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50% Marvelous wizard / Chapter 3: Unblocking the mind

Chapter 3: Unblocking the mind

Monique sat on the wooden chair of her home completely engrossed on her tea, and on the situation.

This was going to be hard for the child, to destroy a block one must go into the feeling and thoughts repressed by it.

Contrary to popular belief blocks only exist on the mind, for example one could put a block on the thought of cheating on your wife, this block will cloud your judgment and make you feel like it was not a good idea, if it´s really strong it may even suggest things. If for whatever reason it can´t stop you it will break a little which means a little pain.

'However' she sighed and thought again about the child 'If it was only a block it means that he will have a hard time coming back from that' Her face changed again this time she cursed, hard.

Whoever put those blocks really wanted them to stay, they were intertwined, this means that for example it would make you not cheat on your wife and another which would make you don´t want to hurt your family. This would make the blocks much stronger as they are both related.

While yes, she didn't know what were the blocks were, she knew how many there were, and luckily for the child there were only two

Suddenly she stood up, she was quite short only 5'6, which might seem normal, but sorcers are usually taller, as dimensional energy tends to strengthen the muscles and making them stronger.

She went to the spare bedroom in which the child lied, on her way she passed through the most unique place of her home, the hallway.

A long, wood floor and carefully decorated hallway

Filled with rare battle spoils, in which now the head of a hell hound resides.

Arriving at the room, she looked at the child with a longingly expression

"You can do this child"


Freak woke up, but he wasn´t in the cozy room with the huge bed, and the comfortable sheets.

He was in his room, the cupboard.

However something wasn't right.

He didn't feel alright here.

He usually did for some reason, and when he didn´t, and felt like he deserved more, the fog came and he realized that this was his place.

But now, he felt that this place, it was twisted.

Why does his cousin, someone his age, got a bedroom and he got a cupboard.

'Because you´re a freak.' some part of him whispered at the back of his head, a almost soundless thought, saying that´s supposed to be obvious, but it wasn´t this time.

'Am I a freak?, it´s not a nice word, the good lady said so' He asked himself waiting for the pain, yet it didn't come this time, it felt, liberating.

It all seem great until he heard a shout.

"Freak, come clean up Dudley accidentally dropped a vase!"

He knew this all too well this happened today.

He almost immediately said yes, every bone on his body was asking him to, but he took a second to think deeper this time.

'Why do I got to do it, I do everything' he thought questioningly


Freak turned towards the left, where he had heard the sound, but there was nothing. It seemed like the whisper had come from thin air.

Seeing nothing there, he sighed, 'maybe it was a ghost'

He grabbed his head in fright and some tears left his eyes in complete fear.


'Why there´s no pain'

He smiled, a small one, he wasn´t used to smiling but it felt like the most natural thing to do at this point.

"Freak" This time the ghost, spoke again but it a different direction.

Building up all his courage, all his might he answered

"I´m not a freak." He said in a whisper

"Freak" This time multiple ghosts whispered.

"I´m not a-"

"Freak" Even more ghosts spoke, and even louder


"Freak, freak, freak, freak, freak" Now the voices surrounded him, and they spoke all at once getting louder and louder.

Freak covered his ears, there was nothing he could do, the ghosts were getting louder and he could feel that they were slowly convincing him.


'Maybe they are right, maybe I am a freak' he thought nervously


'I´m a freak, they are right, I´m a freak' he was slowly regressing the little progress he had made.

"FREAK FREAK FREAK FREAK FREAK FREAK FREAK" The ghosts were now speaking quite arrogantly. They knew they won, that the child was a freak and he knew

Freak was now crying hard, he accepted what the truth was, he was a freak, and there was nothing that could change his mind, well almost nothing

While having a mental breakdown a memory came back to him, one of the only good memories he had.

He remembered how well the lady treated him, and he remembered something that would be stupid to most but to him it made a difference

He remembered that freak wasn´t something nice to say.

He was nice.

That lady was nice.

Did they deserved to be treated bad?

They were nice, not the voices.

"FREAK FREAK FREAK FREAK!" The ghosts continued now sounding angrier,

"Stop, you are not being nice!!" Freak said, trying to silence the ghosts.

"FREAK FREAK FREAK FREAK FREAK!" The ghosts were now screaming and the cupboard was shaking and Freak was stumbling and almost falling.

There were no words to describe how scared Freak felt, this was worse than getting Uncle Vernon angry.

Being so scared he choose the first thing that came to his mind.

He ran.

Opening the door he got out, just to see the interior of the house where he lived.

Running to the door he ignored all the ghost which were tormenting him as he got close to it.

Reaching the door he opened it to find.....

Uncle Vernon

Yet it was not him

Don´t get him wrong, it was diffidently him, same hair, same nose, same body type, yet there was one key difference.

He was made of some ugly dark purple substance.

There were also some black spots on it´s skin, which seemed to show bad memories that Freak had.

"GO BACK TO YOUR CUPBOARD, FREAK!!!!" The voice of the thing was distorted, it sounded sometimes like Uncle Vernon but also way deeper and to Freak it was scary.

Some part of him, once again, wanted to just agree, but he was scared and to some part of him, Uncle Vernon was not right, he was NOT nice, and therefore he would not listen until he was.

It was childish thought, but could you blame him, he was six

"No" The freak answer timidly, he was trying not to submit, for the first time he will show him that this was not ok.

"FREAK GO TO YOUR CUPBOARD!" This time the voice sounded even less like Vernon and more like a monster.

If Freak was scared before he was now scared to the bones, every part of him was shaking, or was the house shaking?. Actually both were.

"No!" Freak shouted with all his might hoping that just speaking will make it leave him alone.

Uncle Vernon give a creepy smile which made Freak even more scared, and before he could react the substance Uncle Vernon was made of began fusing with Freaks body.

Freak screamed yet it seemed that nothing was stopping the substance from fusing with his skin, luckily it started with his feet.

Getting desperate he did something really dumb.

He began doing the same hand movements the lady did to summon her mandalas.

Finishing them nothing happened.

Seeing this Uncle Vernon laughed, hard.

The substance was now halfway done, resting on his knees, he did it again but this time putting all of his concentration and will to do it, and a little bit of sparks were generated.


Getting even more desperate he put all his imagination, will, hand movement, and energy to try and create the mandala, but he failed, not completely thou, as a little disc was generated, one he used to slash at Uncle Vernon throat.

He could feel that as soon he slashed Uncle Vernon throat a lot of hate began building on his body, and lots of memories were disappearing.

Uncle Vernon began to choke and the goo substance began leaking from his body, and completely disappearing, in a matter of seconds there was no more Uncle Vernon.

Just him.

In an empty house.

He was there for just a few seconds, because as soon as he blinked, he was right back into the lady´s room

joq_tdd joq_tdd

Hoped you like this chapter, please leave a review and tell me what you think about this chapter,

I really enjoyed writting this one.

Also I should say that he will not have the easiest time learning magic, it will still be hard for himm, just wanted to make that clear.

Ok have a great day.Byee

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