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100% Marvel: X-98 Quantum Spider / Chapter 28: Across The Spider-Verse Part-8

Chapter 28: Across The Spider-Verse Part-8

<Candice's POV>

The weight of Miguel's revelation about canon events settled over us like a suffocating blanket. As he continued his explanation, each word felt like a hammer blow, driving home the terrible implications of what he was saying. Suddenly, a horrifying realization struck me with the force of a lightning bolt: if I became Spider-Man, truly embraced this role, it might mean Alice's death due to a canon event. Now, I understood the glimpse I saw, when I came in contact with Spot.

My heart began to race, pounding so loudly I was sure everyone in the room could hear it. I glanced at Miles, standing beside me, and saw the same dawning horror in his eyes. He had reached a similar conclusion about his own father. The thought of losing someone we loved, all for the sake of some cosmic balance, was unbearable.

Miguel's stern expression betrayed no sympathy as he surveyed our reactions. His voice was cold, matter-of-fact, as he drove the point home. "Canon events are crucial for maintaining the balance of the multiverse. Without them, everything unravels. The death of a loved one, the loss of Captain - these are the cornerstones upon which our realities are built."

"No way," Miles said, shaking his head vehemently. His voice trembled with a mixture of fear and defiance. "I'm supposed to be a hero, not someone who lets people die just to keep some balance. That's not what being Spider-Man is about!"

"Exactly," I echoed, surprising myself with the firmness in my voice. Despite the fear coursing through me, I stood tall, meeting Miguel's gaze. "We're supposed to save people, not sacrifice them. How can we call ourselves heroes if we're willing to let innocent people die?"

Miguel's eyes narrowed, his patience clearly wearing thin. "This isn't up for debate," he snapped, his tone brooking no argument. "We can't let the multiverse fall apart because of your misguided ideals of heroism."

"So, we will just leave them to die like that."

"Miles, you got a option to save everyone or save one person?"

"Can't we do both? Spiderman always__"

"Not always." A slight whisper came.

"Miles, Candice, why don't you understand everyone of us has already lost our dear one because of this. Being spiderman is sacrificing. You can't always save everyone."

"We understand you how you feel. But we can't let you disrupt the canon event?"

"So, you are asking to not save our loved one?"

"I am not asking." Miguel answered.

Before we could react, an energy barrier shimmered into existence around us, trapping Miles and me in a translucent bubble. Panic surged through me, my heart racing even faster. But then I remembered - I wasn't just any Spider-Person. I had powers, abilities that set me apart.

Without a word, I grabbed Miles' arm, concentrating hard. I felt the familiar tingle of my phasing ability activating, spreading from me to encompass Miles as well. In an instant, we became intangible, sinking through the floor and out of the energy barrier.

We fell for what felt like an eternity, passing through floor after floor of the Spider Society's headquarters. Finally, I pulled us back into tangibility, and we landed in a dimly lit corridor several levels below.

"Quick thinking," Miles whispered, his eyes wide with a mixture of fear and concern.

I nodded, trying to catch my breath. "Thanks. Now we need to move. They'll be after us any second."

We dashed through the winding corridors of the Spider Society, our spider-sense on high alert for any sign of pursuit. The complex was a maze of high-tech equipment and interdimensional portals, each turn revealing new wonders that, under different circumstances, would have left us in awe.

Finally, we found a small place that seemed relatively hidden. We ducked inside, both of us panting from the exertion and adrenaline.

"We need a plan," I said, my mind racing. "They'll be expecting us to split up but they need to catch one who will reveal other location. We need to split up."

Miles nodded, his face set in determination. "One of us distracts everyone while the other secretly operates the dimension traveller. You go to the lab. I'll cause the distraction."

I grinned, feeling a rush of excitement despite the danger. "Reverse the role. I'll distract, you go to lab. And don't worry about me. I've got a dimension watch. I can handle myself."

As we prepared to execute our plan, Miguel's voice boomed over the intercom, echoing through the vast complex. "Attention, Spider Society. Capture Miles Morales and Candice Lewis immediately. They are to be considered dangerous and unpredictable. Use all necessary force, but do not harm them."

Our time was running out. With a quick nod to Miles, I darted out of our hiding spot, ready to create the mother of all distractions.

I sprinted down the corridor, my enhanced agility allowing me to dodge and weave around startled Spider-People. As I ran, I used my powers liberally, phasing through walls to confuse my pursuers, leaving a trail of chaos in my wake.

"There she is!" I heard someone shout behind me. "After her!"

I grinned, adrenaline coursing through my veins. This was what I was made for - the thrill of the chase, the rush of using my powers to their fullest. I leapt and bounded through the complex, always staying just ahead of my pursuers.

As I raced through a large, dense area filled with various mechanical parts, I caught sight of a familiar face. Gwen stood there, her mask off, a look of hurt and confusion on her face.

"Candice, please!" she called out. "Stop this! We can talk about it!"

For a moment, I faltered. Gwen had been nothing but kind to me, even when she thought I was Alice. The pain in her voice tugged at my heart. But I am still to selfish, I want to save Alice. But I can't still forgot, why Alice decided to be spiderman - to save lives, to be the heroes we were meant to be.

"I'm sorry, Gwen," I called back, my voice carrying a hint of regret. "But I can't let Alice go like this, I am part of her. No, we both are part of each other. I may be too selfish but I still believe I can do both."

With that, I used web grenade to catch Gwen off guard and immobilise her, then I leapt through a nearby gap, emerging on a higher level of the complex. I could hear the shouts and footsteps of my pursuers growing closer, but I didn't slow down.

I sprinted towards what looked like a highway leading to the sky, a bizarre construction that seemed to defy the laws of physics. As I ran, I leapt from vehicle to vehicles, each jump taking me higher into the air.

Behind me, I could hear the sounds of pursuit growing closer. Glancing back, I saw a veritable army of Spider-People swinging, leaping, and flying after me. It was a breath-taking sight - dozens of different versions of Spider-Man, each with their own unique costume and abilities.

But I couldn't afford to be distracted by the spectacle. I pushed myself harder, using every trick and ability at my disposal to stay ahead. I phased through obstacles, used my webs to swing between platforms, and even resorted to using my nascent bioelectric abilities to short out some of the floating platforms, causing them to fall and obstruct my pursuers.

As I neared the top of the highway, I found myself face to face with Miguel O'Hara. He hovered in the air before me, his futuristic suit gleaming in the otherworldly light of the Spider Society's realm.

"Stop this madness, Candice," he demanded, his voice a mixture of anger and desperation. "You don't know what you're doing. The consequences of your actions could destroy everything!"

I stood my ground, my chest heaving from the exertion of the chase. "We're not just pieces in some cannon event, Miguel," I shot back, my voice ringing with conviction. "We're people. We're heroes. We can't just stand by and let people die!"

Miguel's frustration was palpable, his fists clenched at his sides. "You don't understand the consequences!" he yelled, his voice nearly drowned out by the wind whipping around us. "The multiverse is delicate. One wrong move, one disrupted event, and it all comes crashing down!"

"No, Miguel, you don't understand!" I yelled back, my own frustration and fear bubbling to the surface.

"We're spiders, and we will weave our own destiny!"

"We won't be bound by your rules or your canon events. We'll find a way to save everyone - that's what being a hero is all about!"

With that, I took a running leap off the platform, plunging into the open sky. For a heart-stopping moment, I was in free fall, the wind rushing past me as I plummeted towards the ground far below.

I could hear Miguel's shout of alarm, could almost feel his attempt to catch me. But I had planned for this. Just as I had nearly fallen out of sight, I activated my dimension watch.

A swirling portal opened beneath me, crackling with interdimensional energy. I plunged through it, leaving Miguel and the Spider Society behind. The last thing I heard before the portal closed was Miguel's frustrated yell, quickly swallowed up by the silence of interdimensional travel.

As I tumbled through the space between realities, my mind raced. Had Miles made it out? Where would I end up? And most importantly, what would we do next?

The journey through the portal felt both instantaneous and eternal. Colours and shapes swirled around me, defying description. Then, with a sudden jolt, I was spat out onto solid ground.

I rolled to absorb the impact of my landing, coming to a stop in what appeared to be an alleyway. As I got to my feet, dusting myself off, I took in my surroundings. The buildings looked familiar, but something was off. The sky had a strange, reddish tinge, and the air felt heavier, more oppressive.

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