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1st Person

'Finally, it's my eighth birthday,' I thought to myself as I got up from my bed to get dressed. As I went downstairs I saw my dad reading the newspaper. He looked up as he saw me and said

"Happy Birthday Henry, I love you," I smiled at him, hugged him, and said

"Thanks, dad I love you too," He smiled back and summoned our house elf.

"Handy, make us breakfast," He said, Handy nodded and popped away.

"What are we doing for my birthday," I asked him.

"We're going to a park," He smiled mischievously. I nodded happily as we ate a great breakfast of sausage, egg, salt, and pepper burrito.

3rd Person

As Henry and his father, James S Potter, went to the park they were met by Harry Potter.

"Hello James, happy birthday Henry," Harry Potter said,

"Hello Father," James said,

"Hello Grandpa," Henry said,

"Well let's get going," Harry said,

1st Person

As I closed my eyes and held my father's and my grandpa's hand when I open my eyes next we were at Diagon Alley. Even though I have been here multiple times It was still as memorizing as ever, with the cafes, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, Flourish and Blotts, Ollivander's, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, were my cousins worked, and many more. As we arrived at Gringotts we saw the sign,

'Enter, stranger, but take heed Of what awaits the sin of greed, For those who take, but do not earn, Must pay most dearly in their turn, So if you seek beneath our floors A treasure that was never yours, Thief, you have been warned, beware Of finding more than treasure there.' I thought to myself.

As we went in we saw a few wizards and goblins, As we waited in line for a few minutes we conversed to ourselves about why there were so few wizards when usually it's packed.

"Well it's Thursday, and 10:00 so people are working right now," My grandpa said.

As I nodded it was finally our turn to go.

"Hello, I'm here to open a trust vault," Grandpa said.

"Name," the goblin said rudely.

"Harry Potter-Black," Grandpa said.

"My apologies Lord Potter, name of who the trust vault is to and what accounts it's connected to," the goblin said in an even tone.

"Henry Potter, and the Potter, Black, Greengrass, and Dumbledore accounts," Grandpa said amusedly.

"Drop of blood and the keys to said accounts," The goblin sighed,

As he handed a knife to my father as my father and grandpa handed the keys over.

"Finger," My father said to me.

As I put my hand over the paper, my father pricked my finger as I winced. My grandpa waved his hand and my cut was healed.

"Woah how did you do that, Dad can do it but he said that healing was too hard," I asked in awe to my grandpa.

"Practice, hard work, and magical power," Grandpa said amusedly.

"Will I be able to do that when I'm older," I asked my grandpa.

He smiled at me and waved his hand. His eyebrows shot up and he said,

"Yeah, you have a core of 250,000,"

"That makes sense he had a core of 2,500 (average newborn 250) when he was born," my father said.

"What's your core power," I asked my father.

"500,000, but it would take 50 of me to beat my father as he has a core power of 10,000,000, more knowledge, and experience," my father said amusedly.

As the goblin returned he said,

"OK, all good how much money do you want in the account,"

"10,000 from each account, every month," my father and grandpa said.

"Ok, Lord Potter-Black, Lord Greengrass-Dumbledore, nice doing business," The goblin said politely.

My father and grandpa nodded and we left.

"Can we go to the trunk store and Flourish and Blotts?" I asked my father and grandpa

"Sure," they said.

As we went into the trunk store we decided to buy a multiple compartment truck, that my dad, grandpa, and store owner warded to the best of their ability.

"Come out at 5,000 (G) sirs," The store owner said.

Grandpa nodded and handed him the galleons. We walked to Flourish and Blotts and decided to look around while grandpa used a spell grandma Hermione made.


"What's that do," I asked him.

"I say the words think of what I'm trying to find and if I have it it will light up to my eyes, and it looks like they updated the store recently as we have only like 100 of the books here," Grandpa said.

Father and I nodded and we picked the books that we didn't have and levitated them.

3rd Person

As the three walked to the checkout the clerk sighed happily but annoyedly at how many books he's gonna have to count.

"1,534, and your total comes to 5,132 (G) (books can go from 1 to 5 G)," The clerk said.

"5,100 (G) and we have a deal," Harry said.

The clerk nodded and helped the three put the books in Henry's trunk, after the books were in the library section they shrunk the trunk and put it back in Henry's pocket. They walked out headed to the operation point and apparated to the park.

"Are we going to see Aunt Lily and Uncle Abe (Albus)," Henry wondered.

"No, they're sick as when they went on the last curse-breaking job they touched something that shouldn't have," James whispered sadly.

Henry nodded sadly and asked, "What's your job,"

"I was head Auror after Grandpa retired but I quit to take care of you after your mother died," James murmured sadly.

"What did my mother look like," Henry whispered,

"She had beautiful yinmin eyes, blonde silky hair, was always super tan, and was super short," James Cried.

Henry and Harry hugged James as he sniffled. Henry stepped back and closed his eyes sadly, he heard yelling and as he opened his eyes he was...

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