Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)
"So..." Horizon casually addresses the villains standing on the balcony. "This is the part where you surrender and tell me where Shigaraki is, right?"
"Go to hell!" Dabi yells out, rushing in front of his allies with both hands producing blue flames.
'Flashfire Fist: Jet Burn!'
Two streams of searing flames are thrown forward, fusing and merging into one pillar, slamming into the couch that Horizon was on.
"Arrrghhhh!" They hear a short, pained, anguish-filled cry.
Toga draws her knives, Spinner holds his sword forward, and Dabi drops his hands to his side, small flames in his palm as they wait for the fire to clear.
And as it does, a twitching body is left on the floor, coat blackened, face down on the floor, and realization slowly dawned on them.
"Damn, that looks painful," Horizon mutters, and all their eyes flicker from Mr. Compress who was laying on the floor, to Horizon who was standing behind them where he was moments ago.
"You jerk!" Toga doesn't hesitate to throw two knives directly at his visor.
They both stop just inches away from his face.
"Go away!" Spinner charges forward while Dabi recovers from his last attack, slashing down with his greatsword.
Horizon swaps places with Mr. Compress.
"Shit!" Spinner barely angles his sword away from the body on the floor, smashing the railing of the balcony instead.
"You should be more careful," Horizon says. And by the time they turn back toward the living room, he's already warped Mr. Compress back under his boot, standing with a foot resting on the man's back.
"Don't hurt my friends!" Toga yells out, giving in to her anger for just a moment. She draws two more knives and charges ahead, taking a low predatory posture.
Before Spinner can lift his heavy sword and charge beside her she's already at Horizon, where the now incinerated couch rests on the floor against the wall.
"Tch, you're more cute than smart..." Horizon easily parries both her strikes with his sword, even in such a close range his skills were far greater than she could ever hope to match.
With his free hand he punches her in the side.
The sound of her ribs breaking echoes out.
Spinner is rushing forward when suddenly his blade feels twice as heavy, pulled to the floor causing his advance to be halted.
As Toga winces in pain Horizon lands a strong left to her jaw, sending some of her teeth clattering against the wall as she's instantly knocked out.
But before her body hits to the searing floor, he catches her by the hair, lifting her and holding her above the floor as a shield between him and her allies.
A smaller blast of blue flames hit her, and while Dabi doesn't react, Spinner damn near cries as her entire back is now sporting first-degree burns.
"Yeah, definitely more cute than smart...and honestly, not that cute," Horizon slams her against the wall and casually impales her with his katana, pinning her unconscious body to the wall through her collarbone.
With one foot still resting on Mr. Compress he looks over at Dabi and Spinner. Dabi had no flames active, seeming to be extra conservative with his firepower for a reason Horizon couldn't discern.
And Spinner was desperately trying to draw his blade, which was doing its best Mjolnir impersonation at the moment.
"That sword won't work for you, I won't allow you to wield it," Horizon says jokingly.
Spinner's eyes dart between Toga, bleeding out, pinned to the wall by his Katana -Scalpel-, to Mr. Compress, a nearly charred body resting below his boot, then to Horizon, casually standing there, completely untouched.
"Let me draw it and I'll show you what happens to people that attack my friends!" Spinner demands.
"Why bother, if you were worth of crossing blades with me I'd consider it...but honestly, you're the biggest disappointment here, and that includes this useless bitch," he gestures at Toga.
"Toga is our friend! She isn't useless!" Spinner yells, even as he's still struggling to even move the greatsword.
"As what, team fleshlight?"
Spinner grits his teeth, losing all sense of reason as anger overtakes him, hearing his dear friend spoken of in such a degrading and disgusting manner.
Abandoning his blade he rushed forward with clenched fists.
"You take that back!" he aims a sloppy and pathetic punch at Horizon's visor, all emotional, no form, no true intent.
Horizon warps away, and Spinner turns around as he hears stone grinding.
Then he sees it, Horizon had swapped with some debris where Spinner's weapon was. And in one swift motion raised it, slashing off Dabi's arms from just below the elbows.
"Good thing I'm not the real one," Dabi says as he melts into a brown sludge.
The clone was completely destroyed in one hit.
"Huh, that was a double...kinda gross," Horizon mutters, only to look at Spinner who was mortified by what he just saw.
"You...you were going to cut off his arms?"
"Huh, oh that...just his hands, that's where he usually makes flames after all."
"But, but you're supposed to be a hero!" Spinner yells, disbelief wracking his mind. "Stain said you're the one true hero, what's wrong with you?"
Hearing that Horizon takes a second look at the Stain fanboy in front of him, in full Stain cosplay and all.
"Right, maybe don't take life advice from a child-murdering psycho, or do, because then you'll come across me. And at that point, it's just natural selection with extra steps," Horizon chuckles as he points Spinner's own weapon at him.
"You're a monster. This isn't how heroes are supposed to fight, you're supposed to use as little force as possible...not this," he glances fearfully at Toga who was still hanging from the wall.
"I'm effective, now, where is Tomura Shigaraki?"
"Tch, I don't care what you do to me, I'll never betray my friends!"
Looking at Spinner, that determination in his eyes, Horizon could only form one conclusion.
"I believe you," he says, catching Spinner off-guard.
"Wh---AHHHHHH!" Spinner cries out as he feels his shinbone snap.
In one instant Horizon had warped behind him, leaving behind the villain's weapon, and kicked him in the shin.
He drops to one knee, feeling a large hand palming the back of his head.
Horizon slams his face into the searing hot floor, pressing him down like meat on a grill.
His green reptilian skin begins deforming into a sickly brown almost immediately as he screams out in pain.
Horizon lifts his head up and slams it down one more time, shattering Spinner's nose and some of his teeth, leaving one of his eyes swollen shut. And a few moments later its burnt shut from how hot Dabi made the floor.
"You hero types are always so easy to break," Horizon says. "Not directly, but that selfless desire to protect other people instead of yourself, it's always what gets you killed, or in this case, gets me what I want."
Holding spinner by the head he throws him to the side so he's sitting on the floor with his back against the couch.
"Gecko: allows the user to stick to walls, you're a disappointment on every level, but I'm sure you've been told that your entire life, right?" Horizon asks.
Spinner's barely away, looking at this monster through his one good eye.
"You're a monster."
"And you're a loser. See I read your file. Before the league you were literally nobody. Barely any public record, dropped out of high school because you were bullied. Definitely too much of a pussy to stand up for yourself since you never even got into a fight.
Tried to do courses to make up for it but flunked out of those. Couldn't make friends, and never had a girlfriend. Became a shut-in that felt like it was the entire world's duty to cater to you.
But then you apparently saw another loser named Stain on tv, and decided you should go punish all the people who didn't save you from...well, being a pussy. And actually made friends with...what is this?"
He gestures to Toga, "some cannibal bitch." He raises his foot and then steps down harder on Mr. Compress's back. "Some failed street magician? And a bunch of other losers, worthless."
"Don't talk about my friends like that!"
"Or what? Those words, all words, mean nothing if you can't enforce them, and you're weaker than most of my classmates. But my words, my words carry true authority...watch."
"What, what are you doing?"
"I'm about to reform her," Horizon says as he gestures to Toga. "From villain, to cripple..."
As Horizon takes one step toward Toga, Mr. Compress musters all his strength to protect his friends, reaching out as Horizon walks away to grab the man's leg, hoping to compress him into a marble.
Desperate to do anything to help.
"Nnnnnggggghhhhhh!" Compress groans in pain as Horizon's sword pierces down into his forearm, splitting the bone, then into the floor.
"Sorry, the power of friendship doesn't work in this story."
He turns around and kicks Mr. Compress in the face, breaking his mask and knocking him out. But as the man is sent across the room the sword splits his forearm in two, right down the middle.
"So, where were we?" Horizon asks as Toga's body is warped between him and Spinner.
"Get away from h---"
'TAKT: Dancing Sword!'
Horizon's sword seemingly flies out of the floor and impales spinner to the couch, through his leg, all on its own.
"Too bad you didn't get any lizard healing huh," Horizon jokes as the man screams in pain. "Anyway, tell me where Shigaraki is...and I won't cripple it," he steps on Toga's head, pressing her face into the hot floor.
"What! No, you can't!"
The man chuckles, "I'm Horizon, I can do whatever I want. And the public won't care about this bitch after all the crap you guys caused. I could pull you limb from limb and get away with it," he shrugs. "But I'd rather keep the perfect image I currently have. After all, I am the next Symbol Of Peace."
"Please..." Spinner mutters, pitifully.
Horizon crouches down, seeing Toga's exposed and burnt back, trailing a finger along the torched skin to the base of her spine.
"Life in a wheelchair maybe?"
"Wait, no!"
Horizon runs his finger up her spine, all the way to her neck, "or maybe I just shut off everything below the neck, not like her main use will be affected."
He sees a flicker of rage in Spinner's eyes at that, but the man just grits his teeth, intending to call the 'Hero' on his bluff.
"Our file says you're Shigaraki's right-hand man, if anyone knows, it's you, that's why you're the only one left in a state to talk. So, one last chance," Horizon places his hand flat on the back of her neck."
"I, I just, no...I won't betray my friends!"
"Well, our time is up anyway, Endeavor is cornering the last few Nomu," Horizon shrugs. "But while you're in prison, just remember, she's spend the rest of her life as a cripple, all because of you."
Horizon raises his hand, and with is comes a perfectly clean spinal section, leaving a gaping hole in her neck. The bone was coated in strange spatial gel, the same which the hole was seemingly filled with.
Spinner squeezes his eyes shut, not wanting to see what happens next.
Until he feels Horizon's hand holding his chin, pulling his cheeks and forcing his eyes open.
"I respect your commitment to the role, to the duty of the right-hand man, but I need you to see, exactly what you made me do to your friend," Horizon raises the bone in Spinner's view, and slowly, he squeezes.
"Please..." Spinner struggles to say as Horizon is holding his face. "Dear god."
"Oh no, I'm the only god you need right now, I'm the only one who can save you."
The entire bone is cracked down the middle, a hairline fracture that would have been able to heal if it weren't such a vital and nerve-filled bone.
Spinner can't look away from it, even as tears are flowing down his face.
"Sigh, can't believe you made me do that to your dear friend...oh well," Horizon shrugs as he steps back, placing the bone back in her neck as if it weren't removed at all.
"I, I'll tell people," Spinner mutters, panicked.
"Right, because people would believe you, over me, the person trying to keep the peace in this country. A lowly pathetic villains, versus their future Symbol Of Peace...good luck with that."
Horizon reaches forward and yanks his sword out of Spinner's leg. "Well, you're useless now, and Endeavor is coming to check on me, we're done here..."
Before Spinner can even make sense of what happened, Horizon palmed his head into the wall, cracking the concrete and his skull.
Friendly remind that a review on this story would be greatly appreciated, and I do have a pa.treon.
What do you think of the story thus far?
Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)
Standing atop a 3 story building, Horizon was overseeing the villains being arrested, led into armored trucks for transport to the various prisons.
Mostly D-List losers not even worth his time. But the sheer numbers, it begged the question of how many camps just like these were out there.
A focal point for all the recruits to be cleared before being assigned a role within the League of Villains.
'Focus Law, get your shit together...' he berates himself, shaking his head, trying to push the pain away.
After the battle, he helped with finding the few villains that hid from Endeavor's team. Then he finally got to drop the building he'd been holding afloat.
The show of power was astonishing to everyone, and that includes the pictures and video he uploaded from the beginning of this raid.
But the cost, he'd need to rest for a few hours for this headache to go away.
'If anyone that actually needs me to put my back into a fight was here, that could have gone bad for me. Splitting my focus like that, painful, and much more limiting than ever before. Luckily these people are all trash...'
But this is part of being a hero, putting on a façade of strength and bravery, 'smile even when you're scared, so the people you're saving won't be afraid when you arrive', or whatever All Might would say in Hero Class.
Looking directly below, he sees Mr. Compress -his slightly cooked self being loaded into the back of an extra secure armored truck, laid vertically in a metal bed with all his limbs restrained.
Already in the truck are Spinner and Toga, in the same type of contraption.
Horizon doesn't even look away from the villains as a wave of mild heat accompanies the sound of flames landing beside him on the roof.
"Are we done here?" Horizon asks.
"Just about, Burnin is clearing out some rubble for the Safety Commission to send in their people," Endeavor looks around at the battlefield.
A few collapsed buildings and some torn-up streets.
"Hero Insurance should cover it, since most of this is owned by villains anyway, the banks can just seize it," Horizon says.
"Mhm," Endeavor grunts, then walks forward to stand beside Horizon, looking out at the villains being loaded up with his hands crossed over his chest.
While Horizon was idly scrolling through his phone.
After around a minute of deafening silence, Horizon speaks up, "just say what you have to say already."
"What happened when you went inside the penthouse?"
"I captured the villains."
"Mhm, I know the plan, I deal with the masses and you deal with the commanders. But you're powerful enough that you could have easily subdued them."
"I did."
"By causing permanent damage to some of them, all of them. The girl will be a vegetable for the rest of her life, Spinner will have permanent nerve damage in his legs. And Compress had his left arm split in two, right down the middle," Endeavor's flame rise for a moment before settling.
"You know how those kinds of fights can get, 'cornered dogs are dangerous,' or something like that. Villains are exactly the same."
Endeavor glances at him through the corner of his eye before returning his gaze to the villains. "Its called minimum required force, that's what Pro Heroes are supposed to use. Be as gentle as possible."
"What if that's what I did."
"Tch, you're Horizon, you can do much better than that. You could have solved this fight without anyone getting hurt like that. It would have been easy for you."
"You think so?"
"I know so," Endeavor says as he turns to face Horizon. "But even as someone who always thinks logically in the most intense situations, you lack compassion. Or from what I've seen tonight, you relish the chance to partake in violence, that's not what Heroes do."
"Tell that to Mirko."
"Tch, that's beside the point. Nobody ever expects her to become the #1 Hero. But you're Horizon, it's expected of you to become the next Symbol of Peace. Be better..."
"I still got the job done," Horizon says. "Maybe people feel so comfortable being villains because Heroes aren't hard enough on them. Maybe if All Might didn't pull his punches the crime rate would have hit zero."
"That's Tyranny, and its not what we fight for. Our duty is primarily protecting people, not handing out our own form of justice. This isn't a world of 'Might makes right' anymore, society has rules."
"Unless you're mighty enough to ignore that," Horizon says. "Because this is a world of 'might makes right', the government has the most people, the most guns, the most hired muscle," he gestures to himself and Endeavor. "That means they're always right."
Endeavor just sighs, taking a deep breath and looking back to the villains. "You're still young, and already the most powerful person in Japan. In a world of 'Might makes right', you'd always be right. That's how many people become villains, and while I know you're on the path to being a hero. Part of that is holding yourself to a higher standard that anyone else.
But you and I, we need to be even more strict as the #1 Heroes, now and in the future. You need to be an example. Because people will follow our lead, and if we say that Heroes should exercise such violence on villains, eventually people will take that too far.
Lead by example, because not everyone is Horizon. Not everyone can be trusted with that kind of power over others. If most people had a fraction of your power they'd use it for personal gain, the fact that you're still trying to do the selfless thing and be a Hero shows your true character.
But even the average Pro Hero would succumb quite easily, that's the person we must set an example for, understand?"
Horizon just sighs, "yeah I get it...but that also means I have the power to set a new standard for them, right?"
"Uh, right," Endeavor wasn't sure if he should be concerned or not with the way Horizon said that. "Anyway, I know the likely wasn't a common occurrence, just seeing the people who killed your friends at the summer camp must have gotten to you. Take the rest of today off to clear your head."
"Right, thanks," Horizon says.
But in truth, everything was intentional. To try to wring as much information as possible out of Spinner he had to operate like he would have when working with his mother.
Terrify them and show how willing you are to hurt the people they love, but even then he didn't get any information he could use to track Shigaraki, or atleast Kurogiri.
The sound of Ryukyu's massive wings flapping interrupt them as her large dragon form sets down on the roof. Then before their eyes she reverts into her slender human form, wearing her usual red qipao, fixing her hair as she walks up to them.
Standing nearly a foot -30cm- shorter than them in this form she looks up at both of them, before walking between them to look down at the last few trucks being loaded up.
"So, how did my Nejire-Chan work with you boy?" Ryukyu asks.
"Too chatty," Horizon says.
"Mhm," Endeavor agrees.
And Ryukyu just rolls her eyes, "well what's important is the raid went well. Sorry I couldn't be here for the action."
"Would have been cool to see you fighting as a dragon, in person for a change," Horizon admits.
"I think this fight caused enough collateral damage, this is partly why my agency is at the coast. Gives me more room to spread my wings out there."
"Why are you here?" Endeavor asks her. "Did you really fly all the way here just to check up on your sidekick?"
"Oh no that'd be a waste, the Safety Commission asked me to escort these villains to Tartarus," Ryukyu says. "We can't afford to have either of you away from Tokyo and all the way to the other side of Japan at the moment, the crime rate isn't expected to start dropping for atleast two more days after all."
"And without a Full Pro Hero License I actually can't be on that mission," Horizon says.
"Neither can Nejire, so Endeavor, can she spend tonight at your agency? I assume that skyscraper of yours has an extra room or two."
Both Endeavor and Horizon groan.
"It's fine," Endeavor says. "But who is your support for this escort mission."
"Hawks," Horizon answers for her.
"How'd you know that?"
"I can sense him, a few miles east of here."
"Huh, how does that work?" Ryukyu asks. "Like, do you just sense living things?"
"No, I sense everything."
"Everything?" She gives him an uneasy look.
"If I want to, yes, I can do that."
"Well, luckily for all the ladies you're a Hero. A pervert with that Quirk would have been a nightmare."
"I have better things to do than skirt-chasing, you don't have to worry about me becoming another Hodori."
"Thank the heavens," Ryukyu gives a relieved look. "The world doesn't need another one of those."
After a few more minutes of chatting, Hawks finally arrives. And the friendly casual conversation immediately becomes tense.
"Hawks," Horizon growls out, losing his relaxed façade for just a moment.
"Horizon, how've you been, it's been a while," Hawks greets him in a friendly manner, as if they were an old friend. As Hawks hovers before the others, he gives Horizon a friendly wave.
"Perfect as always."
"Maannnn, if I knew you were such a monster I would have made a better first impression, no hard feelings right?" Hawks offers his hand for Horizon to shake, giving him a friendly smile.
"Tch, I'll keep things professional, but we aren't friends."
"Awe," Hawks slumps forward. "But we could be."
"Or you could go fuck yourself."
"Horizon!" Ryukyu taps his shoulder. "Show some respect."
"When its earned, I'm going back to Tokyo..." Horizon disappears from the roof, swapped with a piece of brick.
"So, bad blood?" Endeavor asks, and Hawks just shrugs.
"Looks like the villains are all packed up, ready to get these guys to Tartarus?" Hawks asks Ryukyu.
"Gladly, until next time Endeavor, thanks for looking out for my Nejire-Chan."
"You trained her well."
"See ya Enji!" Hawks says as he begins hovering away, and Endeavor just gives an annoyed grunt.
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