Discord: https://discord.gg/K7f8qGpvuk
pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene
Within a makeshift operating room, there are two men.
One lays face down, strapped to a soft massage table, his top bare, a rectangular hole running down the middle of his entire back, spine completely removed. Looking into the exposed cavity the soft beats of his heart can be seen thumping away.
His idle snores are soft and barely audible, and he feels nothing while the doctor works.
At a small table way from the man sits Horizon, the man's spine lay on the metal table.
The five bones at the base fractured and splintered, steadily being repaired and fused together.
Unbecoming of the miraculous operation that was taking place, the room looked no different than a simple bedroom. The steady beats of the heart monitor were barely heard over Horizon's humming.
His head bobs along to the tune in his mind as he casually performs the impossible.
Horizon was wearing an outfit many would consider ill-suited to this usually bloody operation. Thankfully his Quirk allowed him to remove only the spine. A simple white suit, his body glove showing the same color, black visor with blue eyes looking down at the spine as his hands moved about.
Tweezers in one hand and a scalpel in the other, carefully binding bones and nerves back together.
Thankfully his quirk allowed harmless and painless operations.
As he finishes putting the final pieces of this bone jigsaw puzzle back together, Horizon can't help but let a few words of the tune in his head slip out.
"Best to, give me your loyalty,
'cause I'm taking the world you'll see,
they'll be calling me, calling me,
they'll be calling me royalty..."
He places a hand on the now fully reconstructed spine and focuses his energy.
"Booster Shot," he mutters. He feels his stamina drain slightly as blue energy radiates from his body and flows into the spine. The cracks and fractures on each segment perfectly heals, he hears the heart monitor spike for a moment before it becomes stable again.
As the assembly is complete a clear rectangular casing forms around the spine, appearing and feeling as if it were made of jelly.
Leaning back in his chair he carefully picks up the spine, holding it delicately with both hands and rising from his seat, walking over to his patient.
"So this is what three billion dollars can buy huh," he chuckles to himself, placing the spine back into his patient as if he were assembling a basic puzzle.
The spacial casing of the spine -the jelly-like rectangular shell- perfectly slides into the hole in his patient's back. And as the pieces fit together, a blue sheen shimmers slightly as the jelly reverts into flesh and muscle, as if the back was never tampered with.
Law shakes his head, "one day I'll figure out how exactly that works," he mutters, placing his palm flat on the man's back.
Remaining in physical contact he focuses on the man, scanning him down to a cellular level, searching for any abnormalities.
To search for such tiny abnormalities he needs to remain in contact.
If he were simply trying to rip out someone's spine, however, once his ROOM is open he simply has to SCAN them once by making physical contact, even through clothes. Locating such a normal and massive component would be easy.
Then he could walk away while focusing on them, and when enough energy is gathered, simply touch them once more and rip it out.
Unfortunately, the process would have to restart if the room closes, needing to restart the entire surgery also wouldn't return the energy he committed to it.
After nearly five minutes of searching, he perks up.
Finding what he was looking for Law begins focusing his energy, feeling a slight strain as he tracked down all the medication in his patient.
"Mes," he commands. Raising his hand from the man's back, beneath his palm a small sphere of white clear liquid rises up, coma-inducing medication torn out of the man.
"GAH!" the man startles awake, panicking and falling off the table.
Horizon stares at him, not expecting such a lively response. The table falls over as the man scrambles to his feet, looking around with wide eyes, not able to make sense of any of this.
"Where am I?!" he demands, speaking perfect traditional Arabic.
Horizon shakes his head and turns away, not paying the quirkless man any mind and moving to pack up his medical bag. As he begins sterilizing his equipment however a loud knock sounds from the double doors.
"We're coming in, 10 seconds!" a worried voice booms out, also in perfect Arabic.
Horizon pays it no mind and continues packing his things.
By the time the doors are opened and two men with automatic rifles enter, just one step ahead from a robed elder gentleman, brown skin and a thick grey beard, head wrapped and his outfit draped in so much gold that it screamed 'Middle Eastern Royalty'.
The man and his guards all freeze at the sight of the prince, standing on his own and staring at them.
The prince asks question after question, demanding to know what was going on.
Yet his father simply walked up and embraced him, holding his son close as both guards watch in amazement.
The reunion is interrupted when Horizon zips up his bag and takes out a notepad, writing something down quickly before turning to both men.
"This is doctor Horizon," the man says to his son. "He saved your life, please give me a moment with him, your mother and sisters are waiting for you upstairs." The man looks at his son once more and pats him on the shoulder, as if to check if this was a dream.
"I- what?" the prince asks, completely confused.
His father nods and pats his shoulder, gesturing to the guards, "I will join you shortly, please, go see your mother."
A minute later and only Horizon and the Sheik are standing in the courtyard, his medical bag already at his side.
Looking out at the garden the man wasn't quite sure what to say, so he simply spoke his true thoughts.
"I had my doubts about you, at least until now..." the Sheik says.
"You threw that much money on something you had doubts about?" he joins him in speaking Arabic, although with a heavy accent, not practiced enough to completely shake off the Japanese tones.
"Money is nothing," the man says. "When I heard he was in a car accident, that he'd never wake up again much less walk, it was the one time all my money and influence meant nothing. A dynasty that has controlled this region for hundreds of years...and we couldn't do anything."
Horizon nods, "money couldn't buy time...until me."
The man chuckles, "well said. And that is exactly why when I saw a person that sold time, I jumped at the chance."
"After the first few clients, seems everyone wants more time."
"We're only human," the man shrugs. "We may be the richest and most influential people in the world, but we all want more time. Your service will always do well."
"Better than I ever thought, honestly," Horizon admits.
"Time is the only thing we couldn't buy, so you can understand that we're quite eager," the man says.
"Mhm, and this is the part where you ask me to stay here?"
The man can't help but laugh at that, "so this happens often then?"
"Every time, without fail. Everyone wants a miracle in their backyard."
"And you always refuse?"
"Always, no matter the offer."
The man raises a brow at that, "I'm willing to bet that I can beat any offer you've ever seen."
"You can, but unfortunately I have a previous contract."
"Honourable in the face of great temptation, very respectable," the man strokes his beard and nods. "My family would likely be unable to enter Japan when you settle your practice there next year, so I had to make an offer now."
"I completely understand, but unfortunately Japan has the one thing nobody else can get me, and no amount of money can replace."
Horizon nods.
"I see...then I wish you all the best doc--- Horizon," the man corrects himself.
"Thank you, Sheik Amir," Horizon bows slightly. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've never been to Dubai before and as this is my first day, I've made reservations to quite a fine establishment for later tonight..."
---5 Minutes later...
Sitting in the back of an armored black SUV, Horizon leans back and scrolls through his phone.
'That's all the clients in this region, time for eastern Europe... and I'll even have time for the Grand Prix before going to Paris,' he muses. Glancing out the window to see the massive skyscrapers passing by as he arrives at his hotel.
Putting his phone away he exits the vehicle and walks in. The valet immediately moves to take his bag, which only had a few medical supplies within, while another leads him inside.
They instantly recognized him by his visor, as expected when you rent the top suite of their hotel for the entire week.
Checking in he takes the elevator up to his suite and dismissed the staff, telling them that he'd like to rest from his flight into the country this morning.
He ignores everything around him and simply walks to a particular window, directly across the street is another hotel, smaller and less prestigious, but it had everything he needed. Leaving his bag and everything else behind he opens up a ROOM, large enough to reach across the street and into the other hotel.
He disappears, swapping places with a napkin of all things.
He reappears in the opposite hotel, in the penthouse suite.
"Finally," he breathes a sigh of relief and removes his visor, walking around the suite to the bedroom where he changes his clothes. He packs his metal case with his Horizon gear as Law Matani comes out once more.
"Ok, a week in Dubai was fun but time to get the fuck out of here, lots of things to enjoy elsewhere..." he says.
Exiting the hotel as Law Matani, who had been staying here for the entire week. He enters a limo, so over the top that nobody would ever expect him to be the mysterious doctor who the Sheik believed to have only arrived that morning.
And who wouldn't check out of the hotel for another five days...
Perhaps paranoid, but he wouldn't take any chances with having these two people connected.
When the valet places his bags in the limo he arrives at the airport in only half an hour.
Greeted by the sight of his very own private jet. Larger than the average passenger plane as it was a double-decker, entirely refitted to be as luxurious yet functional as possible.
Painted black with gold accents, and the word 'Matani' on the side in case anyone was curious about who owned it.
Law steps out of the limo to be greeted by the flight staff at the ramp, taking a deep breath he looks around.
Private jet.
Private hangar.
'I love being rich...'
pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene
Discord: https://discord.gg/K7f8qGpvuk
pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene
Sitting submerged up to his shoulders in his hot tub Law has a glass of whisky in one hand and a textbook in the other.
In the modest but luxurious bathroom, he has music playing quietly through the surrounding speakers built into the walls as he lazily reads.
The book in his hand is UA's 'Hero procedure and regulations,' and beside the tub was a stack of over a dozen other books that would be needed over the three-year hero course at UA.
"Finally," Law sighs as he puts down his glass and turns to the last page. After reading it and the entire index at the back he sets the book down atop the pile and sinks down to his chin in the warm water. "Bunch of boring junk..."
Law closes his eyes and enjoys the warm water for all of seven minutes before his music is overshadowed by a cacophony of loud chimes.
"Mmm," he grumbles, knowing that specific ringtone. He sits up and flicks some water off his hand before reaching for his phone, thankfully waterproof, and answers the video call. "Kinda late for a call don't you think?" he asks in an annoyed voice.
"Sorry I had some paperwork to deal with," Nezu says, sitting on the couch in his office with a cup of tea.
"Figured you would finally go a day without calling me since today was the big sports festival, guess I was wrong..." Law sighs.
"You're too important for me to not check in on you," Nezu says. "So were you up to anything interesting, I hope I didn't interrupt."
Law rolls his eyes, "just got done with the stack of books you sent me, you can have them back when I get back to Japan."
"Those are yours, you'll need them during your time at UA."
"No I won't, I read them once, that's all I need."
"Oh..." Nezu nods along, "I see. Well, keep them, just in case."
"Did you by any chance watch the sports festival?"
"I caught the beginning of it in the car to my patient, but had to cut it off when I got there...also...what the hell was with the streaker?"
Nezu chuckles, "Togata's Quirk makes clothes...logistically difficult."
"His hero suit has to be organic then, I know your handbook says it's not allowed but you could have at least let him use the pants," Law laughs.
"He insisted on sticking to the rules himself, that attitude combined with his excellent work ethic is what makes him one of our best, and soon to be one of Japan's best."
"Seriously?" Law asks, more surprised than anything. "The naked blonde dude, you sure about that?"
"If you ever get to meet him you'll find out rather quickly how capable he is."
"I'll take your word for it, whatever," Law shrugs. "You promised competition so I'll take what I can get, phasing is pretty interesting at least."
"Permeation," Nezu corrects him. "But good guess on the name."
"Thanks, but is there a particular reason you called this time?"
"I just wanted to inform you that Toshinori has been feeling much better this past month, he wanted to extend his thanks once more."
"Just doing my job, is he taking it easy as I said?"
"..." Nezu gives an awkward smile.
Law straightens up and looks at the screen. "I don't like having my time wasted Nezu, why have me fix something that's just gonna break itself again?"
"He's a bit stubborn, unfortunately, he won't listen to anyone."
"Ugh, well I can't extend his life a second time so whatever, once he knows what he's doing," Law shrugs and sinks back down. "It's his life, he can end it if he wants."
"He fully understands the consequences of his actions," Nezu nods. "What about your other patients?"
"You know I can't discuss that with you Nezu," Law says.
"I'm not asking for specifics, just anything super miraculous that nobody else would have been able to accomplish."
"Well..." Law thinks for a moment. "A few tumors here and there, heart disease in a few people. Failing organs, growths on the brain, and I fixed some spines so people could walk."
"You say that like it's nothing impressive," Nezu points out.
"Oh I know how impossible this stuff is for everyone else, I'm just used to it," Law shrugs. "Didn't really understand the last one completely."
"Hmm, what do you mean?"
"Well, the man spends billions of dollars for me to fix his kids spine right, cracks and shattered bones, the guy was in a coma for a long time before me, but he's quirkless."
"What don't you get?" Nezu's voice was a bit concerned as to where this was going.
"Why spend so much to save some Quirkless trash, just make another kid, or fucking buy a better one with all that money," Law shakes his head. "Honestly I'll never understand that. He was from the generation before me so like 5% of them are quirkless, 1% of mine, just replace him."
"Hmm, I didn't realize you were that kind of person, not to this extent," Nezu had a disappointed tone in his voice.
"What kind of person?"
"Someone who discriminates...is it only about those that are quirkless?" Nezu asks bluntly.
Law pauses for a moment, then laughs, nearly dropping his phone in the tub. "You're kidding, right? You think I pay enough attention to those ants to care about where they come from or how they look or who they want to fuck? Like I care about that," he breaks out into a fit of laughter at the very idea. Him caring that much about useless people was so foreign to him.
"Then why do you care if he's quirkless?"
"Because, Nezu, Quirks are nature's metric of showing how useful you are. Better the Quirk the more useful you are. And quirkless people are level zero, anything they can do, someone with a Quirk out there can do it a hundred times better. You should know, your quirk is what separates you from the other mice, do you really think you're of equal value to them?"
Nezu stops and takes a moment to think of his response. "I can understand how someone born as powerful as you may think like that, but I believe all people are capable of great things, Quirk or not. Hopefully I can show you that during your time with me."
"Trying to make me a hero is one thing, trying to convince me that some quirkless filth could ever be anything more than worthless is an impossible dream. Quirks give people inherent value, the fact that you've never had a quirkless hero in your school shows that on some level even you believe that. Anything they can do we can do better."
"Hmm," Nezu doesn't speak, realizing that this conversation would get absolutely nowhere.
'Law is from a school of thought similar to 'might makes right,' he thinks as Law takes another sip of his drink. 'A school of thought where usefulness and competence determine value. Not even morality or ethics are considered in his actions, only the most effective way of completing the task, and he's willing to step down if someone is proven to be more competent at a task than him... convincing him with words is impossible,' Nezu sighs in temporary defeat.
"Well, I'm glad you don't discriminate by race, appearance, or gender, that would be much more problematic," Nezu says. "I atleast know the requirements to prove you wrong, you will see that there are all different types of people in this world, and every one has a purpose, even if they aren't born at the top like you."
Law grumbles, "I wasn't born at the top, I trained my ass off for 11 years to get here, before I even had my Quirk."
"Oh, you never mentioned that before."
"Because it's not really any of your business, but don't belittle my hard work by saying it's all my Quirk. I was trained to be perfect, that's why I'm better, and my Quirk manifested based on that."
"What?!" Nezu didn't miss that little bit of information that Law accidentally let slip.
"Nothing," Law quickly says. "Just know that there are only two types of people in this world---"
"People who are useful, and people who aren't," Nezu says.
"Nope," Law shakes his head and smiles before looking directly at the camera. "People who are perfect, and people who aren't me..."
Nezu is left speechless by that statement, and the moment he opens his mouth to speak.
Law's head shifts over to look at the door.
"Sir, the captain says we're twenty minutes from Milan, I need to secure the tub before we land," the flight attendant says in a sweet voice.
"Sorry Nezu, gotta go..."
pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene
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