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14.65% Mastermind of the Akatsuki / Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Byakua's Invitation

Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Byakua's Invitation

Deep underground.

Madara Uchiha, his hair as white as snow, scrutinized the unfolding battle through White Zetsu's projection. Ever since transplanting the Rinnegan into Nagato, Madara had kept a watchful eye on Konohagakure, searching for a worthy successor among the Uchiha clan.

His goal: a pawn to keep an eye on Nagato and execute the Eye of the Moon Plan after his own demise. Years ago, he had identified the kind-hearted Obito Uchiha as a prime candidate. After extensive observation, Madara became convinced Obito was the ideal inheritor of the Madara Uchiha legacy.

To pave the way, Madara orchestrated events. A week prior, he manipulated a group of Rock ninja, maneuvering Obito into a near-death state. White Zetsu then intervened, rescuing Obito and completing Madara's control. Step-by-step, he steered Obito towards the path of darkness.

However, Madara's plan was now in jeopardy. The unexpected arrival of Byakuya and his companions threw everything into disarray. Given the current situation, the Rock ninja would be swiftly defeated, and Obito wouldn't be on the brink of death. Intervention at this point was too risky. Not only would it be too late, but there was a chance of alerting Nagato, the bearer of the Rinnegan, who was also present at the battlefield. While Nagato hadn't yet mastered the Rinnegan like Madara himself, he still possessed some of its formidable power.

The most perplexing aspect for Madara was Nagato's presence. Why would Nagato, who was supposed to be stationed in the Rain Country, suddenly appear on the battlefield of Kusagakure?

Frustrated by the unexpected turn of events, Madara summoned White Zetsu, his primary source of intel on Nagato's movements.

"Report," Madara commanded, his voice sharp with urgency.

White Zetsu materialized beside him, tendrils twitching.

"Nagato departed Amegakure half a month ago. He's been stationed within Kusagakure's territory ever since. Apparently, there was a major confrontation there. Nagato is with Byakuya and Konan of the Akatsuki organization, even rescuing an Uzumaki ninja..."

"Byakuya?" Madara furrowed his brow, a flicker of confusion crossing his face. He pressed for more information. "Tell me everything you know about him."

White Zetsu relayed the details he'd gathered about Byakuya. As Madara listened, a sense of realization dawned. It made perfect sense why this name hadn't rung a bell.

Aside from Nagato and Uchiha prodigies, ninjas from foreign villages rarely warranted his attention. A mere jonin like Byakuya simply hadn't been on his radar.

However, the details piqued his interest. White Zetsu described how Byakuya, a teenager no less, had single-handedly infiltrated the Kusagakure Building, throwing the entire village into a frenzy. This feat demanded recognition.

"Hmm," Madara mused, stroking his chin. "If this Byakuya continues to develop, he might even reach the level of Hanzo the Salamander someday."

The legendary leader of the Salamander clan was a formidable opponent, and the prospect of a similar talent emerging intrigued Madara.

Madara's eyes gleamed as White Zetsu recounted Byakuya's ruthless treatment of rogue ninjas. It mirrored his own past actions – a time when he, too, believed in eliminating potential threats before they could blossom.

A pang of regret shot through him. He'd chosen a destructive path, but now, he walked a different, righteous one.

With a newfound interest in the unfolding events, Madara shifted his focus on the projection. No longer solely concerned with Obito's fate, his gaze swept across the entire battlefield.

This unexpected turn of events had derailed his plan, but a new opportunity presented itself – a chance to observe these young warriors in combat.

Decades spent in hiding had taken their toll.

Madara's once formidable body had succumbed to the relentless march of time. His frail state prevented him from directly participating in the fray. Instead, he was forced to rely on White Zetsu's projections, a mere shadow of the real battle.

The thrill of a true fight, it seemed, would have to wait until his inevitable resurrection.


On the other side.

Byakuya's successful rescue of Rin washed away the worry etched on Kakashi and Obito's faces. A collective sigh of relief swept through the group as the tide of tension receded. Now, their focus shifted entirely to the remaining Iwagakure jonin: Kakkō and Taiseki. Neutralizing these two would ensure the mission's success.

Kakkō and Taiseki, however, did not share the Konohagakure team's newfound optimism. As the enemy ninjas approached, their faces drained of color, palms slick with nervous sweat. The dampness creeping down their backs mirrored the despair clouding their eyes.

The sheer presence of their opponents overwhelmed them. Witnessing Byakuya's effortless handling of the detonation talisman had driven home a terrifying truth: these rain nin assisting Konoha were no ordinary chunin. They were, without a doubt, jonin of equal caliber.

Manpower stretched thin, escape itself seemed an impossible luxury. Detonation of the hidden talisman, a desperate gamble for survival, loomed as their only option.

Exchanging a grim look, Kakkō and Taiseki gritted their teeth and weaved a series of hand signs in unison. With a synchronized slam of their palms against the ground, they unleashed their jutsu.

"Earth Release: Rock Lodging Destruction!"

The earth rumbled with a deep bellow as the jutsu echoed from both Iwagakure jonin.

Smooth cracks snaked across the cave ceiling and floor, growing at an alarming rate.

Then, with a terrifying roar, the earth began to crumble. Countless boulders rained down from above, threatening to engulf the entire cave in a deadly avalanche.

Panic erupted. Everyone, Konoha and Ame Ninja alike, scrambled for the exit. The once-orderly mission zone devolved into a scene of utter chaos.

The chaos wasn't a shield for everyone. Even amidst the panic, Kakkō and Taiseki didn't miss their chance. They lunged at Kakashi and Obito, aiming to eliminate Konoha's prodigies. Additionally, escaping with news of the Rain-Konoha collaboration was paramount for their village.

Just as they were about to strike, a detonation tag came flying in from the cave entrance, engulfing Kakkō and Taiseki in a sudden burst of flame. It was clear – Byakuya had set a trap outside, unwilling to let the Rock ninja leave alive.

After a tense ten seconds, everyone emerged from the collapsing cave. Gazing upon the dust cloud billowing from the fallen mountain, they couldn't help but sigh. Such a massive landslide wouldn't leave any survivors, not even elite ninja.

As the shock subsided, Rin, still cradled in Byakuya's arms, spoke softly, "It's safe now, can you please put me down?"

Byakuya complied, gently setting her on the ground. Witnessing this, Obito couldn't mask his envy. He hadn't even gotten a hug yet, and here was someone else holding Rin close. But then again, it was her savior. Anger was pointless, leaving only a pit of jealousy in his stomach.

Rin, cheeks flushed, offered a shy smile to Byakuya. "Thank you for everything. I wouldn't be here if not for you."

"There's no need," Byakuya replied calmly, brushing dust off his uniform. "It was part of the deal we made. However," his voice turned serious, "after this near-death experience, I recommend leaving the ninja life behind. Becoming an ordinary person might be the best option for you."

Though confused, Rin nodded at her savior's words. "I'll give it serious thought."

That's when Obito and Kakashi approached Rin. Obito bombarded her with questions about her safety, while Kakashi turned to Byakuya, his voice laced with gratitude.

"Captain Byakuya, words can't express how grateful I am for your help."

Byakuya's lips curved into a smile. "If you insist on thanking me, consider joining our organization. As comrades, helping each other would be natural in this way."

OberonLA OberonLA

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