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Chapter 51-55

Chapter 51

"Don't worry, I will arrange a time for you to appear."

Clark knows these people here best.

He personally recruited each of them.

The method used is nothing more than beating him up first and then using inducements.

So he knows very well that these guys are actually heinous villains.

They The most"kind" one among them has the blood of at least a dozen innocent people on his hands.

The things he has done are enough to be shot hundreds of times.

But it doesn't matter.

What Clark never wanted was A group of real heroes.

All he wants is a group of obedient lackeys.

As long as these dogs are obedient enough, he will give them delicious bones.

And once the lackeys are disobedient, they will be beaten to death with a stick. Anyway, he has no shortage of such lackeys..In the conference room, after Clark announced the matter, he asked everyone else to retreat.

Only Carl and a strong woman over two meters tall were left.

"You two prepare for it in the next few days. I will send someone a copy of the script tomorrow. You have memorized it by heart. You are not allowed to make any mistakes in a word. Do you understand?"

The breathtaking momentum enveloped the two of them.

"Don't worry, Speaker. Karl hurriedly patted his chest and promised:"I will definitely memorize it, and I'm sure every word will be correct!""

"me too!"

The strong woman spoke, her voice was low and unpleasant.

This woman's name was Bella. She was an Inhuman who had awakened her abilities. Her abilities were just like her size, with powerful strength and tank-like defense.

Follow her Carl, who formed a team and became a partner, is named Carl Creel.

He has a nickname, Absorber.

Carl has the ability to touch matter and transform himself into the form of the material he touches.

His ability comes from magic. Transformation is not something you are born with.

Before Clark found Carl, this guy was still a boxer. Later, he committed a crime and killed many people and became a fugitive.

It was Clark who gave him a new life, and His original criminal record was written off.

Otherwise, he would still have to live a wandering life. In the future, he might be favored by other Hydra organizations and become a thug or tool.

Of course, he is also a tool now. People.

But it is better to be Clark's tool than to be the tool of any other organization.

After giving the two a few words, Clark let them go out.

He came here today mainly to inform these people.

By the way, Arrange Carl and Bella.

The plot he arranged for the two of them to appear is already being prepared. In a few days at most, they can make their official debut in front of the world.

Clark has put a lot of thought into everything today.

He There are descriptions of these people in the comics of the past.

Of course, in the comics they are all positive characters, all of them are forced by life, but they still have a bright mind, and they belong to the kind of very majestic and upright characters.

Among them Like Carl, he is a dark night hero.

He was originally a boxer, but he lost his family due to persecution by criminal organizations.

From then on, he began to transform into a hero in the night, fighting criminals all over the city.

This template, Clark is the one who applies the night The template of the Demon Man.

It was just polished and adapted.

Coupled with the personal work of professional painters and the cooperation of more than a dozen professional screenwriters, a"Shadow Man" was born.

And Bella, although in the comics Her role is not as important as Carl's, and she has her own independent comic book, but she is also one of the main superheroes in a series of comics. The background setting Clark gave her is that since she was a child, she has been criticized by the people around her because of her overly strong body. Rejected, but the little girl is still kind-hearted and helpful.

However, in an accident, the little girl's parents died.

The little girl had to live with her uncle and aunt, a lot of things, which is similar to the tragedy of Spider-Man Experience.

Her parents died in accidents when she was young. The uncle who raised her also died in a shooting. Before his death, he left a sentence:"With great power comes great responsibility."

From then on, the girl embarked on a journey to fight criminals and protect the city. The path of peace.

Apart from that, everyone else follows similar routines.

Anyway, both of his parents died when he was young, and he didn't get much care from society, but he still had a bright heart, and then after an accident, he became a guardian. The setting of a superhero in a city.

This setting is just like a hero saving a beauty.

Although it is old-fashioned, it is always popular.

It will almost never go out of style!

"Next, it's my turn to appear as the superman who protects the country."

Clark looked at the scenery outside the window and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly....

On July 1st, Kent Films'"Man of Steel" was released for half a month.

The cumulative box office has exceeded US$1.2 billion.

At this time, the popularity of the movie gradually began to decline.

At noon that day, an emergency news was suddenly broadcast on the TV news. A plane taking off from New York was hijacked by terrorists shortly after taking off.

The terrorists on the plane not only asked the police to release a serious prisoner, but also made excessive demands for a billion dollars!

As soon as the news came out, it shocked the whole country!

Chapter 52

Above New York (NIU), at an altitude of 2,500 meters.

A passenger plane carrying 467 people was hovering over the city.

On the plane, seven terrorists held special plastic firearms, two terrorists monitored the cockpit, and the remaining five controlled the passengers and flight attendants on the plane.

The plane was piloted by Tom, a veteran pilot with 32 years of flying experience.

Today was supposed to be his last flight before retirement, and even his wife and children at home were ready to celebrate this day for him.

But he never imagined that on the day before his retirement, he would encounter such a thing as a terrorist hijacking.

In the past 32 years, he has never encountered such an incident.

I've heard of it, but never experienced it myself.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of two terrorists holding guns behind him. Tom had a calm expression on his face, but he was secretly anxious inside.

In the passenger seat, the young co-pilot was not as calm as Tom.

He was so frightened that he was sweating profusely and his hands were shaking.

"Blackhawk, do you think those guys will release the boss?"

One of the terrorists asked another terrorist

"Do they dare not to release them? We have more than 400 hostages on our hands, and now we are above New York (Niu), with an altitude of only 2,500 meters. If they dare to play any tricks, we will risk our lives to let this plane Crash directly into this city!"

"right! If they dare not agree to our conditions, they will crash the plane!"

Listening to the conversation between the two terrorists, the first officer was so frightened that he almost peed.

Even Tom couldn't help but trembled his hands slightly after hearing this.

These terrifying points are too cruel, right?

He actually wants to let him The plane crashed in New York!

They are going to stage 911 again!

'No, we must not let them do this! '

Tom's family is in New York (niu). He was born in this city, lives and works in this city. It is impossible for him to watch these terrorists do whatever they want!


How could he stop it?

"It would be great if this world really had a superman to protect the country."Tom thought of the movie he watched a few days ago, and suddenly this idea popped into his mind.

In the cabin, five terrorists each managed an area and monitored the passengers on the plane.

The leader of this group of terrorists , is a man wearing a white suit and a mustache who looks like a gentleman.

He holds a gun in his hand and sweeps the gun across the passengers in the cabin with a kind smile on his face.

"Your lives are your own, not this country's, and not those politicians', so you should know best what to do, and never gamble with your own life!"

He said eloquently.

The passengers in front of him were all as well-behaved as sheep.

No one dared to make any small moves, for fear of attracting the attention of terrorists and being shot to death!

Among the passengers, there was a woman She was trembling with her child, silently praying for God's blessing.

Her child was holding a toy of the Protector of the Country in his hand, looking at the gun-wielding terrorists in front of him with a pair of innocent eyes, and he didn't look afraid at all.

"Mom, the Protector of the Country is back to save us, right?"

The child turned to his mother innocently and said.

The mother, who was praying for God's blessing, looked at the child and hugged him in tears.

"Yes, the Guardian Superman will come to save us!"

The young child didn't know that his mother was just comforting him.

He hugged his mother and held the toy of the Protector of the Country in his hand. A ray of sunlight came in from the window and shone on the toy, making it look even more beautiful. A sense of sacredness.


The child saw a figure flying quickly outside the window of the plane.

He shouted in surprise:

"Mother! Mother! Look! It's the National Protector Superman who is here to save us!"

The movement here attracted the attention of the terrorist.

Hearing the child's words, the terrorist laughed.

"Protector of the country? That's just a fictional character, just imagined by you poor guys. That's the behavior of a coward. We, like us, would never look at such a thing!"

A young passenger not far away couldn't help but muttered after hearing this;

"If you don't read it, then how do you know about the Superman who protects the country?"

Of course, he didn't dare to say it out loud

"Be good, kid! Sit down!"

When the woman saw the terrorist looking this way, she was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat. She quickly hugged her son to prevent him from moving.

"It's true, Mom! The child pointed outside and said,"I really saw the Superman who protects the country!""

"what happened?"

The leader of the terrorists came over and asked his subordinates

"It's nothing, just a kid who said he saw the Superman who protects the country."The terrorist said with a smile, not taking it to heart at all.

When the leader heard this, he also sneered.

"They are just a group of lost lambs. When this is over, send them to meet Satan."

The terrorists sneered and nodded.

Yes, they never thought of letting these people go back alive.

Chapter 53

Outside the plane, a black figure flew past quickly.

The figure was also photographed by some television station helicopters that were tracking and filming around the plane.

The host on the plane quickly shouted, asking the camera to follow

"Look! Is that the Superman who protects the country?!"

The host exclaimed, and that figure appeared on the screen.

The black uniform and dark silver cloak rustled in the strong wind, and the chest seemed to be shining with light.[S]All signs reveal the identity of the other party.

The superman who protects the country!

He is truly a superman who protects the country!!!

Across the United States, countless people sitting in front of the TV saw this scene. They covered their mouths and exclaimed. Some young teenagers jumped up and shouted excitedly, as if they were seeing their lifelong idol.

In front of the hijacked plane, Clark's figure stood level with the plane in the void.

In the cockpit, the captain and co-pilot, as well as the two terrorists guarding them, saw him.

They were all dumbfounded and lost the ability to react for a while.

Clark's eyes burst into red light.

Two beams of dazzling heat rays burst out, miraculously penetrating the front windshield of the aircraft without causing damage, and hit the two terrorists in the cockpit.

Two muffled groans sounded.

Two terrorists immediately fell to the ground without any movement.

However, the accident happened when the two terrorists fell. boom!

There was a gunshot.

The bullet was fired from a firearm held by a terrorist, passed through Captain Tom's armpit, and directly hit the plane's console.

Sparks flew out and the console was completely destroyed!

At the same time, in front of countless televisions;

"Oh my god~! It's a heat ray! The Guardian Superman eliminated two terrorists!"

"Come on, Superman who protects the country!"

"The Protector Superman has arrived, and those terrorists are finished!"

"Mother! When I grow up, I want to be a superhero like Superman!"

"Ahhhhh~!!! Protector of the country, I love you!!!"

Seeing the Guardian Superman on the TV easily defeating two terrorists, the audience in front of the TV suddenly became excited. Some cheered loudly in celebration, some shouted the name of the Guardian Superman, and some covered their faces and cried bitterly. But he showed a relieved smile.

Those were the family members of the passengers on the plane!...

S.H.I.E.L.D., Trident Headquarters.

Inside the director's office.

The door opened, and Colson, whose hairline had gradually moved back in recent years, walked in quickly.

"Director, something happened!"

Colson put down the tablet he was holding.

"About an hour ago, a plane departing from JFK Airport and carrying 467 passengers was hijacked by terrorists who demanded the release of a felon and a ransom of one billion US dollars."

"But just a few minutes ago, things changed"

"Here he is, Chief."

Colson was slightly excited.

"who is he? Fury, who already had a bald head, reached for the tablet on the table and looked at it. What was playing on the screen was real-time news.

It was the scene where Clark used heat rays to eliminate two terrorists.

After Fury saw it, The pupils in the eyes could not help but shrink

"Protector of the country?"He raised his head, revealing a dark face and only one eye.

Yes, Fury failed to escape in the end and was still blind in one eye.

I just don't know if he was beaten this time. Gugu was caught

"Yes, the director is the Superman who protects the country, he appears in reality!"

Colson is also a fan of the"Superman of the Nation" comic.

He bought a copy as soon as the comic came out and has been obsessed with it ever since.

If there hadn't been a holiday during this period, he would have gone to the cinema to watch the latest movie.

So after seeing the scene on the news, he immediately realized something and immediately ran to notify the director.

"Has this person been identified?" Fury asked

"Already confirmed. Coulson nodded and said:"Clark Chow Kent was born in Los Angeles. He is 19 years old this year. He is also the youngest billionaire in the United States. He single-handedly founded Kent Pictures. The comic book of Superman is..." his works"

"Are you sure it's correct? Fury asked with a frown.

Coulson nodded firmly.

"He's not trying to hide his identity, Director."

Dong dong dong!

The door was knocked again.

"Come in."Fury said.

The door opened, and Hill, dressed smartly, came in from the door.

"Director, something happened!"

As soon as she came over, Hill saw the tablet in Fury's hand. She glanced at Coulson, who nodded slightly.

"Well, it looks like you already knew that. Hill said,"This matter is no longer an ordinary crime. Chief, what should we do next?""

"Wait first."Fury looked down at the screen on the tablet.

In the screen, Clark's figure penetrated straight through the plane and entered the interior of the plane.

"Did he just pass through?!"

Fury hasn't read much of the Superman comics, so he doesn't know much about it.

But the two people in front of him are both fans of this comic series.

"Director, the Guardian Superman possesses dozens of special abilities, and penetrating matter is just one of the less conspicuous ones."

Colson told Freekop....

Chapter 54

2,500 meters in the air.

Clark passed directly through the outer layer of the aircraft and entered the interior of the aircraft.

[Virtualization: allows you to shuttle between any physical substance, coming and going freely! ]

This is the ability that Clark released in the annual gift package of a certain year.

This ability does not greatly improve his combat ability, but it greatly improves his ability to save life. However, with Clark's current strength, looking at this planet, I am afraid that the Supreme Mage is the only one who can make him look at him. As for Clark's ability, others?

That is to say, the Hulk who is about to be born can compete with him.

The Hulk's strength varies from high to low in the original comics, but the Hulk's strength in the movie universe has been greatly weakened.

Clark also doesn't know whether the upcoming Hulk will be based on the settings in the comics?

Or is it the setting of the movie universe?

At first, he thought that this world was simply the Marvel Cinematic Universe, because all aspects of the information he had could match the content of the cinematic universe.

But as the Hydra under his name continued to develop, and he mastered more and more information, Clark gradually discovered some differences between this world and the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Now, Clark no longer dares to say with certainty that this world is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He can only say that it is closer to the setting background of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it is not exactly the same.

Therefore, even he could not estimate in advance how strong the Hulk was.

If it is the orthodox Savage Hulk, its power under normal conditions can reach 150 million tons.

This is an extremely scary number.

Clark himself has not tested it. Can his power reach this level?

When he was 16 years old, he once tried and found that he could carry a mountain relatively easily.

But it was a small to medium-sized mountain, and its weight was estimated to be only a few million tons.

Now three years have passed and Clark has not tested since.

However, the unlocking degree of his Kryptonian template has been improving over the years. In three years, it has increased from hundreds to tens of millions of tons to more than 100 million tons. It is not a problem when you think about it.

So if it was a pure competition of strength, Clark felt that he would not lose to the Hulk.

Moreover, he not only has this powerful muscle strength, but also has other abilities.

In contrast, the Hulk also has the capacity for unlimited rage.

But this ability is indeed buggy, but it has a fatal weakness.

That was the newly transformed Hulk, who could easily be knocked unconscious.

Once knocked unconscious, the ability of infinite rage is useless.

"The Hulk should be born this year, give it a try then."

Clark thought to himself.

But now is not the time to think about this. Let's deal with the matter in front of him first.

"Don't worry, it's fine."

After Clark entered the cockpit, his eyes fell on the two captains and comforted him.

"The superman who protects the country! Are you really a superman who protects the country?!"

The co-pilot was younger and looked far less stable than the captain.

At this time, he was very excited to see Clark.

"Leave this to me, you are already safe."

Clark smiled kindly and patted the other party's shoulder gently.

"But the plane——"

"It'll be okay."Clark said with a smile.

I don't know if he was infected by his smile. The first officer, who looked nervous just now, quickly calmed down.

Dong Dong Dong!

"Black Hawk, what's going on inside?"

The terrorist who knocked on the door asked loudly.

Clark looked around.

His sight easily penetrated the door of the cockpit and saw the situation on the other side of the door.

A terrorist holding a gun stood at the door with a look on his face. With a look of vigilance,

Clark raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

The next moment!

Two beams of heat rays burst out from his eyes, directly piercing the cockpit door, and then pierced the heart of the terrorist without losing force.


The terrorist, whose heart was mostly melted, fell directly to the ground, motionless.

Clark's body passed through the door and appeared in the aisle connecting the passenger cabin to the cockpit.

On the seats next to him, several people were tied up. The flight attendant saw it and let out an excited"Woo!"

"It's okay, you're safe."

Clark nodded and smiled at them.

He walked through the aisle and entered the cabin.

The terrorists in the cabin immediately spotted him

"who are you?!"

The terrorists' guns were aimed at him.

"It's the superman who protects the country!"

Some children shouted loudly

"Mom, the National Protector Superman is here to save us! The terrorist leader in a white suit frowned and said with a sneer:" What kind of bullshit Superman, a clown in a circus, thinks he is a superhero wearing this ridiculous outfit?""

He pointed his gun at Clark.

"Boy, this is not a place for you to perform circus performances!"


The terrorist leader fired decisively.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, many passengers in the cabin immediately screamed.


The bullet hit Clark's cheek, flattened it, and fell to the cabin floor.

"Don't be afraid, you are fine."

Clark completely ignored these terrorists, treating them as if they were air, and just smiled to calm the emotions of the passengers on the plane.

Chapter 55

"How can it be?!"

The terrorist leader looked at the gun in his hand in disbelief.

He even wondered if someone had subcontracted it, so he was like this.

"Brother, this seems to be a real superman who protects the country!"

A terrorist swallowed his saliva, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He had read the comics of Protector of the Nation, and even went to the cinema to watch this movie before they hijacked the plane.

The protector in front of him Superman, both in appearance and attire, is exactly the same as in the movie.

He even felt like he had time-traveled into the movie just now.

And now...

His brain was shrouded in fear!


The terrorist leader slapped his subordinate on the face

"fart! What a bullshit superman who protects the country, that's just a fictional character, it can't exist in reality!"

"I don't believe I can't kill you!"

He roared and fired continuously.

Bullets kept hitting Clark's body and face.

One even hit his cornea.

But the result was the same.

They were all flattened and fell to the floor.

"Why are you still standing there? Shoot them all!"

When the terrorist leader saw this scene, his face turned pale with fright. At the same time, he also roared and ordered his men to shoot and attack.


The terrorist leader who changed the magazine grabbed a little boy next to him and held the muzzle of his gun to it. on the little boy's temple

"Don't come here! If he comes here again, I'll kill him!"

He roared hysterically.

Clark shook his head.

The next moment, his figure seemed to shake.

Then he saw the terrorists in the cabin suddenly fell to the ground, each of them with their necks twisted abnormally. His face still retains the expression he had at the moment before he died.

"It's okay, it's safe."

Clark put the little boy down and handed it to his mother.

At his feet was the body of the terrorist leader. His neck was also broken.

Before he died, he still had a fierce expression on his face, as if he was still threatening. Keep Clark from coming over

"Protector Superman, I knew you would come to save us!"

The little boy who was rescued didn't look scared at all. Instead, he showed Clark the Protector Superman toy in his hand.

Clark smiled and patted the little boy's head.

"Everyone, please fasten your seat belts, we are about to begin our descent."

The passengers in the cabin nodded obediently and started to fasten their seat belts.

Clark also slowly sank to the floor at this time.

The next moment he appeared below the plane.

The biological force field enveloped the entire plane. He raised his hands high and grabbed He grabbed hold of the bottom of the plane and began to use his own power to reduce the falling speed of the plane.

Around the plane, a large number of radio stations and helicopters all focused on this scene.

"Everyone can now see that the Guardian Superman has eliminated the terrorists on the plane and is now escorting the plane back to the ground safely! Oh my god~! He actually carried a plane! He is so strong, I wish he could...Ah, no, it's so great!"

The female reporter in front of the camera was stunned for a moment and almost spoke her mind.

At the same time, countless viewers across the country were standing in front of the TV at this moment, watching this scene.

1500 meters, 1000 meters, 500 meters rice...

As the altitude continued to decrease, some people raised their heads and could see the huge shadow of the aircraft in the sky.

And the figure holding the plane was deeply imprinted in their minds.


Clark landed on the airport runway.

The runway under his feet was directly broken by his steps.

He slowly bent down and let the wheels of the plane land on the airport runway. He didn't let go until it landed completely and smoothly.

At this time, ambulances, police cars, fire trucks...

One after another, they came and parked outside the plane.

There were also reporters from the TV stations, some of whom barged in regardless of the airport's obstruction, just to interview Clark immediately and get first-hand information.

"Mr. Clark, are you really the Superman who protects the country? Are all your comic works real?"

"Mr. Clark, what do you think of this hijacking incident? Why did you suddenly show up? Is there a special reason for this?"

"Mr Clark..."

A large number of guns and cannons crowded in front of Clark.

Countless cameras were focused on him.

These reporters asked questions about everything.

There was even a boring one who asked him if he had a girlfriend.

"The reason why I did this is just to save these innocent lives. If you have such ability but do not help these people, then you will also bear a certain responsibility for their death."

"With great ability comes great responsibility!"

"I said this in the comics, and I am also willing to take on this responsibility!"

In front of these cameras, Clark's performance can be said to be flawless.

In fact, he has practiced this scene many times before, and even among these reporters, there are people from Hydra among them.

Including what happened today All of this, this hijacking incident, was planned in advance by Clark.

Everything was arranged in a script!

Thangam_Robert Thangam_Robert

A hidden Task achievement,

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A bonus Chapter by reader XXDarkKingXX.

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