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100% Marvel: Starlight. / Chapter 5: (Hala.)

Chapter 5: (Hala.)

Chapter five:

Hours had past after the remaining refugees of the Skrull attacked happened. Even though hundreds of civilians returned to their planet, they still couldn't locate Starlight. Some say that he died during the attack to the hand's of Kl'rt but some said that he had escaped. The council was making a decision if they should declare him dead, or use resources on him to track down Starlight.

How should we act, Supreme Intelligence? The Kree leader asked.

Do you have a lead on Starling? The Supreme Intelligence asked.

His status is unknown. But he was last seen on the rescue ship that was attacked by the Skrulls. Replied the Kree leader.

Report this to the Head of Defense. Now! Said the Supreme Intelligence.

Right away. Supreme Intelligence. The Kree leader bowed and boarded on the ship which was on the way to the armory.

The Kree were a peaceful race but when they have to be included in warfare, they become the most fearsome warriors the galaxy has ever seen. Since the beginning of time, the Kree and the Skrulls have been fighting for domination. To this day, the Kree have been winning most battle's. But with the current situation with Starlight, it seems like the Skrulls might win the war.

The Kree leader quickly gathered himself and started running towards the armory main room. Many soldiers greeted him on the way there to show some respect. Once he made it, the Head of Defense was sitting down on the big chair.

Master, you must have heard the news of Starlight? Said the Kree leader.

Yes, I have. Replied Ronan the Accuser.

How should we act upon this matter?! The Kree leader asked Ronan.

Prepare the armies. Ronan the Accuser stood up to face the leader. Send ship's into space. Track down his coordinates while using the Universal Ray. I want him to be found. Said Ronan the Accuser.

Will do. The Kree leader nodded.

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