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30.8% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 117: CHAPTER 113(No More Secrets)

Chapter 117: CHAPTER 113(No More Secrets)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


"Deku, exactly who I came to see," Horizon says as he gets up, seeing Deku frozen in the doorway.

He leaves his sword on the little table and walks around the small kitchen, gesturing to Inko.

Inko Midoriya, Deku's mom, short and chubby at 160cm -5ft3- with green hair much more like Asui than Deku.

"You should go take a seat," he gestures to the table.

Her eyes look over from him, to the table he gestured to with his sword still atop it, then back to him. Suddenly aware of how much larger he is in person than on TV.

"Wh....what's going on here? Is something wrong?" Inko musters up the courage to ask, trying desperately not to be bullied in her own home.

Horizon sighs and looks over to Deku, seeing him still frozen in the doorway, "I just have some questions for both of you, so how about you both take a seat so I can get out of here...oh, and the team that was watching you won't be bothering us for a while..."


"Mom," Deku cuts her off, and she looks over to see him already sweating nervously. "Let's just do what he says..."

Horizon doesn't miss that both Deku's hands are at his sides in tight fists, 'well at least he's ready for a fight...'

Giving her son a silent and nervous nod Inko carefully walks around Horizon to sit at the table, opposite Deku.

"Hands on the table," Horizon says, and they both comply, altho she's glaring at him the entire time.

Standing back at the counter and facing them Horizon folds his arms across his chest and looks at the duo, nothing striking between the two, and after a silent minute to let their imagination run wild, he gets to the point.

Glancing to the TV in the corner of the kitchen he sees the press conference at UA starting, but ignores it to focus on the task at hand.

"So you both know that UA has been attacked twice by now, right?"

They both nod.

"And I'm here to solve that, by whatever means necessary, that includes the bloody and painful ones," he says.

Inko begins shaking in fear while Deku just turns and glares at Horizon, ready to use Full Cowling to defend his mom at a moment's notice.

" can't do that," Inko says.

"Oh, why not?"

"Because it's against the law! And you're a hero, right, aren't you?"

"Yeah, so?" Horizon shrugs. "Laws only apply to replaceable people, like you two, I'm Horizon, I can do what I want, now. What do you know about Deku's Quirk?"

"Izuku's Quirk?" she looks between Horizon and her son, completely confused, and even more so by the horrified look on his face. "What about it?"

"Oh, playing dumb?" Horizon gets up and walks over to her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder.

Deku grits his teeth in frustration, already activating Full Cowling at a low percentage.

"Was he born with his Quirk?"

"What? Of course he was, it's his Quirk," Inko says, not understanding such a silly question. And Horizon detects no lies.

"Have you had any contact with any villains?" Horizon asks.

"No, why would I ever do that, what's this about?" Inko asks, even more confused.

"Hmm, so Deku left you out of the loop," Horizon lets go of her and begins walking around to Deku. "You see I find it very strange that I get attacked by a villain that can steal and redistribute Quirks...and I've been suspicious of UA having a spy in it since USJ, then I check all the medical records from the people at camp to find...

Deku here was registered as Quirkless until the day before the first day of UA...then he shows up with a Quirk that's perfect for catching All Might's interest since they're so similar.

And he acts in a way that would perfectly convince All Might to take an interest in him.

Not to mention that broken arm he said happened when he was a kid that caused him to never want to use his Quirk...wasn't on his medical record."

Horizon places his hand directly atop Deku's head, and the boy just stares forward at his mom as she puts the pieces together.

"Izuku?" she asks in a horrified voice, unable to fathom the possibility of this being true, and her tone alone breaks his heart.

Tears began flowing down his cheeks as he realizes he had no way out. If he lies he'll look guilty and Horizon will just beat him unconscious and drag him off to jail.

And if he confesses then he'll be telling them both All Might's secret, disappointing his hero and informing the one person that he's never supposed to tell about One For All about it.

"So, Deku," Horizon says, with his hand on Deku's head as he Scans him. Finally able to make contact he realizes that Deku's cells are identical to All Might in how the Quirk functions, but somehow Deku's Quirk stores energy much faster.

'He must have also been given some sort of energy Quirk so he didn't have to use it for as long as All Might to have the same amount of power' Horizon thinks, trying to make sense of it.

"Were you born with that Quirk, or did All For One give it to you?"

Deku freezes, his fears becoming reality at that moment. Neither option was true, and All Might already told him Horizon can detect lies through touch.

Any lie would probably result in him being tased by 'Counter Shock' and taken away, then his mom would think he's a villain and a spy, so desperate for power that he'd help kill thousands of people, including his own classmates.

Squeezing his eyes shut he grits his teeth before simply being honest.

"All Might gave me his Quirk and is training me to be the next Symbol Of Peace since he can't fight as much anymore!" he blurts out in one quick breath, taking deep breaths afterward as if he was about to pass out.

But finally feels a weight lifted from his chest as his mom now knows the truth.

"What?" Horizon now sounds more confused than anyone else, "All Might can pass on his Quirk?"

Deku and Inko silently stare at each other, she looks at him in disappointment for keeping this from her.

And he just begins crying even more after seeing her face.

Horizon just takes a moment to process everything. Weeks ago he never would have believed any of this, but now he knows that 'naturally' transferring Quirks is possible, and the fact that he didn't detect any lies makes it all but certain.

Add to it the fact that Deku's outlandish story makes a lot of things he's noticed make much more sense...he had no choice but to believe it.

"So All Might passed his Quirk to you after I healed him, because a year ago his cellular energy was a lot higher than on the first day of UA, and I'm guessing you get the stockpiled power of the previous user as well instead of starting from zero...explains why he's running on the last fumes of his Quirk."

Horizon takes a step back and groans, then take the seat at the head of the table leaving Deku to his left and Inko to his right facing the tv.

Reaching forward he grabs Deku's wrist to make sure he can't lie, "this complicated everything so much more. Ok, fuck it, start explaining, now!"

Inko is completely silent as Deku explains, and Horizon only nods along and takes in everything, not wanting to interrupt and cause Deku to exclude anything.

And at the end of it, he feels more pissed off than anything else.

"So Nezu knew all of this and just didn't bother to tell me...could have saved me a lot of trouble..."

Deku just looks down at the table as Horizon lets go of his wrist and leans back in his chair, completely exasperated.

"So all of this crap is because All For One accidentally created a powerful Quirk because he decided to give his little brother a Quirk even though he wanted to stop him...what a moron.

And now he can't take back the Quirk because it probably has similar genetic markers to himself and that causes interference.

You realize he was at the summer camp and attacked me because he assumed I had your Quirk right?"

Deku just nods, already being informed of everything by All Might, but now the guilt was multiplied once more, sitting here with the person that almost died protecting them from All For One himself.

Adding to the weight of his dead classmates and the injured Pro Heroes still in the hospital.

He was questioning if he should even return to UA, or any other Hero Course.

Now giving serious thought to being a Vigilante, because that way at least All For One wouldn't have to kill his classmates to get to him.

"Tch, no wonder you got into UA without any control, and this definitely explains why Nezu is always asking me to help you train.

All Might passed his Quirk onto you, and since they don't have much time left they need you to master it as soon as possible...but for some reason, Nezu is still betting on me instead, very strange.

Well whatever, doesn't matter, but seriously I get that he's only got a few more years to live, but All Might could have really chosen someone a bit more competent..."

Deku and Inko both look at Horizon, faces completely mortified by that sudden announcement.

Looking at Deku he just sighs, "what did you think would happen with injuries like that, c'mon, don't be that stupid. The energy of One For All was keeping him going, and you've got the engine now..."

Izuku feels his entire world crashing down for the hundredth time in these past few months. Suddenly learning that after everything, he would soon be losing All Might as well.

"Then that's why," Izuku wipes his tears, "I've got to become stronger."

"Ugh," Horizon gives a disgusted groan, "not doing great so far, well, I guess I'm done here. You two clearly have a lot to talk about, and I've got to have a chat with Nezu about this stuff. Oh, and don't tell anyone I was here and what I was doing. I've got another suspect I'd like to surprise tonight..."

Deku nods, then looks over at his mom who didn't even react, she was just staring daggers through him. Absolutely livid that he did all of this behind her back. Lying to her for months.

Feeling the tension in the room Horizon is about to get up when the TV suddenly switches over from the boring press conference.

"BREAKING NEWS: All Might and a strange masked villain are fighting in Kamino Ward!"

Everyone in the room turns to the TV.

Seeing All Might standing on a cleared-out battlefield in what was a populated city area, surrounded by rubble as All For One stands on the air above him.

"Shit," Horizon immediately warps his sword back into the scabbard and rushes off, racing through the night sky on his hoverboard, rushing as best he can toward Kamino.

Toward the end of All Might...


next chapter

Chapter 118: CHAPTER 114(Glorious 3-Year Plan)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


"Are you sure?" All For One asks.

The past and future Demon Lord was once again sitting in his usual chair, deep within his secret lab at Kamino Ward, Tokyo.

At his side was a phone with Ujiko on the other side, giving him an update on the information they recently decrypted.

"Unfortunately so," Ujiko says. "Plus 'Machia won't be ready for at least another week, but how would you like to proceed with this new information, it could turn out very badly for everyone involved..."

All For One silently ponders this for a moment, then gives a sinister smile.

"Oh my dear friend, you've never been able to see opportunity in such risky ventures, but this is my specialty. Some major changes are needed, but we will still prevail. So on the contrary, I believe this works out much better for us.

Continue preparing Gigantomachia, I want him to be our guard dog against any international aid, in the case that I'm not enough of a deterrent, he will at least make other nations hesitate to send any help to Japan."

"You may consider it done."

"Good, now transfer some of the recovered data into Aoyama's data core, no doubt either Nezu or Horizon himself will find it, in the case of the latter that will help us sway his views on things even further."

"The 'Hero' files?"

"Precisely, and nothing more, we don't want to change his course until it benefits us," All For One says. "But now the main concern is that the Hero Public Safety Commission knows of my existence, and they also have a proper villain in Tomura...even if it is in reputation alone, they need not know how incompetent he is..."

"True, the less that brat appears the better," Ujiko agrees. "But I still fail to see exactly how this helps us retain our final goal, or improve the plan in any way."

"Well that's quite simple, we must---"

Kurogiri's purple mist begins swirling beside All For One as he warps into the room.


"Hmm, Kurogiri, report."

"The leads we spread about have been collected by the police, they are en route to the bar to arrest Tomura and his associates as we speak. All Might and Endeavor are leading the charge along with many other top Pro Heroes."

"Good, but why are you here and not with Ujiko at his lab?"

"Because Pro Heroes have also been detected closing in on this location master."

All For One growls lowly at that, "they tracked me here, that should have been impossible...I even made sure Ragdoll never laid eyes on me to track me," he takes a moment to consider the options, then nods. "The plan has further changed, Kurogiri, go save Tomura and the other children.

They shall act as the main threat to Japan in these coming years, but do not inform them of the Meta Liberation Army, keep Re-Destro under a tight leash, and make him aware of Gigantomachi so he doesn't step out of line.

I want the Meta Liberation Army ready for my return, the League Of Villains will not matter at that point, they are straw dolls living beyond their use, protect Twice, above all else if necessary..."

"Yes master," Kurogiri immediately warps away, dutifully obeying All For One.

"Return?" Ujiko asks. "Where are you going?"

"I shall be going away for a while, sadly you'll have to play caretaker to the League for some time."

"What?! But why? Where will you be?"

All For One gets up and holds the phone in his palm, his flesh begins shifting and sparking, connecting to the phone with a few of his Quirks as it is absorbed into his palm.

"This should allow me to project everything we say during the upcoming fight, to properly set the stage for Japan to crumble, all before my grand revival," All For One says, confusing Ujiko. "I'm sending you a detailed set of instructions doctor, the Hero Commission will need your services in the future, very soon in fact, make yourself available in BOTH instances..."

"You still haven't told me where you will be!"

"Tartarus," All For One says bluntly, and Ujiko chokes on the other side of the call. "I'm about to have my final fight with All Might, and no matter the outcome I won't be strong enough to resist arrest.

Removing myself as a potential scapegoat for anyone. Because the only way not to be blamed, is to not exist within this world..."

"You can't be serious! We could just go to a different country, that should get the blame away from us entirely."

"No, we've already overplayed our hand without knowing enough. I've sent you my glorious 3-year plan, and when it is complete, I will rise as the Demon Lord reborn, and rule the country, as is my right."

Ujiko sighs at the other end of the call, already skimming the document All For One made and sent within the past few seconds with his collection of Quirks controlling the phone.

"Of all the things we've disagreed on over the years, this is at the top of the list, easily," Ujiko says. "And you're sure you can build him up while constantly stoaking their fears?"

"More than simply that, I must also properly destroy All Might, from that heroic image, to his annoying smile. To his fully clean and spotless public image.

I must make way for Horizon to become the new Symbol Of Peace. This is exactly why I've kept Tomura alive for this long, his connection to All Might shall rock the foundation of Hero Society and make the sheep question everything.

The decline in people signing up to be heroes will only decrease after all is revealed, a perfect environment for me to ascend."

"Hmm, I strongly disagree with this plan," Ujiko sighs. "But I trust you, I shall make myself available for the Hero Commission, but please, be careful..."

"Worry not, it takes more than some dying old man that only knows how to punch to truly defeat me, I shall always rise stronger than ever---"


The building shakes and All For One hears concrete shatter, a few seconds of battle later and the area goes silent as all the Nomu in the lab are defeated, but the room he stands in was untouched.

"We shall meet again in three years doctor," All For One hangs up before Ujiko can respond, already clearing all the data from his phone and tapping into local broadcasting systems.

He wants the entire world to see their greatest villain fall.

He wants them to see their greatest hero broken.

And he wants them to hear exactly why, Horizon, is the next Symbol Of Peace...

Ripping the tubes out of his face and straightening his tie, he puts on his rebuilt life support mask and casually steps out of the room.

He's immediately greeted by a quarter of the 5-story building collapsed.

Mt. Lady was hunched over at full size holding a pair of Nomu in each hand.

Best Jeanist had a few others restrained, along with Gang Orca standing on a pile of others.

Behind them Pixie-Bob had a few Nomu sank up to their necks into the floor, completely restrained.

And flying above was Hawks.

Most of the heroes froze at the sight of All For One, knowing exactly who they were dealing with.

All but two atleast, Best Jeanist immediately swings his hand and makes a tight fist.

"Hmmm," All For One hums, more out of curiosity than discomfort as his own clothes become a constricting prison, pulling his hands to his sides and forcing his legs together, tightening hard enough that a normal person would have been crushed into a paste. "A very fast reaction time, as expected of you two..."

Mirko was already leaping down from the roof above.

"Luna Arc!" she slams down with a full-powered axe kick aimed directly at his head.

All For One just barely moves his head, preserving his mask and allowing her to hit his shoulder with all her might.

"Impact Recoil!"

As her leg connects the force is equally directed back at her, knocking her high into the air, but doing no damage to her.

"Hmm, all these Pro Heroes, but you didn't bring Horizon...that must mean you just aren't trying to win. As if I could ever be defeated by such a motley group---"

They all focus up even as he's still restrained, ready for a fight, but not even a second later both his arms begin to swell and coil within his sleeves and compress themselves.

Taking in much more air as he combines Quirks for his best-ranged attack.

"Air Cannon+ Springlike Limbs+ Shock Absorber+ Muscle Enhancer+ Strength Enhancer X12!"

Jeanist immediately swings his arms outward and reaches out to control all the fabric around him.

"Blast Wave!"

The entire city block shakes as All For One pushes all the air directly downward, setting off the local earthquake sensors, and bringing all eyes onto their fight...


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