'What's my name? I don't remember to be honest'
Do not worry my dear reader our MC is getting punished for his mistakes that he did on earth
You see every thing we do well be judged by the (angels?) and we get our punishment time
Some of the soul's can't bear it but our MC is lucky because he isn't that great sinner or that great Gooder he is just normal guy that's trying to make himself better amd his sentence was low so he survived
{HEY, John that's enough he's time well finish in 1 hours}
A demon looking guy shouted to the other who torture our MC let's call him M for now shall we?
You see it's not as the books or fantasy's actually the demons and angels are in good terms for a long time now
"Thank you lady's "
Says M as john untied him
{good luck outside kid, you'll need it}
Yea M knows i mean he is like 200 years old and he has no Intention to act as a Japanese protagonist
As M get out of the torture room he see a line of souls waiting to go in their direction which is 3 options
1- to the eternal rest, they can rest until they got bored and do their desired things
2- get reincarnated (very popular) and get powers with past life memories but the world's totally random and some souls will be lost and vanished for eternity
3- be a dust after you done doing what you want in the city below like the show (the good place)
And M is trying the second option
Now you see this world picking is related to the wishes(powers) the user ask
How he know that? Well he didn't waste 100 years in hell just to be tortured and actually trained and listen it (hell's people are very nice after daily punishment to be honest)
And the line goes forward
"How the fuck it's taking this long? This little shit's had like 50 years just to think about their options why they hesitate now?"
M talked
"Well young man they're afraid to what to choose and very greedy they want all but they don't know this is their way below, one advice from me? Don't get too greedy "
A voice came from the man in front of him
M was surprised but he eventually smiled
"Thanks old man, I'll think about it"
-200 years later-
There's three persons before M's turn
So some information now there's place to rest while waiting and even rooms to stay in a full package to be honest (very considerate) M's number is RTRP 1618152017151491920156208919141522512
Very long i know
Any way so now we know M's soul is very strong and that effect his life after his rebirth so some side effects is " photographic memory , minor telekinesis/telepathy, parallel thinking" and more but it will effect his body if he doesn't have good physics so yea
"It's me! Finally!!!"
[ok kid first let's begin with your wish and then we go to the world picking]
"Yes, sir"
Answered M "i have one wish i hope you can do this Wish (The Omniscient Recall):**
"I desire the ability to instantly acquire the experiences, memories, intelligence, and skills of any fictional or non-fictional character, device, or creation that I have ever encountered—whether through reading, watching, or hearing about them. This power should continue in my new world. However, I want to have full control over these memories and experiences, so they don't influence or change me unless I consciously choose to access them."
[…. Very well, it counts as one wish as it's all related to one subject]
"So there's one question is any problem when i get reincarnated? Like about the gods? Because i know with my wish it's either DC or Marvel or 40K(hope not) like reading my mind even though it's impossible "
[ don't worry the high beings will not interfere unless you are trying to destroy the prime world, you can live in it and make changes but not that world destroying and enslaving and this BS and we have contracts with this worlds if the user(you) missed up big time we will punish you what you deserve so be careful]
"That was very specific but thank you i will try my best to not get into troubles"
[ Very well now picking the world]
The being roll the raffle wheel and there's so many dangerous worlds OMG 😱
As it rolls it shows some of the worlds
*tick* *tick* *tick*
{Warhammer 40k}
Hell nah if i got reincarnated into this i swear to god i will kill my self instantly
M comment's in his mind as the rolling continues
*tick* *tick*
I search for a peaceful life with me having a great power no thanks too much wars and cloning
*tick* *tick*
I mean what is the difference between this and 40k?
I swear i will kill Amanda waller if i got there especially with this absolute world event
(Yes we can catch up to shows and movies and comics here it's almost heaven here)
And the ticking stops and M with it
Because he knows in that moment he fucked up
'Shit i know i was bragging but still it's hard af'
[ok fare well kid and good luck]
"Thank you your highness being"
M laughing while saying
And the portal opens as he steps in …
Years ago….
Stark defense corporation headquarters
New York City
There's a lovely scene with white building like a triangle shaped it's so far from new York bridge
Howard stark meets dr.Cerrera and the mother of our future MC and she is the most famously know as Maria stark
"Dr.Cerrera welcome to Stark defense Corp."
Howard says he is a long straight and strong man with a full brown-ish hair and a honey like color eyes and a blue striped suit
" I'm Howard stark"
And takes Maria's hands as she come out of the boat she replied
"On TV you looked taller."
"I've beed losing height"
Very funny but good job Howard
Maria's looks like a gentlewoman with a light brown hire and green eyes wearing an OL greenish or yellow? I'll never know with a Striped skirt with black and red lines inside brown (RIP my explanation)
As they get inside and talk as Howard shows her an bio-armor that is blue when put it on skin it can eat metals and take so much serious damage without hurting it's host but there's a problem with it it only lasts 15 minutes after that it well eat it's host skin cells
"Eating skin cells?" Maira says
"Only when they're hungry" Howard replies
Maria shows him the screwdriver that she pushed into the man's arms but the arm stayed unharmed while the screwdriver was like an old used brush
"That's still doesn't explain this."
"They spread the shock of impact outward. The guy still flies across the room, but it's as if the bat were a big soft hand pushing him."
Howard continues
"Our bacterium has a parasite. Those little globules are like piranha, only instead of flesh, they eat metal."
"ANY metal?" Maria asks
"Not gold. But any metal that can oxidize."
They talk about the subject a little more
As Howard says that it can't stop bullets and about three hours it will eat all skin of the host
After a while Maria says "Well, thanks for a lovely field trip. But I can't see how this has anything to do with me. I work with human genetics."
"Specifically, you work with regeneration.
Regrowing lost body parts."
As Howard takes Maria's hands
She says "If you don't give me my hand back, in only thirty years I can grow a new one."
"So you haven't solved your problems, either?"
Now he's just flirting
She still refuses but Howard uses his powers "Money "
She is very shocked about the budget
"Oh, you're serious "
"I want the best. And you're it."
In another place
In a restaurant
A man and a woman sit and talk over dinner
"Imagine--Loni Stark having lunch with her husband's arch-rival, Zebediah Stane, and not a single paparazzo snapping our picture."
As the man says with a black suit and under it is pink Dress Shirt with a blonde hair and blue eyes
"I don't let paparazzi take my picture."
As Loni says and holding a champagne
Wearing a green Dress Shirt with black dots with blue eyes
"Champagne. Celebrating something?"
Zebediah said
"How do you keep paparazzi from shooting you?"
Zebediah smiled and says "Ishoot
them first."
They chat a little and waiting for food
As Loni says
"I married Howard for his money. But he doesn't do anuthind with it"
"He makes munitions."
"He makes biotech armor that doesn't work, and it's Killing the value of his stock"
"You've been buying it." Loni says
"I divorce Howard. I get half of his stock add that to your Stock and… "
"And suddenly you'll discover that you're in love with me" as Loni and stane both smiles and getting closer to each other
"You have the kind of ambition
Howard lacks"
Loni replies
"We take his company and all his patents right out from unden him." As he smiles more aggressively
Loni's wide as stane's and says "I think that makes uou a snake, and me a…"
"Another snake."
And Zebediah finishes her sentence
And as the food comes
They attacked it like animals
Ok folks that's about it for now i know i know the first half mostly useless but i have to make an excuse right?
As for the second half I've write almost like the comic sorry but i have to make sure why some things happen the way it happens Right?
But that's it for now and if you guys have any ideas for inventions please comment with a little of summary about it i will read it and try to include it
It's really hard to write tbh and I'm not that smart but i will drastically change the story line after the mc born the next chapter the first half will be the continuation of maria and howard and the mc will be born bear with me i think i have to add slow paced tag now damn.
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