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35.71% MHA: Breath of a Hero / Chapter 5: Progression

Chapter 5: Progression

- 7 years and some months later -

- 3rd person POV -

A young boy standing at 4'11 could be seen walking down the road. He had black hair set into a middle part which just reached is the side of his eyes. Speaking of his eyes they were a pitch black with red hues centring around his pupils. He had a golden chain on falling under his clothes. His clothes consisted of a normal school uniform, but instead of having everything buttoned up like you would normally see, it was loosened at the neck making the chain visible. He also seemed to be missing his tie, if the other kids also walking down the road was to be believed. They boy also had a bokken strapped to his side with a black cloth matching his uniform.

It was a 12 year old Habaki Takahasi who was walking towards his new school about to begin his 3 years of junior high school.

- Habaki POV -

I had grown quite a lot in the past 7 years. My hair was beginning to take shape and not just look like a mess. Although you couldn't see it, my body wasn't the thin stick it had used to be. I had followed my fathers advice, first starting to work out with weights when I was around 10-11 years old. Still, both the sword training, which I could say I was pretty competent with at this point, and my own gymnastics training had also developed my body.

I still couldn't use my quirk without my sword, but I was hoping by the time that I started hero school I would be able to. Yes, you heard correct I'm becoming a hero.

After having some time to think it over, I couldn't see what I would rather do. It wasn't the fame that I sought after, it wasn't the thrill of a fight, but it was to be able to use my quirk as freely as I wanted.

Of course helping people also had an impact in my decision, but after having researched I couldn't find anything that had as few quirk laws attached to it as a hero. Obviously if I really wanted to be able to use my quirk, I could go beyond the laws and either become a villain or a vigilante. I just didn't roll that way. Yeah I could use my quirk but the threat of being captured and sent to prison was just a way bigger consequence than what it allowed.

My quirk had developed with my body, and I would confidently say that I was probably better than 90% of other kids my age at using my quirk. I would only say 90%, because there is some crazy quirks out there which my own probably couldn't stand up against. But as my father said, it didn't matter if your opponent had a powerful quirk if they couldn't use it properly. I had both agreed and disagreed with that statement. Yes, it gave you an advantage if you could use yours to its full effect and they couldn't, but some quirk was just so overwhelming that it didn't matter.

Take All Might for example, the number one hero who everyone liked. I would say that it was hard not to like him. He saved more people than any other hero, was the number one hero and was called the symbol of peace. But even though he was the strongest he didn't portray himself as such in interviews. He wasn't my favourite hero, but that was because I didn't have one. 

It was time for me to start at Mustafa Private Middle School. I wasn't really sure how much of a difference it would be going to elementary school. I had gotten pretty good at writing Japanese, and the language had become a second nature to me by now when speaking and understanding. Writing had been the only challenging part of elementary school, and I wondered if it would be same now. Walking into the school, we were guided into a big auditorium were all the new students had to attend a mandatory meeting. 

The room was large in scale with all the chairs pointing towards the middle of the stage. At the moment the stage consisted of a red backdrop and a podium. As all the new students filed into the auditorium the lights turned off and a spotlight could be seen lighting the podium. Three people walk out behind the red curtains, one older man and 2 girls. This was the principal and the student council president and vice president. They gave a speech about how they were glad to see us and hoped we would enjoy our time here. It only took 20 minutes and after that we were sent out to our new classes.

As I walked into my new classroom I saw that all the window seats had already been taking. Now I couldn't spend my time looking at the nature outside, I inwardly cursed my bad luck. I look at the empty seats and decided on taking the chair in the corner of the last row. As the rest of my class bustled in talking excitedly, some of them obviously knew each other, the teacher came in and introduced herself as Kitagawa-sensei.

She had ordered us to make introductions so we all would know each other. It seemed that almost no one would go first, all the chatter from before had completely dissipated. That was until one voice cut the silence.

''Hi I'm Mina Ashido, I like to dance and in the future I want to become a hero.'' The now identified Mina had said. That had seemed to get the rest of the class going with the introductions. None had been as eccentric as Mina so I didn't really listen to what they said except their name. I was just distant not rude, and it would be normal courtesy to remember someone's name after having said it. At last it was my turn, and I stood up from my seat.

''Hello, my name is Habaki Takahashi, I hope we can work together.'' I hadn't really said it with much conviction but it still led to a small applause from the rest of the class. After that Kitagawa-sensei had told us the plan for the next foreseeable future. After that we began with our regular classes.

It was much of the same as elementary school so I had put my feet up on the desk and leaned my chair against the back wall. It wasn't out of disrespect for teacher, but if I couldn't look out the window I would at least be comfortable when listening to the teacher. It had put me in the crossfire after Kitagawa-sensei had seen how I was seated.

She had called me out for not listening which didn't make any sense. I had followed the class maybe with minor interest but I had still done it. I tried defending my case but she was adamant that I hadn't, so she asked me questions about what we had talked about. I got them all right to the dismay of Kitagawa-sensei, and for the rest of the day she had asked me surprise questions when she thought I wasn't listening. Unluckily for her I knew them all, even the more advanced questions. Some would question why I knew everything, yes I was truly a 17 year old, but it was a different world than I had been in previously so the subjects in school should be a bit different also taking into account that people here had quirks.

And it was true, school subjects weren't completely similar, but in elementary school when we had learned all the basic stuff which was almost a 1-1 from my last world, I would study beyond that since it both gave me knowledge of which was valuable but it was also a fantastic time killer.

So I had studied up to what I already knew from my last world. I had tried to go beyond that but I just didn't understand it properly. So at the moment I had the knowledge of a 16 year old. Even though I died as a 17 year old, I couldn't really study when I was at the hospital.

When the clock rang for lunch I picked up my bag and headed outside to sit under a beautiful tree I had seen when I first came to school. My mother had packed me lunch consisting of onigiri a some homemade sushi which had been leftovers from yesterdays dinner. On top of the lunchbox there was a note from my mother, 'Good luck today aki-chan, love mom', with a small drawing of what looked like to be an attempt at drawing my face. I happily ate my lunch with no disturbances and went back into the class. There was still 5 minutes left of lunch, but there was not much for me to so I just sat down in my chair closing my eyes.

Drifting into my own thoughts I could feel a prick on my left cheek. I opened my eyes and looked to the side. There was the pink skinned Mina standing by my side grinning from ear to ear. Her eyes, which didn't look all that different from a racoon if I remembered correctly, bore into my own.

''Can I help you?'' I asked politely ''And would you my mind taking a step back.''

''Ah yes sorry.'' she said a bit flustered. Recollecting herself she said ''I just wanted to ask what your quirk was, everyone else has said theirs already, I mean if it's okay.''

I looked around the room, all eyes were currently on me and the silence was almost deafening.

''I don't see why not.'' I said. I was surprised when we hadn't told our quirks at introductions, but I should have guessed that it would come later.

''My quirk is called Wind Breathing, it allows me to boost my physical attributes by breathing, but also to manipulate the wind in my lungs into different attacks. The pressure of the wind is pretty strong so i use a sword as an outlet.'' I finished while pointing down to my sheathed bokken. All eyes followed my finger down to the sword, however i noticed a boy with medium length black hair looking at me most attentively when i mentioned the physical part of my quirk.

Most people seemed to be most interested in the wind portion of my quirk. If I remembered, he had introduced himself as Kirishima Eijiro. Before thinking any further, a girl called out to me.

''Is it also the breathing that makes you really smart?'' She said in a loud voice.

''Uhm no it isn't, it's only my physical attributes like speed and strength.'' I said a bit overwhelmed by the loud voice which had caught me off guard. The girl just nodded widening her eyes a bit. The rest of the day went pretty smoothly and after the bell rung at the end of the day, i quickly sat off towards my home which was only a 15 minute walk away.

After coming home my mother met me with a hug. I hugged her back, i don't care how old you are, it is a nice feeling to get hugged by your mother.


Chapter 5 ends here. I'm trying to make longer chapters to see how they feel, so let me know if you would rather want shorter but more chapter, or longer but less. We also got introduced to some of the characters from MHA. I debated over if I should make this in the time of the original cast or older, but I decided for making him the same age as the main cast since it's my first fanfic.

Have a good day, evening, night or whenever you are seeing this.

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