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20.88% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 79: CHAPTER 075(Momo's Contract)

Chapter 79: CHAPTER 075(Momo's Contract)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (30+ chapters ahead)


---Saturday Afternoon, 7 PM...

After finishing his internship Horizon also completed his weekly appointment, and now he was ready to go home and train, now having a better understanding of exactly what he has to work on.

In the private underground garage of his Tokyo penthouse Law is dressed in a simple gold t-shirt with the Matani crest in black on the chest and a pair of black jeans.

Loading his Hero Costume case and sword into the trunk of his car he hops in the driver's seat and starts driving back to Musutafu, having to enter the city to then access the road to his home outside the city.

Placing his phone in the compartment on the dashboard it automatically connects.

"Call Nezu," he orders, and the phone begins doing exactly that.

Cruising down the street he hears the call connect.

"Hello?" Nezu asks.

"Yeah, I'm leaving Tokyo now, just wrapped things up at Endeavor's Agency."

"Oh, that's good. I'm dealing with some other problems at the moment, I assumed you call to find out about that..."

"What?" Law sounds confused. "I was calling to ask about that Support Item I requested."

"Oh, did you not see the news?"

"No, what's up?"

"Apparently during the Nomu attacks in Hosu two days ago, the Hero Killer Stain was busy, he killed three more people. They only found the bodies last night."

"While I was there? Must have been at the very edge of Hosu."

"It was, I'm currently dealing with a media nightmare because of it."

"Why? Who'd he kill?"

"Native, Manual, and your classmate, Tenya Iida."

" that's why the class group chat has been going extra crazy, that makes sense."

"You didn't look at it?"

"I assumed they wanted to ask about those two big incidents I resolved. I'm not gonna read two thousand messages from those people."

"Well everyone knows, and I've had a swarm of reporters at the gate ever since the bodies were found."

"Shit, Is this gonna make you close school, because the faster I get my item the faster I can get used to it."

Nezu sighs. "Well, I'm glad to hear how worried and heartbroken you are..."

"Heroes die every day Nezu, it's an occupational hazard. Plus I've only known him for 5 weeks, and we didn't exactly get along."

"Do you get along with anyone?"

"A few, mostly the pretty girls and Sero..."

"Right, well this shouldn't change anything with the school schedule. We'll offer to counsel any students who need it and your class will have a mandatory session talking to Midnight."


"There will also be a special mourning ceremony Monday morning."

"So I should show up late to skip all that crap, thanks for the warning."

"We'd appreciate it if you can say a few kind words actually, since you are the 1A Class Rep."

Law laughs at that. "No."

Nezu sighs again, "fine, but please just show up on time for the ceremony, it won't be long."

"Yeah yeah, and how is the media dealing with this?"

"It's been a long time since we've had an active student die," Nezu says. "But with how many students have been killed due to the Nomu attacks on Hero Courses the public isn't reacting too poorly, in comparison we've only lost one student and it was away from campus."

"Uh-huh, and how do they feel about you letting him go to Hosu knowing that's where Stain likely was and his brother died there just over a week earlier? They could assume that it was a revenge scenario gone wrong," Law says.

"Some of them did, but we're fighting that idea with his pristine character. Also, I'm pushing media outlets to focus on your work from this week."

Law nods in agreement. "Show off that Horizon solved a hostage situation and dealt with about twenty Nomu while other Pros were mostly useless...prop up your best student so they don't notice the dead one."

"That's the plan, it's been mostly working to prevent people from digging deeper."

"Good," Law turns onto the highway to leave the city. "The last thing I need is UA being stalled for any reason, especially because some morons can't accept being a Hero is actually dangerous. Now that we're done talking about the shit I don't care about, what's the deal with my Support Item?"

"It's mostly complete, beyond your specification."

"Uh-huh, what do you mean mostly? How much longer?"

"It'll take one month for us to get a shipment of the alloy needed for the fuel cell. It's normally not used in objects this small so they have to make it custom."

"I really don't have a month to waste, the support course is gonna be open Monday right?"

"The design and construction studios are always open, and the person that's been assigned to you always arrives early and leaves late, she should even be there tomorrow when school isn't in session."

"And all she needs is this component?" Law asks.


"Ok, can you send me the specifics of it, molecular makeup and all that..."

"If you're thinking of using Yaoyorozu, you should know that it's against regulations to use her Quirk like this because of the value of this component, and how easily it can be weaponized. You need approval, and she won't agree to help you."

"If I get it done can you handle the paperwork for me?" Law asks.

"Legally my answer is no, but good luck, I'll send you the data in a moment."

"Thanks, now I've got to call Momo..."

A few minutes later Law sends the data to Momo and immediately calls her.

"Hello," she answers on the very first ring, some excitement in her voice although he could tell she'd been crying.

Law just rolls his eyes, not having time for talking about Iida, "Momo, are you free tomorrow?"

He hears her drop the phone on what sounds like tiles before picking it back up. "Yes! I depends on what you want..." she tries her best to not seem interested, failing miserably.

And Law chuckles, he's far from an idiot, especially when it comes to women. He's known for a while that both Momo and Jiro somehow have an interest in him, there simply isn't any benefit to bringing it up.

He expects and hopes that it will fade as they come to their senses.

"Sorry to disappoint but not for a date," Law says jokingly.

"What! Why would I ever be thinking that?!"

"Uh-huh, no idea...anyway. Take a look at the item I sent you, how long until you can make it?"

"Give me one moment to look at it..."

Law waits patiently until he hears her answer.

"The mass of this, even for a two-inch cube is a bit much, it would take everything I have."

"Can you do it?"

"Yes, the material composition isn't that complex, at least for me, but I can imagine via technology getting these metals to bond in such an intricate manner is difficult."

Law sighs, "woman, the things I'd do to have your Quirk... Anyway, can you bring it to UA tomorrow morning? It's the last component I need for a support item, otherwise, I'll have to wait an entire month to get one made. Apparently, they don't fabricate that alloy in that size."

"I can understand why," Momo says. "These bonding agents work better the more mass the item has, making one of this size would cost a small fortune. But that's exactly why I can't help you. My Quirk prohibits creations such as these without permission from a relevant authority, I'm sorry but unless I receive clearance or it's an absolute emergency I can't help."

"The most fun Quirk and you've got a stick up your ass that prevents you from enjoying it...that's a damn shame."


"I got permission from Nezu, he'll deal with the paperwork, so, tomorrow?"

"Alright, I'll help you out," Momo says, suddenly much happier.

"No, this isn't you helping me, it's a trade."


"I really don't like owing people anything, so figure out something you want, within reason, and we'll make this a small contract. "

"Something I want? Like what?"

"How am I supposed to know, but this is a one-time thing so you'd better be smart about it."

"I already know what I want!" Momo suddenly blurts out.

"Wow, that was fast, ok what is it."

"Can you teach a class where you tell us all how to improve our Quirks? You said you already figured it all out right, so how about that? That way the most people will benefit!"

"You want me to spoon-feed 18 people the answers to fix their life as a That'll take too long."

"Um...then how about just some of us? Helping us to be better heroes?" she says in a timid voice.

Law sighs, "let me guess, you and Jiro?"

"Huh, how did you know I was going to include Kyoka?"

"Because you two do everything together, you're basically attached at the hip," Law says.

'You even have a crush on the same guy...' he thinks to himself.

"Kyoka and I are just fast friends, like you and Sero."

"Uh I wouldn't say that, but whatever. So tomorrow morning at the support department."

"We'll be there..." Law hangs up on her immediately and focuses on the road.

"Honestly, the things I do for Horizon..." Law mutters as he continues the journey home.


next chapter

Chapter 80: CHAPTER 076(The Workshop)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (30+ chapters ahead)


Standing outside the support course design building Horizon is watching a video on his phone, having the audio played directly into his visor.

Not bothering to put on his uniform since it's Sunday he has his body glove and visor on. The boots from his Hero Costume. A pair of blue pants and a white t-shirt with his logo on the front in blue. And a white and blue hoodie with his logo on the back.

His Hero Costume case was in his hand along with his sword as he focuses on his phone, watching the same videos that has been circulating all day about the Hero Killer Stain. Exploring his past, motivation, and ideology.

"So do you own anything that isn't blue and white?" Power Loader asks as he walks up to Horizon. "Or that doesn't have your logo on it..."

"No," Horizon says as he puts his phone away, holding his Hero Costume case in his right hand and his sword in the left.

Power Loader nods for Horizon to follow him as they enter the building. "I hope you aren't a fan of that Stain guy," he says, overheating the video earlier and knowing what it was.

"He's a moron."

"Worse, he's a madman. Anyway about your request, it's not the first time we got a request for something like this, but without a Quirk that powers it the allocated budget for students just doesn't cover it, not to mention the legality of it."

"I figured Nezu wouldn't mind."

"He doesn't, only because it's you. He's not very subtle about that, even increased the allocated budget to your support equipment to compensate."

"Well it makes sense, I'm Horizon, it'll be worth it."

"Humility goes a long way kid."

"Not my style, anyway are you sure whoever he assigned to this project can actually do it? I was kind of hoping you'd make my equipment, as you did before UA."

"No can do," Power Loader says. "Having the Hero and Support courses work together like this is essential for development. But with that being said, before anything is handed over to our students for use it has to get approved by me first."

"And Mei got approved?"

"More often than not, she's a real genius when it comes to mechanical engineering. And she's not afraid to fail, that's important in learning. It's only been five weeks and she's already made twenty items. Not to mention she learns so fast that she's lightyears ahead of the previous top genius at this time in their school life."

Horizon looks down at Power Loader and raises a brow, "wasn't the top genius you?"

"Until her, yeah it was. But you know what they say, the rookies will tell you when it's time to quit..."

Arriving in front of a massive door Power Loader slides it open for them to see Mei sitting on the floor putting together some machine parts.

Mei Hatsume was a short girl with pink dreadlocks, only 157cm tall -5ft2-, currently wearing her uniform skirt under some coveralls that were tied off at her hips. And a black tank top covering her large chest.

"Mei!" Power Loader has to raise his voice to snap her out of her own little world.

Seeing Horizon she immediately hops up to her feet and rushes over, "hey mister famous, welcome to my lab!" Mei gestures to the workshop behind her.

Filled with her projects and tinkering, parts and pieces on desks and shelves along the walls. There were even a few suits of armor hanging from the ceiling on chains, a full mad inventors workshop.

"Well, I'll leave before something explodes," Power Loader says before rushing off.

"Uh, do things explode a lot with you?" Horizon asks, looking directly down at Mie who was staring up at him with those yellow crosshair pupils in her eyes. Since she's only an inch taller than Jiro she just barely reaches the middle of his chest, making him seem that much more imposing.

"Things explode sometimes, that's life. Don't worry nothing I have planned for you will do that."

"I hope not, so, how do we start?"

"Follow me!" Mei turns around and stiffly marches off.

'So normal people are rare in UA...' Horizon thinks.

He follows her over to a separate desk at the back of her lab that has a large metal case atop it. Mei opens the case to reveal his requested Support Item.

A metal device appears similar to a skateboard. Roughly 1 meter long and 25cm-10in- wide, but it was three inches thick, appearing like a slab of metal. Colored white with blue accents, and Horizon's logo at the top of it.

"Pick it up," Mei says.

"A bit heavy," Horizon says as he lifts it up, placing his case and sword down on the desk beforehand.

"50lbs, but it expands when powered up...hopefully, and gets a bit flatter. This is the compact form for transporting it."

Turning it to see the underside there are two large circles, at a glance he couldn't understand what they are or how they worked. His focus is on biology not technology after all.

"Repulsor lifts," Mei says. "They push against gravity to keep you in the air, it's the same tech the military uses for those fancy jets in America, but the civilian version. Because of that plus the power system it needs this baby costs more than the entire budget allocation to three other students put together, and you've still got room for more stuff. It's rare for anyone to ever even max out their budget considering Principal Nezu funds it."

"Is it really that big?"

Mei chuckles, "let's just say before we had that invention contest to decide who'd get to work with you...things got a bit..punchy."

"Were you winning?"

"I don't wanna talk about it. Anyway, I'm making your stuff now, that's all that matters."

"Fair enough, so about the hoverboard, specs?"

"When we get the power should be able to match or move faster than any commercial plane, should be fun. And it can support four hundred pounds of weight."

"That's good, doubt I'll have any passengers but it's good to be prepared."

"Yup," Mei gives him a beaming smile, excited to see this invention come to life. "So, whatcha gonna name this baby?"


"Well, every student names their equipment, like the Yaoyoletard, or the Uragautlets, that kinda thing."

"That's stupid."

"What about your sword?"

"Scalpel, but swords aren't clothes."

"Neither is a hoverboard."

"It doesn't need a name, Momo should be here in a few minutes, anything else I need to know."

"Yeah, you'll need these to stay on it," she fishes around to find a pair of boots just like his current set, but they felt slightly heavier.


"The soles are a special material that the repulsor will pull toward the top of the board, that way you don't fall off at 600mph -965kmph-, that'd get messy."

"The Gs would kill me before that," he says. "My body can't handle that kind of strain, I can heal but that's only for so long. I'm not going that fast."

"Really? I thought you had Super-Strength or something."

"What? No."

"Well I mean, you said your Quirk can virtually do anything so everyone kind of assumed you'd have that," Mei shrugs. "But then again you talked so big but now we know you can't even fly..."

Horizon sighs, "I swear you people all act like everyone else in the world can fly, not being able to fly is normal."


"Whatever, just tell me how to operate this hoverboard."

"Sure, it's super intuitive, you just have to..."

---5 Minutes later...

"Ok, anything else?" Horizon asks as she finishes explaining the details of his hoverboard.

"A lot of stuff actually," Mei says excitedly, getting very close to Horizon, but unlike the usual students he doesn't back away, standing his ground as her chest presses against his abs and she stares up at him hungrily. "You're already super famous, so I wanna upgrade all your things so people will know my name too."

"So branding?"

"Something you clearly know about, but I'll also give real upgrades, I've already considered a few."

"So you're basically using me as a model and billboard...Ok, let's hear them," she steps away and he leans back against the desk.

"First I was thinking of a new visor!"

"You can't change the look," he immediately says. "I don't exactly have a face so I can't go changing the visor all the time."

"Won't change anything about the look, but I saw the build for the current model, I bet with some time and that big budget you got I can use compression tech on it."

"In what way?"

"Think of something about the size of your phone, then you put it at the back of your neck, and BOOM! It expands around your head into the visor."

"So I can always have it on me."

"Yup," Mei says. "That way if it breaks and you can't breathe you at least can have a spare or two. I can't imagine it feels good having to wear that visor as a life support item all the time, this way you don't have to be worried about it breaking."

"That sounds perfect for me," Horizon says. "Anything else?"

"Retractable sword?"

"No." He gestures to his sword, "retractable swords are the first thing I researched, but the trade-off in durability isn't worth the portable nature of it, I need reliable things."

"That makes sense, I assumed the durability wouldn't matter since your sword never actually touches anyone."

"It does when I want to do real damage."

"Mhm," Mei taps her chin a few times as she considers what else there is. "Well, I guess all that's left are the body glove and Hero Costume. They were designed to be comfortable in a variety of natural temperatures but not much else, is there anything you want to add or adjust with it?"

"Actually...I've been ignoring equipment for a while so since I'm here..."


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