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100% MCU: Heroic Viltrumite / Chapter 2: Towing A Spaceship And SHIELD

Chapter 2: Towing A Spaceship And SHIELD

If I could, I'd let out a sigh of relief as I put the massive ship down on the surface of the moon. Looking back over to the blonde chick I'd helped out, I gave her a look as if to ask 'What now?'.

I knew who she was. Her suit was a real giveaway. Plus, I knew what universe I was in.

Oh, I didn't say, did I? I'm in the MCU. It's 2008 - so, the year the MCU really began kicking off. Stark becoming Iron Man, the Hulk vs Abomination fight in Harlem, Thor in New Mexico--it's all about to start happening. Good thing I'd been working my ass off for the last year and now I can stop city-sized spaceships without much trouble.

At least I know I have my seat at the big boy's table. For Earth, anyway. God I hope none of the concept-level beings exist in this universe. I know Celestials are a thing and man oh man, that'll be a fight if I ever run into one of them. Well, as long as they're the MCU versions.

Comic version would swat me like a fly.

Anyway, the woman who I knew was Carol Danvers - also known as Captain Marvel - gestured for me to follow her as she floated above the ground and toward what looked like an air-lock. I followed and before long we were in the ship where alarms were blaring and an alien voice was speaking over the entire ship's intercom, a sense of urgency apparent despite the fact I couldn't understand the language being spoken.

Not a word was said between the two of us and I just went along with it for now. I had no clue what to do in this scenario. With a meteor? Just throw it back into space. A spaceship, however? What do you do with that? Especially one so f-d up? Give it to Area-51 or something?

So, with that in mind, I decided to defer to Carol's judgement. She probably had a better idea on what to do than I did.

Following after her, we eventually reached what looked like the bridge of the ship. Green aliens were running about, ignoring the two of us as they carried around what looked like raw materials and some sort of advanced repair tool. I knew what race these guys and gals were - Skrulls. Shapeshifters and, in the MCU at least, war refuges being chased and systematically murdered by the Kree.

Seeing that she wasn't about to say anything, I decided to speak up, "...So, what do we do now?"

"Wait for repairs to be done," she answered nonchalantly before turning to look at me, "Thanks for helping out but...why'd you help? You're obvious not from around here," she gestured at my suit and obviously also meant my vast and superhuman ability.

"I know what I look like," I said, a smile spreading across my face before I pointed at the big watery rock called Earth, "But that's my home. Couldn't let a spaceship crash into it and kill millions, could I? Pertinent question; why was you ship crashing toward Earth? A bad run-in with the Kree or something?" I asked, not bothering to act like a clueless Earthling. I knew there were a bunch of Alien races out there, so why act like I don't?

Carol's face blanched slightly, as if remembering what happened, before she gave a nod. A sigh escaped her mouth and she held her forehead with a hand as she replied, "Yep. Fucking Kree bastards somehow found us in the middle of nowhere and attacked us with two Destroyer-Class ships--" she was cut off by new alarms blaring and a female Skrull appearing next to her with a horrified expression.

"Captain," she started, surprisingly in English though with a noticeable accent, "The Kree followed us. Their ships have just appeared on our sensors. W-we would've seen them sooner but our ships too damaged--!"

The clamouring around the ship got worse, Skrulls running around with terrified expressions and pale faces. It was obvious they thought this was their end.

Which was surprising, considering THE Captain Marvel was here with them. Couldn't she destroy them? Or would they just ignore her and focus on the Skrull ship? Maybe they made some anti-Carol weaponry or whatever. Who knows.

"Where are they coming from?" I piped up, causing the Skrull woman to finally notice my existence. She looked me up and down in confusion before answering anyway.

"They're about two million kilometres in the direction of Mars...sir?" she seemed confused on how to address me but I didn't correct her. I just nodded and made way for the airlock again. I've already helped them out this much, what's the problem with destroying some Kree shit as an extra favour for them. I could ask for some advanced tech after this, at least.

I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder and turning I saw what I already knew - it was Carol.

Her expression was one of seriousness, "Are you sure you can handle them? They hit hard. I don't need another person dying because of the Kree," her voice was one of utter stoicism but I could tell that stony voice was merely a wall for all the emotions and fucked-up trauma she'd been through.

"I guessed they hit hard if you couldn't deal with them," I said before slamming a fist into my chest, "Trust me, I'm made of sterner stuff than most," I continued with a smile before continuing on toward the airlock. Once there, I input the same symbols Carol had and got through fine - and I was back in the vacuum of space.

Stepping a few dozens steps away from the ship, I looked around for the Kree Destroyers and I quickly found them.

Bending my knees, I tensed my muscles to the max before pushing off the ground in a jump.

If it were possible for sound to travel through a vacuum, I would've heard the explosion of sound my jump had caused alongside the cracking and cratering of the Moon below. Either way, I flashed through the air, slingshot like a pebble and I activated my flight to fling myself even quicker.

Within a few seconds, I'd travelled millions of kilometres and the Kree ships weren't too much further from me. I saw the cannons and guns aiming toward me and I smiled.

The first shot was one I actually couldn't react to. But it seemed like the type of attack that sacrificed damage for speed. The projectile was only about the size of my palm. The next few that came were easy enough to see and bigger than my body two times over. But even these projectiles didn't hurt me. Didn't even scratch my suit.

I couldn't make a gravity chamber but I wasn't dumb, by any means. Viltrumites aren't always more intelligent than Humans but I am. My natural intelligence is enough to be classed as a genius and put together with my thought speed, I can do a lot of stuff. I'm not as good as the natural era-defining geniuses like Stark or Reed Richards but I'm not too far off from them either. What am I getting at here? With my intelligence, I made a near-indestructible material that I use for my suit. And for most of my normal, everyday clothes as well.

Which is why despite getting hit by hundreds of projectiles, the suit didn't even have a scratch.

I flew through whatever the Kree threw at me, not being pushed back or stopped for even a millisecond. I just went through it all. Until I arrived at the ship...and went through that as well. Then I stopped, turned, and rushed through another part of the ship. I repeated this process hundreds of times in the span of a second and before long, the first ship was down.

Then the same happened to the second ship. I doubt either of them had any time to react - I'm quite sure the weapons firing was because of some sort of A.I or some automatic defense program. I was travelling around the speed of light, so none of them would've been able to react to me.

One second they were alive, the next they were dead. They probably saw me coming with their sensors but that's about it.

It was an odd experience - to have two massive ships falling apart and exploding because of you. With this much power, I can see why the Viltrumites thought themselves the rightful rulers of their part of the galaxy. With god-like prowess like this, who could really stop you? I guess I'm lucky I have no desire to do stuff like that. I'm happy enough just living life and helping out where I can.

I also realized I was covered in blood. A year ago I would've thrown up at the sight and the implication of said sight. But after Thragg's training, it didn't bother me too much. I guess I also have Viltrumite genetics to thank for it as well.

You don't come from a warrior race like I do and get squeamish around blood. Especially not after Thragg's training - did I forget to say that he could physically teach me? Yeah, that Jedi Force Ghost thing allowed him to beat me up under the guise of 'training'. The only thing he couldn't do is kill me or torture me.

...The first few months in this world were basically torture though, so I don't think that was much of a limit. Didn't stop Thragg anyway.

Anyway, I spun on the spot like some sort of space tornado and all the blood was flung off me. Clean again, I looked back to the moon and Earth and shot off back toward it. Just like my journey to the Kree ships, it only took a few seconds to reach the moon again and I landed in the same place where I took off - made a new crater on the Moon. Leaving my mark on the universe, one moon/planet crater at a time.

I obviously slowed down. If I hit the moon at near-light speed I'd probably split it in half or knock a decent chunk off of it. And then the chunk would hit Earth. So, I slowed down.

Even slowed down my entry caused a crater. Something I need to work on - high speed landings.

Getting back to the ship the Skrulls and Carol were on, I entered through the airlock again and found that the people on board were just...looking at me. Oddly.

It was like they couldn't decide on whether to look at me with fear, awe or gratefulness. It was an amalgamation of all three. It got even worse when I got to the bridge of the downed ship and could see the screens focusing on what had once been the Kree Destroyers. So, they'd been watching what I'd done. Or more accurately, they'd see what I'd done.

Carol was the first to actually speak to me, no fear in her eyes, just a tad of awe. She lightly tapped my chest with her fist, a smirk on her face - the complete opposite to the stoic expression she wore before I left - as she spoke up, "Looks like I was worried for nothing, huh?"

"Yeah," I replied with a smirk, "But I did tell you to not worry. Made of sterner stuff than most, remember?" I joked and she let out an awkward laugh.

"How was I supposed to know that meant 'I'm actually a flying fortress'?" she questioned indignantly, seeming a little embarrassed that she'd even worried in the first place. It was kinda cute, actually.

I shrugged in reply and instead looked around the bridge, "How're the repairs going anyway? I know I wasn't gone for long but did anything happen?" I curiously asked. If they didn't have enough materials to repair the ship, it'd mean having to go down to Earth to collect them which'd mean. having to deal with the one-eyed wonder.

Her smirk left her face, turning into a frown of frustration as she replied, "Not good. We have the tools but a lot of our materials were damaged in the earlier fight that put the ship in it's current condition. Not to mention that our raw material storage was directly hit as we were retreating. Meaning..."

"Meaning you're running low on materials. I could've guessed," I finished her sentence for her, sighing toward the end. "What now then? Go to Earth and look for the materials? I could carry the ship into Earth's atmosphere while you sort out some of the stuff needed. Antarctica should be pretty free around this time," I joked but soon turned serious as I went on, "I don't want the government on my ass though. I'm sure you understand why," I continued with a wry smile, one which Carol returned with a nod.

"I know a guy down on Earth who can probably help us out. I'll make sure he's the only one who knows about this," she gave me a sincere look but I'd wait and see to know if she was being truthful or not. Not like SHIELD knowing about me would impact my life too much - all it'd mean is that I'd have to wipe HYDRA off the face of the Earth sooner than canon would.

Realising something, I put a hand out to Carol, introducing myself, "The name's Alex, by the way. Nice to meet you, despite the circumstance," I said with a humorous tone and grin.

"Carol. Carol Danvers," she took the offered hand and shook it, smiling as she did so, "It's nice to meet you too, Alex."

. . .

And that's how I got to the point where I was trying to 'park' a massive spaceship in Antarctica. Of course not by flying it but by acting like some sort of forklift.

...Luckily I have Superman's bullshit ability to lift things and not have them fall apart under their own weight. If I didn't have that, the ship I'm carrying would've fallen apart upon re-entry when I had to push against it pretty hard so as to stop it from compressing the air and heating it.

As I lowered the ship down, I let out some built up air inside my lungs as the ship safely touched down. No accidents, thankfully. I'd checked the thickness of the ground below me as well - it was more than enough to support the ship as long as I placed it carefully. Which I did. So I shouldn't have to worry about it now.

Breathing in some of the freezing cold air, I let it fill my lungs and cool my body down.

Viltrumites are incredibly resistant to extreme temperatures but that doesn't mean I enjoy being hot or cold. It just doesn't have any negative effects on me. Even coming into the atmosphere slowly led to me heating up, so I wanted to cool down a little while I had the chance.

Carol had gone off ahead of me to meet the friend she'd been on the communicator with. Obviously it was Nick Fury, but I couldn't say I knew him because that'd raise a lot of questions. Annoying ones.

Either way, I heard the approaching Carol before I saw her and she soon landed in a burst of light, the energy surrounding her fading to show her smiling now that the Skrull ship was safe and not at risk of bursting open and letting it's inhabitants get very intimate with the vacuum of space. She also seemed happy having met an old friend.

If I remembered correctly, it should've been about thirteen years since she last saw him. She's probably surprised to see him as the Director of SHIELD as well, considering the last time she saw him he was a 'mere' Agent.

"Thanks again, Alex," she said as she walked over to me before bringing her arms up, energy flowing around them as she hugged herself, "But Antarctica? Really? It's freezing."

"That's the point," I quipped with a grin, "Very little chance of someone wandering around here on an afternoon walk and coming across the ship because this place is so inhabitable. Not like the Skrull have to stay in Antarctica either - they can just shapeshift and live on Earth while the repairs are completed. I'm sure your buddy can give them a lift," I finished and Carol gave me a reluctant nod as if admitting my idea was good was some sort of herculean task.

Things went quiet for a little while before Carol spoke up, "Speaking of my buddy, he wants to speak with you."

...Haah, I knew this was coming.

"Sure," I answered before quickly adding, "But just him. No surveillance or cameras. I'll go up into orbit and follow you when you leave with him. Stick next to him so I know who I'm following. Got it?" I asked and she gave an unsure nod, her expression looking confused.

"What makes you think I'll be leaving with him?" she asked and I couldn't hold back a chuckle, so I let it out before answering her question.

"He's on his way," I said before tapping my ear, "I can hear him*."

(A/n - Viltrumites are built of better material than humans and the atomic bonds these materials hold is thousands of times better than even a peak condition human. What does this mean? Everything about a Viltrumite is better, more efficient and more effective. Not just muscle power or durability, but also sight and hearing. Or at least, that's my head canon and what I'll be using for this fanfic.)

And with that, I blasted off into orbit, looking down on their position and seeing some prototype Quinjets approaching them. Three to be specific. Looking back to Carol, I could see her still looking confused but she soon heard and then saw the Quinjets making her expression turn to shock as she looked up toward where she thought I was.

I never knew I'd like shocking people with my abilities so much. Guess I've got a bit of trickster in me, huh?

. . .

I moved quicker than any of them could react. Quicker than even their cameras could record. But for me, I was walking normally. Viltrumites aren't just stupidly strong and durable - they're ridiculously fast as well. To some extent you could even consider them speedsters. Pseudo-speedsters.

As I passed cameras, I broke them, and as I passed by agents and soldiers, I knocked them unconscious. Lightly, of course. Don't want them to wake up with amnesia or something similar.

I made my way further into the SHIELD base, basically de-bugging it and making sure no one would know I was in here. I asked Carol to tell Fury that I wanted no people or surveillance but here he goes spying again. Did she not tell him I could lift a city-sized spaceship? Did he not think pissing off someone who could do that was a bad idea?

Not really that pissed. Just frustrated. And disappointed.

After going through every room of the building and knocking out every agent, personnel and camera, I arrived in the room where Fury was waiting. Looking around, I saw no cameras or microphones - he was trying to get me on a technicality.

Sure there was nothing here but to get here I'd have to go through corridor upon corridor of surveillance-filled places. He was a crafty bastard when he wanted to be.

Slowing myself down, I sat down on the chair and Fury gave me a brief second of shock before his singular eye settled into a serious and intense gaze, "...So, I guess I can list super speed down as one of your powers? Or is it teleportation?" he asked in a sarcastic manner that went against the serious look on his face.

"Let's cut the shit, Fury," I said, getting another barely noticeable bit of surprise from the dark-skinned spy, "I'll give you this for free - I'm fast. Very, very fast. So fast I went through your entire database and I know the big boys of SHIELD, their names and their associates. Now that we've got that out of the way, what do you want?"

I played my cards openly, knowing he'd beat me at manipulation and lying any day of the week. Luckily, I wasn't the sort of piece he'd ever be able to pick up, move or manipulate. I dealt with Thragg for an entire year, so I can deal with Fury for a few minutes.

He smirked but didn't laugh. He just shook his head before answering, "I wanna know your intentions with Earth. I want to know what type of man you are. I want to know if I have to start making plans for dealing with you."

...I'll give him this: he's got balls of steel and a mind of titanium. Not everyone can say that shit to someone like me without even a little fluctuation in heart rate.

"I live here," I said honestly, "Lived here ever since I woke up in orbit with amnesia," I continued with a white lie. It was partly true - I did start living on this Earth after waking up in orbit and I didn't have any memories in this body. So it was only a small lie with 99% of it being true. "Since being here, I've stopped a few meteors and helped out with natural disasters. You've probably got a few reports on me but couldn't link them directly to me. Well, hello, here I am and you're welcome," I jokingly did a bow like some sort of butler but Fury didn't react.

"Hm," he hummed before leaning forward onto the metal table, resting his elbows on it and propping his chin up with his hands, "I remember a few reports like that. I do owe you a thanks for that...?"

"Alex," I answered, "Surprised Carol didn't tell you," I said with genuinely surprise.

Fury just shrugged as he replied, "She did. I just wanted to know if you'd give me a different answer," he admitted and I gave him a look of understanding. Goddamn spy doing spy shit. "Now, Alex, I want to give you an offer--"

"Nope," I shook my head, leaning back into the chair I was on, "I'm not joining SHIELD or anything owned by SHIELD. I'll help out if I'm really needed but other than that, I'm good, man."

Fury narrowed his eye, looking over at me with a frown, "And what if I said you didn't have a choice?"

I gave him a smirk and returned his gaze with a challenging one of my own, "You don't wanna know what'd happen if you actually meant those words, Fury. Right now, I'm on your side. I want Earth to be safe - if I didn't, I wouldn't have helped out. I could survive a meteor impact and yet I still helped out," I admitted before losing my smirk, "But if you try and force me to join your little spy gang or whatever, you'll find out what it's like to have me as an enemy. It isn't pretty."

Things went utterly silent for a few seconds before Fury gave a plain smile that didn't tell me anything about his mood, "Noted, Alex. I'll make sure to keep this meeting between the two of us. But if I do need you, I'll alert you through this," he said before reaching into his trench coat and pulling out a phone. He slid it across the table and I stopped it, picking it up and looking it over.

...Probably has a tracker in it. No, it most definitely has a tracker in it. I'll have to dismantle it later and find out what's in it.

"Sure, I'll be around when you need me, Fury. Just remember what I said," I said that one last thing and then disappeared. I flew off to the nearest hardware store for some screwdrivers - I had a phone to crack open and debug.

DaoistTWjboK DaoistTWjboK

MC ain't gonna be SHIELD's lackey but he will help out when he's needed. I'll have the MC stay on Earth for a little while, have him get to know Carol, have Stark become Iron Man and have the Hulk vs Abomination fight happen - and then we're off to the stars along with Carol and the Skrulls.

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