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Maximus Gray Campbell (BXB) *ALSO ON WATTPAD* Maximus Gray Campbell (BXB) *ALSO ON WATTPAD* original

Maximus Gray Campbell (BXB) *ALSO ON WATTPAD*

Author: unseenaleck

© WebNovel

Chapter One.


"I could've sworn I have just seen it here!" I exclaimed as I search all over the place, looking for my suit as I get ready for school, "Janice! Janice, where are you?" I call out to our nanny.

She walks in almost panicking, chasing her breath, "Yes, sir?"

"Have you seen my suit anywhere?" I ask, not laying an eye on her.

She remained silent for a moment, sign that she's thinking hardly.

She smiles brightly at me, "It's in your parents' room, sir. The new maid must've put it there and thought it was your fathers'"

"Thank goodness, I thought I've lost it!" I give her a sigh of relief. Both of us remained silent. Awkward silence filled the room as we stare blankly at each other.

"Well, are you just going to stand there?" I say as I narrowed my brows, "Get it!"

She seemed to be in shock as she ran toward my mum and dad's room, I combed my hair a bit waiting for her with my suit.

I could never go to school not wearing my suit, it's the only thing that keeps me clean enough from that dirty place.

I may be owning that school, Campbell High, but wow that school is dirty. Including the students.

Janice runs back to my room, giving me my suit and wearing it on me. "Thank you." I say as I motion her to leave, she nods in response.

Everything seems okay now that I have my suit, I can leave now.

I gracefully walk down the very dizzying stairs that we have. I have no idea why my parents wanted stairs that go around about the whole house, you could trip and fall from being dizzy.

"Look at my boy," My dad says, as he walks forward to meet me down the stairs, "You're already a man, you're starting to look like your old man."

"Daddy, please," I beg, "I am going to be late for school. Stop baby-ing me."

"You're my only son, of course I'm going to baby you. I have wished for you all my life." He dramatically says, coming in for a hug.

"Count me in." Mum butts in, putting down the cup of coffee she's drinking as she joins us.

Enough minutes passed by, our driver honked the horn, signal that it's picking me up for school.

I bid goodbye to my parents and went inside our car. I have a great family, but they sometimes get too dramatic and I am so not up for that.

As I arrive the school premises, students already gave me awkward stares and glares. People love and hate me at the same time.

"Wow, I hate everyone." I mutter to myself as I go straight to my locker.

As I'm placing my unnecessary books and things, someone from behind flicked my shoulder hard, I winced in pain as I turn around to see Ethan, my best friend of ages.

"Ethan, stop doing that to say 'hello'. It's annoying." I exclaimed, giving him a death glare.

"Bad morning, I see." He retorted, raising an eyebrow on me.

"Not really, just not in the mood for school today. Or ever." I snorted, making him chuckle.

"Do we have classes together?" He asks, checking mine and his' schedule. "Sadly, we dont."

"We'll have break together so there's that." Giving him a weak smile.

He left with his team since he's on the winning soccer team, leaving me alone to walk to class.

I walk in and every kid inside stared at me like I murdered somebody, "Well, get your eyes off me or I'll shove them down your arses." I give each and everyone of them a glare before seating myself.

I sat next to a boy who happens to be new in my eyes, he's just scribbling through his notes, facing down his notebook, his face being covered by his beautifully combed blond hair, not giving me a sight of his face.

I fake coughed, as I ask, "What are you writing there?"

He seemed shocked that I was there, making him jump a bit and revealing his face.

He has beautiful blue eyes that sparkled just by the light of the room, pointy nose that gave in a good shape to his face and very pink lips, pink enough to think he used lipstick.

"I'm sorry, did I startle you?" I say, having enough of zoning and staring at him.

He shook his head, staring at me, finally uttering some words, "No, I just didn't see you there." He smiles. "No-none, these are just my own scribble notes, you know, since I'm new here and I have no friends to talk to and have no one, in general."

"And I'm being too talkative." He continues.

I smiled at the thin boy, "It's fine. Your name is?"

"Sebastian." He smiles back, giving me his hand to shake. Is this even clean to shake? "Sebastian Cohen."

I take the thin boy named Sebastian's hand, shaking it, "Maximus." I answer back, not giving in my surname.

I don't give in my surname since people think so highly of me when they hear the name "Campbell". Like, they're so honored to study at my school. Hell, even I'm not honored to study at my own school.

"That's a complex name to take in." He joked, making me chuckle, "Can I call you Max?"

I nodded in response, and on cue the professor came in.

The subject went by fast, nothing interesting really happened. The bell rings, sign that the subject is over and that we all should be heading to our next classes. I waited for the thin boy to finish packing his things since he's been really paying attention to Mrs. Harmon, taking notes and all.

"Thank you." He gave me a bright smile as he stood beside me, revealing the thin boy is a few inches smaller than me. "For waiting for me, that is."

I gave him a small nod and we headed to our next class. Turns out we have more subjects together than I thought, just not in one.

The class also went well, I also had the chance to meet up with my other friends as I introduce the thin boy with me.

As lunch time came, I asked the thin, blonde boy to have lunch with us. Since he's new, I figured he'd have trouble finding a seat.

"Everyone, this is..." I paused, not remembering the thin blonde boy's name. I have been calling him thin boy the whole day, not remembering a single letter of his name. Was it Jack? Tony? I am not good at this. I whisper down his ear, "I'm sorry, your name is what again?"

He chuckled giving me his name. "Yes, Sebastian. His name is Sebastian and he'll be sitting with us since he's new."

Introducing my new friend to my older friends gave me a fulfilled feeling, my friends, who knew my sexuality, gave me looks of "Who is he for you to introduce him to us?"

That's right, they know it. They know I'm gay.

unseenaleck unseenaleck

Hello, I'd like to be the one to tell you that English isn't my first language, so please bear with me if there are typos and wrong grammars. I only write it when it sounds good to my ears.

I also don't have much of a creative mind into describing things, might as well write whatever I think of. I also write on the spot, whenever I have the time, I add on some things.

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