Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (30+ chapters ahead)
After getting cleaned up from today's training everyone sat around in the dining area outside.
With this mountain training camp about to end the girls were currently having a discussion about how much progress they've all made All the girls from both classes were sitting at one long table, with multiple smaller conversations happening.
"So you can really control it now?" Uraraka asks, looking at Toru sitting across from here, as usually since Horizon arrived the girl is completely visible to them.
"Yeah!" Toru says, and she immediately begins to flicker in and out of view. "Oops, it still does that sometimes when I get excited, but I got back my heart today and I've been practicing a lot."
"The Stealth Hero: Invisible Girl!" Uraraka says, "people are gonna love you."
"Plus now you get to wear a costume instead of walking around naked right?" Jiro asks.
"Yeah, one of those skin-tight organic suits should work, a thinner version of what Mina uses! It's gonna be super cute...and pink!"
"Yay!" Mina yells out and pulls Toru into a tight hug, "we're totally gonna match!"
Both girls devolve into a fit of giggles.
"Oh, that reminds me," Uraraka says. "I need to go check out the Support Department when we get back to UA. I'm thinking of getting some super heavy stuff added to my costume."
"Like Tungsten weights?" Momo asks. "With you Quirk, they can be weightless until you throw them, but did your stamina increase enough to carry them around all day?"
Uraraka rubs the back of her neck sheepishly, "well, I'm not quite there yet, but we've still got another month before the License Exam so I've got some time. I pretty much focused on dealing with the nausea of my Quirk these past few weeks to improve my mobility."
"I'm sure you'll improve greatly before the exam, so your new equipment should provide a great boost to your combat power," Momo says.
As the girls continue to chatter for a few minutes, as the moon is high in the sky Pixie-Bob gathers everyone's attention.
Using her Quirk to raise a plateau of dirt under her for everyone to look up at her.
"Alright everyone, time for the Test Of Courage! Class 1B is up first as the scare team, so all of you come with me and everyone else waits here...and no peeking!"
"Finally!" Mina yells out, getting excited about the upcoming challenge as half the students begin following Pixie-Bob.
"Not you Ashido," Eraser says, drawing her eyes over to him, already standing beside him are Kaminari and Monoma, shoulders slumped. "Your nightly remedial classes aren't postponed because tonight is different, get inside, c'mon..."
"Awe, sorry Mina," Toru gives her a sympathetic pat on the back as the girl sulks and walks away.
After half of the students clear out the girls continue their chatter.
Meanwhile, at Horizon's table.
Sitting with Sero, Sato, Tokoyami, and Shoji, they were discussing only the most important and critical of topics.
"Sero, look," Horizon raises his hands and sighs. "What you just said, that war crime of an opinion to have...is fucking retarded."
"Hey! I think he's the best, I mean why else would he always be around," Sero says.
"He literally only looks...slightly, barely...just the slightest bit cool," Horizon says. "But you're telling me, in the year 2315, with over forty generations and thousands to pick from...you really think Charizard is the best pokemon. Seriously?"
"C'mon it's a good pick, right guys?" Sero turns to the other boys in the conversation, only getting weird looks from them. "Guys?"
"He isn't even a dragon type."
"He's been weak since generation 12."
Sero just gets beaten down by their words, "alright alright, fine, what's yours then?" he asks Horizon.
"Legendaries?" Horizon asks.
"Nope, everyone always pics Rayquaza," Sero says, and they all nod along.
"Ok, that's fair...probably---"
"HEY GLASS FACE!" Bakugo interrupts their essential conversations.
All the people present turn to see him stomping over to their table, being followed closely by Kirishima who was trying to stop him. In one hand was a tablet of some kind, and in the other was a baseball.
Horizon just sighs, expecting something annoying, "what do you want silver medal?"
"Mmmm, catch," Bakugo tosses him the baseball which he easily catches.
"Throw it, as hard as you can, you're the only person here that's never done it, I wanna see how we stack up."
Horizon looks at the ball, then looks at Kirishima, hoping he can make some sense of this.
"Bakugo just got the top score again," Kirishima says. "Before you got to camp Yaomomo took the top spot, Midoriya got to second, but now Bakugo took back the top spot...but I kind of mentioned that not everyone was technically listed."
"And silver medal wants to see my score, great," Horizon lazily gets up. "What score am I gonna beat?"
"Check it," Kirishima turns the tablet to Horizon.
Bakugo- 815m
Momo- 780m
Izuku- 770m
"Isn't floaty supposed to be here?" Horizon asks.
"On the official UA list, yeah, but this is just for friendly competition, can't really get better than infinity," Kirishima says.
Horizon shrugs, "so the score to beat is 815 meters, I didn't even do much training today so I don't even need to warp it."
"What? You think I can't catch up to you if you go all out?" Bakugo asks, words carried with a deep growl.
"Well, yeah, I'm already miles ahead of you. I improve faster than you, and I train harder than you. Get used to that silver medal," Horizon says as he takes a few steps away with the baseball.
'And why the hell would I tell you my exact maximum range,' he thinks to himself while winding up his pitch.
He forms a small room only 5 meters wide.
He focuses some of his energy on his body to boost his pitch.
Everyone looks on as he winds up his pitch, not expecting him to simply throw it instead of warping it away.
The ball shatters the sound barrier as it rockets through the cool night air.
Jiro flinches and grabs her ears, not expecting the sudden sonic boom so close to her.
As it disappears into the night people begin muttering, making their best guesses at exactly how far it would go.
The tablet goes off, indicating the ball stopped moving.
"Wow," Kirishima says, looking at it. "1170 meters...damn man."
Horizon just shrugs, barely feeling the energy use from that pitch, "figured I'd keep it reasonable. Plus I'm trying to take it easy tonight."
Bakugo just snatches the tablet from Kirishima and stomps off, and a moment later Horizon warps the ball back to them.
"Thanks man," Kirishima picks up the ball and rushes off after Bakugo.
"So you really weren't kidding when you said you were muscling up huh," Sato says as Horizon returns to the table.
"Oh yeah, in a lot of cases it's more economical and effective to just punch someone in the face rather than using any of my other techniques, figured it's an easy way to be more economical with my fighting."
"Is that why you look like a mini All Might?" Asui asks from behind Horizon, at the table with all the girls. "You really looked like him at the pool...with all the muscles I mean."
Horizon turns back to look at her over his shoulder, "yeah, like what you see Froppy?"
Her expression remains completely flat, unlike Momo who frowns at that reply, and Jiro who just keeps her head down. "Yeah, you look good, but you get ugly when you start talking, still a total jerk. Not my type."
"I'll get over it," Horizon says, turning back to everyone. "But yeah, figured there is a lot of merit in taking the All Might approach in certain situations. But the difference is I won't hit the same peak power as him, and even if I do my body won't be there for any other 15 years.
Plus I'll fight with a brain unlike him. The meathead tactics of 'just punch them harder' is really dumb."
"But it always works," Sato says. "All Might has never lost, so how dumb can it be?"
"Bad habits can get you good results, but that doesn't make them good habits. If you only focus on the outcome you'll never truly reach your full potential. It's like if you lift weights with bad form. Yeah you'll move the weights, but eventually, something will go wrong, bad practice with good results is still bad practice."
"Huh, I guess I never thought about it like that," Sato says. "So how much do you lift now anyway?"
"I bench about 2500lbs," Horizon says, as if it were normal for someone without a Strength Enhancer Quirk. "I don't think I can get much higher than that right now, but obviously it gets a lot better when I start using my Quirk."
"That's without your Quirk?" Sero visibly flinches at the idea of lifting that much weight, almost like lifting a 4-door car. "That's insane."
"I get that a lot..."
A few minutes later Pixie-Bob returns to collect the other students, leaving Mandalay and the others to organize the route for the Test of Courage.
"Alright 1A, let's get this started!"
As everyone gets up and gathers around Horizon turns and begins walking toward the main building, "good luck," he says offhandedly.
"You aren't coming?" Sero asks, causing everyone to look at them.
"Haunted house stuff doesn't really work on me, I can sense them, remember?"
"Oh, right."
"Yeah, plus we've only got tomorrow night here then we head out, I wanna enjoy the Hot Springs," Horizon shrugs.
"Wait!" Jiro says, obviously worried, already trying to hide behind Momo. Admittedly she doesn't do well with anything spooky or horror related. "But if you leave then one of us has to go solo, since that means our class is missing three people."
Seeing the girl obviously afraid Horizon just sighs, not in the mood to be dragged into this just so someone doesn't have to go solo.
"You're a hero, you'll have to deal with villains, and you've already fought some of them before. You'll be fine with some haunted house game," he tells her. "Being afraid is fine, letting it control you is inexcusable, you can overcome this."
"Oh...Thanks," Jiro nervously looks down at the ground as Momo gives her hand a reassuring squeeze.
"Fear not madam," Aoyama speaks up, "I shall be the one to go alone, my dazzling style will keep me safe in the night."
"Good luck with that frenchie," Horizon says as everyone else gives Aoyama an exasperated look.
"Well now that everyone is ready, let's get moving," Pixie-Bob waves for them all to follow her. "And be sure to enjoy the Hot Springs Horizon, we've only got two more nights here so let's all make the most of them..."
Horizon can't help but smile at that as everyone begins walking away, knowing exactly what she meant...
Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (30+ chapters ahead)
"How is this so much better than my hot tub..." Law mutters as he relaxes in the Hot Spring.
At the edge of the water with his back to the war stone wall, both muscled and tattooed arms were resting up at the edge of the pool.
His body was entirely exposed, with his body glove and visor nearby. His phone was playing soft music nearby, with a Room open for 25 meters in every direction, enough so he doesn't feel the strain while making sure nobody sneaks up to take a peek at him.
After a few more minutes Law checks his phone, seeing it's been almost a half hour since he got into the Hot Springs.
"This was a lot more fun with Pix---" Law stops scrolling as he notices something strange. His phone had no service.
"Huh, I thought it was impossible for Nezu's tech to lose signals..." Law says as he checks the setting.
Suddenly a bright and sparkling Lazer beam cuts through the Hot Spring, barely missing the main resort building.
"So much for relaxing," Law mutters as he warps out of the water.
Then swaps all the water on his body for his body glove and visor, and suddenly appears in full Hero Costume as he expands his room to 1000 meters wide.
He feels everyone still completing the Test Of Courage, but two people were elsewhere.
Ragdoll and Aoyama were far off course and separated from everyone else, in a dire situation.
"Shambles," Horizon suddenly appears beside Aoyama, staring down a green-skinned lanky Nomu, and a young boy in a black middle school uniform, wearing a gas mask and carrying two gas canisters on his back.
In his hand is an old-fashioned revolver, at ease pointing toward the floor, and a thick pink fog swirls around him, only a few inches from his body.
Behind Aoyama is Ragdoll, down on the floor and bleeding from her head, while Aoyama was stuck in a standoff with the villain and Nomu.
But everyone froze when Horizon arrived on the scene.
Unlike his previous encounters, this Nomu seemed completely unresponsive to anything around it.
'So I'm guessing this loser can't give it commands, so it's in standby mode...plus his Quirk is some toxic gas, not lethal since he has a gun. And he isn't immune to it because he has a gas mask...but I am. I guess he's just weak.'
"What's going on here?" Horizon asks, noticing the villain frozen in fear.
"I got lost and she came looking for me, but this villain attacked us!" Aoyama yells, voice cracking with almost every word.
"Twinkler, tell the others the League of Villains is here," Horizon says, seeing the villain's gun trembling, unable to even raise it toward him. "I'll deal with this..."
Both Aoyama and Ragdoll immediately disappear, swapped with rocks from the dining area.
Horizon swaps everyone but himself back into the dining area, leaving him and the villains staring each other down.
"So, how'd you find us?" Horizon asks.
The boy doesn't respond, only raising his pistol and opening fire.
One round is fired, yet it stops a foot in front of Horizon, held in the air by nothing.
A precise and wasteful use of Takt, but it always got the message across.
Horizon carefully and gently plucks the bullet from the air, holding it between his fingers as he walks up to the villain.
Another bullet stops just inches ahead of him, echoing through the forest and helping Aoyama get his warning across.
And again Horizon plucks it out of the air.
By the time he gets to the villain, the boy is shaking, absolutely stuck with fear, revolver dropped to the dirt, staring up at Horizon as he towers over the villain. Over a foot taller than him and much larger.
"You have a name?" Horizon asks, his voice surprisingly calm all things considered.
"M...Mustard..." the villain stutters out.
"Mustard...gas, catchy," Horizon raises his hand with all the bullets and holds it out. "These are yours."
Mustard raises a shaky hand and collects the bullets. He doesn't dare take his eyes off Horizon.
Horizon, however, takes his eyes off the villain, looking across at the tall and lanky Nomu, "well, clearly you don't have the authority to command this thing...so let's make this quick."
"Argh!" Mustard chokes as Horizon grabs his neck, immediately and painfully strangling him, easily lifting him off the floor so they were at eye level with each other.
"Do you know anything about how this attack was planned?" Horizon asks.
He only gets the sound of choking from Mustard.
"Right," he reaches up and rips off the gas mask, loosening up his grip so the boy could speak. "I'll try that again, what information do you have? How many villains are here?"
"Just six of us, and some Nomu," Mustard barely gets out, feeling the grip beginning to tighten again.
"How did you find us?"
"I swear I don't know anything about that, please, I only joined the league to---" Horizon immediately begins strangling him again, not interested in any silly motivations.
"Counter Shock," Mustard's convulsing body is burnt by the strong current that completely knocks him out for at least a day. "Shambles," he swaps Mustard for Eraser.
"Six villains plus some Nomu, keep everyone at the main resort and I'll try to pick them off."
"Got it," Eraser says, and is swapped with a lone rock, sending him back to the others.
As Eraser disappears Horizon scans everything within his Room again, but doesn't detect anything aside from Mustard and the Nomu in front of him.
Because the others simply haven't received the signal to arrive just yet.
So he keeps his attention on his Room while turning to the Nomu standing beside him.
'Why would Shigaraki give a Nomu to someone, without allowing them to command it? Or without giving it a preset command, doesn't really make sense...'
He reaches forward and touches it, and it doesn't even react.
'Hmm, what is that? An antenna Quirk? Radio? Signal? I guess this is what's causing the signal drop in the area, and a Telepathy Link Quirk, weird combo...but useful.'
Horizon takes a step back and reaches for his sword, and the moment his hand touches the hilt.
"A-arsenal," the Nomu says in a broken raspy voice, and Horizon freezes, just for a moment.
He slashes it in two, pretending as if that word meant nothing to him.
Looking at the bisected corpse on the floor Horizon just sighs and focuses on everything around him, not sensing any newcomers.
And the moment he puts his sword away.
"Arsenal's son?" A voice echoes out from the Nomu, deep and haunting, but not the voice of the monster itself, this time using it as a puppet.
'No, that's impossible. I'm insulated. Nezu made sure nobody could know. Nobody can know! This is a bluff, a hard bluff. This can't be happening.'
"It seems we have much to discuss, doctor," the voice says again, and a small purple Warp gate begins forming a few feet away. "I find myself in need of a miracle. And as far as I know, only you specialize in such a procedure."
Horizon leaps backward and readies his blade, prepared to slash the Warp Gate the moment Shigaraki showed his crusty face.
But he never did.
Instead, the Warp Gate expanded to 8ft wide, and out stepped a tall man in a simple black suit with a white undershirt.
Standing at 225cm -7ft5-, even taller than All Might. And seemingly having an almost identical build, simply better hidden beneath the formal suit.
Horizon felt his blood crawl as the eerie presence made itself known. Nothing that he was paralyzed by, but the sense of danger he felt was new.
'This guy is making me nervous? What? Me? Why?' he questions, not understanding what was going on.
And looking into the black industrial mask with tubes connecting it together, he only got more confused.
But the moment the full body got revealed.
All For One, the incarnation of Evil. The would-be Demon Lord of Japan.
Horizon relaxed slightly, still on guard but now more confident against his foe.
'Oh... it's just him,' Horizon thinks, having been aware of this person for years.
"Finally a hero with a sense of class," All For One says jokingly, adjusting his tie to make his point clear.
Side by side they looked very similar, in three-piece suits, full face masks, tall and muscular.
Two sides of the same coin.
No, two sides of the same coin...
"I had no idea Arsenal had a child, how extraordinary," All For One says, standing only ten meters away with his hands at his side.
"..." Horizon doesn't answer at first,he shrinks his room down to only 50m wide, giving all of his focus to the newcomer, then simply raises his blade to point at All For One, "are you leading the League of Villains?"
"Oh, is that the game you'd like to play?" All For One asks, playfully, amused by Horizon attempting to avoid the question. "Alright, I'll play along, hero..."
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