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8.16% Master's Secret / Chapter 4: Drake

Chapter 4: Drake

It was just about sun down when we heard the faint whine of a horse. Sebastion and I had passed each other a weary glance before watching as a man on a black stallion approached us. This man, was an Adonis. Nicely shaped and, well toned arms. Nicely sculpted chest under his tight black cotton shirt. Black raven hair that dangled in his eyes and over his ears. It looked so soft and silky, like that of a well groomed dog. I wanted to run my hands through it, see if it really was soft as it looked. He had the darkest of blue eyes I had ever seen. An untamed storm that caused devastation in its wake. How much I wanted to be in that damn storm too. Aria, get your head together would you? Drool another time. Men where all the same, evil.

I tentatively watched as his dark blue eyes caught me staring at him. A smirk slowly graced his face as he watched me. I wouldn't let him rattle me, he was good looking, I would not take that away from him. But he was also a stranger, and I wouldn't let him get to me.

"Aria and Sebastion?" His voice...why did it sound so familiar. It was soft, yet firm. But the fact that it was familiar is what alarmed me. We would have to be careful around him until I got a better sense of who he was.

"That depends. Who are you?" I asked calmly. For some reason he sounded faintly familiar. Where have I heard his voice before? I felt my eyes slowly drag over his well toned body as I sized him up. I couldn't help admire his athleticism as he sized me up in return. His tight fitting jeans left little to the imagination. A cloak billowed behind him as the wind slightly picked up, making him look like a true knight in black armor. Accept his armor was mostly cotton and leather.

"Drake." He stated with a smile. I could feel my heart pace quicken. No man ever did that. He couldn't be trusted. Something was off about him. The familiarity of his voice, his good looks. Bewitching. I twirled the knife in my hands and smiled. He watched, a faint amused smirk on his lips.

"Sebastion, what do we do to liars?" I asked casually, still twirling the knife. It whizzed as it sliced the air. Sebastion grinned ear to ear.

"Well, that depends Aria. How dirty are you willing to get?" Drake chuckled, hands in the air.

"He told me this would be your reaction. I promise you that I am the man he sent." Nodding once, I sheathed my weapon back in my thigh holster and got close to him. I wasn't the one to question our Master, but you can't trust everyone. But his voice, I think I finally figured out why it was so familiar.

"You, your voice sounds familiar. You are one of the three that came to recruit us aren't you?" I asked softly. His smile confirmed my suspicions. Interesting that one of the three would reveal himself. I wonder why that was?

"I'm impressed. Yes that is correct I was there that night." His smile was genuine as he applauded us silently. I gave a look of suspicion to Sebastion, who returned it with a grimace. Neither one of us like that he was so open about his identity and the others weren't

"How intriguing that after all these years you show up, unmasked. I am not one to question Master so keep up if you can." I stated blandly as I dismounted my horse. I hoped he wouldn't be a burden, nor would I hope he would stop us in case of a fight. If he was loyal like we where to the Master, he might do everything in his power to prevent us from itching our scratch. That irritated me even more. I walked away from him and to my horse, who shook it's mane in anticipation. We made our way to the tree line that shielded the North Eastern Kingdom gates.

"Master?" He mused as he dismounted his horse and followed us. Great, some other chatty Kathy. Where does he find these guys? Sebastion and I shared an annoyed glance.

"Aye, Master." I said blandly and we continued walking in silence. I was in no mood to hold a conversation with him. Regardless of his good looks. As we got closer to the gate, I felt my face fall as I took in the scene before us. I held up my hand, signaling to stop. I grimaced as I surveyed the damage. The stone wall had vines crawling down the sides, almost completely burying it. The metal gate had been dislodged, laying skewed on the ground. Blood trails scattered every where from bodies being dragged. The air smelled of blood and decay. No noise came from inside the wall. It was very unlikely anyone lived.

I scanned the tree canopies, looking for any possible bowman that lay hidden. It would be a great spot to get ambushed. I unsheathed my blade from my back as I continued my search, looking for any lingering enemies. Either they where well disguised, or long gone.

"Aria!" Sebastion called out. One last glance at the trees and I followed Sebastion's voice back to the gate. His shoulders where tense, anger rolling off him in strong waves as I approached. An arrow was tightly gripped in his hand. He passed it to me, staring at the body he had pulled it from. I examined it carefully, my eyes trailing the shaft of the arrow. It was a steel tipped black arrow with an insignia on it. Two blades passed through a skull and crossbones. The assassins guild.

"I highly doubt anyone is alive now. They don't leave stragglers." Sebastion muttered grimly as he rose to his feet. Drake observing the damage of the gate.

"What did these idiots do to piss of Drakos. How could they think that they had a chance against him." I hissed angrily as I passed the arrow to Drake, walking by him and through the gate. We left the horses behind as to not draw attention. With horse hooves against the stone pathway, it would alert anyone in the vicinity that we where arriving. I would rather have the upper and if we where to fight.

Upon our entrance I paused, horrified at the scene laid before us. Bodies where piled up high, almost as tall as their buildings. There faces smeared in blood. Limp bodies laid on top of one another. Faces froze in horrified screams and pain. They weren't just casually murdered, they where tortured first. This was definitely the work of the Assassin's.

The stone roads where plastered in dried blood, more dragging marks headed towards the piles. My stomach churned as I slowly continued to walk in, lost for words at the destruction. Doors had been smashed down, windows shattered, vendor booths smashed. Anything that could be looted was long gone. I quietly hugged myself, knowing that we where once apart of this. Seeing it on the outside was haunting. A hand was placed on my shoulder reassuringly. Sebastion's face was just as distraught as mine.

"Are you alright?" He asked and I laughed darkly. Nothing about this made me feel alright. This place was destroyed, and we could have easily been apart of it.

"It all looks so familiar." I murmured. He nodded quietly, lost in thought. We where once apart of a similar situation. It damage was very similar to the damage my village faced a long time ago. It made my stomach churn. After soaking in the scene, we continued through the city, down the main roadway, and to the castle. Even from a distance you could tell it was vacant. Abandoned caravans with dead ladies, gentleman, and kids where scattered across the road.

I couldn't help but caress the hands of a deceased little girl as I passed by a looted caravan. Poor thing never had a chance. Her small and frail body wouldn't pass the judgement of Drakos. To poised and pretty. Now she was dead, her life tossed like it never mattered. But it was better this way. She wouldn't feel the pain that I went through for 15 years. How much I wanted to so badly end my life numerous times because of the Assassin's guild. It was just sad that it had to end at all.

"There is no need to continue. It's safe to say that they are all dead." I heard Drake mutter in disgust. We stopped walking, letting him catch up. I feared that he was right. Every building had been broken into and looted. Looks like bandits came through a few times to loot as well. I could only image what they did to these poor helpless females.

"Is it wise to not find our answer though? Sure we found out the answer to their silence, but what where they plotting? Assassins are known for their lack of patience and cool temper, but this is beyond that. This was malicious." I gestured to the poor girl. I hope one day I can avenge you little one.

"Listen. I was instructed to only survey the damage. It's getting dark anyway. What we have will suffice." I went to argue, but one look from his storm filled eyes and I shut my mouth. Master did send this man to us, he had to have a reason. I closed my eyes and nodded.

"Very well. The stench is making me sick as it is. Come on Sebastion." We followed Drake back down the main road. The silence setting my nerves on edge as we continued passed the dead bodies. This is the punishment anyone received if you where to plot against Drakos. I only could pray for the poor kids he did manage to steal away.

As we approached the Market Center I heard scraping noises. My hearing was supernatural compared to the average human, so I knew that it was still quite a ways off. Enough time to hide everyone. I quickly grabbed Drake's shoulders, stopping him from walking any further. I put my finger up to my lip as it continued to grow closer. It sounded like steel on a grind stone. I grabbed his arm and took off towards the vacant buildings, jumping over bodies as we went. I slammed myself flat myself against a wall and sunk to my knees. Sebastion and Drake followed my lead and hunkered down.

I casually peered my head around the building as a man emerged from around the corner. Black leather fitted him snuggly on his body. A leather belt passed over his shoulder. He had pale white skin, bald head, and a single eye patch. I watched his brown eye survey the area. Slowly scanning. I gripped the blade tightly in my hand, waiting for him to spot us. Looks like I would get my chance today.

"I know you are here, who ever you are. Your horses are out front. It's your lucky day!" He grinned, revealing his nasty yellow decaying teeth. He had to be a bandit. A bandit leader at that. He was dressed to nicely for scum, but not well enough to be an assassin.

"Dibs." Sebastion hissed under his breath. I glared at him from the corner of my eye.

"First off, I heard him first. Your dibs is over ruled. Secondly he could be a friendly. We can't just kill anyone." I whispered back. Sebastion grunted, annoyed. Drake's eye lit with approval as we continued to watch.

"Maybe if you beg for your life, I will make it quick. So come out here before I lose my patience." The man growled as he continued to slowly make his way through the market place. I mean, I knew he wasn't a friendly. If we senselessly killed though in front of Drake, Master would give us quite the lashing when we returned. But now that it was confirmed he was no a friendly, I could kill him. Scanning the ground, I found a pebble and snatched it off the ground. Carefully I chucked it across the road, causing him to turn. As his back fully faced us, I ran from behind the building and into the open. I created the diversion so he doesn't see where I come out from. When he turned around he was surprised. His eyes wandered over my body and he grinned.

"Well well, what a pretty girl we have here. Tell me, why is something so beautiful out in the middle of a blood bath?" He mused, walking closer. So he was a schmuck. How convenient.

"Are there any more of you?" I asked blandly. He paused, his grin faltering.

"Well, my companions aren't far behind. I was hoping to have you all to myself, but I suppose I could share." I stifled an eye roll as he continued walking forward. I watched him carefully, gauging the distance, my blade hidden behind my back. When he was close enough, I revealed my blade.

"Such a shame your crew couldn't be here to watch you die." I smiled as I launched myself at him, swinging the blade towards his neck. I brought it down upon him, fast and deadly. With a clean sweep, blood gushed from his neck as I severed his head from his body. I landed in a crouch as the head fell with a sickening thud. The body dropped to it's knees, and then fell on it's chest. The air was quiet. Pleased with myself, I rose to my feet while whipping my blade off on his cloth cloak. Multiple footsteps, rounded the corner. More men. This will be fun.

"Sebastion, it's your turn." I sang. He emerged from the building, flicking his sword in circles. His face expressionless. Standing beside me, we waited. Patiently. As they grew closer, I could feel the dark smile on my face get bigger. Adrenaline pulsed through my body like lightening. It was everything we had been waiting for, the itch was finally becoming scratched. Of the thrill of the hunt.

Finally they appeared. A group of disheveled men with tattered clothes. Their expressions grim as they watched us standing over the dead body of their leader. Hatred upon their faces as they glared at us. Oh yes, this would be fun.

"You assholes are gonna pay!" A man screamed. I laughed darkly at them. Even to my own ears it sounded scary. But they hadn't seen anything yet. They hadn't seen what happens when two Assassins are kept from killing for so long, and what kind of monsters we could be.

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