things all in one. That's also why creating universal medication is all but impossible too, and that's something I plan to solve."
"You want to make medicine?"
"Just think about it, if I study enough people firsthand, I could make a cure for dozens of things. One shot or one pill or whatever, and bye-bye terminal illness, forever."
"Wow..." Jiro's eyes widen in amazement, never expecting to know this side of him.
"As I said, this Pro Hero thing is a stepping stone, and now that the entire world knows me, they trust me, I can get information that would have never been given freely before. I can fix this world, one cure at a time.
For each of the people I save by fighting some idiot villain, I'll save tens of millions more by completing these cures. No cape, no tights, just results, as it should be. And it'll all be completely free."
"Completely free?" Jiro was even more surprised. "Since when were you altruistic?"
"Well, maybe being around all you heroes is rubbing off on me, but recently I've had a change of heart," he lied, so blatantly and boldly she couldn't help but believe it.
Leaving her none the wise to how far he'd go to have this entire world eating out of his palm.
"So it really was just for research," Jiro says as she scoots a bit closer to him, and he casually drapes his arm around her.
"Well, Mina is cute."
"You like pink?"
"She makes it work, but I usually mostly just like Quirky people. People that would be indistinguishable from regular boring obsolete humans...but then they just have that one odd thing about them. Like you, just an incredibly cute girl...with Earphone Jacks for earlobes."
Jiro blushes up a storm as the holograms close up, and the room dims slightly. "You really like them?"
"I think they look good on you."
"And I think I might look good on you," Jiro says his line, which catches him off guard.
"---oh, you heard me say that yesterday, of course."
She giggles a bit, "sorry I couldn't help it."
"Well, atleast you're not wrong..."
Feeling he heart pounding in her chest, and her face heating up, Jiro quickly blurts out, "can we take it slow! I mean...I'm just not ready for, you know."
There is a moment before Horizon speaks where she's worried he won't like what she said, until, he laughs, and she feels her heart sink, fearing the worse.
But as always, he never misses a chance to tease her.
"Wooowwww, I just wanted to talk and you're already thinking about such horny things, honestly Jiro you're such a pervert."
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