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Chapter 1 - Lucius (PART 1) [REVISED]

In a gigantic palace in the vastness called space!

"Supreme, the 22 Universal Legions have surrounded our Universe!" - A tall, handsome man calmly said to a man in his early 30s, sitting on a throne.

This 30-something man had a calm and indifferent expression as if the subject of the 22 Universal Legions was nothing in his eyes.

Only after a few minutes did this man ask. - "And the 22 Supremes? What are their movements?"

"Now from what we can find out from the Divine Treasure [Eye of the Universe], we know that the 22 met somewhere in the 13th Universe, they seem to have a meeting, probably discussing how to deal with us." - Said the man respectfully.

"I understand, send the Ruler of the Poison of God to take care of the Universal Legion of Universe 19, let's test the tides!" - Said the man sitting on the throne.

"Understood Supreme!" - The man said respectfully as he bent over and soon went out to report.

Hours later!

"Honey, how was it?" - A woman of overwhelming beauty asked, who would make emperors and sovereigns fall in deep love as they looked at her.

"No big deal, the Ruler of God's Poison perished in battle, taking with him a third of the Legion of the Universe 13." - Said the man sitting on the throne while this same woman sat on his lap.

"What? Viper died?!" - The woman widened her eyes and they soon turned red.

Seeing the face of his beloved reddening, threatening to cry, the man stretched out his hand and gently passed through her eyes before saying. - "Viper may have died, but he helped me discover that there is a traitor among us!"

In his words, the woman's eyes widened, but soon a touch of extreme coldness, which would make anyone tremble in fear, appeared on her beautiful face. - "Who is the traitor?"

Smiling lightly the man pressed his beloved's lips with his right index finger and said. – "Everything has its proper time."

Hearing this, she immediately understood that her beloved was already with everything planned, her expression then returned to normal, being energetic and talkative, but she was sad by Viper's death.


Months later!

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! LUCIUS YOUR BASTARD, GET OUT AND DIE FOR THE DADDY HERE!!!!" - A thundering roar that echoed throughout the Universe 12 arose, causing many worlds to tremble!

The source of this roar was a man who appeared to be 40 years old, who possess a body that in the far can be easily confused with an ordinary human, but if an ordinary human was placed in his side, there would be an enormous difference, since this man is the size of a mountain, while an ordinary human would have 2 meters at most.

And then a figure of 1.90 meters, looking tiny to the eyes of this giant that was floating in the middle of space, which could easily be confused with a meteor, had appeared.

"Supreme of Universe 3, what do you want?" - He asked about the figure that has just appeared calmly.

"OH, YOU DID COME, HAHAHAHA! AT LEAST YOU ARE NOT A COWARD, BUT NOW DIE!!!!" - Your voice was like the roar of a dragon, it just kept getting louder and louder.

Soon a fist that could destroy entire galaxies came towards the small man, distorting all the space around him and soon reaching the figure, which seemed tiny in front of the giant's fist.

And slowly, the small figure raised its right hand on a palm and a thin purple colored aura surrounded it, the next instant the huge fist arrived!

A deadly silence arose, no sound of collision echoed, neither of the two figures moved a single millimeter, they only stopped in that position, where a gigantic hand seemed to have stopped for a tiny hand, which would be like an ant's foot before this gigantic fist.

But then something shocking happened the next instant, slowly the image of the giant became blurred and soon disappeared as if it had never existed!

As for the man who was like an ant before the gigantic figure, he slowly lowered his hand, before looking with a smile at the surrounding void.

"What are you guys waiting for? Are you going to show up or not?" - The man asked lazily.

Soon 21 figures appeared, half of which had an average height of 1 to 10 meters, the rest were at least the size of a mountain, one was so big that it was difficult to tell its size, they could only see its head, which alone was the size of a planet.

"Lucius, your heinous acts against our Existential Plan must end here, but you still have one last chance, give up completing [Art of the Endless Cosmos] or we will be forced to make our move!" - Said a frighteningly beautiful woman, who had big pointed ears.

"Rainali, I didn't expect that of all the Supremes, you would be one of those who would be against me, but I see that the [Art of the Endless Cosmos] can bring the rotten side of even the most peaceful races." - Said the disappointed man as he nodded his head.

Hearing this, the woman frowned, but she was still extremely beautiful and charming.

"Lucius, for our centuries of friendship, please abandon such Cultivation Technique, you know the problems it will cause when you finish cultivating its Elementary Stages." - Said Rainali kindly, even if he is very unhappy

Sighing the man said. - "There is no reason to keep talking Rainali, you did not come here just to warn me, you have already decided that you will kill me and destroy my entire Universe, I am no fool." - Said the man calmly, which made everyone tremble as they felt something was wrong.

Suddenly the calm expression on the man's face became distorted like that of a demon. - "I will never forgive them, NEVER! YOU TOOK HER AWAY FROM ME! I WILL KILL YOU ALL, YOU BASTARDS!!!" - Her voice carried such a cruel and corrosive murderous intent, that nearby planet had their skies dyed red and all the living beings of these planets entered a state of endless frenzy, killing themselves like mad!

All 21 figures trembled intensely as they felt such murderous intent, some of them were even affected by such malice.

"LUCIUS CALM DOWN! WE CAN TALK!" - Suddenly one of the figures who seemed to be a little friendly towards Lucius shouted a little hesitantly.

"Talk? HHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH! YOU TOOK HER AWAY FROM ME AND NOW YOU WANT TO TALK?!!" - Lucius shouted in a crazy tone, like a devil, and soon he said something that made everyone's hearts cool down. - I will show you the [Art of the Endless Cosmos] that you fear so much, the same technique that has just disintegrated the Supreme of Universe 3!

Suddenly the thin aura of purple color appeared again, but this time around his two arms and suddenly the feeling that came from it changed completely, its color was quickly dyed black with bright white dots.

"IMPOSSIBLE! YOU'VE ALREADY CULTIVATED STAGE 1 [ART OF THE ENDLESS COSMOS]!!!!" - Suddenly the colossal dragon roared in shock and even a little fear.

Hearing this, the other Supremes felt an intense fear too, if it were before, everyone was confident they could take care of Lucius, but now...

"Did you garbage people know she was everything to me? The last thing I had left of my past, but now... You took her away from me, so you'll STAND TOGETHER WITH YOUR UNIVERSES!!!" - Lucius unleashed a great roar that made more than 10 Universes tremble intensely and soon waved furiously with his arms!


A simple explosion sounded, but the next instant...


An explosion that would leave anyone deaf echoed, 10 entire universes trembled intensely and more than half of them were destroyed!

"LUCIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - Furious roars, but with a touch of fear echoed at the same time, the next instant 13 figures advanced, one of which was the colossal dragon.

Lucius covered by the Energy of the Cosmos, laughed loudly in a manic tone, soon he advanced at an unparalleled speed, something that these Supreme beings would never dream would exist.

The next instant the one who reached his enemies, first, was Lucius, he was standing right in front of the head of the colossal dragon, who hadn't noticed any abnormality and by the time he started to react, his body was already disappearing, being sent flying, destroying hundreds of galaxies and nebulas with his colossal body.

The force behind it was something that no Universal God could easily reach, it only means one thing in the minds of all Supremes in that place... Lucius became a God of the Cosmos!

"RUN!!! LUCIUS WENT CRAZY!!!" - Suddenly a Supreme belonging to the Demon race roared, the other Supremes didn't even need him to say anything, everyone was already running for their lives.

A cruel smile appeared on Lucius' face. - "Did I go crazy? Maybe you're right because I HAVE GOING MAD OF FURY!!!"

Lucius, like a crazy animal, chased the Supreme of the Demon race that had shouted before, in milliseconds he had already reached him and grabbed him by the back of the neck.

"He tried to beg, but Lucius didn't listen and from the area, he had touched, black veins began to spread and in the following instant the body of the Supreme began to squirm, soon a thundering roar of pain echoed from the lips of the Supreme."

Looking at the suffering of the Supreme of the Demon race, Lucius smiled cruelly before looking in the direction of where the other Supremes fled, he could see them all perfectly, even if they are already close to leaving his Universe.

With a crazy smile on his face, then Lucius began to chase they

Lich_God Lich_God

Hello guys, I am the Lich and I come to say that this chapter was not reviewed by my friend, because he has some things to do, but he will review soon and I thank in advance anyone who comments and says about errors.

[Chapter Revised by Thanat]

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