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20.62% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 78: CHAPTER 074(The Hosu Attack)

Chapter 78: CHAPTER 074(The Hosu Attack)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (30+ chapters ahead)


---6 PM, Endeavor Hero Agency...

Stepping out of his room Horizon sees Burnin in full costume leaning against the opposite wall, giving him a vicious smile.

"Ready to get started rookie?"

"What are we even doing?" Horizon asks, falling into step beside her as they walk through the hallway to the elevator.

"Well, yesterday we got a request from the heroes at Hosu. Since Inginium died their organization sort of fell apart. His agency had 65 Sidekicks and he lead them all, they're still trying to figure out how to work without him leading."

"So they're like ants running about?" Horizon asks as they enter the elevator, noticing Burnin hitting the garage button.

"Pretty much, so they called us to send some people to help out on patrols, the rest of my team had the day shift."

"So we're the night shift...what about Endeavor?"

"He still hasn't left his office, he's been catching up on paperwork all day...very bad mood."

"Tch, so just us?"

"Yup, but you're supposed to be the strongest anyway, right?" Burnin shrugs. "Why? Are you worried? Isn't your catchphrase 'I'm enough'," she tries to copy his deeper mechanical voice and fails horribly.

"I don't have a catchphrase, but I am."

A moment later they arrive at the basement garage, and Burnin takes out a simple car key and leads him over to a basic and inconspicuous red car.

"I guess we're expecting a fight huh," Horizon says while getting into the front seat, having to adjust it for his size, and placing his sword in the back seat.

"Best to be prepared!" Burnin turns on the radio and begins singing loudly, not caring that she'll annoy him the entire drive.

Agency cars aren't uncommon at such top-tier Hero Agencies. Cheap and replaceable cars that look inconspicuous in most situations. Bought for transport and insured with the agency, completely expected to be destroyed if a Hero has to drive it to a combat zone.


1km outside of Hosu the car shakes violently as an explosion goes off in the distance. Horizon and Burnin see a massive fire tearing through the city and she immediately pulls over.

"What's going on?"



5km of information floods his mind.

"Nomu attack, two dozen of them, let's go."


They both disappear and arrive at the heart of the action, a seven-story building was completely on fire, heroes already rising over as a swarm of grey Nomu are destroying everything.

'Grey Nomu, they can't regenerate according to the intel we have,' Horizon thinks as he rushes forward.

Charging a Nomu with four arms, 3 meters tall and lanky, brain exposed as per usual.

Two other heroes attack before he can close the distance, dressed as ninjas they throw a dozen shurikens each, all of which bounce off the monster.



Horizon slashing the Nomu in two, directly down the middle. Another slash cuts the brain in half. Looking back he sees Burnin rip a chunk of her hair out and hit a grey Nomu with it, completely exploding the top half of its body.

'Above,' Horizon senses a Nomu flying through the air and slashes at it.


The winged grey Nomu gets slashed in two, hopelessly flailing as it falls to the road below. Burnin immediately pounces to finish it.

"Make me some rubble!" Horizon yells out. Shrinking his ROOM enough to encompass all the Nomus, allowing him to give them his full focus.

"I've got it," one of the nearby Pro Heroes yells out, a hulking figure with enlarged fists. He punches the ground and shatters the road, scattering rocks all across the street.

"Get away!" Horizon yells, and the nearby Pros understand exactly what he's about to do and get to his sides or behind him.


A piece of rubble gets swapped for a nearby Nomu.


He slashes it from range, leaving it flailing around on the floor as he repeats the process over and over.

One of the Nomu has some sort of speed Quirk and tries to rush him, but instead of warping away he simply raises a hand.


Every bone in the Nomus hand and arm shatter against the blue energy barrier, Horizon drops the barrier and slashes directly, cutting the monster in half.

Horizon immediately returns to the original plan.

Many of the Pros stand around ready to act in case his plan fails for some reason, while a few others try to get the fire under control.

And nearly twenty Nomu later, a black Nomu shows up.

'Shit,' Horizon immediately realizes what's about to happen. Burnin grabs a massive chunk of her hair and hurls it toward the pile of Nomus and the black Nomu all in one go.

All the other nearby heroes with ranged abilities do the exact same, stacking on the damage.


Sixteen slashes later there are massive slices in the road, and a pile of smoldering corpses burning in front of them.

Horizon could still feel the heat from the intense green flames Burnin made, the road melting away around and below the Nomu corpses.

"Let's get back to it..."

While Horizon and the Pro Heroes were finishing up the Nomu and putting out the fire, on a bullet train passing by Hosu another situation was happening.

Deku was wearing his new Hero Costume, pinned down to the floor by his internship mentor Gran Torino. An elderly white-haired man who was only 1 meter tall. Currently stepping on Deku's back with his yellow boots and leaning forward the push his face into the floor of the train.

Only a few feet away was the door of the moving train, and Deku was just about to reach for it when he got pinned down.

"What the hell are you doing brat?" Gran Torino asks.

"Going to Hosu," Deku says. "People there need my help."

"What about the people here?"

"What? The train is fine, my friend is in Hosu, I...I have a bad feeling, like I need to save him, please, let me go."

"Think about the situation more clearly," Gran Torino says. "You're on a moving bullet train, you open those doors or rupture the side of it and this thing stops, then whatever crisis is happening here has these passengers trapped in it too, is that what you want?"

"But...I..." Deku's voice shrinks and he just rests his head on the floor, mind and heart completely conflicted. "But he needs saving, I can feel it...I should have done more when I saw him."

"Perhaps, but your duty is the protect as many people as possible, that includes keeping these people away from that mess," Gran Torino sighs, seeing Deku making an angry face as some tears begin flowing.

Sitting on the floor beside Deku he gives him a pat on the head. "You're just like Toshinori, you know that?"

"What?" Deku looks at him in surprise.

"Yeah, no matter the situation he'd be unable to sit by when he knew someone needed saving, but that also caused him to make a lot of choices that he'd later regret. If that's the mindset you have, it will hurt even more if you ever fail, so you have all the more reason to master your Quirk and grow strong. That way you won't have to make the hard choices like these, you'll be able to save a lot more people than even him..."

Sitting up Deku wipes his tears, looking down the train cart at all the people staring out the window at the burning city, all the people he protected by simply allowing them to continue to the next stop.

Only fifteen minutes after the attack began, it was already dealt with.

Horizon and Burnin were currently standing to the side looking at the massive pile of incinerated meat, the road melted to such an extent that it was still bubbling and swelling the flesh.

While they were taking a breather the other Pros were helping the fire trucks put out the blaze as best they can, unfortunately, Manual, a hero with water manipulation isn't present at the moment to assist.

Standing beside Horizon, Burnin currently was missing almost all of her fiery hair, leaving her nearly bald. Her scalp was completely covered in small green flames.

"How come you didn't sense the Warp Gate?"

"Because I wasn't expecting one," Horizon shrugs.

"Any now?"

"No, I didn't sense any villains around in my range so I wouldn't know."

"I get it, its kinda like they sucker punched you, that makes sense. So what was your plan if I wasn't here?" Burnin asks.

"For what, the black Nomu?"


"Well even compared to these the USJ Nomu was a lot stronger,the first one we dealt with, and the second one just had basic Power, and didn't have anywhere near as fast healing. I could have handled it solo."

"Maybe I should have let you," Burnin rubs her head.

Horizon chuckles, "how long does it take to grow back when you overuse it like this?"

"About twenty minutes when it's this extreme. If Endeavor were here he could have waved his hand and incinerated those healing bastards."

"Hmmm, I'm still trying to form something that can deal with them, I don't think I'll always have a top fire Pro in my pocket."

"Why not just make flames of your own?" Burnin asks.

"It's not that simple, I won't explain but let's just say I can't," Horizon says.

"But you can make lightning, that takes a lot more energy."

"I don't make lightning, I amplify my bioelectricity and bring it outward, completely different. And since I don't have a fire inside me I'd have to do a lot more work than it's worth."

"Ahh, I what you're saying is," she looks up at him with her Cheshire smile, "I can do something mister miracle can't," she devolves into a mad cackle as they wait for the police to arrive in force and deal with this.

Horizon rolls his eyes, used to her antics and aggressive personality by now.

'Creating fire huh... focusing on such a small particle would exhaust me. And using TAKT to cause that much friction in anything would also entirely drain me, fire is just too damn erratic. Not to mention how much energy that would take...same reason I can't just warp around using dust in the air...

I'm sure I'll think of something to deal with the black Nomu, and I'll be ready if I ever see the USJ Nomu again...'


next chapter

Chapter 79: CHAPTER 075(Momo's Contract)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (30+ chapters ahead)


---Saturday Afternoon, 7 PM...

After finishing his internship Horizon also completed his weekly appointment, and now he was ready to go home and train, now having a better understanding of exactly what he has to work on.

In the private underground garage of his Tokyo penthouse Law is dressed in a simple gold t-shirt with the Matani crest in black on the chest and a pair of black jeans.

Loading his Hero Costume case and sword into the trunk of his car he hops in the driver's seat and starts driving back to Musutafu, having to enter the city to then access the road to his home outside the city.

Placing his phone in the compartment on the dashboard it automatically connects.

"Call Nezu," he orders, and the phone begins doing exactly that.

Cruising down the street he hears the call connect.

"Hello?" Nezu asks.

"Yeah, I'm leaving Tokyo now, just wrapped things up at Endeavor's Agency."

"Oh, that's good. I'm dealing with some other problems at the moment, I assumed you call to find out about that..."

"What?" Law sounds confused. "I was calling to ask about that Support Item I requested."

"Oh, did you not see the news?"

"No, what's up?"

"Apparently during the Nomu attacks in Hosu two days ago, the Hero Killer Stain was busy, he killed three more people. They only found the bodies last night."

"While I was there? Must have been at the very edge of Hosu."

"It was, I'm currently dealing with a media nightmare because of it."

"Why? Who'd he kill?"

"Native, Manual, and your classmate, Tenya Iida."

" that's why the class group chat has been going extra crazy, that makes sense."

"You didn't look at it?"

"I assumed they wanted to ask about those two big incidents I resolved. I'm not gonna read two thousand messages from those people."

"Well everyone knows, and I've had a swarm of reporters at the gate ever since the bodies were found."

"Shit, Is this gonna make you close school, because the faster I get my item the faster I can get used to it."

Nezu sighs. "Well, I'm glad to hear how worried and heartbroken you are..."

"Heroes die every day Nezu, it's an occupational hazard. Plus I've only known him for 5 weeks, and we didn't exactly get along."

"Do you get along with anyone?"

"A few, mostly the pretty girls and Sero..."

"Right, well this shouldn't change anything with the school schedule. We'll offer to counsel any students who need it and your class will have a mandatory session talking to Midnight."


"There will also be a special mourning ceremony Monday morning."

"So I should show up late to skip all that crap, thanks for the warning."

"We'd appreciate it if you can say a few kind words actually, since you are the 1A Class Rep."

Law laughs at that. "No."

Nezu sighs again, "fine, but please just show up on time for the ceremony, it won't be long."

"Yeah yeah, and how is the media dealing with this?"

"It's been a long time since we've had an active student die," Nezu says. "But with how many students have been killed due to the Nomu attacks on Hero Courses the public isn't reacting too poorly, in comparison we've only lost one student and it was away from campus."

"Uh-huh, and how do they feel about you letting him go to Hosu knowing that's where Stain likely was and his brother died there just over a week earlier? They could assume that it was a revenge scenario gone wrong," Law says.

"Some of them did, but we're fighting that idea with his pristine character. Also, I'm pushing media outlets to focus on your work from this week."

Law nods in agreement. "Show off that Horizon solved a hostage situation and dealt with about twenty Nomu while other Pros were mostly useless...prop up your best student so they don't notice the dead one."

"That's the plan, it's been mostly working to prevent people from digging deeper."

"Good," Law turns onto the highway to leave the city. "The last thing I need is UA being stalled for any reason, especially because some morons can't accept being a Hero is actually dangerous. Now that we're done talking about the shit I don't care about, what's the deal with my Support Item?"

"It's mostly complete, beyond your specification."

"Uh-huh, what do you mean mostly? How much longer?"

"It'll take one month for us to get a shipment of the alloy needed for the fuel cell. It's normally not used in objects this small so they have to make it custom."

"I really don't have a month to waste, the support course is gonna be open Monday right?"

"The design and construction studios are always open, and the person that's been assigned to you always arrives early and leaves late, she should even be there tomorrow when school isn't in session."

"And all she needs is this component?" Law asks.


"Ok, can you send me the specifics of it, molecular makeup and all that..."

"If you're thinking of using Yaoyorozu, you should know that it's against regulations to use her Quirk like this because of the value of this component, and how easily it can be weaponized. You need approval, and she won't agree to help you."

"If I get it done can you handle the paperwork for me?" Law asks.

"Legally my answer is no, but good luck, I'll send you the data in a moment."

"Thanks, now I've got to call Momo..."

A few minutes later Law sends the data to Momo and immediately calls her.

"Hello," she answers on the very first ring, some excitement in her voice although he could tell she'd been crying.

Law just rolls his eyes, not having time for talking about Iida, "Momo, are you free tomorrow?"

He hears her drop the phone on what sounds like tiles before picking it back up. "Yes! I depends on what you want..." she tries her best to not seem interested, failing miserably.

And Law chuckles, he's far from an idiot, especially when it comes to women. He's known for a while that both Momo and Jiro somehow have an interest in him, there simply isn't any benefit to bringing it up.

He expects and hopes that it will fade as they come to their senses.

"Sorry to disappoint but not for a date," Law says jokingly.

"What! Why would I ever be thinking that?!"

"Uh-huh, no idea...anyway. Take a look at the item I sent you, how long until you can make it?"

"Give me one moment to look at it..."

Law waits patiently until he hears her answer.

"The mass of this, even for a two-inch cube is a bit much, it would take everything I have."

"Can you do it?"

"Yes, the material composition isn't that complex, at least for me, but I can imagine via technology getting these metals to bond in such an intricate manner is difficult."

Law sighs, "woman, the things I'd do to have your Quirk... Anyway, can you bring it to UA tomorrow morning? It's the last component I need for a support item, otherwise, I'll have to wait an entire month to get one made. Apparently, they don't fabricate that alloy in that size."

"I can understand why," Momo says. "These bonding agents work better the more mass the item has, making one of this size would cost a small fortune. But that's exactly why I can't help you. My Quirk prohibits creations such as these without permission from a relevant authority, I'm sorry but unless I receive clearance or it's an absolute emergency I can't help."

"The most fun Quirk and you've got a stick up your ass that prevents you from enjoying it...that's a damn shame."


"I got permission from Nezu, he'll deal with the paperwork, so, tomorrow?"

"Alright, I'll help you out," Momo says, suddenly much happier.

"No, this isn't you helping me, it's a trade."


"I really don't like owing people anything, so figure out something you want, within reason, and we'll make this a small contract. "

"Something I want? Like what?"

"How am I supposed to know, but this is a one-time thing so you'd better be smart about it."

"I already know what I want!" Momo suddenly blurts out.

"Wow, that was fast, ok what is it."

"Can you teach a class where you tell us all how to improve our Quirks? You said you already figured it all out right, so how about that? That way the most people will benefit!"

"You want me to spoon-feed 18 people the answers to fix their life as a That'll take too long."

"Um...then how about just some of us? Helping us to be better heroes?" she says in a timid voice.

Law sighs, "let me guess, you and Jiro?"

"Huh, how did you know I was going to include Kyoka?"

"Because you two do everything together, you're basically attached at the hip," Law says.

'You even have a crush on the same guy...' he thinks to himself.

"Kyoka and I are just fast friends, like you and Sero."

"Uh I wouldn't say that, but whatever. So tomorrow morning at the support department."

"We'll be there..." Law hangs up on her immediately and focuses on the road.

"Honestly, the things I do for Horizon..." Law mutters as he continues the journey home.


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