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32.89% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 125: CHAPTER 121(Yagi's Contract)

Chapter 125: CHAPTER 121(Yagi's Contract)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


Standing on the roof of Central Hospital, pacing back and forth under the moonlight Horizon was reading the datapad he's been using to select patients, carefully scrolling through the list and adding notes to everyone he thinks can be useful.

All while having a phone conversation in his visor.

"---It really is that simple," Horizon says. "I give you some training then we go from there."

"Well when you say it like that anything sounds simple," Sero says. "But don't I have to wait for the exam next year?"

"Nah, Nezu told me he's making some changes but the plan to have you guys take the September exams hasn't changed. When the second half of the training camp starts you'll be training with me instead of the teachers, we'll get a lot more work done that way."

Sero is silent for a while before finding his words, "you really are serious about this huh?"

"Obviously, building a team is the easiest way for a Hero to show leadership, but if I'm gonna put my name on you then you better not embarrass me...I'll make you acceptable for my standards, then you'll crush the exam, easy."

"Huh, that makes sense," Sero thinks about it for a moment. "But wouldn't it make you look even better to have a full team?"

"Ugh, let's just see how it goes with you first, and just between us, I don't think a lot of people in our class are worth training..."

"Dude, everyone knows you think that, it's not a secret."

"Whatever, just promise me you'll commit to the training, alright?"

"Of course!" Sero says. "I get my license, get onto your profile in a few pictures, then get seen by everyone and they all want to hire me to work in their agencies, that's everything I need!"

"Knew you'd be perfect for this," Horizon gives a light chuckle.

"Yeah, so I guess I'll talk to you later, I've gotta get some sleep for later."

"Your date with Kodai huh," Horizon says in a mischievous tone.

"Huh, how'd you know about that, ruined my big reveal," Sero whines.

"I was talking to Momo yesterday and she mentioned it...seriously, one day after the commission stops locking you in your house with cops outside and you're already going out with her, nice."

Sero laughs nervously, "yeah well...with how the camp went, all the people that didn't make it, we decided not to waste any more time."

"Good, life is too short for that," Horizon says.

"Yeah, so are you and Mo---" Sero is cut off as Horizon hangs up, not bothering to waste his time on that topic.

Horizon shakes his head, happy for his classmate, but is in no rush to join him.

"1 AM, I should get some sleep," he mutters.


He swaps with the card he left in Yagi's hospital room. He sees his hoverboard leaning up against the side of the wall along with his sword, but as he looks over to Yagi, he sees him awake, laying in bed staring up at the ceiling.

His eyes flicker to the heart monitor, seeing everything stable, then back to his patient.

"You awake?" Horizon asked, speaking very slowly. "What do you remember?"

Yagi's eyes flick over to him before looking back at the ceiling, "after I beat him, I raised my fist to the sky...and everything went black."

Horizon gives a sigh of relief and then makes his way over to his chair, sitting beside Yagi's bed. "That's good, that means you remember pretty much everything. They found you standing just like that, completely unconscious..."

Horizon reaches out and rests a hand on Yagi's side, giving him a full scan to see nothing outside the scope of expectations.

"So sensei, Gran Torino...he's really...he's gone?" Yagi asked in a broken and tired voice.

"Yeah," Horizon withdraws his hand and starts composing a message for Nezu, telling him Yagi is awake. "Look I'm not really the best person to talk to for these kinds of questions, so how about you just get some rest and Nezu will---"

"I don't need any more sleep," Yagi says in an annoyed tone. Then takes a deep breath and deflates, feeling the sadness taking over him more than before. "I just want to know what happened, I just...I need answers, please."

Horizon sighs, "honestly you people are so damn needy..."

"You're my doctor."

"Oh, just shut up with your excuses, nobody wants them," he shuts off the datapad and turns toward Yagi. "Ok, now what do you want to know?"

Once again ignoring Horizon's horrendous bedside manner, Yagi thinks very carefully about which of the burning questions he should ask first.

"What happened after the fight?"

"You knocked out All For One, the other heroes eventually dealt with all the Nomu. Some escorted All For One to Tartarus and the others brought you and the injured heroes here. I got here a few hours later...and now we're here."

Yagi takes a minute to think about this, "how long have I been asleep?"

"So far, we've been here two days."

"Two days," Yagi's eyes shot open as he tries to get up, only for him to flop back down into the bed, "ngh!" he groans in pain, his entire body aching from that simple movement.

"Moron, what are you trying to do?"

"I need to get up, to show the people that I'm alright."

"But you're not alright," Horizon says, and Yagi looks at him, not quite getting the message. "Yagi, your cells don't even have enough energy to transform even once, look at your arm."

"My arm?" Yagi looks to his right, seeing his arm completely bandaged up, then to his left, "what..." he mutters, a look of horror on his face as he sees the stump reaching just below his shoulder.

"Yeah, those injuries plus your Quirk being all spent...sorry but you're retired, and that's my professional opinion, I couldn't even risk regenerating your arm because your body probably can't sustain the same mass as before," Horizon says bluntly, almost making Yagi wish someone else delivered the news.

Yagi just lays in bed for a few minutes processing this, trying to wrap his mind around life without being a Pro Hero.

Deciding to put those thoughts aside for now, as he'd need a lot more time to figure himself out, he gets all the answers he can out of Horizon.

"Did we capture any other villains?"

"Nope, just All For One, all the others got warped away."

"The civilians?"

"The cops evacuated people really quickly but...not everyone got out in time."

Yagi feels his heart drop, suddenly the weight of his own injuries was dwarfed by the harm he brought to those people.

Horizon could easily read this reaction, Yagi's emotions clearly painted on his face, and he simply rolls his eyes. 'Annoyingly surprise, I guess that's what I should have expected from him.'

"I need to make an apology to those who got hurt," Yagi says, and Horizon immediately sits up.

"Bad should definitely not be in the spotlight, at all, at least not where the press can ask you questions."

Yagi gives him a confused look, "why not, what happened?"

"Well, All For One was broadcasting the entire fight, everything you guys said. About the past, about Nana Shimura, about Shigaraki... and some papers got leaked connecting the dots, you should talk to Nezu before doing anything."

Yagi was brought to tears by that. And as he quietly laid in bed shedding tears for his master, for her now damaged reputation after all she sacrificed to help people.

After she gave up everything she loved for them, and now from the sounds of it, the public would forever despise her for it.

Horizon just sat there and looked at him in disgust as he cried and wallowed, thankfully his visor hid his face from Yagi.

'I guess I won't be getting any answers about One For All tonight...I'll talk to them later back at UA about that.'

As Yagi is wallowing in his sadness Horizon responds to a few messages from Nezu, organizing transport for him and Yagi back to UA later.

As he's messaging Nezu, Horizon tunes out Yagi's whining as best he can, until he's addressed directly.

"Horizon," Yagi says in a desperate and hoarse voice, looking at his doctor through blurry eyes.

Horizon sighs loudly and turns to Yagi, seeing the absolutely broken Hero, a broken man, and gives him no sympathy, "yeah?"

"I need your help, to make things right with my master."

"The dead lady? What are you even talking about? You know I can't resurrect people right?"

"Tomura Shigaraki...Tenko Shimura, can you help me with him?"

"If you think I'm the kind of person to talk to villains about've got the wrong guy."

"I know that," Yagi says. "But the sooner he's captured the better, that's all I want. I don't want my master's legacy to be the pain he's out there causing, at least no more than it already is..."

'He should be asking Deku to do this shit since he's his successor,' Horizon thinks. 'But I guess it makes sense to ask me if he wants actual results...'

"So you want me to go out of my way to deal with the League Of Villains to capture their leader?"

"When Shigaraki is in Tartarus, then maybe I can talk to him about why my master had to make the sacrifices she made. Let him know about all the people she saved," Yagi says.

"Good luck with that," Horizon says. "But I'm still just operating in Tokyo, and the league has been spotted all over Japan."

"Hurting people, and you're one of the most equipped to stop them," Yagi says. "After all the boasting Nezu's done about you, I'm sure you could do it."

"Sounds like you want to open a contract, is that it?" Horizon asks, smelling blood in the water.

"Huh, what? But you'd be helping people, is that not enough?" Yagi asks.

He was genuinely surprised that simply saving people wouldn't be enough motivation for who is most likely the future Symbol Of Peace.

"The league of villains isn't in my plans, at least not in terms of going out of my way to hunt them down."

'I see, he simply doesn't want to deviate from his plan,' Yagi thinks. 'But if Nezu brought him into UA he must have the desire to be a hero, to save and protect people...his interview with Chitose proved as much. Maybe he just needs more time to be open about his desire to help people...'

"Alright," Yagi says. "What will it cost?"

"An endorsement," Horizon says. "My hero career is off to a great start, but if it's revealed that All Might, the great and powerful Symbol Of Peace, had me treating him for a year before I even entered UA, well...that would help out a lot."

"You want me to tell people about my injury and about you treating it when we met?"

"They already somewhat know about it since All For One called me your doctor and mentioned it, you'd just be confirming it."

Yagi goes silent for a while, considering the pros and cons of this. He'd spent so long hiding his weakened state from the world, but now the secret was already out.

It was nothing to reveal what people already know in a chance to set the record straight for Nana and Shigaraki, right?

"Alright," Yagi says. "But the entire League Of Villains: Vanguard Action Squad, as well as Shigaraki and Kurogiri."

Yagi actually forces his right hand to move so he can extend the bandaged limb for a weak handshake, unable to even close his fingers.

Horizon nods and touches his hand, he intended to lock them all up before going Pro anyway. It would secure his spot in at least the top 5 upon getting a full license.

Horizon touches his hand then pushes it back down, "put your hand down before you break something, and yeah, I'll have it done before I graduate," he says while Yagi thankfully puts his hand down.

"That's a lot faster than I thought, can you really find them all that quickly?"

"It'll be difficult with Kurogiri in the mix, but I need to find Shigaraki before that long at the very least..."

"Why is that?" Yagi asks.

"Because you want to talk to him, and honestly, even with the schedule and diet I'll have you on, I doubt you'll live much past my graduation..."


next chapter

Chapter 126: CHAPTER 122(Changes On Campus)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


Sitting in the back of Nezu's luxury helicopter Horizon looks up from his phone to glance over at Yagi beside him.

The man was now dressed in a blue All Might tracksuit with his arm in a sling, asleep beside Horizon.

Thankfully inside the helicopter was almost entirely silent, and as Horizon looks out the window, he saw UA below them as they descend to the roof.

'What the hell is going on here?' he asks himself.

As they're above the school he sees rows of what appear to be apartment buildings.

The entrance to the main campus was at the south gate, but a hundred meters away from the main campus were these buildings.

Twelve to the North, the East, and the West of the main campus. All perfectly lined up in long rows.

'Three rows of buildings, and one for each class and the teachers of that year...oh you've got to be kidding me,' Horizon groans loudly, causing Yagi to stir awake.

"Hmm, are we there?" Yagi asks as he slowly wakes up.

"Yeah," Horizon turns to the pilots and gets up, stepping toward them. "No need to land, I'll take it from here."

The pilot hears him and turns back, "what do you---" he sees the empty cabin and immediately understands. "Oh, right, he can do that."

---Principal Nezu's Office...

"Huh, I didn't even feel that," Yagi says as he appears on one of the couches, Horizon is sitting across from him on the other.

"My warping is perfect, that's what makes it so fluid during combat."

"And very convenient," Nezu says, hopping down from his chair and making his way over to the couches, sitting beside Yagi. "Now shall we discuss the future, things have changed quite dramatically these past few days."

Horizon leans back and relaxes while Yagi tenses up, "has my retirement been announced yet?" he asks in a sad voice.

"No, but it is expected after people saw the footage of that fight," Nezu says, then he turns to Yagi and rests a tiny paw on his lap. "Don't lament the fact that you can't go around fighting villains anymore.

You're still All Might, your role has just changed.

We will always be grateful for all the good you did for us. All the sacrifices you've made and still continue to make. Sincerely, thank you, as a Hero and as a person I'm always grateful for all you've done.

But this isn't the end of All Might, it's simply a change, from the person fighting villains on the front lines, to the man teaching others how to be the best heroes they can be, and I'm sure everyone will appreciate that as well..."

As Nezu and Yagi go back and forth patting each other on the back, Horizon just rolls his eyes and takes out his phone, assessing the situation with the country.

He sees his name in a swarm of trending articles.

'All Might and Horizon left Central Hospital earlier this morning!'

'Horizon refused to enter any of All Might's information into the hospital database and has given no comment about his health!'

'Horizon fully healed 34 patients during his 2-day residency at Central Hospital!'

'Will Japan ever recover from this economic crisis!' this headline was posted with a string of market evaluations, monitoring the quickly falling economy.

Horizon just shakes his head, 'and this is why I didn't hold my money in Yen...well that and not wanting the Commission to be able to freeze my accounts.'

After looking at a few more articles, one very interesting picture catches his eye.

'Who will be our new Symbol Of Peace?!' with a picture of him and Endeavor standing together, taken after the last Nomu attack on Tokyo.

'Well I guess I should let Endeavor hold that spot until I graduate, he'll be too busy dealing with his family drama to be any real competition anyway,' Horizon thinks as he checks on his 'Yay!' profile, seeing that he's almost at 100 Million followers.

His goal was All Might's 600 Million, and he was sure that would happen sooner rather than later. The simple truth is that All Might rarely if ever used his account or had any presence of his own volition.

It would have been more beneficial to follow HNN -Hero News Network- to get updates on him, the man only cared about helping people, yet he was so good at it that his presence online became overwhelming as a side effect.

He's just so good at being a Hero that he didn't even have to try to get people to like him.

Or at least, he was that good...

"Can we get to the important stuff now," Horizon interrupts their conversation. "You can get back to jerking off his ego when I'm out of there," he tells Nezu.

Both Yagi and Nezu give a disgusted look at his choice of words, "Horizon is right, we have much to discuss," Yagi says.

"Very well then, first would be the consequences of announcing your retirement, as well as how we'll be doing it," Nezu says.

"What do we expect?" Yagi asks.

"Crime rates have already started climbing, but people are still hesitant to partake, we estimate that crime rates will increase to at least 10 times what they were during your time. After that, it should plateau for a while then begin another decline as other heroes start locking up the new villains."

"Damn, 40%," Horizon says. "No wonder so many people are hesitant or just pulling their investments out of Japan, but on the plus side, I've been buying a crap ton of property in Tokyo since the values are dropping like crazy.

Honestly by the end of it, I'll own a lot of Minato Tokyo," Horizon shrugs.

"That doesn't seem very heroic," Yagi says.

"What? I'm helping to stabilize the economy, and I'm keeping rent prices the same instead of raising them, that's very heroic if you ask me."

"You're looking to profit from chaos and fear."

"No, I'm making money from people being stupid."

"Can we please focus," Nezu interrupts them before they start bickering. "The Hero Public Safety Commission doesn't want the retirement announcement made until tonight, by then they should have all the Hero Agencies and police stations around the country ready to deal with the massive influx of criminal activity."

"Should I head back to Tokyo?"

"No," Nezu says. "We don't know what people will do when the news hits, they could try to attack here. I'm confident in UA's defenses and the teachers but I'd like you here just in case."

"Great, I'm a fucking babysitter now," Horizon groans, and Yagi dies a little inside.

Going from the protector of the people to someone who had to depend on his student to protect him... was heartbreaking at every level.

"I've already had an operating suite assembled here at UA for you, you can use it to monitor All Might, and we even used the same specifications as the one in your house," Nezu says.

"Yeah, I sensed it, but just remember I'm only his doctor," he points at Yagi. "I'm not gonna be acting as Recovery Girl 2.0 for UA."

Nezu smiles nervously, his plan already shot through, "we've also been constructing the dorms, as I'm sure you've noticed."

"I have," Horizon growls out. "I'm not a fan..."

"This is what's best for all the students," Nezu says. "Even with All For One locked away, we don't know how powerful the League Of Villains will grow in the future, having everyone under the protection of our improved defense systems is the best option."

"And this way they can train more since they'll be living so close to the facilities," Yagi adds, "I'm sure the Hero Course students as well as the Hero Support students will appreciate that."

"Well the Support Course students are already here," Horizon says. "I can sense a few of them with Power Loader in the labs, but the dorms haven't been officially announced yet, right?"

"Right," Nezu says. "But I must admit part of the selling point is that you will be living on campus for most of the week. People were questioning if we should keep All Might around or even reopen the school since the reveal of...Nana Shimura."

Yagi feels a knot in his stomach, "they expect Shigaraki to attack here as vengeance against me..."

"It's a fair assumption," Horizon says. "But I'm already acting as an anti-Kurogiri of sorts, at least to their knowledge. So really, this is likely the only safe place for Yagi."

"Precisely, also, consider how convenient it will be to have your training ground so close by."

"It already was, I've been living at my Musutafu penthouse for most of the semester," Horizon points out. "But fine, whatever, I'll move into the dorms. But I've got some conditions."

"Let's hear them."

"Let me customize my room, I need certain things because of my circumstances," he taps his visor.


"And I need 24/7 access to the training areas and equipment," Horizon says.

"Why would you need that?" Yagi asks.

"I only need one hour of sleep, might as well get some use out of that extra time."

"That explains a lot," Yagi says. "No wonder you're so good at so many different things, you had more time in your day than the others."

"What? No, this is new. I hit a new level with my Quirk and the energy in my body is much more efficient."

"Oh..." Yagi lets it process for a few seconds before he realizes. "Wait, your Quirk can just do that?!"

"I can do a lot of things none of you will ever know about."

Yagi sighs, "some people really do get all the good stuff."

"Says the man that could part the clouds with a punch..."

"Focus please," Nezu calls their attention to him. "Yes you will have access to the training areas, but you'll have to keep training after 8 PM quiet, no ripping buildings out of the ground and throwing them, some of us need sleep."

"Understandable, when do the dorms open?"

"They'll be completed next week and will open the following week. That gives us 2 weeks to prepare the students for the Provisional Exam, although you will be taking charge of training Hanta Sero, yes?"

"Yeah, I'll have him come here tomorrow so we can start, if I'm on house arrest anyway I should get some value out of it."

"You aren't on house arrest," Nezu said. "Quit being so dramatic, everyone knows nobody can stop you from going anywhere you want."

Horizon looks away, "tch, whatever."

Nezu just shakes his head and moves on, "now aside from all of that, my main concern is getting the students to actually come back next semester. I've had a few parents email me and already remove their children from UA, some requested transfers to other similar courses, and others are taking them off the hero path entirely."

"Well you've had 6 students die, four from my class alone, it's a sensible move. I would have taken my kid out the moment Iida died, not that my kids would ever join a Hero course in the first place."

"Really?" Yagi asks. "But what about all the good they could do?"

"And what if they end up like you?" Horizon asks, "Do you really think any parent wants that for their child?"

Yagi just looks down at the table, knowing the obvious answer to that question.

"The changes around campus will help them feel at ease," Nezu says. "And with the new 5-day school week instead of the previous 6-day setup we had, students will actually have more free time, in theory. We expect those Hero Course students to do their own training, at least for people like yourself and Bakugo."

"What about my hero work days?"

"You'll have your weekends as well as Fridays, when Kurogiri is captured we'll discuss giving you back Thursday."

Horizon just gives a low growl, "well that's just great. Now my hero time is getting reduced because I have to babysit these losers..."

Nezu just smiles nervously at that, "yes well, while you're making yourself at home the students and their parents will be visited by the teacher to talk over the finer details. The ones who requested it that is."

"Did anyone from my class drop out?" Horizon asks.

"Only two, I was honestly rather surprised at such a low number, but even more surprised at exactly who it was."

"Let me guess, Jiro since she got knocked out pretty bad at the summer camp. And Ojiro because of the broken leg..."

"I would have expected that as well," Nezu says. "But the first was actually Ms. Yaoyorozu."

"Momo? That doesn't make any sense...but I guess her parents probably want to lock her in a tower after all the chaos. Can't really blame them."

"They requested that I speak to them," Nezu says. "I suspect they want me to side with them, since they've already been in quiet talks to get her into some finance schools."

"Smart more...I'm just surprised she never said anything during our call yesterday. Anyway who is the other one, Bakugo?"

"Close, but it's actually for the same thing, a complete end to their hero career, Izuku Midoriya."

Yagi's heart nearly stops as he hears that, and Horizon just nods.

"I probably should have guessed that, it's a logical response from any worried parent," he turns directly to Yagi. "Especially when she finds out someone gave him their Quirk and encouraged him to hurt didn't even ask her before giving her kid One For All, good job, hero..."


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