That man in blue laughed loudly then explained to her, "I happened to see Little Brother thrown off the horse on the road that day."
"Oh, I see!" On hearing this, Feng Jiu smiled sheepishly. Sigh! While cultivating this time, she had completely forgotten that she took advantage of Ye Jing. Now that this matter was mentioned, there was some embarrassment.
"No wonder, it was Little Brother at that time. It's so unexpected. Little Brother was so interesting. Daring to take advantage of Ye Jing on the street - this point made this Big Brother admires you a lot." He looked at Feng Jiu jokingly. A smile was pasted on his face.
Feng Jiu's lips twitched. Admiring her for this? She felt that he's also an eccentric person. All the onlookers regarded her as Dengtu Zi, a notorious lecher and skirt-chaser. However, this man was so broad-minded. He only smiled and laughed about it, making her not knowing what to say.
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