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50% MHA: Breath of a Hero / Chapter 7: Kirishimas conviction

Chapter 7: Kirishimas conviction

- Habaki POV -

After my fight with Kirishima I had quickly researched different marital arts style. At the end i decided to try out taekwondo. It is a martial arts style derived from Korea. After having seen the descriptions of the martials arts I had available close to me taekwondo seemed to be the best fit. It focused both on striking with you legs and arms to get an advantage over your opponent. Also the flexibility that it required played well into my gymnastics training. Finding a dojo online where i could train I asked my parents if I could. They gladly said yes thinking it would be good for me to be able to defend myself without my sword. Now having added on taekwondo I was training 6 out of 7 days a week. 4 of my days were spent at Yoshida-dojo, 2 taekwondo lessons where one of them was on the same day as my sword training, just at different times so it worked out. 1 day I trained my gymnastics and 1 for going to the gym. And then I had Sunday as a rest day before beginning again the next week.

Coming to school and meeting Kirishima after our fight it was obvious that he had changed a bit. He was more confident when talking to others and about himself, but there was still obvious problems. He still didn't really believe in his quirk, and I could see on him that his problems with seeing himself as a hero was still there. But it was progress, things didn't just change over one night most of the time. And that was how my time was spent until something happened in my final year at Mustafa Middle School.

- 2 year time skip -

I was in my final year in middle school. I had grown up to be a young fine man according to my mother. And I wouldn't disagree. I was 14 year old and had grown to stand at 5'6. I was one of the taller kids in my class but was still outshined in that area by a few who was just natural taller than me, but also someone who had a quirk that made his neck longer. It was a weird seeing his normal body and then just look up to see an outstretched neck. It was unfortunate but it had given to his nickname 'Giraffe'. Surprisingly he had rolled with it just laughing, he was a pretty cool dude.

My training had paid off. My body wasn't muscled like a body builders, but it was lean with muscles just the right places. It hadn't take of my agility or flexibility while giving me quite a lot of strength. After starting my taekwondo training 2 years ago, I had progressed quite a bit. I was currently a blue belt, training to take the test that would determine if I could become a blue belt with a red stripe. Not only had it taught me how to fight, but also self-control and perseverance. I could maybe have progressed faster, but I didn't want to since I like to take my time really understanding the moves and techniques we learned.

My sword training was also coming along really good. I had been training with the katana for 10 years now, and I could comfortably say that I could beat most my age and older. Added in a real fight I would also have a greater advantage. It weren't many people who knew how to deal with an opponent using a sword, and therefore most likely make a mistake. I had kept up with my quirk-sword training, and i had gotten pretty good control over it and could do more then just send a wind slice through my sword now. Focusing on my breathing was something that i could do most of the time now without even really thinking about it. I had also gotten pretty good at it while fighting, but there was still moments where i lost the concentration.

Coming into school I greeted several people i walked past. It had been a delight going to school in the 3rd year. Many were beginning to act more grown up, and I had an easier time being myself around others since I could follow a conversation without it being really boring. There wasn't much time before we would graduate and had to pick our high schools. Walking in to the classroom I greeted the ones who were there before looking at Kirishima. It was obvious something was wrong just by looking at him. He looked completely down trodden. I didn't have the chance to ask what was wrong with him before the teacher came in and started the lesson.

I would consider Kirishima my friend. He had by all means looked past my oddities, and even though it had been mostly him that talked, I had opened up. I think I was just so used to being with myself, that I had somehow forgotten how to hold a longer conversation with someone that wasn't my parents. So in a way we helped each other overcome our problems. He was definitely a reason I talked to more people now. He was still my only friend but I had no problem with that, he was a good friend that would look out for you if you needed it. However now it was he who needed the help.

After the lesson was over I started to walk towards him but before I could reach him he walked away. I sped up a bit and took a hold on his shoulder. He turned around avoiding my gaze. I stood just a bit taller than him, but right now it seemed i towered over him. Trying to get away from me he pulled his should back but I didn't let go.

''What is going on.'' I asked with no trace of annoyance or anger in my voice only sympathy.

He still wouldn't look me in the eyes, but i could see the old self doubting Kirishima was back in full force.

''Let's talk after school, then there wont be chance we get overheard.'' I told him, hoping that whatever was going on was something he would tell me privately. I look at him and he nodded slowly. Letting go of his shoulder I gestured for him to come to the cafeteria.

''Lets go get something to eat before class begins again, my treat.''

He had come and graciously took the lunch saying something about paying me back. I just nodded while hoping this school day would be over soon.

It hadn't been. I had gotten better at talking to people, but that didn't change the fact that lessons were so boring. We had moved seats but I still hadn't managed to get myself a window seat. They were apparently a hot commodity for students. When class was finally over I walked with Kirishima towards his home.

While walking towards his home he told me what had happened. He had seen a gigantic figure threatening some of our underclassman, and wanted to go and help them and be a hero, but his fear had overcome him and he stood still as a statue. It had ended with that Mina Ashido from our class had managed to make him walk away. He said he felt pathetic and not deserving of being a hero.

After hearing the story i sighed. It was understandable that Kirishima was feeling the way he was. Already struggling with acknowledging himself and then having this happen to add onto it must have been really hard for him. Thinking of a way to cheer him up, the only thing i could come up with was his favourite hero Crimson Riot. He had mentioned him before and the way he spoke of him was with great admiration. Trying to figure something out I asked if he had any Crimson Riot related merchandise or videos. I didn't know much about him, but what i did know was that he charged fearlessly into battle.

Maybe it would be a good idea to see a video from him that could inspire Kirishima to become a hero again. He nodded at me and said he should have some videos of him at home. I told him to watch them before thinking of quitting being a hero. He had looked a bit confused but agreed to it. After reaching his home i bit him goodbye, because he did seem happier but I also wanted him to see the videos alone, and come up with the answer of being a hero was to him. Having heard how much Kirishima liked him, i prayed to what ever god or gods there was in this world that my plan would work.

After leaving from Kirishimas house I made my way towards taekwondo training. In only a week at would take the test to see if I could rank up, so I had cut down on my regular sword training to only one time a week, and added an extra taekwondo lesson. Coming home from training I was dead tired but luckily I just had the strength to take a shower and brush my teeth before falling over in my bed.

The next day I was one of the first to arrive at school. I was half drifting of to sleep when Kirishima walked into the classroom heading straight towards my seat. Before I knew what was going on I was pulled into a bone crushing hug. It wasn't very long, but after Kirishima had put me down he exclaimed loudly ''I'm going to become a hero and a true man like you and Crimson Riot.'' Everyone in the class looked confused at what just happened. I just shook my head towards them.

''I'm glad to hear that Kirishima, but do you really believe me to be at the same level as Crimson riot?'' I gave him questioning look.

''Of course i do, you may not be a hero like Crimson Riot, but having helped me see clearly makes you are real man.'' He said while exposing his jagged teeth in a grin.

''Thank you, that truly means something.'' I said with a smile.

Everyone else was still confused by our interaction, until Mina Ashido exclaimed how cute the moment was and wished she had a camera. After that all of the students seemed to go back to normal again, not asking either me or Kirishima what is was about. Minas obsession for love was known all over the school, but as I looked at her she winked at me, not teasing wink but more of a you welcome blink.

I reminded myself to thank her when i got the chance. I hadn't really talked to her unless she needed help with school, I just knew that she also wanted to be a hero. That meant from our class only 3 really wanted to be heroes of what I knew off. That was quite unusual according to the statistics, maybe my classmates just weren't cut out for hero work, which I could totally respect. If everyone were heroes, our country would collapse cause none knew how to deal with infrastructure, or provide food and other regular jobs.


Here ends chapter 7. I changed how Kirishima reacted after meeting the giant person a bit so our MC also had an effect on Kirishimas decision to become a hero. Next time will be the U.A entrance exam.

Have a good day, evening, night or whenever you are seeing this.

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