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25% MCU: God of Mischief / Chapter 1: Reincarnation
MCU: God of Mischief MCU: God of Mischief original

MCU: God of Mischief

Author: Hyperma

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Reincarnation

I woke up from a dream.

A dream where I died. But unlike normal dreams, I felt it. I felt dying. And let me tell you.


My body was crushed by a fucking truck, run over by a truck in my fucking bedroom.

'How the fuck...' I fumed in annoyance.

'Alright calm the fuck down. I need to get to work. Hopefully, I don't share the shift with Gerry today. This was already a bad day by anyone's standards.

I groaned and tried to get out of my bed but found myself. Not in my bedroom. I was on some plain.

A field, but unlike any other field, I had ever seen. The grass was almost completely brown or grey or some other kind of dull and drab colour.

It was downright depressing.

And thus began my descent into hell, or should I say my stay since I seemed to be there already.

The sky was also a blend of red and maroon, that when combined with smoke-like clouds, it seemed like it was on fire.

Using my hand to support myself, I gradually stood up. Shaky from the anxiety that followed entering a whole new world.

Getting up to my feet, I had a look around. There was nothing but fields until the horizon. Looking to the right, to the left, 'yep, fucking nothing. What am I supposed to do now?'

Turning around, though, I saw a speck on the horizon. I squinted, was that a tree?

The thought of being stuck here didn't sit with me very well, and so I started walking to the tree in the distance.

(A.N. Experimental diary format)

5 hours later...

I think I've been walking for around 5 hours now. The tree still hasn't gotten any closer, but I keep walking, my feet brushing the dull grass, seemingly lifeless.

19 hours later...

Surprisingly I don't yet feel hungry... or tired. Shouldn't I feel tired by now?

The tree didn't seem to be getting any closer; I was beginning to worry.

2 days later...

This was getting outrageous. I wasn't getting anywhere closer to that damned tree.

I couldn't feel much; it was like I didn't need any sustenance, even water.

Was I even alive?

1 Week Later...

I felt my mind becoming more volatile; I was beginning to lose hope.

1 Month later...

My body swayed in its almost robotic manner.

"One foot forward, another and another." I laughed like I had said the funniest thing I had ever heard.

But then I fell to my knees begun and began sobbing. I had lost all hope of reaching that cursed tree. Always on the horizon.

I curled up into a ball and cried for a good long while as my mind slowly started to leave me.

I wouldn't have lasted nearly this long without the hope of something in the tree.

That damned tree was my singular goal on this plane of existence.

Long ago, I had accepted the fact it had been no dream. I had died, and now I was in hell. I was sure of it.

I had tried to kill myself many times, only to find that I would wake up completely healed. Aside from the scars, of course.

I now had crisscrosses on my wrists from all the times I had cut them using the curiously sharp grass. I sometimes played 3 in a row with myself as I drew inexorably further on. In blood of course.

I was slowly losing my mind. I could sometimes hear other voices in my head. Telling me to end it. But I already had.

Telling me to slit my throat and wrists. But I already had.

But another was telling me to get to the tree. That was Hope. That was me.

I once again resolved to reach that tree.

As I got to my feet with newly renewed vigour, I noticed something amazing.

Had the tree gotten closer? Had it?!


It had. My footsteps pounded as I began to run towards the tree, for the first time in this accursed world. I ran, and the wind flew by my cheeks, hitting my face.

There had been no wind before. This was new.

'Something new!' At this point, I was sprinting with a humungous grin on my face.

Rushing to the tree that was growing steadily ever closer. My legs began to burn, in pain. In ecstasy. I didn't care that it hurt. I was getting closer. And that is all that mattered to me at that moment.

Not that my body and lungs were on fire. My heart began to truly beat for the first time since my introduction to this world.

The dullness in my eyes gave way to light as I bounded my way to the tree.

It was finally over. I was at the tree. Under its branches. Something new.

I kept running and slammed into the trunk of the tree and promptly wrapped the tree in a hug, and I finally had tangible evidence of my success.

Tears of relief flooded from my eyes in veritable streams.

A few minutes passed like this, just me and the tree.

Until... "Thank you for watering my roots. I must admit I was feeling a little dehydrated after all this time." I staggered back, from the tree.

I swore I had just heard somebody. I had been sobbing, so I barely realised that someone had spoken in the first place, let alone what they had actually said.

"Hello?!" I was ecstatic. I had just heard somebody's voice. Something I hadn't heard in over a month.

"Hello, Jonathan Virgil." That strange voice emanated from the tree! It was the tree speaking to me.

But how could that be? It was a tree after all! "Put that petty preconception behind you. Almost nothing is as it seems after all." So apparently it could read my mind then. "That is true."

I gripped my head in frustration, the ecstasy of finding another living being already beginning to wear off. "Please just give me a moment." I emplored the tree.

After a moment of deliberation and calming myself. "Alright, so who or what are you? And where the hell are we?"

After a short pause, the tree responded slowly. "My name is Yggdrasil, also known as the world tree by the inhabitants upon my branches. As for your second question we are in the realm of, well, me."

I was in shock. It was all real? The Norse Mythos?

"Not the Norse Mythos actually, more like what you know as the Marvel Universe, to be more exact the MCU." I stood rigid, stunned at the realization.

"If that's so, where are all the heroes and villains?" I was confused, the Earth that I came from was very unlike the Marvel universe. It was your regular old Earth.

"That's understandable. Your Earth is one of the many across the multiverse that has no connection to any superversal power. AKA power that transcends the multiverse. The MCU Earth is one of the few remaining worlds across the multiverse that has access to this superversal energy. This enables paranormal phenomena to occur." Yggdrasil explained with a monotonous tone as if it had explained this to many people across the ages.

"I am a superversal being and am unbound by this rule and can influence my own reality, I am here to ensure that order is kept and the many beings that seek to invade this universe are kept at bay.

"But over the millennia of watching your infantile race grow, I have grown bored. That is quite the achievement for a being that has lived as long as I have.

"And so I think it's about time to spicen the pot." Its voice perked up a little as if in anticipation of what was to come next.

"I have decided to use a being from my universe and open a portal to the main universe or as you know it, the MCU." I was slowly connecting the dots.

"And you want me to be this being?" I was nervous, it was my dream to go to a world that had more than mine. Anything really, this world was so damned boring. Let alone the MCU.

"Yes, you don't think I would put you through that just to disappoint you?" A wave of rage flowed through me as I realised what it had just told me. It had made me go through that?

Noticing my seething, the tree swayed a little. "I know that you might be angry at me, but consider this. The whole time you have been here, you have been absorbing my superversal energy." This lessened my rage to some degree, at least my suffering during this past month worth it. Did it?

I waited for more explanation. "You now have enough energy to reorganise your soul to some degree. This means that you can ask the superversal energy to essentially grant you wishes, I believe that you should have enough for 1 wish." I groaned this was a fucking Isekai. So goddamned cliche.

The tree chuckled at my despair. "Yes to some degree. I can help you to realise your wishes, but all I can do myself is send you to a host that is about to be born and help you maintain your memories."

Wanting to get out of this accursed plane of existence as soon as possible, I started considering what I would wish for. My favourite character in the MCU is Loki, by quite a long way. Some may laugh at me and thirst after Cap or Tony, but I loved Loki for his abilities and found him amusing, I just generally love the characters. (Me trying to keep people who love those characters still reading)

"Alright, so I want to be reincarnated as Loki, but actually as a natural-born son of Odin." I said plainly.

"That would be possible. Ok now, off you pop." As the tree says this I feel cold and behind me a portal appears, laughing at my stunned expression, the tree gestures with a branch and the portal speeds towards me, enveloping me whole.

(A.N. Sorry for the expo dump)

Hyperma Hyperma

I'm probably going to switch from first-person perspective to third, I have just realised while writing this that I am shit at first person. So for all our sanitys I will switch it up.

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