Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)
"What are you doing?" Horizon asks as he floats down to the street, still sitting on his board.
He sees Cellophane leaning against the wall trying to catch his breath.
"What the hell man!?"
"What, not like you died, I mean..." Horizon looks up, seeing the long strip of tape attached to his building. "Maybe next time use the feature that lets you retract most of the tape so you don't make a mess...and don't catch yourself so close to the ground."
"Maybe don't throw people off buildings!"
Horizon sighs and looks around, seeing the early morning traffic about to start picking up. He floats over and holds Cellophane's shoulder.
They both appear back on the roof, at the very edge, swapped with nothing as he's already spent weeks in Minato Tokyo getting attuned to it.
"Woah," Cellophane jumps back, away from the edge, and takes off his visor. "Why'd you bring us back here?" Sero asks.
"Because now you know you can do it, so I shouldn't have to push you."
"Well, I guess."
"Not a guess, a fact," Horizon says. "Listen, if we were in UA you wouldn't have had any issues doing this. But you're hesitant because we aren't in UA where you feel safe doing risky things to train."
Sero thinks about it for a second, "well, yeah."
"It's a natural human adaptation. Take risks in places with a safety net, and avoid risks in new places like this. But you're going to be a Pro Hero. Your job is literally to run toward danger so others don't have to."
"Right," Sero nods, slowly walking toward the edge of the building. "So I should just get over my fears, right?"
"No, actually, the fear of falling is the only one humans cannot adapt to overcome. It's evolutionary in our very being, but we just learn to cope with it better over time."
"Not the pep talk I wanted," Sero puts on his visor.
"But...as a man, and as a Pro Hero. You cannot show that fear. Your duty is to be the rock for others to lean on, to be the one stable and dependable part of their life. Accept your fears but get the job done anyway, without the safety net."
"And if I fall?" Cellophane asks.
"You wouldn't be paid so well if there wasn't risk, besides, you want my life right?"
"Huh, what do you mean?"
"C'mon, I bought a skyscraper to live in and eventually set up my office, spent the night with basically a sexy runway model. I've got influence and power and anything people could want, if you want all of this...then train hard enough that you can leap without needing a net."
"Right," Cellophane nods. "Just one step forward," he says while looking at the street below.
"Just gotta man up and do it, now stop being a pussy or I'll push you off again..."
Taking a deep breath, Cellophane closes his eyes, and just leans forward.
He's instantly falling head first, hundreds of meters to the streets below.
But most importantly, all of his own volition.
Feeling his body become weightless, as the fear crescendos within him, surpassing a point where he could even track it.
Causing his mind and body to go numb to it.
His eyes snap open, seeing the street only 200m below him.
His right arm whips to the side and he fires out a strip of tape, still not used to aiming with his wrists rather than his elbows, but he hits his mark.
With this line stuck to the side of Horizon's building he swings in a wide arc, then with another flick of his wrist the end of the tape rips, a meter from where it's attached to the building, and is reeled back into his suit.
Cellophane's ecstatic laugh rings through the streets as he swings between buildings. Finally feeling his dreams becoming a reality.
He spends so much of his time training in UA, but nothing has ever felt as good as this. Using his Quirk and wearing his Hero Costume in public, with all the people on the streets below watching.
This is the man he always wanted to be.
The man he always wanted his dad to see him become...
"---Are you done with the victory lap?" Horizon interrupts his thoughts, speaking through their comms into his visor.
"Hng," Cellophane loses focus for just a second, pulling a bit too tight on his tape and nearly slamming through the window of a building.
Luckily he rolls in mid-air and lands on all fours against the glass, and accidentally triggers his new boots to run tape to his soles.
Sticking his feet to the glass.
Feeling himself about to fall back he shoots a line forward as if he were crawling on the wall, much to the shock of the man who was sweeping the floors of what seems to be a office.
"Uh...I'm stuck to the wall, I think it's my boots," Cellophane says while giving the man a polite wave.
"Did you not read the manual?"
"I thought they were regular boots man."
"It's Mei, nothing is normal after she works on it...just hang in there I'll get the book..."
"Not funny."
"Just try to stick it out."
Cellophane gives an annoyed groan, not exactly the start to his Hero Career than he was expecting...
Minutes later they're up on another rooftop, Horizon still sitting on his Hoverboard while Cellophane is re-reading the manual.
"You know you could have just warped me off the wall."
"Yeah, but then you wouldn't have learned anything."
"Mmm, that's fair I guess," Cellophane closes the manual and hands it over to Horizon.
He holds it, warps away, then warps back without it, leaving it back in Sero's room. "All good now?"
"Yeah, I just missed one small section about the boots."
"What about it?"
"Apparently she did that so I could run up walls," Cellophane shrugs.
"Well you did say you like that guy from those old comics."
"Yeah but he's got super strength, I don't, so I can't exactly stand parallel to the floor with just my feet stuck to a wall."
"Yeah well Endeavor and Bakugo don't have Super Strength but they can get hit through concrete and Endeavor can catch falling cars, so..."
"What, you think I can get Super Strength?" Cellophane was confused by this idea, the though, like with most people, never occurred to him.
"Most humans have the genetic potential for some level of enhanced physicality, its the basis of what makes us so malleable that Quirks didn't instantly cause the first people that got it to explode. Without it the Quirk Singularity Theory would be real...we're just really hard to kill."
"Ohh, I never really thought about it like that before, how do you know this anyway?"
Horizon just slowly turns to look at Cellophane, "did you forget that I'm a top Quirk Specialist and doctor?"
"Honestly man, sometimes you're such a dick that I forget you actually have so many jobs to help people," Cellophane shrugs.
"Whatever, let's just get you some practice..."
---4 PM, Minato Tokyo...
"You should see them now," Horizon's voice says to Cellophane as he swings through the city. And as he rounds the corner, he sees his target.
A blue pickup truck with two men inside, wanted for double homicide, and currently being chased by police cars.
"No," Horizon says. "And they've got useless Quirks, this should be easy, just stop the car."
"Ok, Cellophane time!"
"That's an awful catchphrase."
"I'm working on it!" he yells while swinging in, taking a hard angle down a narrow alleyway to cut off the cars' route.
With a loud clang, his boots land on the roof of the car and he sticks to it, "pull over!"
One of the men leans out the window, looking back at Cellophane, "who the hell are you?" the man asks while taking out a knife to stab him, swinging and barely missing his leg.
"I'll take that as a no!" Cellophane shoots a line of tape and wraps it around the man's torso before shooting the other end at a streetlight they pass under.
The force rips him out of the car, leaving him hanging from the light.
"All right man, you're buddy is hanging out so how about you just pull over and end this," Cellophane says, and the man responds by speeding up even more, aiming for a street that's quickly being deserting as this chaos comes their way.
"Fine then, be like that, Strap Down!" Cellophane fires 6 lines of tape, 3 from each arm, while doing a perfect backflip off the car.
As he's in mid-air the lines connect to the back of the truck, specifically the axis.
With a command to his suit, sent via a simple gesture, the lines lock into place allowing him to shoot one to a nearby building, pulling himself toward it.
'I hope I gave it enough slack...' he thinks as he aligns himself parallel to the floor, feet on the wall of a nearby building.
This way its as if he's on the edge of a cliff trying to stop the truck from falling off the side.
And as the truck pulls, the lines snap tight. And what would usually end in either the tape breaking, or his body buckling and then being squashed flat by the force of the truck.
Ends with the rear axis being completely torn off, allowing the police to catch up.
After training with Horizon and his new diet, the strength of his tape is many magnitudes stronger than ever before.
And with his new suit built to take a massive about of weight pressing down on it, all the joints and reinforced pieces locked together the moment the force was applied to pull him down, making it into one solid piece of metal effectively.
The concrete beneath his feet cracked and shook instead of his body feeling anything, while the truck was completely ruined.
Finally, he felt like he had a good opportunity to make his grand debut as Cellophane.
All day they've been working and only a few pictures of him have been taken, but now, this was his chance.
But as he got off the wall and reeled in his lines, the moment he takes a step toward the police...
He appears on a rooftop beside Horizon...
Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)
"Huh," Cellophane is suddenly standing atop a building, blocks away from where he was moments ago. He looks around for a moment, seeing Horizon hovering above him, sitting on his Hoverboard. "Why'd you warp me away?"
"Because you were about to talk to the cops and take credit for stopping those guys."
"Uh, yeah," Cellophane isn't sure what the problem is, everyone atleast gives a statement after stopping a crime. "What's the big deal?"
"The big deal is that you're a nobody..." Horizon descends down to his level, still sitting on the board.
"What do you mean? Obviously I'm a nobody, but isn't that what we're trying to fix?"
"Ok, what happens when you resolve a incident?"
"I get paid!" Cellophane says.
"After what?"
"Uh...after Villain Insurance is subtracted from the payment, to cover any collateral damage I personally caused to the surrounding areas or people, right?"
"Right, but I meant directly after you resolve it."
"The police show up and I talk to them, then the news shows up and I get to be on TV."
Horizon sighs, "exactly the problem. You need to think big picture. Look, Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods have been doing this for over 6 years each. They're already 24 and 28 respectively, so why are they still referred to as 'Rookie Heroes' while people like Hawks are considered great heroes at only 23?"
"Uh... because he's done more?"
"That's partly true, but it's mostly because of marketing. When you search for anything related to Mt. Lady or Kamui woods, you'd get something about them breaking up a minor robbery or in Mt. Lady's case stopping a police chase, like you just did."
"Yeah that's what I just did," Cellophane says. "Wait, are you saying I shouldn't have stopped them?"
"No, I'm saying you can't take credit for it yet. You need to stack up all these minor incidents, and upload your video footage from your visor to prove that you actually did it, send it UA and they'll take care of it.
That will get you paid. Then you upload it to your Cellophane profile online -which you can't monetize until you get a full license-, but obviously, nobody will watch it because nobody knows who you are. But when you get one big headline-making story then you can go give the media your name when you talk to them after the incident."
"Ohhh," it finally clicks in his brain. "So when people see that and look me up, they'll find my smaller incidents online, but the first thing they'll see is the big event," he snaps his fingers.
"Exactly, you have to enter the scene with a bang, otherwise you'll get overshadowed and spend ten years as a 'rookie pro hero', like a loser..."
"Wait, but how long will this take?"
"That's not really up to us, but crime is still higher than average right now so it shouldn't take that long. I got lucky with USJ, that put my name out to the world so then I just had to keep up with the expectations. But you'll have to start from zero."
"Right, but this is better than my previous plan. I was just hoping to be a good sidekick and get noticed that way," Cellophane chuckles sadly. "Guess I didn't think ahead much."
"Nope, just get your name out there then we'll show the world that we're working together, that'll get a lot of my audience following you. And suddenly you've got a lot of eyes on you to be a contender for the Top 10 Pro Heroes eventually."
"You sound so sure of that."
"The world knows I don't associate with losers, so it's a guaranteed thing. All you have to do, is not fuck it up."
Cellophane takes a deep breath, "right...no pressure at all."
Horizon shrugs, "yeah, it's only your entire future depending on this, no big deal."
"That's for reminding me. But what kind of big incident do I even need to look out for, I mean, Minato Tokyo is pretty small time, especially considering it's the middle of the city."
"You're welcome for that," Horizon says. "That's mostly because I'm here, the crime rate spikes a bit when I'm at UA. But most of the louder criminals have already moved. You won't get people with flashy Quirks fighting on the streets as much in this area. You'll likely have to venture into the nearby areas to find something."
"Hmm, I guess I'll have to do some research on that tonight. Hey, how can I get a Hero Network account?"
"You can't," Horizon says. "You'll have to keep sending your paperwork through UA since you're Provisional License uses UA as the Hero Agency you applied through."
"On the bright side you're the only person that actually uses UA, everyone else usually has a Agency that scouted them."
"How is that a positive?"
"Means it'll get processed faster than at any big Hero Agency. But it will make getting Team-Up requests pretty difficult since they'll have to go through UA instead of just calling you."
"Yeah that's what I'm worried about."
"When they see us working together people will be itching to scout you, don't need to worry about that."
"Yeah, to get to me, not because of your skills, atleast not most of them."
"Oh," Cellophane feels a bit saddened at that, but quickly cheers up. "But the reason doesn't matter as long as I get a foot in the door, right?"
"Exactly, but I do recommend atleast being associated with a top Hero Agency, even if you don't take direct mentorship it looks better on paper. But I'm sure a top pro can teach something that I can't."
"Wow, did the almighty Horizon actually admit he isn't the best at everything?" Cellophane teases.
"I never said I'm the best at everything, just many things. Honestly, I should go spend a few days with Endeavor, somehow that fucker keeps pulling ahead with the number of resolved incidents."
"How? You barely sleep and you can warp..."
"Exactly, but he's been doing this for almost thirty years. His efficiency is otherworldly. There has to be something about his operating style that I can steal to improve mine."
"Jeez, no wonder he's the only person you were willing to work with."
"Yeah, he's the gold standard... too bad he doesn't want a roll of tape."
Cellophane fake laughs, "very original."
"Yeah well I---" Horizon stops for a moment, confusing Cellophane.
"You what?"
"I found them," he takes out one of his cards while stepping down to the rooftop. Throwing his card forward he draws his sword. "Be ready, I'm bringing them here..."
"Gotcha," Cellophane takes a fighting stance, ready to fire strips of tape.
"Shambles," a regular blue car appears on the roof, parked. The driver was a burly Japanese man, currently biting into a burger.
The man immediately drops his burger in his lap and reaches for his gun, "Shi---ahhhh!"
As the man's arm crossed his body to grab the gun, Horizon's sword flies through the windscreen and stakes him to his seat, through the arm and shoulder.
"Dude!" Cellophane is horrified by the instant violence, before the man could even become a threat. he looks at the man who was screaming in pain, then at Horizon. "You ok?" he sees Horizon shaking his head, trying to ward off the headache of warping an object from 13 miles away, as well as Scanning for it.
Beneath his visor, the blood was already flowing from his eyes, nose, and ears.
"I'm fine," he lied. "Get the gun..."
"Right!" Cellophane immediately rushed beside the man and sees the gun on the other seat, he shoots a strip of tape at it, then flicks it out the passenger side window.
All while the man is still reeling in pain.
"Alright, time to answer some questions," Horizon says as he walks up to the man, reaching inside the car and grabbing the hilt of his sword, slowly beginning to turn it. "Where were you going? Where is the factory?"
"I don't know what you're talking ab---ahhhhhhh!" he twists the sword a bit more, and the sound of bones cracking grates against Cellophane's ears.
"Hey ease up!" Cellophane grabs Horizon's shoulder and pulls him away. "We can't just do things like that, he's defenseless."
"This is how we get answers, what's your problem?"
"You can't just brutalize people, what did this guy even do?"
"Go look in the trunk," Horizon says calmly, stepping away from the car and the man who was bleeding out.
"The trunk, go look..."
Cellophane looks between Horizon and the man, not sure if he should leave them alone, but he slowly back away to the trunk.
The trunk pops open as Horizon manipulates the lock.
And Cellophane sees a grey duffel bag zipped up. His heart rate immediately spikes, dreading the possibilities of what can be inside.
Slowly reaching forward he unzips the bag...and immediately looks away, taking off his visor and losing his lunch all over the floor.
In the bag was the body of a young girl, only 5 years old at most. Across her body were green scales, small scales. But there were large patches of missing flesh where larger scales were torn from. Her body looked malnourished and brutalized.
A sad and gut-wrenching sight.
Cellophane takes a moment to catch his breath, closing the trunk without taking a second glance, and stumbles back to Horizon.
The man is silent in the car, desperately trying to catch his breath and stop the bleeding as best he can, looking up at Horizon in absolute terror.
"Some illegal drugs need components that Quirks provide," Horizon says. "And this girl is the latest in their victims...and there could be a whole warehouse of kids just like that...so go ahead.
For crimes like this, nobody cares if you're a bit rough with the villains, they don't get mercy from anyone. But please, take your time and ask your questions. Not like every second matters, right?"
Horizon steps away from the car, turning his back to the whole situation.
And suddenly Cellophane is left with a harsh look at the reality, hidden by the colorful suits and the capes. The crimes that never make it to the news because the public wouldn't be able to handle them.
Because watching All Might fight some brawler is easier to digest, than the true evils of this world.
"Where are the others?" Cellophane asks, unsure if this was even the right question, now far too aware of all the seconds passing by.
"I...I can't," the man says fearfully.
Cellophane just gives a low growl, then reaches forward and grabs the sword, deciding that he did not have any seconds to spare...
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