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6.52% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 24: CHAPTER 022(First Day At UA)

Chapter 24: CHAPTER 022(First Day At UA)


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene


---April 7th, 2115, Matani Estate...

"So are you excited for your first day?" Nezu's cheery voice asks, excitedly waving to Law through the video on his phone.

Law just sighs, silently cleans up his kitchen after making his protein shake, and grabs it as well as his phone. "It's too early for you to be this excited," he grumbles.

Nezu can't help but shake his head as Law's bare upper body comes into view, all the tattoos exposed for him to see. "It's your first day of school, the first day in a place where you can use your Quirk without having to hide, you should be excited too."


Law appears in his bedroom and sets the phone down on the dresser. Wearing only a pair of shorts he walks over to his bed and sighs, then looks out to the sun already hanging above the ocean.

"So early, is Yagi even there yet?" he asks.


His white body glove appears on his body, already covered by his UA uniform,grey blazer with green pants, long red tie, and a white shirt beneath. A single button on each shoulder to indicate he's in the Hero Course. In addition, he has a white Rolex on his left wrist and a pair of white dress shoes on his feet. The visor is already on his head, his voice now becomes slightly more mechanical.

"He's on his way," Nezu says, seeing Horizon turn away from the camera and walk across the room. On the back of his grey UA blazer, he sees Horizon's logo. "Did you really have to put that on the uniform?" he scoffs. Shaking his head at the sight of Horizon's logo printed in the same UA green on the back of the uniform.

"Would you believe it helps with my Quirk?"


"Oh well," Horizon shrugs as he gets to the other side of the room. Reaching his table to pick up a katana, safely stored within the white scabbard decorated with Horizon's blue smiley face logo is a 120cm -4ft- long white blade, the guard is square with blue accents and connects to the 25cm -10in- hilt, which is also white with blue accents.

Overall, his sword from the tip of the blade to the end of its hilt, is one inch shorter than Tsuyu Asui.

Picking up the sword he also grabs the briefcase-like metal case that was resting beside it, previously silver with '19' on it, but now repainted in white with his logo in blue on both sides.

"Do you really have to put your logo on everything?" Nezu asks.

"Branding is important."

"I sent you your hero gear early for you to 'get used to it' -and you still haven't told me what that's supposed to mean by the way-, not for you to deface UA property."

"It's not like anyone else is gonna be using my stuff," Horizon says as the hero gear disappears and the view suddenly swaps to his office. As he grabs a fresh ring binder notebook and pencil case, both also with his logo, Nezu sighs.

"How do you even do this, is there anything you didn't add it to."

"No. Is this really gonna be a problem?"

"Mmm, just try to only put it on things that are yours, meaning no more UA property."

"Done," Horizon says as the view once again changes, this time Nezu recognizes the inside of his car. "Just gotta get this off..." he mutters before removing his visor. "Can't let people see Horizon driving Law's car after all..."

While Horizon secures everything in the back seat Nezu can't help but make a suggestion, "you know if you went for the collapsable sword design we recommended this would be a lot easier."

"And it would also be weaker, plus I needed the extra length in case I ever have to get too close to a power type or something, I'm tall, I might as well use it to my advantage."

"And did everything else meet your standards?"

"Yeah, looks good too."

"Have you considered one of the more heroic designs I sent you, perhaps one with the giant scalpel for a sword?" Nezu asks.

"Oh fuck no, I'm not some gimmicky hero, sleek efficiency, that's part of the image," Law starts his car and begins driving.

"I suppose your outfit does better fit your image, I'll set out a spot for you to warp to, Toshinori has almost arrived..." Nezu hangs up, letting Law enjoy the short drive to UA in peace...

---15 Minutes Later...

Law sits in his car and carefully puts on his visor, already parked in the garage of his Musutafu building.

"ROOM," his perception expands, the few thousand meters between him and Nezu's office are covered. He focuses on Nezu's office and notices a single leaf, likely from one of the plants in the room, resting on the couch.

"Shambles," he appears on the couch, sitting comfortably in his uniform. In front of him is a coffee table, on the other side is an identical black couch. To his right is Nezu's desk with the principal sorting out some paperwork, a cabinet along the wall to the side of the room with a teamaking station, and a massive glass pane behind Nezu, looking out as Musutafu.

"I can foresee that many people won't appreciate your warping around campus," Nezu says without even looking up at him.

"They'll get over it," Horizon says. He raises a hand and snaps his finger, the katana and metal case appear on the couch beside him. With him getting more attuned to them he can freely summon them to his location once they're within his room, but this is the extent of his control thus far.

He closes his massive ROOM and opens a smaller one.

'SCAN,' he gets an entire 3D map of the main building, four fifteen-story buildings connected by walkways halfway up and at the base, making a massive square shape. Four pillars supporting the future of all its students.

He can 'see' everyone moving about, all he gets are vague forms. As if they were all in black and white with blank features, simple 3D outlines.

With more dedicated focus he could hone in on singular components, effectively if he were more perverse...or simply someone who wasn't a doctor that was used to seeing people naked. He could peer past their clothes once it isn't melded to their body and get a true outline of them.

Looking around campus he could only see less than a third of the people he expected, not surprising since it was only 7:20 am, but he focused in on the cafeteria especially.

'I need to get used to this campus as quickly as possible so I can warp around, get ahead of all the lines Lunch Rush must always have, a cafeteria run by a pro chef hero must be good...' he muses to himself as Nezu finishes up his paperwork.

"Yagi is in the elevator," Horizon says. "He just got off the phone..."

Nezu puts his completed paperwork to the side and hops down from his chair, nearly disappearing behind his desk if not for his ears, casually walking over to his tea station. "Tea?"

"I'm good," Horizon lifts his protein shake.

"Ahh," Nezu begins making two cups of tea. "So will you ever tell me how that whole 'sensing people through walls' ability works?"

"That one, probably not," Horizon opens the base of his visor to take a drink of his shake. "But I'll reveal some of my abilities during the sports festival."

"Really? I recall you saying that information is power, I'm surprised you'd be willing to do such a thing," Nezu moves to sit on the couch opposite Horizon, two teacups in his paws.

"It is, but I realized that I'm a rare case where knowing what my Quirk is will act as a deterrent, it's like if you know someone has super strength you would work around it. But if you know someone is invincible you'd just avoid them entirely. Plus it helps that even if someone knows what my Quirk is, it's indefensible," he shrugs.

"I see," Nezu scampers up to take a seat on the couch, then takes a sip of his tea. "Well healing is one thing, but Warp is certainly one that no villain will be rushing to challenge, certainly not your type of instant warping. I haven't revealed your abilities to anyone, not even your homeroom teacher. In fact, only detective Naomasa and I know that you can both Warp and Heal, even Yagi only knows about the healing."

"Any particular reason?"

"Your homeroom teacher, Eraserhead, he disagrees with me allowing you into the school without taking one of the entrance exams, but he trusts me enough to not question least not anymore. He said he doesn't care what Quirk registration forms say, only how you apply it, although Hand of God is left blank in the description section, that made him curious."

"Right, his Quirk erases other Quirks, but he needs to see part of me that is still connected to me," Horizon raises his gloved hand. "My body glove prevents me from being influenced by his Quirk, but you already knew that since you always planned to pair me with him, so why allow it?"

Nezu takes another sip of his tea then rests the cup on the table, "I trust you enough not to do anything drastic and get expelled, you're a man of integrity, and you have too much to lose."

Horizon nods and just leans back into the couch, taking another sip of his drink. "Good assessment," he looks at the door, "come in!"


The door opens and Yagi shyly peeks inside, "just as I was about to knock," he says while entering and closing it behind him. Wearing a simple black suit a few sizes too big for him. "Good morning Horizon, principal Nezu," he sits beside Nezu, directly opposite Horizon's gear. "Nice sword."

"Thanks, how are you feeling?"

"Much better," Yagi takes his cup of tea. "I honestly didn't realize how much I missed solid food."

"Have you been sticking to the diet?" Horizon asks in a near-threatening growl.

"Of course! And I've been taking the vitamins you prescribed, I haven't strayed once from them I promise."

Horizon shrugs, "well it's your life, end it if you want, now can we get this over with, I wanna go walk around campus. Are students allowed on the roof?"

"No," Nezu immediately says.

"Uh-huh, sure..." Horizon says with amusement in his voice, chuckling at the exasperated sigh Nezu gives him.

"Just try not to cause too much trouble please."

"Of course principal, now let's get this over with, you know the drill," Horizon leans forward and extends a hand to Yagi, noticing that the man was slightly less skeletal than when they met a year ago.

"Actually there is something else I'd like your opinion on before that," Nezu says.

Horizon leans back and looks at him, "only Yagi is in my contract, I'm not Recovery Girl, I'm not healing everything you point me at..."

"Nothing like that," Nezu waves his hands around dramatically. He then reaches into his vest and pulls out a remote. With a click, a hologram appears to hover above to coffee table. In it is a massive robot and what looks to be a girl with brown hair trapped under some rubble. The focus of the image is a green-haired boy in a tracksuit who looks to be running toward the robot while everyone else runs away.

"What is this, a picture from the entrance exam?"

"A video," Nezu says. "What happens next can potentially reflect poorly on UA, I'd like your analysis of his Quirk. His name is Izuku, and he's about to destroy that Zero-pointer robot."

"Why me?"

Yagi raises a hand slightly, "principal Nezu has touted your analytical abilities when it comes to Quirks as second to none, this is a chance for you to prove it."

"I am second to none," Horizon insists. "Doesn't mean I do charity, my minimum bid is 50 million for a reason, just give me the remote."

Nezu tosses the remote and he casually catches it, laying back and playing the video.

In the video Izuku runs forward a few steps before crouching down slightly, then his right arm and both legs buckle and strain unnaturally as the road beneath his feet cracks.

Horizon pauses the video. "I've seen enough," he tosses the remote back to Nezu.

"What?" Yagi asks, shocked and somewhat disappointed at how quickly the video was dismissed.

"Let me guess," Horizon leans forward and pokes the hologram with two fingers, zooming in on Izuku's feet. "Since the floor beneath him cracked so easily while his body didn't naturally position itself to handle the impact, either he isn't used to fighting or for some reason has never bothered to train his Quirk before coming to this exam. Then considering the angles his legs are about to be strained at I'm guessing he breaks them, and his arm since he looks to be gearing up for a strong right, worse form than a rookie but it's still a punch. Then he breaks his arm and falls to his death because he's worthless trash, right?"

Nezu and Yagi look at each other in amazement before awkwardly turning back to Horizon.

"Someone caught him thankfully," Yagi says. Horizon plays the video and it happens exactly like he expected, aside from Izuku being caught. "Your analysis is truly incredible..." he says in awe.

"Honestly I'm more surprised mister '12 supercomputers for a brain' even needed help," Horizon chuckles and nods toward Nezu, taking a final sip of his shake.

"My aptitude is almost entirely in logistics, the inner workings of Quirks is an entirely different situation," Nezu says. "Thankfully we have you, and you're incredible both."

"Is there anything you'd recommend for this boy?" Yagi asks, trying and failing to hide his excitement at the thought of Izuku having someone who can solve his problem with One For All.

"Yeah, go do something where he doesn't need his quirk," Horizon shakes his head at the video. "Can't believe someone as pathetic as that actually had the balls to take the exam, honestly it's so reckless and irresponsible that it's almost impressive, but assuming by some miracle he doesn't die the next time he does that, likely by accidentally sending power upward and breaking his own neck or spine, he'll end up a cripple after a few more of those hits," he shrugs. "Recovery Girl is good but she makes the body functional, she can't completely undo damage to nerves, bones, and tissue, that's all me. He's just lucky his joints didn't break this time."

Yagi nearly throws up at those words, Nezu gives him a small pat on the leg to help him keep focused. He kneads the fabric of his pants and looks across to Horizon. "And how would you recommend he gets that power under control?"

"Oh god," Horizon looks at Nezu, "please tell me you didn't actually accept this useless fuck!"

"We did."

Horizon groans, "and is it in my class?"

"HE, is."

Horizon throws his head back and groans even louder, "you promised me competition and now give me a fucking cripple, what a disappointment."

"You know in any other school you'd be punished for that kind of language," Nezu says. "Your lucky our Hero Course students are expected to deal with that kind of behavior, the public won't hold back with their words so we can use you to prepare them for that."

"I don't care about helping you train heroes," Horizon says. He points at Izuku on the screen, "and I'm not here to be a teacher. His problems are his level of mastery with the power flow, distribution, and regulation, and he's clearly a moron for going this long in his life without solving that. Figured ten years of having a Quirk you'd stop hurting yourself, he must be a special kind of dumbass."

"What do you mean by that exactly?" Yagi asks, hoping to get some insight into what his protoge needs.

Horizon just shrugs, "that's all you're getting. I don't help self-harming garbage, especially not for free."

"Bu---" Yagi is about to launch into a speech when Nezu rests a paw on his leg, already knowing this would only escalate, as has many conversations between him and Horizon this past year.

"How about we get to why we're here," Nezu suggests, getting a nod from both men.

"Alright, just take my hand," Horizon reaches over the table.

Yagi nods and takes his hand, and Horizon immediately begins scanning him.

After a few seconds, Yagi lets go, but Horizon tightens his hold, "Hmmm, that's odd..." he mutters Quietly, visor staring directly at Yagi's chest. "It's as if your Quirk is suddenly gone---"

Both Nezu and Yagi stiffen at that, not liking where this is going, Yagi tries to yank his hand away only for Horizon's free hand to also hold onto it.

Horizon shakes his head muttering under his breath, "that's impossible...Quirks can't just...what..." he keeps scanning over and over for a few more seconds before looking at Yagi.

"What happened to your Quirk?" he asks in a strange voice, both menacing and curious. All while constantly pouring more and more of his energy into scanning Yagi. Over and over, still unable to believe or make sense of what he was sensing in each cell.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about..." Yagi tries to lie and fails miserably.

"Tch, even if that was a convincing lie," Horizon raises his hands, still holding Yagi's one massive right hand, "while I'm touching someone I act as a polygraph, something I developed after meeting the, be honest this time, what happened to your Quirk?"


Wow what a way to start the weekend, see ya'll Monday :)

pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene

next chapter

Chapter 25: CHAPTER 023(Unprecedented)


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene


"So, be honest this time, what happened to your Quirk?"

Yagi and Nezu both froze at those words, Nezu's mind racing to solve this problem without starting a fight, while Yagi still had Horizon's hand holding his right hand. Staring into the two blue eyes of Horizon's visor.

He felt a shiver run down his spine, all the hairs at the back of his neck standing on end. This sickening feeling, the sudden change in atmosphere. From a crude but necessary doctor to such an imminent threat. Yagi was astonished, but as All Might he's faced worse.

And as his bright blue pupils stare right back at Horizon, just as when he faced of against the symbol of evil and the countless villains in his life, his eyes never blink. Conviction and hope keep them bright and as unflinching as ever.

"My Quirk was unique," Yagi said.

"Unique how?"

"It allowed the user to get rid of it, allowing me to completely rid myself of it, as you've detected."

"Hmm, I'm not detecting a lie...but this...Quirks are part of us, part of our DNA, this doesn't make sense, it's hard to believe," Horizon says in a low, nearly threatening voice.

"I know," Yagi sighs. "But this is the truth, I got rid of it when I realized that it was time for me to let go, for me to stop clinging to the past and focus on the future, when I finally accepted what was going to happen to me," he lifts his left hand up to touch his side.

A tense silence hangs in the air for a while as everyone holds their breaths, not sure what would happen next.

"Can it happen to me?" Horizon asks.

Yagi shakes his head, "no, this was a feature of my Quirk, it can't affect others, and even if it could, you know I'm essentially Quirkless now, running on the last embers of my power."

Horizon doesn't detect any lies, so instead he focuses on Yagi's body. Pouring more and more energy into scanning him, so much that he could barely support a room large enough to fit UA's main building.

He mapped much of his DNA and genome before taking a step back and dropping back in his seat. Mentally exhausted, although he refused to show it.

To both the people sitting across from him, nothing changed.

Taking a few deep breaths he steadies his mind, "I don't particularly care about you, obviously I'm interested in how your Quirk managed to do that. But I just had to make sure that you can't remove my Quirk," he shrugs.

Yagi and Nezu both breathe a sigh of relief, "well I'm glad that's all taken care of," Nezu says.

"But I won't be healing him anymore," Horizon cuts their little celebration short.

"What? Why?" Yagi asks.

"Because you've wasted my time. I performed a miracle to heal you yet the energy reserves in you diminished so much, unnaturally fast. You've been using your Quirk damn near every day since that first day we met. Plus it's not like I could do any more for you, just try not to get hurt, you're in the contract so I'll honor that...but I'd rather not waste my time healing self-sacrificial trash."

"Ah---I see," Yagi bows politely, "thank you."

"Your timer is down to six years," Horizon says. "That's less than half of what I originally gave you, try not to waste it. Honestly, nothing about you is normal, not surprising since you're the only person to probably ever exist that's born with a Quirk while not having the extra bone in their toe that Quirk users have...such an odd case..."

'But one that I'll eventually solve,' Horizon thinks to himself as Yagi and Nezu share a moment of relief. 'I can't mess with genetics yet, but after an entire year of traveling and training I was able to map his genetic sequences while making contact for a few minutes, I'll figure out more about this whole situation on my own, pressing them any further could complicate things and put my position at risk...'

"Thank you for not prying," Yagi nods respectfully. "And for everything that you've done for me."

"Tch, don't mention it." Horizon turns to Nezu and checks the time on his phone, only five minutes until homeroom starts. "Are we done here?"

"Toshinori has something to take care of," Nezu gives Yagi a curt nod, thankfully he seems to have gotten the hint. "But you and I have some other things to discuss."

"What things?"

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll at least find it entertaining."

"Then I'll be on my way," Yagi gets up and gives them both a nod, "I need to go make a quick phone call, I wish you both a good day..."

Nezu nods and Horizon makes no effort to respond, only sitting in his spot and taking deep breaths, trying to restore what stamina he can after scanning Yagi for so many details. At the moment he didn't even have a ROOM open, he was simply that drained.

Stepping into the hallway Yagi immediately dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone. Seeing it was only a few minutes before homeroom begins he frantically called Izuku.

'As expected of a fanboy,' he thinks as the call is answered before the first ring can even finish.

"Uh, hello, I'm walking to class..." Izuku says in a quiet voice, not wanting anyone to know he's talking to All Might.

"Right, young Midoriya, there's something I need to warn you about before homeroom," Yagi scans the hallway, thankful the top floor of this tower was currently barren, as usual.

"Warn me?!"

"Settle down kid, it's one of your classmates, I need you to be careful around him."

"Hmm, is he dangerous?" Izuku asks with a shaky voice.

"In a way, listen I know you don't have much time but I'll make it real simple. You've got a lot more competition than I ever expected, principal Nezu has been bragging about this kid for a while and it looks like it wasn't all hot air."

"The principal?"

"Yeah, the same doctor I told you was able to somewhat heal me... that guy."

"A doctor?! But I thought you said classmate?"

"I did," Yagi says. "He's in your class, he just turned 16, and he's a serious monster, don't give him any information about One For All, got it, stick to the cover that your Quirk is just Super-Power."

"Got it...but, is it really that bad?"

"Well, I just had a casual checkup with him, it took him all of two seconds to notice the difference from a year ago, that my Quirk is gone. He kept scanning me, he supposedly read my DNA, if that's true then---"

"He'll notice One For All in me," Izuku sounded like he wanted to cry already.

"Stop with the waterworks," Yagi groans.

"Sorry..." he sniffles.

"Listen, his Quirk is touch-based, just don't let him touch you and you'll be fine. But when he touches you he can also detect any lies you try to tell. Not to mention he was able to figure out what you've been doing wrong with One For All and how to fix it at a glance. He basically saw a picture of you before you left the ground to smash that robot and gave a full breakdown."

"That's impossible! Even you haven't been able to---" Izuku cuts himself off. "WAIT! No! I mean I'm grateful for everything you've done for me it just---"

"I know what you meant kid, it's fine," Yagi sighs. "Honestly it felt like crap sitting there and watching him be better at my job than me, but the reason I'm telling you this is so that you don't underestimate him, don't give him any information at all unless you want him to put the pieces together, got it?"

"Yes sir, I'll be sure to keep my distance and not say a word."

"Good, but don't forget that there will be things you can learn from all of your classmates, especially this one."

"Of course, I always look for things I can learn from others."

"That's one of the many things that I like about you kid," Yagi chuckles. "As for the kid I warned you about, his name is Horizon, trust me, you won't be able to miss him..."

---Nezu's Office...

"So what do we need to talk about?" Horizon asks.

"Oh, Eraserhead is about to give your classmates their first little taste of life in UA, I figured we could watch together," Nezu says cheerfully as he removes the remote from his vest and activates the hologram between them. This time to an empty training field.

"Uh, shouldn't you be at the entrance ceremony mister principal?"

"Vice-Principal Ectoplasm can cover for me this time, I'd much rather be here. I promised you competition, this is my first chance to make good on that promise."

"And shouldn't I be down there too, not that I want to be."

"Oh this Quirk Apprehension test isn't necessary for you, it's simply a way of getting the message into their heads that Quirks are part of their beings. While society at large suppresses the use of Quirks unless you're a hero, here at UA we encourage Hero Course students to use their Quirks wherever they can effectively apply them. Most of your classmates went to public schools where they would get in trouble for Quirk use so this message will take a while for them to understand."

"Hmm, makes sense," Horizon thinks it over for a second. "Most?"

"Mhm, Todoroki was homeschooled, just like you, and I assume he must have been trained very well by his father."

"Todoroki? Like Endeavour?"

"His son, yes."

"Interesting, Endeavour is the hero with the highest level of Quirk-Mastery, highest in the world as far as I can see... it's actually very impressive, even by my standards, if his son is anything like that it could actually be fun to slap him around," Horizon chuckles at the thought.

"Really? 'Slap him around', are you that confident against the child of the number 2 hero?"

Horizon laughs at that ridiculous question, "trust me, basic elemental Quirks can't beat me, no matter how strong they are, but that doesn't mean I can't have some fun before winning..."

"They're taking the field," Nezu says as nineteen students begin walking onto the training ground. "I'm sure at least one of them will have a Quirk you find interesting..."

"We'll see about that..."


Comment: Please don't drop this book

Me (Already writing the October chapters): I got you buddy

pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene

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